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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: EA/Maxis has found the Nvidia problem! on: 2008 March 19, 07:13:31
I wasn't sure if I needed to include the path for forcecore or not. Makes sense now, I had tried it without and just putting forcecore.exe -1 before the path but got an error so that was the reason for the added path. Turns out Forcecore doesn't like being in a subfolder, once it was taken out and just put into system32 folder by itself it worked like a charm. Oh the lil things you often have to do just to get something to work right! Thank you for the help! I have a slightly better understanding of target lines now.
2  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: EA/Maxis has found the Nvidia problem! on: 2008 March 19, 00:39:01
Ok so I have this problem to but Norton has NEVER been on this PC but I do have a duo core and nVidia card.

There's an easier way to force the game to use only one processor all the time-- use a handy little free utility called ForceCore (attached here).  It's pretty simple to use -- just put it someplace the system can find it (I have it in c:\windows\system32), and then put 'forcecore.exe <x>' in front of the rest of the target info in the icon that launches the sims game (right-click, then choose properties on the icon).  The <x> is replaced by the core number (1 or 2 on a duo), or you can use a -1 and it'll pick either one at runtime. 

I tried this and obviously PHAILED because the game won't load. I just get the forcecore popup notice. So here is what I put in my target line, please help me correct it?

C:\WINDOWS\system32\Forcecore\Forcecore.exe -1 C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSBin\Sims2Launcher.exe" -w

So as you can see I put the forcecore in C:\WINDOWS\system32\Forcecore\Forcecore.exe
When I try to put a " before it I get an error saying target is wrong. Does it matter that I'm trying to run in windowed mode, I really don't see how that could be the problem but eh. I've tried other tricks to correct this problem and am phailing miserably, very sad. But if this doesnt fix it there are a few other tricks still to try before I completely phail.. uhg seriously make a game that works!
3  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 28, 23:30:45
What? Did I cross one of them ivisible lines again?  Sad Tongue

*takes note to try and keep disgusting associations to herself in the future

Noooo don't that made me laugh! Me likey those kind of disgusting associations! Oh twas a great comment, seriously made my day! Thanks.
4  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: The Triangular Support Collection (New Table & Chair) on: 2007 May 15, 02:44:05
Yay it's up and ready. Bout time we finished all of these huh? lol
Ok here are my recolors of these table and chairs. I put all the chairs in one zip and tables in another. But you can look at the pictures below and if you don't want one then you can note the name and delete it. Simple as pie!


GlassWood, Crackled, Redwood, Splatter, and Tri

Black Design


Tri, Splatter, Redwood

Black Design, Crackled, GlassWood

There you go. Thanks Bru for letting me have the file before hand to work on, it was fun!
5  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 14, 03:01:08
You know now that you can cheat to make the crib work it'd be cool. But the damn thing is so fugly that no one will want to use it. I do hope someone fixes it up or makes a better one cause I really would like something like that for two toddlers.

Ok and here is another object. Shockingly though it isn't Fee's. Wow huh?
It's from cloudburst666 at MTS2 and full here is the link for it:

uhm yeah..

Or if the above wasn't your style you could always get a see through one:
6  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 12, 22:16:59
"Can't sleep; clown'll eat me."
Haha That'd be me! This really made me laugh.

"Excuse me Miss, but did you know that your pieces qualify for the Gold Standard of Crap?"

Or we could give her this:

7  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 12, 01:21:07
Wow FeeEssen is good... and by good I mean she make the simplest design and fuck it up royally! I mean seriously I don't know many people who find those colors appealing even at the young age when bright colors are "So IN". But maybe I'm missing something? 
8  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 10, 22:09:16
Hey, putting heads on stakes is a classic form of decor that just screams "Go Away". If it's good enough for Vlad the Impaler, it's good enough for you.

Ok I guess I should have said anyone but Pes wouldn't exactly like heads on fences. Eh fine maybe a few others would like it as well. But not the majority. lol There I think I cleared that up.

9  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 09, 23:32:07
What the fuck IS that?
My first thought was that it was a fireplace screen, but then why would it have flying saucers at the edges?  Um, yeah -- Chami, what is that?
It is a fence, supposedly. I wouldn't dare use it to fence large areas, though.
To keep good taste out?

I think so! Man is it over the top. To much alien crapola. I love the creater saying, "Ever felt frustrated because your houses didn't look futuristic/alien enough for your poor extraterrestrial residents? Though you'd never find the right items to create lots in which they'd feel at home? A new era has come!"

Seriously I doubt they'll feel more at home with these fences and colums. In fact I think they'll want to run away! lol I mean really who wants a million alien faces around them. Or even any faces, it's like putting a sim head on a fence.. now that might be kinda morbidly funny.
10  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 08, 21:09:53
Warning, sunglasses needed for this one.

<sniped for sanity reasons>

Recolour by SvetLanka. The actual mesh is pretty clunky too.

Ouch, seriously it took me a moment to figure out what the hell that thing was because of the fugly colors! The train idea was neat but easily ruined by that horrible recolor!

Ok here is a submission since I'm not judging I thought I'd add to it. I found this on MTS2 as a Featured selection. It goes along with the "over the top" icons on EVERYTHING.

You can find the post and more pictures here:
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slowing Down Sim Time on: 2007 May 07, 00:35:21
for example school grades won't rise, no matter how hard your Sims study.

To avoid this glitch, you simply need to let children and teens age one day past their birthday. This same thing happens if aging is on but your teen becomes a vamp or zombie on the same day that they turned into a teen.

So you keep aging on until the next day then turn it off and these will no longer be problems? Nifty I did not know that, Thanks!
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / New Career - Actor for Teen & Elder on: 2007 May 03, 23:39:50
First I interrupt my own post to put a message from our wonderfully sweet leader we like to call El Presidente!
I pronounce this to be a non-Awesome, stupid Chami thing.

Now on with my post!
Here is my Actor career for Teen and Elders.
This career does not over write any maxis or anyone else's for that matter. I extensively tested for that.
No expansions required so whatever version of the game you've got you'll be fine.
A new custom icon.
Two (2) files.
The Teen version has two Chance cards.
The Elder has one and there are no bad outcomes for it!

Here are the levels of the Teen career.
Department Store Model
Local Commercials
Waiter at Cluckies

Here are the levels of the Elder Career.
Production Company Owner

Now both of these careers are made from a Teen/Elder career so they will show up in game for both Teens and Elders. You can certainly use either for teen or an elder. Keep in mind that I made these with the Actor career I made for the adults. So they'd make sense in game. But I guess I'm telling you that you can mix and match as you'd like!

Here are some screen shots of it:

My custom icon

The job finder for the Teen.

The Job Finder for the Elder.

A shot of the sim's info with the job listed.

I hope you enjoy it. Please report anything wrong or any suggestions in this thread.

Thanks go to the many tutorials on MTS2 and several people at MATY for helping me figure out the finer points of SimPE. And for coming up with Chance Card ideas.
13  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 02, 00:02:40
Ow ow my eyes! The bleach is NOT helping. I begged Pes to judge these things the other night but now I'm not so sure I want to. lol.

Yes those clown chairs are damn creepy. I'm not fond of clowns in general so yeah that didn't help!
14  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture on: 2007 May 01, 05:58:27
Since you are using Ugly Butt as a descriptor for this challenge she should probably be a judge since it is her Butt of Ugliness we have to aspire to. :oP
15  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes on: 2007 May 01, 05:50:05
Dishonourable mentions:
{deleted part for shortening}
Chami for the fugliest model ever (p 3); a real enhancement to an otherwise ho hum entry, design-wise.

Woop woop! I did win for fuglist Sim Model! I'm so proud. I didn't try hard to find the bad outfits but that model just took the cake. Heh Thanks Rohina!
16  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: New Career - Actor on: 2007 April 09, 12:03:41
I pronounce this to be a non-Awesome, stupid Chami thing.

Awh how sweet, thanks!
17  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / New Career - Actor on: 2007 April 09, 11:59:16
This career does not over write any maxis or anyone else's for that matter. I extensively tested for that.
No expansions required so whatever version of the game you've got you'll be fine.
A new custom icon.
Here is my Actor career!
It has four chance cards at the moment, possibly more to come. If you have any suggestions I'm certainly open to them!

Here are the levels of the career.
Coyote Ugly Bouncer/Bartender
Local Theatre Actor
Cruise Ship Entertainer
Commercial Actor
Soap Opera
Reality TV Star
Star in Pilot Sitcom
Made for TV Movie
Popular Sitcom
Movie Star

I am working on an elder and teen version as well. I should have them ready in a few days.

Here are some screen shots of it:

My custom icon

The job finder you'd see.

A shot of the sim's info with the job listed.

Anyway, if you take it I hope you enjoy it. Please report anything wrong or any suggestions in this thread.
18  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / New Career - Based off of Charmed on: 2007 April 09, 11:18:12
First off here is a quote from Pes that I got from my other career that I posted. Figured it was appropriate so added it here. Hehe.
I pronounce this to be a non-Awesome, stupid Chami thing.
A few in chat expressed interest so that's why I'm posting them here.

This career does not over write any maxis or anyone else's for that matter. I extensively tested for that.
No expansions required so whatever version of the game you've got you'll be fine.

Here is my Piper Haliwell career based off the TV show Charmed. The levels are based off her jobs in the show. I made it so that it wasn't gender specific so a man in your game can get this career. The only odd thing about it for a male would be the icon. I made a custom icon for this and it's a picture of Holly Marie Combs who played Piper on the show.
Even if not interested in the show it might be a good career for a sim who is wanting to own several businesses in it's life as that is how I'm playing it in my game.
It has three chance cards at the moment I'm hoping to update it when I think of more. If you have any suggestions I'm certainly open to them! Chance cards are not my strong point but the few I do have are well written.

Here are the levels of the career.
Waiter at Quake
Chef's Assistant
Second Chef
Head Chef
Unemployed (that's right a period where no money will be coming in)
P3 Owner
P3 Fun Spot
P3 Hot Spot
P3 Franchise

I am working on an elder version as well. I should have it ready in a few days.

Here are some screen shots of it:

The carpool and my custom icon

The job finder you'd see.

A shot of the sim's info with the job listed.

Anyway, if you take it I hope you enjoy it. Please report anything wrong or suggestions in this thread!
19  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes on: 2007 April 08, 08:37:59
I might submit some of the clothing I have in my downloads folder, just for the ha-ha factor. God knows why I installed them!

Yes I have a few of those too! Here are my favorites that I can't seem to delete in case I want to torture my sims. Oh plus I wanted to show off my fugly sim! hehe.

The color and fringes just put it into the extra bad for me.

Again a horrible color choice.

This one I think is kinda pretty but not for an everyday wear!

Can I win a prize for fuglist sim? (Not of all time of course. Just for this thread.)

20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The scarecrow on: 2007 March 28, 03:51:51
Tigerlilley and Naillati: The creepy animated snowman may be from the Holiday SP, which was bundled in with the base game when I bought it this January. You have to assemble the four segments in buy mode: base, middle, head, hat. In game, clicking on it gives the option for animation. It's definitely pre-Seasons, however.

Hey thanks Lorelei. I actually can do that animated snowman thing. But only recently so I had no idea that it was included in the pack. Mostly cause I got it from well.. uhm Arr! And got it for a reason I now don't remember. But now I can see for myself if the snowman is creepy or not! Ha. Simple pleasures.
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Gender Confusion on: 2007 March 21, 22:41:44
If you do a bit of a search on MTS2 you can find some female outits for guys. sshodan has some that aren't too hilariously awful.

I'll have to look those up for future uses! Now that I know how to mess them up, I'll likely be doing it more.
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Gender Confusion on: 2007 March 21, 06:57:06
(Double post because I'm not awesome and screwed up)

Ok so I thought I could figure out how to do the sim surgery without a full step by step process but no, I was wrong. I first couldn't even figure out how to open the exported sim into body shop.  Roll Eyes Then I tried to just make a new one in Body Shop but then again I couldn't figure out how to replace the existing one with it. Then as I'm looking around in the kids files I changed some numbers by accident and ended up saving it. No I hadn't backed it up, didn't care that much. lol. I ran the game to see what I did. He/She was still in the game but had no family tree, no memories ect. Plus he was an adult. So I moved heshe out and might play him in another house just cause I messed him up so good it's funny.

Now since the Mother of this now very mixed up child still had the memories of having it but it didn't show up on the family tree I'll just either have her try again and find  a tut on how to delete memories or I'll put the one I made into the game and use InSim to change it's parents.

Since I messed up so great I figured I'd share my stupidity with you all so you could all laugh at me... er with me! This is what I get for trying to do this without any prior knowledge on what I'm doing, no instructions, and me being rather tired to boot. But hey at least I got a laugh out of it too!
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Gender Confusion on: 2007 March 21, 02:28:52
Once a Sim has a skin gender they stick with it no matter what you do to their gender in SimPE, so what you have is a little girl trapped in a boys body, but you can fix it.

ooo - transgender sim, splendid.

Yeah, I know, useless reply.

Looks like I do have a transgender Sim. Wee! If I wasn't so bent on this damn story line I'd be having a very fun time with it! I still will eventually.  Cheesy

Bad Things Happen when you attempt to pervert the will of nature like this.

Yeah but it's soo fun!! I am playing god after all! haha

Incidentally... exactly how were you trying to make the sim reproduce?  Did you "pollinate" them with someone else's DNA? Or were you just trying to self produce? 

Ste, I used a specific male to be the father. As that was also a part of the story I am trying to create. I tried it 4 times and each time it turned to be a boy. That's when I gave up and tried SimPE but now I see that it isn't really the way to do it. But hey at least I learned a few things along the way!

Thank you to the other's I didn't quote who gave me help and a few who gave me tips on how to fix it. Thank you very much!
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Gender Confusion on: 2007 March 20, 06:50:24
I wanted my sim to have a baby girl but she kept having a boy so after the 4th try (via speeding the process using the InSim) I decided ah no big deal I can just change the sex in SimPE. I know it's not for Seasons but it should be able to handle that. I changed it saved it loaded up the game and when the baby turned toddler it only showed boy haircuts to change to from the change appearance. I figured ah well maybe when it becomes a child. Nope. The game reads it as a her as in the description from the neighborhood's view it says "Wonder Girl". But when it comes to changing hair or clothes it's all boy options. Can I fix it or do I need to scratch him er her and try again?
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Deaths in Seasons on: 2007 March 19, 00:51:03
Auto spell check? Don't see it. Do you mean little red lines under words? If you are using Firefox, that's a feature.

Duh.  [smacks forehead]   Switched to FF a few years ago but just installed FF 2.0 yesterday and discovered this morning it was the culprit. Would go back to the previous version (FF2 is slower) but support ends next month.   Angry   

You can turn it off by going to your menu up top, Tools - Options - Advanced - General Tab and from there untick the box that reads "Check my spelling as I type". I kinda like it but then again I'm a really bad speller so it's helpful. Hehe
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