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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 March 17, 11:02:19

Would it be possible to have the ability to turn off the 'go to some other person's town' opportunities and wants?
Maybe, but you'll have to wait until I encounter it and it annoys me. Otherwise I have no idea what it looks like and therefore no idea where to dig.

Understood - I find them annoying, but of course, the easiest way to avoid them, I suppose, is by not playing a performer.  Would also have been nice if they had been consistent [ha-ha] with the different expansions - so that bands would be performers too, for example - ah well, par for the course with EA.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod Request Thread on: 2012 March 14, 14:38:20
Would it be possible to have the ability to turn off the 'go to some other person's town' opportunities and wants?
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AM is Borking Vampires. on: 2010 November 29, 18:04:12
The whole bursting into flames thing isn't mythical, so I have no problem with them just being weak and miserable in sunlight.....  But sparkles >.> *shudders* Ick
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AM is Borking Vampires. on: 2010 November 26, 23:29:41
The -only- reason to use sparkle and vampire in the same setting is to poke fun at the idiots who think vampires are all sparkle-fluffy-bunny-happy.  I have no real objection to romantic goth vampires, that's actually been around longer then me, so its got longevity now.  But Vampires DO NOT FUCKING SPARKLE!  They are not unicorns, they are blood sucking monsters who may embrace this fact, or angst over it and try to retain their humanity, but they are not rays of sunshine.

That said, I've not seen a problem with them having sun issues, but then, I run with static motives since I find trying to keep their needs met tedious and dull.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 October 06, 12:20:19
The batch cmd file was the only way it would work for me - just had to find where the show file extensions was on 7.  I guess consistancy in an OC isn't a major selling point.

Anyway, it worked great.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 October 01, 01:40:34
I'll try it again then.  I'll find those command prompt instructions because so far, I just used drag and drop - I just got the decrapifier yesterday and decrapified everything that Pes' instructions said to decrapify.  Until now, I never needed to use it.  This pirate world is the first thing to say 'Ummm, you don't have the right versions' to me.

Still, I'm stubborn, so, let's see what I can do further.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 September 30, 14:30:37
It does show up, which is what I'm trying to say - also, when it didn't work at all, it said it didn't work and gave me an error message.

But it shows up under the download and in the installed content - but if I look in the game or in the folders, it isn't there.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The TS3 Store: post your questions, updates, and tech help here on: 2010 September 30, 13:27:59
Okay, just to make sure I have this clear, because I would like to avoid sporkings, but once you decrapify if it works it says it installs?  Because I got the decrapifying to work, says it installed, but its not actually installing.  Clearly I'm making an error, but after reading through a thousand posts, I'm not finding anything other than if it won't install, rinse repeat.  Thing is, it is installing, or rather, it is saying it is, and I want to peek at the pirate stuff.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to decrapify with The Compressorizer Redux! on: 2010 September 29, 10:59:03
I don't normally post, since I'm not much for the sporkings and such, but SuziQ - insulting all of us who know about, as you say, pop culture from 30 years ago, well, most all the people i -know-, who are normal by my book, know Monty Python.  At least you aren't a 'normal' person who thinks that u is a proper word.  But really, coming into someone's house and throwing badly satirized insults at the denizens is just plain stupid.

You are also assuming that just because we are here figuring things out that we don't know what the Real World is.  I'm sure most all of the folks here are quite familiar with it.

PS, real world does not mean sitting in front of your TV watching soap operas and eating bonbons.  That's just a different form of escapism.
10  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Your neighborhood is corrupt and has exploded in a bfbvfs on: 2010 August 10, 14:11:10
Define good?  I think I'm good, but if it would save the planet I'd have no problems killing off a good chunk of humanity.  There are too many of us, and most of us are dumb, and most of the dumb ones are -not- good, but simply stupid.

And why would a clone need to be good or evil?  Personally, I'd be glad for clones - then we could divide up all the things I'd like to get done, and maybe accomplish something.  Though, as you say, I'd prefer to be the future self rather then be the one being visited by my future self.  I've a few things I'd like to tell myself in the past to improve my situation now.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Stupid Sims 3 patch on: 2010 July 11, 23:15:24
I'm going to have to try that - already had to uninstall and reinstall and uninstall again, because even with a fresh install it would not patch.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: GSC has been hacked on: 2010 January 15, 14:24:45
It could just be that intent aside, being not as good as covering your tracks.  If being forced to watch Smoking Gun presents: World's Dumbest..... most people might think they are being clever, but really aren't.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: 2.3+CC bullshit. I refuse to reinstall AGAIN. on: 2009 December 20, 03:05:40
I'm more annoyed that when I installed and patched earlier, it was working - except my game had decided to take -every- property and place it beneath the rest of the map.

I reinstalled and now it refuses to load saying I don't have matching versions of the game.

EA and their shoddy coding gets more annoying than whether the CC will work.  When the game itself won't?  That's something that makes me want to go across the continent and go on a killing spree.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.8/2.3 plus Create a World Released on: 2009 December 19, 18:01:05
Oddly, the workaround did not work - nor did extracting the files into package format.  I'm not -super- worried about it, but its annoying because I did like the steampunk-ish clothing, and some of the furniture.

Any other ideas to try?
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 23, 20:25:41
The food spoilage is a bug in the EA code.  It was doing it before I installed Awesomemod.  So, if that helps anyway...
16  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Beta Testing 1.7.9/WA 2.2.8 Problems/Questions/Discussion on: 2009 November 23, 18:29:44
My only bug currently involves the game crashing withing minutes of starting.  I have no other mods and the only CC I have is store items.
17  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod is not yet compatible with the expansion Pack on: 2009 November 23, 16:03:09
Yes and no - I patched, the mismatched warning went away, however I'm still crashing.  Not too worried about it, I know Pes, if its a problem with the mod, he'll fix it, and if its a problem with me, I'll figure it out eventually.

I just wanted to give input Cheesy
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod is not yet compatible with the expansion Pack on: 2009 November 23, 14:31:33
I'm having a core mismatch.  My first guess is that it requires me to have the patch for WA, though I hadn't seen anything about one.  However my guesses have been wrong before, which is why I'm posting this.

*goes hunting for patches to eliminate first hypothesis*
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod is not yet compatible with the expansion Pack on: 2009 November 19, 16:57:54
It is not rude here - simply because, as the custom of this place, it is acceptable.

What is never acceptable is demand someone who is giving you something for FREE deliver it at your tiimetable.
20  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod and Expansion Pack not compatible on: 2009 November 18, 20:22:28
Its generally a given that before installing an expansion, you should take out all your custom content, in particular, your mods.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: No steak plants for me?! on: 2009 July 08, 16:16:30
Honestly, if its part of a sim to have it, I just turn off aging and put them into a holding pattern.  Considering when I do actually play a sim from scratch [birth] I always have all skills maxed by the time they hit YA anyway, I don't feel guilty.

And I've never gotten the omniplant one, but I'm not sweating it yet.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Novels - A Guide on: 2009 June 23, 23:25:14
Children can write novels too - and they seem to get the option for children's books without painting [I think], but I can't confirm it since my sims tend to learn painting first.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Things you DO like... on: 2009 June 22, 23:36:55
I love the landscaping, the traits are fun, and the ability to chose when to age a sim is pretty good too.

I think its is far less realistic that a sim child can max out writing and painting, but not learn any real cooking.  When I was 106 I was actually a damn good cook already - not only did I learn from reading [I was reading adult books by then, btw] but I was actually cooking dinner without an adult supervising me, at least after the first few times when it was obvious I had it under control.  Yes, sometimes meals were a little odd, as I experimented with spices, but it was better than some adults manage.

But overall, I think once it is possible to import new objects and fix the few things I think are backwards, that as a game, sims 3 will be an improvement after all.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: The Legacy Challenge for TS3 on: 2009 June 22, 21:44:13
Yay - right now, I'm just starting and my sim is living in the park.  I figure I'll save up enough to build more then a tiny box for the bed.  She's tired alot, because napping doesn't give much in 3, but she fished up a laptop and a guitar, which helps a bunch.  I suppose I could sell the laptop, but why, since it saves me money later.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TSR has already a Workshop for CC... on: 2009 June 02, 16:07:11
Besides, its a matter of principle.  Just because TSR is run by some very underhanded, unethical, selfish people [imo] doesn't mean we have to stoop to their level and be as nasty.
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