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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: KT's Store Fixes (updated 03.07.2013) on: 2013 March 30, 14:04:22
I have various other "blank" icons in CAS that then have missing meshes when put on the sim
I don't know if it has the same cause, but I am having this problem too, as well as duplicate icons where one item works, and the other has a missing mesh. Been messing around with this in a clean mods folder today, and discovered it's caused by the content patch I downloaded here. I don't decrap my stuff, just run it through s3rc and install as packages with Delphy's multi installer and I have all EPs & SPs, patched to 1.50. I've tried installing the content patch in both overrides and the content patch folder and still have the same problem, and the same thing with re-downloading the patch to make sure I had the most recent one. One interesting thing is that running the dashboard tool while the patch is in the packages folder doesn't show a conflict with the store CAS items, even though I opened up both in s3pe and saw that there were CASP files with the same instance number. Is it possible that a decrapped version of the content patch got uploaded on accident? Not sure if that's something that could even cause this, but it's driving me crazy trying to dress sims with this mess in my CAS. I'm really at a loss and am hoping there's not something incredibly obvious that I missed that's causing this.

I appear to be having the same problem as well...I'll mess with things when I get a chance and see if I can figure anything out.

Just how critical is the store content patch, anyway?  I got along without it for some time, but I also don't put my game through its paces to the extent that a lot of y'all do.

Were you able to figure anything out? Im having this problem as well. When I install the Content Patch, I get duplicate non-working copies of tons of objects showing up in my Buy Mode. Like right next to the right item, there will be a copy with the exact same icon, or an icon missing. You can click on it but you cant place it or anything as only 1 copy works. I have tried putting the patch with Awesome folder, overrides folder, mods folder. The same thing happens no matter where. I even tried installing the patch through the launcher and the same thing still happens...

** Update. NVM I was able to get it fixed by just installing patch through the launcher. I previously forgot to take your decrapped one out of overrides like a dumbass after installing through launcher.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 12th January 2013 (1.47) on: 2013 February 25, 00:53:46
Since the new expansion is just around the corner you might as well wait a little bit  before updating...

Im pretty sure this is the University patch, and there wont be another major patch when the xpack is released.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2013 February 22, 21:32:44
the hood is great but the balloon... what a fail. Its genius how they marketed it and never showed videos of how it flies around... because it doesnt lol. Goes up and down and teleports. Check the uproar on the TS3 forums for the LOLs
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 April 02, 04:00:27
Is it possible to add the skilling difficulty adjustment to Pets? I hate how fast they skill up hunting skills and such.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: GOOD worlds that incorporate ALL EPs. on: 2012 March 29, 03:26:11
^^ Storybrook County is what Im playing now and it is an absolute blast. It has everything you can ask for in one world - farm area, small town, beaches, city section with apts, etc. It is fully updated up to pets, and Ive had no trouble at all placing all Showtime lots and still have tons of room. MySimReality even posted some lots you can dl specifically for the world on her site. I suggest you check it out.
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2012 March 25, 20:59:04
Thanks for the response. If the objects like the pet bowl do in fact give minor amount of fun, then yeah I would like to see the value. I was simply confused because the old values were very simple and single digit, and the new ones are much more in depth and provide real information. I wasnt sure if the new information was completely relevant to the objects. Additionally im guessing, the bed Comfy/Well rested values provide the information about the moodlet boost you will receive from each bed.

Just one last question for now:

Do the skill difficulty modifications clash in anyway with Twallans Relativity Mod skill deltas? Ive used his relativity mod to make time go a bit slower, but that mod also applies deltas to make skilling up relative to the new speed of time. I set my awesomemod skills and vacation skills to be 2X as diffucult to obtain. Do you know if relativity will apply deltas to the new values set by awesomemod, or to the original default game values? Thanks again for any help.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2012 March 25, 19:54:19
After a while of deliberating, I finally decided to switch to Awesomemod. I went through config and changed all the options to how I like them and am loving the features so far. I just have two questions that I have searched here but have not been able to find the answer to:

1) How do I turn on notifications for story mode actions?
Ive used Twallans mod previously, and it gave me notifies everytime something happened in town that was driven by the story mod. Ive read that awesome does this as well, but Ive played for well over two weeks and havent gotten any notifies. I really dont care if it actually notifies me, I just hope to use this as a validation that the story mode is actually doing stuff.

2) Is there a way to turn off the new item value descriptions?
I looked countless times through config and found no option to toggle the description of items back to the single value 1-10. The reason is that I am simply confused by some of the descriptions. For example, how does the pet bowl give 200hunger/hr and also 5fun/hr??. Last i remember, it only fulfilled the hunger need. Am i missing something here?

Thanks for any help.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Beautyberry Park - A Colonial Mansion (Residential Lot) on: 2012 March 17, 12:44:32
Sorry for raising the dead... but I just found this house and the link no longer works.. Anyone know of an alternative way I can dl it? IVe searched the exchange to no avail..
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 8th December 2011 on: 2012 March 16, 02:40:32
^^^ Ditto. The first thing I look forward to during major patch upgrades is Anachs mod updates.. I simply cannot play without them
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 26th November 2011 on: 2011 November 25, 16:59:52
Awesome TY TY! BTW the link to the fixes seems to be off... I had to go through catalog fixes to get to the mod updates file..

I hope everything is ok with your RL pet btw
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011 on: 2011 November 07, 23:25:31
I was wondering as well Zed if you would be able to share them? I have tried using Winmerge and I still have no idea what im doing
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011 on: 2011 November 06, 00:30:20
Ah Australia damn, yeah I play in NA region. So youre getting MW3 as well eh... didnt see that I figured its either BF3 or MW3, at least for me. I have looked at MTS and they have lots of great MODS, but the one thing they seem to be missing is difficulty mods. One thing that has always turned me off from Sims is how easy it is and thats why youre mods are great. Making money is already too easy and I like things being realistically more expensive. There are only a select that I was looking to use, but Ive looked into the WinMerge and yeah... Ive NO idea how that stuff works. Maybe I should just try using em with the game? I have tested other mods when  was testing stuff for EP and a bunch of them still worked. You think thats a good idea?
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 24th August 2011 on: 2011 November 05, 16:22:17
Anach, any word on the 1.26 updates for your mods? Im holding off playing Sims till yours are updated heh. Also playing BF3 btw, whats your BF3 soldier name?
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2011 October 23, 12:26:26
Has someone uploaded that Sharper Sim Foot Massage Chair thing?

edit: nvm, someone asked above and it didn't show up when i was searching for it >.<

It IS uploaded i just dont know where. I downloaded all the monthly updates and its in my game... so it mustve been in one of them.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2011 October 20, 14:11:15
TSR just posted an easy to use fix for the broken CC


I have tested the method and so far it works.. Havent tested all items but so far - Fridge doors that previous didnt open now do, Gumball machine works fine, Cars wheels spin and look fine, Goth spellbook works, Theres water in the bath tub, etc...

NOTE: At first I selected my entire mod folder and it gave me an error message like a third of the way through processing say it ran out of memory, I then split it up into 5 different folders and did the fix that way. Worked fine with no errors. So i suggest if you got a huge mod folder to split it up into a few folders and do the fixes folder by folder.
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