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1  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2008 June 13, 17:05:04
I wonder how this happened? Does anyone with more awesome-ness than me know how a lot becomes borked?
2  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2008 June 13, 09:03:05
Yes, I tried that. She still gets stuck. Either my game is broken or that lot is broken. Is that even possible?

Something to note for: Whenever I load this lot, Blossom Wood Hotel, there's always an unmistakable "ripping" sound. It only happens with this lot. Is this normal? Does it mean something evil has happened to this lot?
3  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2008 June 12, 11:03:00
Yes, I looked. She seemed to be the only stuck one. The unique thing is that she wasn't permanently stuck. When her shift was over at 10pm she would leave the lot. Come back again at 7am and get stuck there again Sad
4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS "Batbox" Lot Debugger v2.0: NUCLEAR WAR EDITION on: 2008 June 12, 07:41:15
Hi all,

I've been having a problem with the housekeeper in Blossom Wood Hotel in Twikii Island. She will arrive and instead of standing at the reception desk, she will walk to the far end of the room and stay there. I tried "force error" but that didn't help. I tried deleting her and saving, but when i returned to the lot she came back and walked to the exact same spot and just stood there!

So I moved out my sim family to a different hotel. In that hotel, she was ok. She would act normal (except all of a sudden, now, she doesn't seem to clean up at all ) But she stood where she was supposed to.

So I tried different lodgings again, and moved them back to Blossom Wood Hotel. I thought that the lot would have reset by now. But this time, the housekeeper didn't even make it to the door. She got stuck on the porch! Aaargh!

I moved out the visiting family and entered Blossom Wood Hotel in build mode. I moved things around. Deleted a door. Placed sofas and chair all around that area where she just stood and froze. Guess what? She just entered the main door and stood frozen at he entrance!

The turning point was when I made her selectable. The game then generated a new housekeeper. The new one entered the lot and stood next to the old one, frozen too! After a few hours of trying to get the other sims to communicate with the frozen housekeepers, I made the first one unselectable again. Suddenly they became un-frozen and realized what they were there for! They both walked towards the reception desk and tried to stand next to the bellboy. They kept switching places like they were playing some game. I deleted the new housekeeper, then everythg was alright again.

I've no idea why this happened. The thing is, I just want one sim per NPC. I'm trying to keep the population down. I didn't save. So I'm planning to restore my backup and solve this solution with anything anyone can offer me. I've tried everything, from deleting the housekeeper, force error to moving the things around in build mode. I've tried my game without CC. I've tested in the Blossom Wood Hotel of Desiderata Valley, the hotel seems ok there...

So figuring that this lot was just buggy, I deleted Twikii Island and let the game generate a new Twikii Island. I moved a family in to Blossom Wood for a vacation. Initially things seemed ok. She walked inside, stood then eventually walked to the reception desk. After two days, she stood frozen at that spot again! I'm really at a loss. She doesn't clean up at all or fill in holes. She just stands there frozen all day.

Does anyone know what I should do? Should I uninstall and reinstall BV? Is the housekeeper or the lot buggy? Or both?

PS: I cannot find "Unstick Me" in the debugger's list of options. And yes, I did try it in debug mode.
5  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Editing the EAxis Hobby Lots on: 2008 March 14, 03:34:12
I tried to build one from scratch and was not able to do it. When I used the change zoning cheat the lot could not be saved. When I changed it back to a community lot I was able to save it. I am just guessing that it is like the s societies and that a new one cannot be built with one already in the hood. (There may be a max for FT?)
Theoretically, yes, you can, using JM's method. The secrethobbylot cheat doesn't specify what type, which is why the cheat itself is near useless. Takes a bit more work in the beginning, and I'm not sure how nicely it will play if you have existing hobby lots. Probably would be fine. I have bits of ideas. Just need to pound them into place. You'd have to save it as a residential and then change it back to secrethobbylot via SimPE. That portion should be the same as my method.
SimPE will not be required to perform any touch-ups afterwards, since the changes to the lotdescriptor will only occur inside the Stubhood and don't appear to impact the Real Hobby Hood.
So without a sim on-lot, you can save the lot while set as secrethobbylot? Nice. Logical, but not expected.

In  English for non-awesomes like me, please? Is Zazazu's technique the way to go? Can Pescado please clarify?
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 11, 05:24:02
Hi missaaliyah,

please refer to the first post in this topic on how to install empty templates. You need to manually delete all files in the Characters, Thumbnails, Storytelling folder. Empty templates will NOT delete any sims, they will only prevent the game from spawning new ones.
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Editing the EAxis Hobby Lots on: 2008 March 11, 05:20:17
Is it possible, then,in my new hood, to install my own lot, then change it to secret hobby lot using changelotzoning? without having to deal at all with maxis fugs?

I tried to build one from scratch and was not able to do it. When I used the change zoning cheat the lot could not be saved. When I changed it back to a community lot I was able to save it. I am just guessing that it is like the s societies and that a new one cannot be built with one already in the hood. (There may be a max for FT?)

But seeing as how the game dumps the lots in the hood automatically at loading even if the lots have been removed once (which I did), I can't figure  out how to make a new one.

Aaargh!  Sad

I have not played with swapping in and out  program files, but imagine that if the hobby subhood creation mechanism is removed that would also remove the capability of making a hobby lot. I may experiment later.  We need a No Hobby Lot Respawn Hack!  Cheesy

Yup. WE do need some sort of hack to prevent the game from creating those hobby lots. Arrgh! I feel like deleting those lot files in F002. But I might just wreck my game. Problem is, I don't want to load my favorite hood for fear of the game spawning those hideous lots.
8  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Tutorial: Editing the EAxis Hobby Lots on: 2008 March 10, 14:46:33
Is it possible, then,in my new hood, to install my own lot, then change it to secret hobby lot using changelotzoning? without having to deal at all with maxis fugs?
9  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 06, 16:36:42
Thanks Smiley I don't know if this is the right place to post this, but does anyone know what the Sports & Games hobby head looks like? I've been trying and trying to get those sims in Desiderata Valley to get a membership in sports and games but it just refuses to happen. I want to have a look at them before I custom make my own. Has anyone seen pictures of them?
10  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 06, 16:06:47
Oh thanks Jelenedra! Is this bad for the game in any way, though? And would it ruin my game if I dressed these hobby heads in custom clothing instead of the unlocked maxis ones?
11  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 06, 09:34:30
Hi gynarchy,

you mentioned earlier that you custom create your hobby heads...I've been wanting to do that too, but when i observe all the maxis made hobby heads in Desiderata Valley, I notice that some of them are wearing locked outfits (eg: nature, tinkering, fitness, etc).

 is it absolutely necessary that I dress them in these outfits? or i can dress them any way I want? I was afraid that if i dressed them as i liked, it will cause problems for the game (the same way nannies are always elder,and wearing that nanny outfit, how the newspaper is always delivered by a teen, always wearing that same yellow outfit, same goes for the postman, wearing that same blue outfit, etc)
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 05, 20:39:30
Did the game spawn these professors or did you custom create/spawn them?
13  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 04, 19:24:49
Wow, Im so excited, I cant wait to try it out!!! Grin by the way, have you tried out IAmTheRad's FT empty template, gynarchy? does it work for you? are those annoying simbin families still there? so far a few have reported that it works with no problems but IAmTheRad did mention that someone could make a "cleaner & emptier" template than his...
14  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 04, 19:13:17
wow that's really cool! how many "hobby heads" do i create then, gynarchy?
15  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2008 March 04, 05:17:53
Can anyone tell me, does this empty template actually work? Since IAmTheRad has no time to test it? I want to play on my custom hood so bad!
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pre-FT Sims have no Hobby Enthusiasm-Is it Normal? on: 2008 March 03, 16:20:46
ok, I feel like a moron now. Thanks for the reply!
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Pre-FT Sims have no Hobby Enthusiasm-Is it Normal? on: 2008 March 03, 15:45:23
Hey all,

after installing FT I went and played Desiderata Valley and Strangetown. I noticed that in Strangetown, not a single sim has any predestined hobby! Is this a glitch? Or does the whole predestined hobby thing work like Uni - You only have the extra want slots after attending college? I read some posts where someone said to use Paladin's Predestined Hobby Adjuster, but it would be really time-consuming to use that on all I'd rather not use hacks/mods if I can help it.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why Do Asian Vacation Sims all have the same Skills and Badges? on: 2008 February 15, 15:46:08
hello all,

I managed to get my sims to go on a vacation at Three Lakes, and yes, the locals work fine. I'm loving them, since I dressed and named them appropriately. and no fugly. i noticed that the mountain locals dont have any skills and badges, not even fishing badges that someone mentioned they should have. oh well.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Why Do Asian Vacation Sims all have the same Skills and Badges? on: 2008 February 14, 07:37:08
Maybe cuz I custom made my sims before turning them into townies, then into vacation locals. So the game doesn't randomize the whole skills and badge thing, probably.

I just wanted to find out from other people, if their Asian Vacation Locals were also similar, in that they ALL had Gold Gardening Badge and high creative skill.

Would it mess up my game in any way if I went on SimPE to alter the skills and badges of the other Vacation Sims: Mountain & Tropics, seeing that they don't have any at all?
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Why Do Asian Vacation Sims all have the same Skills and Badges? on: 2008 February 13, 21:17:52
In the hood that I love with antiredundancy and other awesomeware, I've created my own vacation sims for each destination. The weird thing is, when I check their skills and badges, which is supposed to be empty, the Asian Vacation Sims all have gold gardening badges and high creativity skills. The other vacation sims, Mountain and Tropics have got zero badges & skills.

I thought something went wrong with my hacks. So I took out all MATY hacks, then tried adding the vacation hoods to Strangetown as a test. The same thing with the Asian Vacation Sims there, only they had some extra badges and skills. but the thing they all had in common was the ever-present gold gardening badge and very high creative skills.

Is this a normal thing? Or could there be some glitch that happened when I switched my sims from townies to vacation sims?
21  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: NPC Creator - Make Vacation Sim (Local) fix on: 2007 September 21, 10:14:30
To Maxon:

Wow! Thanks so much for the very detailed report! I'm glad to find someone as anal as i am about what gets added into my neighbourhood :)This is very helpful since I don't use SimPE. Although I'm pretty sure SimPE hasn't been updated for BV right?

Correct me if I'm wrong - the number of the locals don't seem to add up.


Locals (14)
Adult female 4 (of these grass skirt outfit 3)
Adult male 5 (of these grass outfit 3)
Child female
Child male
Elder female
Elder male
Teen female 2
Teen male 2

Isn't the correct amount: 4+5+1+1+1+1+1+1+2+2=17?

Same goes with the rest of the locals, Mountain Retreat and Japanese Resort.

And geez...that is an insane amount of tourists! 55? What was EAxis thinking?? Does this then mean that I must custom make 55 tourists for my game to function properly? Is it possible to have only 20 tourists?
22  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: NPC Creator - Make Vacation Sim (Local) fix on: 2007 September 21, 08:55:14
To Argon:

Thanks once again for this. I downloaded it and it works fine. You are truly the awesome-ness.

I have a question now: sloppyhousewife mentioned that based on her research, she has found the game spawns about 12 locals. I have made those 12 locals. But does anyone know how many tourists are required?
23  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: NPC Creator - Make Vacation Sim (Local) fix on: 2007 September 18, 19:38:22
I tried the whole thing and it works beautifully. I custom made the locals in CAS, moved them into a lot and turned them into townies with the teleporter "Pet Statue". Then I went into debug mode and did "make into vacation sim" and turned all the desired townies into locals for each destination.

The only thing I want to enquire now, is whether I can custom make NPCs in CAS? Is there any possible way? I know I can generate NPCs with the NPC/Townie Maker, but I'd love to have NPCs use custom skintones and genetics.
24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: NPC Creator - Make Vacation Sim (Local) fix on: 2007 September 18, 06:19:51
I'm sorry if this is really moronic of me, but I downloaded this and I can't seem to find it in the buy catalog at all. Sad
25  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 September 18, 05:14:43
Thanks so much Argon! Thank you! I love you! Cheesy
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