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1  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Phone Hack v8.3 on: 2009 February 03, 04:05:29
Your latest EP would be Free Time.  You should be using the Free Time version.
Well, I took out the hack and they still can't use the phone. I took out all the hacks I had that I thought effected the phone but they still can't use it.

If I download the FT version, would that fix my problem? Sad

Edit: Yes, that worked. Thank you so much! ^___^
2  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Phone Hack v8.3 on: 2009 February 03, 02:25:28
Well, I have a tiny question.. might be a stupid one but I figured I'd ask anyway.

I have all the expansions minus OFB (and AL but I don't think that's too important) so I downloaded the NL one. I figured that it would work alright since I have no OFB but I had only one problem with it.

Everything worked out great except for calling other sims. I could call a service and emergency but no calling sims, throwing parties, etc.. Like others have said in the thread, they just hung up. This happened any time I tried to call a sim.

I only have this one phone hack. Now, my question is, should I download the OFB files even though I don't have OFB? I really loved this hack Sad

Thanks in advance for any help. Smiley
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