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TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Two really nice sims 3 worlds
on: 2012 February 20, 17:30:26
I tried these worlds briefly . Well i installed them and then uninstalled as soon as i saw the long, long list of CC that it also installed with them .
Whilst i am looking for new worlds i do not really want to have to add a load of uneccessary extra CC
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: GOOD worlds that incorporate ALL EPs.
on: 2012 February 19, 04:34:09
With Great Bear world my game does not lag any more than playing the worlds provided by Ea with the base game and the expansion packs .
The only thing for me is the excess use of things like 10 or more disco light balls in some of the clubs . So i spent about 30 minutes going round the clubs and bars in world decluttering
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 07, 16:45:26
Actually, as long as no sims in your game have any ties to the vacation hood (relationships or whatever), you can copy the nhd and exportDB files from the save file into the save files of any new worlds, and get the edited hood no problem.
You just have to make sure that you edit the world from a fresh save and never let any sims do anything in it before you save it. If you take a sim there and so much as talk to another sim, you can't properly transfer it over. So just start a new game, go to edit town, edit the world you want to edit, and only move a sim over if you want to edit the sims in the hood- but do not, do not, absolutely do not let the sim do anything but stand still in one spot.
It works flawlessly.
Thankyou for the answer to my question Claeric
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 06, 18:34:26
Oh woe is me! The nasty people on the internets won't help poor lil Celestra. Look, if you type properly and try not to act like an imbecile, you will be helped. I was actually pretty nice in my previous posts. You're the one slinging personal insults around. Rather than heed my advice to improve your typing, and maybe spend some time working out how this forum works, if anything, your grammar has actually WORSENED.
Have you worked out WHY your username is ill-advised here? No, of course you haven't. That would require a modicum of effort.
So now i am not getting help because A) my typing is not perfect and B) because of my screen name ? . Those comments show that you are as much an imbecile as i am then for replying with needless comments . P.S your typing also is not perfect as using capital letters in worsened is also incorrect grammar .
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 06, 18:19:33
That is one of the more unfortunate user names.
Because ? If you are asking that question then you haven't lurked enough. Lurked plenty over the last 10 years or so and aware of the assholes who just post asinine remarks and no help , but none of this actually answers my opening question which i still hope someone will answer So you've been lurking since five years before the forum was created? Well i will admit i thought these forums have been about since TS1 but obviously i was incorrect . But whatever , i really couldn't care all i asked was a civil question to try and solve something in my game . But i should have known with my luck i would get the morons who never help , but just post pointless comments .
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 06, 18:16:06
That is one of the more unfortunate user names.
Because ? If you are asking that question then you haven't lurked enough. lurked plenty over the last 10 years or so but none of this actually answers my opening question You quite blatantly haven't. If you had lurked properly, you would know that sentences start with capital letters, questions end with question marks, and you don't need a new paragraph for every single sentence. Oh, and not to mention you would know why your choice of name is rather unfortunate. Compared of course to the dumbfuck one you use i suppose !
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 06, 18:09:15
That is one of the more unfortunate user names.
Because ? If you are asking that question then you haven't lurked enough. Lurked plenty over the last 10 years or so and aware of the assholes who just post asinine remarks and no help , but none of this actually answers my opening question which i still hope someone will answer
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / WA Neighbourhoods
on: 2011 February 06, 15:20:13
I have been unable to get a full answer to this question can anyone help please .
In one of my saves i have rebuilt almost totally France and China with new houses etc .
Is there a safe way to move this whole edited sub neighbourhood into a different save so my other saved families can use this edited sub neighbourhood . Thus saving myself the time of having to rebuild the houses etc every time in each saved neighbourhood
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds
on: 2009 June 01, 21:23:11
To people saying about how parts of the game seems like WoW etc with the buffs . I guess this could be due to the fact that Rod Humble's last job before this was on Everquest . No doubt he got the ideas there and thought they would fit in well in The Sims . Maybe that's also why the game now seems more of a levelling grind than an open-ended toy .
TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: No censor hack for TS3
on: 2009 May 26, 14:58:17
I also use Enaylas default skintones in TS2 and they along with my tons of custom skintones and clothes are what i will certainly miss .
Wonder how many TSuckR staff are avidly watching these messages so they can jump in and copy CC and hacks and claim they are all their own work and worthy of paying through the nose for
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Pet problem since installing M&G
on: 2009 January 23, 00:10:34
Has anyone else got the problem now that if one of your other family sims does a walk by with their pet you cannot interact with it any more .
All you can do is chase it off the lot and normally anyway by the time you have greeted the sim the pet has already walked off the end of the lot . You can no longer click on it and choose greet it so that it waits until you get there before it disappears
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: "Jump rope" leaves behind stuck object
on: 2009 January 23, 00:04:27
Is your game patched as there was a problem with the jump rope but it got fixed in the patch
My problem is if i get a lamp and wish for money it leaves invisible bags of money which if i use the stuckobjectremover makes the bag of money drop again by the mailbox and if i remove or sell that it drops again and again non stop . So i have to pick up the bag of money and dump it in a corner of the lot somewhere