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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesome Story Driver Beta-Testing reports on: 2009 August 20, 08:21:42
Yes, I agree.  They typically are "grand gesture" types; and I would think, loyal & steadfast, as opposed to this running around.  The main female in the family I actually play also has the Hopeless Romantic trait, but she doesn't run around meeting others in the rabbit holes.  Rather she invests in her marriage.

The drama that Doc Doofus has suggested would provide entertainment and added gameplay options.

If I were awesome, which I'm not, I'd make a stalker hidden trait. Hopeless Romantics, Insane, and Inappropriate Sims would have a random chance of tagging a sim they interact with as the target of their stalking. They then follow that sim around and attempt socials (Hopeless Romantics = romantic socials, Insane = friendly/mean socials, Inappropriate = any). If the focus of the stalk is below best friend level, they would get the creeped out moodlet.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 30, 06:27:05
I have the the same problem with the launcher hanging... But I move the resource.cfg elsewhere and back. It's one file, so it's faster.

I also recommend the 3Viewer  for anyone that doesn't already have it.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Install 1.3 update or not? on: 2009 July 29, 05:07:38
Nor can my Sim seem to get to his bed unless he's already in the bedroom.  That is, if he's in the living room when I tell him to go to bed, he'll scratch his head.  If I move him to somewhere in the bedroom first, he find the bed.

With AwesomeMod removed, neither issue occurs.  I put AwesomeMod back in, and issues come back.

I have the latest version of AwesomeMod and patch 1.3

I was briefly experiencing this same problem, but I have not installed the 1.3 patch. What set my problem off was Williham's lockable doors on MTS. The sims only experienced pathfinding issues when trying to use objects on the other side of those doors. I didn't test without AM, but plenty of people on MTS seem to be using them without problem. Whatever is modified in those doors might give JMP an idea of where to look when he makes his fix.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: File that decides Maxis "townies"' names on: 2009 July 28, 03:10:45
You know, I could hack AwesomeMod to support plugin name lists, most likely.

I would like that a great deal. I know you are doing story mode right now, but if you can get around to it: thank you.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: File that decides Maxis "townies"' names on: 2009 July 28, 02:48:08
Would it be possible for Pescado to fix this in AwsomeMod? If he had the desire, could he tell the game to look somewhere else for the names? For example an XML tuning made specifically for the purpose?
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Manual or Help Text? Anyone? - Wiki Edits in Progress! on: 2009 July 27, 18:44:22
I appreciate you taking the time to do this, it's nice to have the info all in one place.

Is there any chance that a more complete description of supreme commander could be added? I know it is similar to the macrotastic system in TS2 when in affecting the active household.... but I also get the impression that it is doing something much more complicated when imposed on inactive households. I'd just be interested to know more about it.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 30, 20:59:36
See the way I look at it, if you reacht he top of the skill tree, and make masterpieces, you should be able to crank out things like this for quality and realism

I'm not disputing that the paintings look like poo… Photoshop filters are for sheep. However, the examples in you counter argument are perhaps not the best. That Chuck Close painting would be in a museum long before that photo referenced mess. Like so much of what I've been reading about TS3, the abstracting of paintings should be an optional feature. On the up side, photography is almost guaranteed to be in an EP.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: What would you call a Sims3Pack editor? on: 2009 May 30, 16:07:02
I threw together some 'install' buttons. If you want them (or a variation on them) let me know.

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