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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I CANNOT install the new patch (1.3) UPDATE: skuversion.txt on: 2009 August 05, 22:55:12
Your link is for 1.27...
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Crap out the kid already! on: 2009 July 13, 07:47:22
Changing the lifespan setting doesn't change the pregnancy span... stupidly enough.  No matter the setting, it's supposed to last 3 days... unless you fuck with it, which I did.

I did try moving the family.  Didn't help.

Always make a backup before you fiddle with mods.  I know this... and I failed anyway.  I tried using (whoever's) 9 day preg mod... decided that was too long, went in and switched it to 6 days.... forgetting that I had two pregnant sims.  Both had been pregnant more than six days by then... and more than 9 by the time I put it back.  I got one of them to give birth by putting in one of the longer term mods and leaving it on, windowed, in the background until she finally finished her insanely long term.... but then the other was royaly stuck... so now I've gone back to a previous backup, I'll have the second one give birth and then hopefully be able to get the first to go again too.  We need something like InSim to just force it.  A lot of people have done variations of this same mistake, in similar ways.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Crap out the kid already! on: 2009 July 12, 21:55:00
This is insanely frustrating.  I fucked my game over pretty royally... without backing up... because I was having a moron moment.  I now had two female sims who have been pregnant for days on end.  I've looked everywhere for a way to force them to go into labor.  Some advice said awesomemod could do it.  I put it into debug mode and... nada.  I've done a shit ton of searches because I HATE asking for help... but... help!

Update: I did manage to get one to give birth, but no luck with the other yet.
4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Community Lot Skilling and Enthusiasm on: 2008 March 10, 05:25:29
My comm skilling does not seem to be working.  I have sims that I am positive are townies and when they use items that skill they do not get either the progress bar nor the enthusiasm symbol.  Does this not work on home lots anymore?

I'm wondering the same thing.  I haven't really gone to a community lot, but non-resident sims don't seem to be building skills or intrest by doing things at residential lots.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Grrr to Maxis prudishness on: 2006 October 31, 22:15:10
Well not when they spray everywhere to mark their dominance and then the next cat has to spray on top of that spot to one up the last one and so on and so on.  Wink

Never had that happen.  We had one who'd piss on anything that you left on the floor, but... other than that.  I've also had a few compulsive sweater/stuffed toy washers, but never a humper.

And cats don't hump for dominance.  If you cat does hump stuff or other cats... neriana is right, it's just a pervert.   Tongue
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Grrr to Maxis prudishness on: 2006 October 28, 18:01:42
I think the humping has less to do with intercourse and more to do with dominance. Female dogs sometimes hump males if they are the dominant ones.

Definately.  And if you let a dog hump people because you think it's funny they wind up thinking they're dominant.

Cats are just so much easier.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Pet genetics screwed up? on: 2006 October 28, 07:31:31
..How can anyone refer to puppies and not get all gooey about them

Even Hitler loved dogs.
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Grrr to Maxis prudishness on: 2006 October 28, 03:04:05
Well, being "friends" may be a bit much, although if animals randomly mate, we'd also need to be able to spay/neuter them. I guess that level of realism wasn't what Maxis wanted to deal with. This sounds a lot like Jeffy's territory, though.

... or you could just not have dog houses on the lot, lock your bitches up, etc...

It's good to know I'm not alone in my frustration with this.
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Grrr to Maxis prudishness on: 2006 October 27, 07:54:14
In what strange world do animals have to be friends to make more animals??   Roll Eyes

Does this bug the living snot out of anyone else?  I almost roared when I read this in one of the chats.  And not just friends with each other, but friends of the sims too??  And they have to be TOLD to mate???   Angry

Someone... and I really don't give a (wom)rat's ass who... REALLY needs to fix this.  Animals are... well... animals... and should mate randomly with whoever.

Take this as a request or don't.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Crammyboy's Penis on: 2006 October 27, 06:39:11
I wish real men's cocks were so obliging.  Option 1: Get hard; Option 2: get soft and let me sleep already!
Have to love that this is post #69 in this thread...

And yeah... then I wouldn't have to hear Tim's constant excuse "It's your fault for existing!"  He has no trouble with #1, but.... that second one...  Roll Eyes
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Toddlers eating pet food on: 2006 October 27, 06:31:55
I tried Meow Mix once when I was five.  I think I puked afterwards.

... and then there's the time I accidentally tasted canned cat food when I was 12.  Turns out that little brown blob on the counter wasn't chocolate ice cream I'd just dropped.  Undecided  If you think it smells bad....
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: teen elder adult elder romance on: 2006 October 27, 06:27:27
remember God don't like ugly

As if the "I'll pray for you" line wasn't funny enough... don't tell me you're quoting Different World!  I swear someone said that on the episode I saw last night.  Weird!  ... not that I enjoy the show... there's just not much on in the wee hours.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Summer Life is Online! on: 2006 July 27, 01:59:08
That shade of yellow should be illegal.  I don't think my poor pale eyes will ever be the same again.
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Tattoos that aren't genetics or clothing on: 2006 June 22, 08:03:54
This might just be a pipe dream, but if I knew my way around the right parts of SimPe the first thing I'd try to tackle would be tattoos. If Crammy Boy can make a male 'member' object... If vampires can turn blue... Maybe it's possible to make a full-body overlay that could be used for tattos that stay when a sim changes clothes and that aren't passed down to their kids. It's something I know I could never do, but I get the feeling that someone could.  Anyone up to the task?
15  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: OFB jump bug on: 2006 April 06, 17:21:00
Thanks.  I'll try that.

*update*  It works!! Cheesy  Thank you soooooooooo much!!  I'm posting this everywhere so people will know how to fix it in their games and I'm giving you the credit you deserve for telling me how to fix it.  Thanks again!
16  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: OFB jump bug on: 2006 April 06, 13:07:27
It's a huge neighborhood, but... I kinda wonder if that's the problem because it's happened to people with much smaller neighborhoods too.  Relative newbies even.  My neighborhood needs serious pruning, which I've attempted but somehow messed up each time I tried.  871 character files and many of them are 'unknowns' created when I had trouble installing OFB.  I have 4 sets of the same character and only one assigned to anything.  Then there are the extra carpool drivers who were created when the limo was sent for a honeymoon, but the NPC No Revert hack made the game create driver after driver who would stand there, do the 'cry softly' animation, and then freeze.  And there are some NPCs who are just so ugly they shouldn't exist.  I tried getting rid of all of this but took out the wrong files on two tries.  Never open SimPe when you haven't slept well in two weeks.  Bleh!

I'm gonna add one error log to my first post and I'll find the others too.
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: townie backpacks too full? on: 2006 April 06, 05:38:11
The Prima Guide says that only the last 3 items they buy are in their inventory.

... which is total crap.  I've checked inventories a few times and there have been several pages of things in there.  Not the usual stuff some townies have to give as gifts, but foods and other things they've bought which I remember selling to them.
18  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / OFB jump bug on: 2006 April 06, 05:35:02
It's not half as bad as the original, but it is annoying.  As far as I can tell from my own game and what I've seen others post at other forums it started with OFB (though I'm not 100% sure of that) and only happens to female sims.  Affected sims can't use toilets or do most social interactions.  They also can't interact with babies, but the level of this flaw seems to vary.  I've had some who could do everything but put the baby back into the crib and others who jump when they try to do anything involving the baby.  Bed interactions are also only affected sometimes, with some jumpy sims being able to woohoo and others jumping out of the action.

Downloads (incl. hacks) don't seem to cause it, because removing all downloads doesn't cure it.  Resetting the sim with the testing cheat or the debugger also does nothing to fix the problem.  I do have one sim who had the glitch but 'outgrew' it after several sim days, but I haven't played the other sims enough to see if this happens with them too or heard of it happening to anyone else.

Does anyone have any idea what causes this?  I've seen at least 5 other people around various forums who've had sims with this problem and I have 4 or 5 in my own game, so it's not an issolated glitch.  I'd really appreciate any info about what causes this or suggestions about what might fix it.

*edit* Added one of many error logs for one of my jumpy sims.  I can add more for the same sim or for other sims if needed.

[attachment deleted by admin]
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Inge where are thou? on: 2006 April 06, 02:30:56
This really blows.  Sad

But I can relate.  I kept my TS site, Simage Homes (for those who don't recognise my kitty, I'm Damage Inc356 everywhere else) open for several months after it stopped being fun, but thieves and bastards made me bitter and TS2 was about to come out.... and I ditched it.  I felt bad because I know there are still people who miss my stuff for the old game, but... you've gotta put yourself and your intrests and your time and your motivations first.
20  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: No Lame Hires on: 2006 March 16, 20:00:53
Maybe I'm misunderstanding what this is supposed to do, but when I have them call to hire someone it's still mostly my playables and NPCs with jobs.  But maybe I got it wrong.  That is what it's supposed to do, right?
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