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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 14:10:38
The quality of a lot of the items seems better than what I've seen in screenshots of the game. This is very cruel of EAxis. Cry

I disagree, take a look at the toilets:

The lines on those are just as jagged as the bras close up in the game.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 14:08:38
Look at how much of this stuff is identical (or near so) to TS2 objects:

Tiki idol

Island bar

Many of the in-game objects are also almost identical.

Look at this bed. 5 energy points, WTF? Why even bother as who would want to use the stupid thing? Sleep takes them long enough in the most expensive bed already!
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 29, 13:37:10
I'm getting really tired of the "feature" which causes my Sims to leave town. It irks me that after spending time creating them, and fostering a career and relationships they can just pack up and go. I have been losing my Sims left and right only to have them replaced by townies, and my Sims spawning. They need some sort of "lock household" feature. The only thing I am liking about the new game is that I can move Sims into a lot and not have to actually enter the lots.

The hair styles all look like they were developed as a collaboration between Peggy and XM Sims. Really the whole games reeks of having been cooked up by a team of pay site artists. The hair styles for sale in the store do not look any better.

Another thing this game is in serious want of is an eyedropper tool for the paint workshop. Is there one and I am too blind to see it? It would be fair easier to grab color off an object to match it than have to save the pattern.

4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 23:00:38
I kept trying to click on grimmy and plead for the dad's life....But there was no option to save his life,

If your Sim has some logic skill points there is an option to "Play Chess For Life" or something like that. Sort of lame you have to beat him at chess as opposed to beg. I didn't really want to save the sim in question, so I did not click it. Wonder how good Grimmy is at chess? Lol.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 18:25:55
Hi, I've lurked here for a couple years now. Thank you to all the modders who made TS2 playable.

I arr'ed TS3, and would like to add some additional notes of borkiness. I killed off in-game Bella due to fugliness, and created a new Bella who was pretty by TS3 standards. I moved her in with teen Mortimer (he had aged before I ever opened the household) aged both to adult, and married them. I noticed when Bella has interactions with Mortimer she shows the avatar as child Mortimer in her thought bubble. Mortimer's avatar also switches off and on from child back to young adult, though the sim stays an adult.

And no, I'm not one of those ZOMG Bella! people. I just wanted to keep the line going because Mortimer turned out to be decent looking, and I'm frightened the game will replace the mediocre Sims with hideous creatures if I remove too many pre-mades.

On that note, I'm also pretty irritated with the games habit of moving both game made Sims, and Sims I created in with other families without me. I left the Sim version of my family alone for a Sim week, and when I returned they had some bum living with them! I'm not really sure if I like the game or not, it does not feel like a Sims game. It feels like one of those cheap games you get off Yahoo, like Lemonade Tycoon. 
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