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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Store Stuff Made Shiftable: Update 8/11 on: 2011 December 07, 04:43:07
I does Gelydh's mod includes the Generations mirror?
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 29th November 2011 on: 2011 December 03, 19:20:02
A. Laziness, couldn't find where to test my sig, didn't have much time
B. Boredom, just wanted a quick laugh, but I know some ppl see that as a personal insult
C. Mitigation, once you get past the sarcasm and/or ridicule, this site is probably has the best strait-forward advice, I wanted to see if he would actually help as I'm learning how to mod the game myself
D. All of the above, maybe I was/wasn't expecting, but there's no shame in asking

You choose. You seem to see everything...

I think I'm overly confusing myself, and so was Delphy's Dash, which was my mistake. I since then actually looked into the files and seen which ones are conflicting. I cleaned my greedy ass but decently organized enough, downloads folder; now DD can actually read properly, Twoftmama's Meals anytime is the culprit. Also, was her Save Money Eat Leftovers was conflicting with Don't Eat Unless I Tell You To/Visitors Cant Use Fridge Combo, my stupid mistake, and she said she would combine those two, but that still leave out your Ambrosia mod.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 29th November 2011 on: 2011 December 02, 16:11:54
Just say the word, Anach.

Only if it bothers you. Otherwise it's just light entertainment.

Second in agreement.

Anyways, like I said, I'm learning how to mod, I've read some tutorials at simswiki, not getting very far because of time restraints but I'll probably get the hang of it once I have some actual time to kill, shouldn't be too hard to do, the tuts seem pretty extensive....On this particular matter, my weak attempt is trying to find that ID, (0xC804E72F531C6AAD) in the one of the code tables but no luck, (I think I have an idea why...)

In my downloads I had Twoftmama's "Don't Eat Unless I Tell You To/Visitors Cant Use Fridge Combo" and "Don't Eat From Inventory", and it's obvious why they they conflicted so I took "Don't Eat From Inventory" out and your "Ambrosia Group Serve" popped out of nowhere with a conflict (Yes, I do understand how Delphy's Dash works). So which changes to your mod conflict with "Don't Eat Unless I Tell You To/Visitors Cant Use Fridge Combo"?
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 29th November 2011 on: 2011 December 02, 04:50:29
If you think sarcasm is cute than your obviously better off than the rest of the forum. Whats got your panties in a wad and where the hell did you come from? Was I replying to you? No. If you went through the trouble of trying to figure me out, you would realize why I posted the way I did to Him. Hmmmn...maybe you should take your own advice, since you consider your time wasted; you wasted more of your time posting than it took to read mine. Hey your right I have been a long time lurker and I like trolls actually, they are kinda cute; so goddam urgly but ever so sensitive ppl, giving you exactly what you want
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 29th November 2011 on: 2011 December 02, 03:44:13
D. Ask Twoftmama at Crazytown to include this in her mod, I'm sure Anach wont mind since she doesn't do request.

I am almost at the point of option C so I'm ever so slowly learning how to mod the game myself. Sims 3 BFBVFS usually happen to lesser player like you who instead of learning how to fix something, re-install 100000000000x everytime a booboo happens, goodness why do people insist on idiocy. Something like running into a glass door continuously when it's obvious that there's a handle and it can open to let you through, because it's a wannabe splurker. Smanks mysweet for the flaky advice, but moar tryhard next time m'kay doodles? Tongue
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 29th November 2011 on: 2011 December 01, 21:33:26
 Cry Dephy's Dashboard says the Ambrosia Group Serve mod conflicts with many of Twoftmama tweaks I use, what do you suggest I do?
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Anach's Sims 3 Mods - Updated 15th June 2011 on: 2011 June 17, 05:20:36
The interaction tweaks mod isn't about one thing specifically. It's a collection of tweaks that enable autonomous interaction for a few things, as well as enable others for teens. Hard to remember specifically which off-hand, but it doesn't alter the chances of such things. The "Ask to move in" interaction was something I've had in there for a few versions, so I've never tested to see if it worked without my tweak, however, it isn't marked as autonomous by default, at least not in that file.

You can change this yourself. Look in the 0x50B229A0C636C136 file, search for "ask to move in" and change the auto to false and udo to true.

Yeah thanx anach, this was one of the reasons I wouldn't download this.
I just started tweaking NRaas tuning  xml's for myself and and with your help now I'm satisfied with this mod Wink
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 December 10, 07:08:16
...I downloaded this "Custom Launcher with Package Management" from granthes over at ModTheSims thinking it would help me but the thing

Beyond your limited ability to reason?

If any one could help me it would be really appreciated Thanx!

No one can help you.
When you open the program it says "Sims3packs" on one of the tabs, I was merely implying that it was a bit misleading and confusing, just didn't want to get into it...
&& Actually YOU did help soo...SMANKS a lot Shweety! Nows I Have MOAR nawlege, it's in me lernins'es
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 December 09, 06:29:25
I downloaded the Barnacle Bay and the Buccaneer Set from this site and when I click on them to install I get "Installation Failed: Please make sure your game has the latest Software Updates and try again."

My Question is how do I bypass this because I have NO intention of downloading the latest patch yet because, 1: I do not have Late Night and, 2: The Patch renders some of my mods useless and I don't want to play without them, 3: I've read the updates/fixes the new patch brings and with some of them, I either could care less about it or they could be easily avoided (like not playing the fire fighter career!)

I downloaded this "Custom Launcher with Package Management" from granthes over at ModTheSims thinking it would help me but the thing

My Game is updated to 4.5 version so I have WA and AMB, but no Stuffshits...

If any one could help me it would be really appreciated Thanx!
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Q: Regular/Vacation Skilling Difficulty on: 2010 December 04, 04:44:43
When you set the config for regular and vacation skilling difficulty, is it higher numbers like 10 make you gain skills faster or lower numbers like 1?

Sorry, I did read the manual but it didn't clarify enough for me Huh...because I have Awesome Mod vacation and regular skilling set at 10 and I don't seem to notice an increase in how quick they learn...

Thanx! Help very much appreciated. Wink
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 November 11, 04:05:02
I don't know what I did this time. I searched but I guess I fail. :facepalms: I was so tired lastnight I don't remember If I double downloaded The laundry set from the, "TS3 Store, DOWNLOADS only..." thread. I know I decrapified one of them but I do not remember which one. Now I have duplicates.

How do I uninstall duplcates. I really screwed up...
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2010 November 08, 06:31:08
The Riverview town posted at the beginning of "The TS3 Store, DOWNLOADS only..." thread is the unborked riverview right? Or do I have to still use the install instructions posted by Roggah,15100.msg437392.html#msg437392

Is there a way to see only the fixed downloads? Because I've been going through that thread for hours trying to select only fixed... if not then may i suggest someone on this site put them all together? It would be très helpful!
13  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Hack Descriptions on: 2009 January 09, 01:37:32
You can tell by what disk you need to start the program.  FFS and GLS were based on the OFB engine, so if you only had NL, you had to start from the SP disk, and thus needed the OFB versions of the hacks/mods. However, if you had a later game (say Pets or Seasons), you'd start from that disk, and thus need the appropriate hacks for that EP.

M&G is unique in that it came out as an SP after AL (which is in theory the last EP), but doesn't use AL to start -- you have to run from the M&G disk.  And its based on the AL engine.  And yes, there were numerous threads on this issue in the Podium and RetardoLand after M&G came out.  You would have found them after a quick site search.

As for patches, no -- they're specific to the EP or SP.  If you don't have AL, you don't install the AL patch (it won't install anyway if you try). If and when an M&G patch comes out, you'd install that.

Yeah btw I did try and read them; only stating that I just never came across any that said that...
14  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Hack Descriptions on: 2009 January 08, 23:23:46
M&G actually acts like an EP, and it uses the AL engine, so you should get AL versions of your hacks and mods.

Wow are you serious!!!111oneone Is there like a thread that states this because this is news to me. Do I have to get the official AL patch too?

Do other stuff packs work like this; say you have only NL and FFS and/or GLS; do you have to get the OFB patch and hack/mods?

15  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Hack Descriptions on: 2009 January 08, 22:55:13
I have the new Mansion and Garden Stuff Pack but not AL--should I download this too? I seen in My latest EP is FT.
16  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition on: 2009 January 08, 22:51:35
Soo... if I put this in all my playable lots, click install for each family, then use time warp to set the day of the week to 0 without fiddling with the time on the first lot I want to play (say its the Goth Family in Pleasantview which I presume is Lot #1), then use the maxis clickable neighbors function to switch to the next lot in the # order the lot sync timer puts the houses instead of using the lot sync timer version, plus never save the game without this hack being present in the downloads folder...this hack should run smoothly?Huh I really tried to read the whole thread to understand the issues and how it works BTW I don't have OFB but do has UNI, PETS, SSN, BV, FT, GLS, MGS.

F*** necromancy I need clarification please!
17  Darcyland / Lord Darcy Investigates / Re: Decustomized and Updated Maxis Official Objects/Clothing (Updated 2008-10-10) on: 2009 January 02, 03:02:16
I've been de-customizing and updating several Maxis official clothings and objects. (preorders/Exchange stuff)

What's the difference:

  • Objects were updated to Apartment Life, in case update is required.
  • Unrecolorable objects and formerly unrecolorable subset in recolorable objects were made recolorable.
  • Redundant resources like duplicate textures and animation files were removed to reduce the size. Compressed with jfade's compressorizer.
  • Custom star was removed from clothing/hair thumbnails. Instead they bear the corresponding EP/SP icon....

How did you do this?
18  Darcyland / Lord Darcy Investigates / Re: Pet Interactions Enabler for Forgotten Objects (Updated 2008/09/06) up to AL on: 2008 November 18, 22:27:01
Report Start 11/18/2008 5:12:27 PM

File Type: TTAB
Group ID: 0x7F1197FF
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu File:
File Type: TTAB
Group ID: 0x7F4A0A57
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu File:
File Type: TTAs
Group ID: 0x7F1197FF
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu Strings File:
File Type: TTAs
Group ID: 0x7F4A0A57
Instance ID: 0x00000080
Packages Containing This Menu Strings File:
End Of Report
16 possible conflicts detected.

I deleted unnecessary conflicts in the log.
19  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Lord Darcy's Pet Interactions Enabler for Forgotten Objects on: 2008 November 18, 22:09:34
This is not the first time that someone brought up this issue. Post the full relevant conflict log, so that I can see exactly which resources are in conflict. Hopefully it will stop similar questions from Kitten Killers.

Okay, I will post the log in the apropriate forum.

FYI as soon as I found a conflict with Inteen I removed it from my game; I no longer use it.

This question was more out of curiosity because they seem like totally different hacks.
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Lord Darcy's Pet Interactions Enabler for Forgotten Objects on: 2008 November 18, 14:08:03
I used HCDU and why does Pet Interactions Enabler for Forgotten Objects conflict with InTeenimater_B.package? Is it a serious conflict(will it cause borkeness in-game) or a only just a possible conflict?

I was gonna post in Pet Interactions Enabler for Forgotten Objects forum but I guess its old...
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Sim Adults Cannot Get Jobs!! on: 2008 November 18, 13:31:07
I'm with Pescado - don't remove the fixes mod. Go to Simbology and see if you can find Jordi's fixed versions of the fixes. The problem is an incompatibility between Pescado's original fixes and InTeen. The fixed version 'fixes' that incompatibility. Alternatively you need to go into each Sim with the problem using SimPE and give them a school grade.

Yeah I did search Inteen on this site and came across a post saying Jodi's hacks are incompatible with Pescado's and there was a link to them but it did not work plus the user did not specify that Jordi was at Simbology.
 BTW I did remove the kitten killer from my game and my sim found a job properly.

SimPE sucks, well the Freetime version of it does; I modified one sim familys Skills, Fitness, Secrets Skills, Personality, and Intrests and that family is BORKED. Can you post SimPE borken questions in the "Oops! You Broke It!" forum?
22  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Sim Adults Cannot Get Jobs!! on: 2008 November 17, 21:03:09
Lol, and please don't post the Kitten Killer, I know that it is non-awesome...

I read every MATY hack descripion I downloaded and none of them reported being incompatible with Kitten Killer(but I'm not sure you would mention it anyways...)
23  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Sim Adults Cannot Get Jobs!! on: 2008 November 17, 20:48:06
My adult sim was searching on the Mr. Humble's Computer for a job and when I chose one there was a pop-up saying his grades are too low to get a job, I'm pretty sure this isn't normal since he is an ADULT and not a young-adult.
Maybe there is a problem with Uni??
 My EP's:
University, Pets, Seasons Digital Download, Freetime

Os: Windows Vista Home Premium

I just installed University, Pets and Freetime in that order on top of my existing Base Game/Seasons yesterday.

I'm pretty sure I installed correctly, I downloaded all the latest patches from

Pretty Much everything in the
*Inteen for FT**

I don't know why this is happening but my guess is that Inteenimater_B is conflicting with one of the MATY hacks--but I'm no expert. I'm going to remove inteen from my game and see what happens
I'll keep you posted...
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