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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod installation on Mac help! on: 2010 December 14, 06:15:18
Tried, and this is what I got:

Last login: Mon Dec 13 21:59:46 on ttys000
/Applications/The\ Sims\ 3.localized/The\ ; exit;
christina-martins-imac-4:~ christinamartin$ /Applications/The\ Sims\ 3.localized/The\ ; exit;
err:reg:Nt_openConfigW could not retrieve the module file name (reason: 'bad module')
err:reg:Nt_openConfigW could not retrieve the module file name (reason: 'bad module')
Warning: loading builtin d3dx9_31.dll, but native version already present. Expect trouble.
err:module:BUILTIN32_dlopen failed to load .so lib for builtin nvcpl.dll: dlopen(/Applications/The Sims 3.localized/The, 2): image not found

[Process completed]
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Bypassing the launcher on the mac on: 2010 December 14, 05:48:29
I was envious of this "why do you use the launcher?" stuff as a mac user, so I stumbled around in the directories until I found what controls how cedega/crossover starts up. It turns out to be really easy to change!
  • find the executable itself - probably in /(your hard drive)/Applications/The Sims 3.
  • Right click on it, and select "show package contents".
  • Open the "contents" directory if it isn't already.
  • You will see a file named info.plist. Open that by dragging it onto textedit. Don't move it out of that directory! You might want to take a backup first.
  • Scroll down to the line after this one:
  • Change the last part to read TS3.exe instead of S3Launcher.exe. Be careful not to disturb any of the rest of the file or mess with line endings. It's XML and an extra return shouldn't matter ... but you never know.
  • Save and quit textedit.

That's it - you will now launch directly into the game instead of going through the launcher. Note that this means you will not see the launcher again AT ALL unless you change the file back. But this is not a loss.

Still goes through launcher for me. Still says insert disc. I can't create an alias of the TS3.exe file, obviously,'s still .exe.

I've searched this forum for other solutions to this no disc thing, I have awesomemod installed and everything. I really want to play this effing game, so if someone could help me out with a solution, that'd be great.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: No CD check not working on: 2010 December 13, 19:40:31
figured it out for anyone who is having problems...

    * find the executable itself - probably in /(your hard drive)/Applications/The Sims 3.
    * Right click on it, and select "show package contents".
    * Open the "contents" directory if it isn't already.
    * You will see a file named info.plist. Open that by dragging it onto textedit. Don't move it out of that directory! You might want to take a backup first.
    * Scroll down to the line after this one:
    * Change the last part to read TS3.exe instead of S3Launcher.exe. Be careful not to disturb any of the rest of the file or mess with line endings. It's XML and an extra return shouldn't matter ... but you never know.
    * Save and quit textedit.

I followed these steps and found that it was already set to "TS3.exe" and yet the launcher still loads for me.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Why Does the Launcher Still Say Unauthorized??! on: 2009 June 18, 19:46:56
How do I start the game without the launcher?? (Yes, n00b here.. lol)

Change shortcut target (right click on it, choose properties): "C:\Program Files\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Game\Bin\TS3.exe"

I'm not really understanding how this works on a Mac. I certainly can find that path, and the TS3.exe, of course, but am unable to open it because of the .exe extension. Anyone on a Mac know how to work this?
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Legacy Challenge: TS3 Style on: 2009 June 18, 18:49:03
Damn, I saw this thread was updated and got excited. Fail.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Legacy Challenge: TS3 Style on: 2009 June 13, 00:57:20
I can't wait for this! Obviously with Awesomemod I'm not forced to do Legacy in Sims 3, but I figured now is the time to try out the challenge anyways.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 12, 20:30:27
Fixed. Works in game. Or, at least, it shows up with the 'showconfig' prompt, I haven't been playing long enough to note any differences. Sims still seem to like taking an hour to stare at nothing before actually doing an action.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 12, 19:46:46
So within the frameworks folder there is Mods, Resource.cfg, and Game. If I remove the frameworks folder and simply put those three in The Sims 3 directory, then should I allow the Game folder to replace the one that is already there?

ETA: I tested out replacing the Game folder, but was unable to launch the game, as I got the dreaded 'Insert Disc' warning. Am trying out the game with everything except that Game folder from the frameworks.

ETA2: Nope, still getting the 'unknown'.
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AWESOMEMOD & SCRIPT HACKS: CRASH ISSUES THREAD on: 2009 June 12, 19:29:52
I'm on a Mac. I have the frameworks folder in transgaming/c_drive/program files/electronic arts/the sims 3 and the Awesomemod in framework/mods/packages. I deleted scriptcache.package from Documents/EA Games/The Sims 3 and I'm using DeleteCachesAndStartTS3 by Marhis and I'm still getting "Unknown command: showconfig" in-game. Anyone have any ideas as to what's up with that?
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Razor1911 release vs. Reloaded release on: 2009 June 01, 03:13:39
I downloaded the Razor version, replaced the files, didn't work (I got a 'Please insert disc' message) and returned the originals and now my game won't load. I rechecked one of the folders I replaced - transgaming>c_drive>Program Files>Electronic Arts>The Sims 3>GameData>Shared>Packages - and it doesn't look quite right:

I don't know how this translates into Windows, but if anyone could look at this folder and let me know if that's how it's supposed to look, because I don't recall the first file being named that. The dock icon launches but then crashes before the game even gets a breath of life.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Priceless - A reported Sims 3 event that brought tears to my eyes on: 2009 June 01, 01:40:54
Sims don't react to the baby missing, do they? That's what makes this seem like it isn't a feature. There's no reaction from anyone that a child is now missing.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 01, 01:34:37
Grandma. For the last time, put your pants on.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 May 31, 05:59:17
Is it just the quality of your screen caps or is that actually how jagged the lines are in your game?
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Story Progression Toggle: Is it borked? on: 2009 May 30, 19:17:42
I thought I read that turning Free Will on low is like giving your neighborhood a death wish? It may have just been complete speculation that has since been debunked, but if someone could confirm this for me, that would be great.
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 30, 19:09:01
As bored as I used to get of the 'special event' cutscenes, I now realize how much they brought to TS2, and I miss them. One of many reasons these Sims feel more robotic and way less organic.

I grew tired of the Woo Hoo cut scene whenever it was your first time, but I do miss all the fireworks and cute baby-twirling-in-the-air when you give birth. I mean, in theory, I like that my pregnant Sim can go to the hospital when she's in labor, but I wish when she actually gave birth it would cut inside to the room and show her holding the baby or something. Just a standard little cut scene would do.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 30, 18:51:52
Also, please don't double post. Tongue

Anyway, does anyone know how to complete Guitar Star in the Guitar skill challenges? It says you need to play in 10 parties/venues to earn it. What exactly constitutes a 'venue'?

I was wondering that as well. Playing a show at the theater, perhaps playing at parties? I'm currently just trying to skill my Sim up to level ten before getting to the challenges, but once I get there I'll let you know (or not, because I'm sure someone else already has the answer).
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 30, 18:49:22
The still life paintings don't necessarily bother me because unless you're taking a photograph (which would be awesome) or creating via computer-generation, the quality of the work isn't going to be 100% photo-realistic. In the eye of the beholder, though.

On the note of having a camera, I would welcome that feature with open arms. You could open up your own photo gallery! What's that Stewie line? "Every hot girl who can aim a camera thinks she's a photographer. Oooooooh, you took a black-and-white picture of a lawn chair and its shadow and developed it at Save-On. You must be so brooding and deep."
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Good, the Bad, and the Randomly @Toaded on: 2009 May 30, 18:42:37
I don't understand the logic if they did. Wouldn't aiding and abetting third-party modders put a choke hold on EA's aspiration to make people pay for additional content?
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 30, 03:13:34
I've been trying to figure out some sort of justification why, although a LOT annoys me about this game, I don't uninstall it and go back to Sims 2 permanently. I think it's because with Sims 2, I refuse to play it without a) most or all the expansion packs and b) a vast array of mods. The Sims 2 base game is horribly boring and the Sims 3 base game falls on the same level - not in being boring, but in being frustrating - but I (perhaps naively) have hope that once we have mods galore and expansion packs to play with, we may very well be singing a different tune.

But hey, I'm probably going to be wrong and when that day comes, I'll be eating crow.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 30, 00:05:29
Feh. Creepy doll eyes? Why is no one else creeped out by the fact that their heads keep moving when you pause? Video evidence. The move at the very end might send you screaming from the room.

Very, very creepy. They're puppets suddenly going still, but having that tiny moment at the last minute where they move. Or something. But yes, very creepy.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 May 30, 00:03:08
I'm trying to understand how a post about something as simple as grammar has gotten ten pages worth of replies. Why is it such a difficult task for people to type correctly? If we knew the meaning, would that unlock the secrets of the universe, perhaps?  Huh
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 29, 23:58:33
Or just pop out a cake and age the baby up real quick, either way.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Story Progression Toggle: Is it borked? on: 2009 May 25, 01:57:05
Re: Mac version--it seems to be using a wine-based windows emulator, and based on the fact that the *same* cracked .exe (literally) is used for the Mac version as the PC version, I'm gonna guess mods will work (I'm pretty sure someone already has that no-censor one working on Mac?). I suspect it'll just be a matter of opening the Mac app package contents (as you must to drop the cracked .exe in) and drilling down to the correct analogous directory.

Which is exactly what I did with the censor crack, and it works fine, so the logic is sound. I've seen others confirm it's working for them as well.

This development excites me.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 25, 01:37:21

One of the townies is named "Gobias Koffi"--and he's a nevernude that looks just like Tobias Funke. That's awesome.

Gobias some coffee.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Good, the Bad, and the Randomly @Toaded on: 2009 May 25, 01:35:32
All of my sims are accounted for or have died of old age (although I can't find the headstone for one that died while I was away).

Also - there's something up with one of my sims refusing to die. I'm playing on normal speed (life is 90 days) and some ugly husband is now 104.  I want him TO DIE ALREADY!

In my game Mortimer Goth died in my face and he didn't leave a headstone.  Bummer because I wanted to put it beside his guitar in the Goth backyard.  I'm not sure if that is a feature or bug though.

In your face? That...must have been a strange feeling.
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