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1  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: It seems I've broken it - Community lot crashing. on: 2009 May 17, 19:43:19
I guess it's time to clean house again.  I really should have thought of that, too.  *facepalm*

Thanks, J.M. Pescado!
2  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / It seems I've broken it - Community lot crashing. on: 2009 May 17, 03:57:23
My Sims 2 game runs beautiflly on my PC when I'm in a home lot, however as soon as I venture out to a community lot, the game has an unpleasant tendancy to crash randomly.  It might be fine for 20 minutes, or maybe 20 nanoseconds.  I never know until I get there.  Is this a mod conflict, a SecuROM problem, or just a user error?  I have an error log generated by the game, though I admit I lack the knowledge to understand it.  I respectfully request some assistance in determinint the cause and potential fix of this problem.  If additinal info is required, I'll gladly provide it.  Thank you!

(Also, I promise not to break it again!)
3  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Apartment Hack: Now For Non-Fat Gwilly People! on: 2008 October 22, 14:36:42
Ooooh!  Shiny!   Cheesy

If a Sim rents the apartment in it's furnished state, am I correct in presuming only the initial rent payment is modified, and all subsequent rent payments are at the standard unfurnished rate?
4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 October 01, 03:35:59
To be an Overachiever, the teen must have an A+ and Level 3 in a Teen career.  I thinks that's it...
5  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 24, 04:13:37
Are you sure the old building is completey gone?  It should still exist in the Nightlife .objects file, completely separate from the Apartment Life file, right?  Or am I not understanding how the EP installation works?  I know it has replaced it in the NL downtown area, but if the newer building shares the same GUID as the old one, then only the new one will show up, seeming to replace (overrride) the old one.

It has nothin to do with GUIDs they have given the new Deco Object the Name of the old one.

Nightlife deco was called neighborhoodBuildingRes1 in the Game files. All resources of the Object had this name, now the new building has this name and the group number of the old one so the old building gets overridden.
Again, it seems I have much to learn.  Thank you for clearing this matter up for me.  Justy one question for CNutmegger:  Does your clone use a new name, or will it reoverride (does that qualify as a real word?) the EAxis bork and mess up Belladonna Cove?
6  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 22, 16:58:20
Are you sure the old building is completey gone?  It should still exist in the Nightlife .objects file, completely separate from the Apartment Life file, right?  Or am I not understanding how the EP installation works?  I know it has replaced it in the NL downtown area, but if the newer building shares the same GUID as the old one, then only the new one will show up, seeming to replace (overrride) the old one. I learned this while making a customized version of a modder-made car.  Untill I changed the GUID, only my version would appear in the Buy Mode cataloge.  Of course, I don't know everything about computer coding, and what I do know is somewhere in the "very basic, begginner" area, so I could be wrong.

On a different lot, the butler did use stairs and/or elevator to go to the second floor.  I never noticed him to go to the third floor on that lot, but at the time there was no need to.  I'll have to kep an eye on that butler guy.
7  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 21, 15:25:00
I suspect he can fix the buildings and billboards, but I do not know how difficult it would be.  I would consider it borderline impossible for someone with my level of modding skill: nil.  The difficulty or complexity of fixing it may have an effect in Pescado deciding IF he wants to fix it.  In the meantime, I have to report that I have not encountered any significant problems using the butler.  The only thing I noticed was that he had a tendancy to remain on one floor, which didn't help the family keep the upsatirs area of their home clean.  I suspect the users on the official BBS reporting extremely wonkey behavior and lack of the butler counting as a child-care specialist were either in a different version (I have the North American/English language version), had mod conflicts, or were making things up just to get attention.
8  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 14, 19:10:46
I agree totally.  I loved the condo building.  It lit up at night and looked very cool.  The problem is probaby a defualt GUID conflict caused by EAxis not testing AL with any EP's installed and only with the base game.  *sigh*  It seems that Rod Humble might be the newest Sith Lord: Darth Numbnuts.  I may have to challenge him to a duel.

In the meantime, I'm investigating the Butler as being a pawn of the Dark Side (read as: borked by bad play-testing and/or lazy programming).  I'll report my finding later.
9  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 12, 00:03:47
Anyone caught reporting a mod conflict as an EP bug will be exiled to "Retardo Land," as per the order from the Jedi Council.
You have that much power?
I have a lightsaber.  And, I must obey the will of the Jedi Council.  Besides, it would be doing Pescado a favor.  I'm glad someone confirmed my bug.  Even I have much to learn, and next time I find a bug, I'll be sure to post an error log.  In the mean time, my Sims are much happier, as they can now finish the car resto project before heading off to college!
10  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 11, 00:20:21
I used the Teen WooHoo hack from the now-defunct(?) InTeen site and found it caused major conflicts with newer EP's.  I can only imagine the kind of havoc an out-dated InTeenimater must cause.  Make sure you (read as: anyone) removes ALL outdated hacks before reporting bugs here.  We don't need Pescado tracking down phantom bugs caused by a mod conflict.  I, for one, truly appreciate that someone is actually trying to make this, the coolest and buggiest EP ever, playable.  Even the Sims2 Official Site didn't have a "Report your bugs" thread the last time I was there.  So, thanks, Pescado, for all your hard work!

Anyone caught reporting a mod conflict as an EP bug will be exiled to "Retardo Land," as per the order from the Jedi Council.
11  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 09, 03:30:43
I've recently encountered a new bug with the restorable car from FT.  Now, it seems that teens can't work on it without the jump bug popping them out of it.  Am I the only one who noticed this?
12  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 09, 02:33:59
This is not a bug.  This was done intentionally by EA.  The furnishings are shown as a "suggestion" as to how to arrange the apartment.  Also, the NPC townies use the "sample" layout when they move in, I think.  This way, the playable households can use whatever they can afford, and arrange things any way they choose.
13  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 09, 02:28:08
i am wondering if anyone else is facing slow game after installing apartment life? my game is crashing when my sims try to accept a job from newspaper(havent tried with computer)
Are you shift-clicking the newspaper in debug mode?  I'm asking because this apparently has been broken for some time.
Curious.  Of all of the things EA left broken, this function still works for me, when I actually use it.
14  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 08, 01:02:19
What other basic hacks should I get?  I don't want to make the game weird or ubber-easy; I just want to be able to play it normally.

I reccommend these mods:,1482.0.html,5624.0.html,9722.0.html,5957.0.html,9768.0.html,8544.0.html

Theses are good for starters.  Take a look around The Armory.  There are boatloads of fixes that do not alter the way things work, unless they were left broken by EA.
15  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 04, 00:13:18
As far assim populations go, my most poulated town is Pleasantveiw, which I have added all of the pre-AL core neighborhoods to using a tutorial I found somewhere around here.  Before installing AL, it had about 1300 sims, including townies and CAS sims.  I'm just worried that AL will balloon it into something ridiculous, like 10,000 with the frequent spawing of useless "social group" townies.  During play, I have yet to actually see more than maybe 12 or so of these new ones.
16  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 02, 13:46:43
Needless to say, if you go load a sim's house, go to two community lots, then go home; that's 8 townies spawned in that time.  If it actually stops this before hitting...oh 10,000 characters I guess it's not too terrible an issue for the average person (albeit a bit of a slowdown and a pain in the ass on going through the phone book), but do we know for certain that it's going to stop at some point or just endlessly generate upon lot load townies until the game explodes all over itself in townie guts?
That is my concern.  Is there a ceiling?  Is there any way to tell?  I'd really hate for my neigborhood to explode into a firey ball visible from space because EA's latest glitchfest didn't have a spawning limit.  As a side note, what about the deco building?  I really miss it.
17  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Unofficial AL Patch - Assorted Fixes on: 2008 September 02, 05:13:47
It's good that J. M. Pesacdo is here to fix EA's failures.  Just two retardo questions:  Can the exsessive townie spawing be fixed, adn can the cylindrical NL n-hood deco building be restored?  The new small rectangular building seems to share the same in-game GUID.  Why do I feel like I'm paying money to beta-test a game?  They never test this crap with all EP's installed and those as the users that report all kinds of problems.  Plus, I'm VERY wary of downloading any patches, after today.  (I just lost my  "Knights of the Old Republic" games to the SeuROM that was hidden in the patches.)
18  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Improved Anti-Humble: WANT/DO NOT WANT on: 2008 July 14, 00:59:12
Thank you for stopping the Mulleted Moron from stalking my Sims!  If having TS3 is tied to a token, and will no longer be available to Sims that don't already have it, that won't bother me one bit.  TS3 is a huge sham, anyway.

Thanks again!
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