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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Those looking for the 1.12/2.7/3.3 Patches on: 2010 June 03, 07:00:55
Oh, yes, solved, thanks.
I've added the sims to the list in DEP and now it works!!!
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Those looking for the 1.12/2.7/3.3 Patches on: 2010 June 02, 20:53:10
Desperate calling: Anybody knows what it means?

type: ACCESS_VIOLATION writing address 0x1e458ff0
address: 0x1e458ff0 <unknown module>

This is what I only get after repeated crashes with the infamous patch. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the game thousand times and its impossible to play at all.  Cry
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: (Mod) Tutti-frutti_2 teen woohoo & more on: 2009 November 26, 00:09:27
Are u there?
I would like to know if tuttifrutti is updated for WA 2.2 patched...
Thanks in advance.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The NRaas Romancer on: 2009 August 31, 12:29:04
Is there any way to enable romantic interactions without increasing the level of relationship? You know what I mean, to make casual woohoo without romance at all. Of course, I'm adding this romancer to my set NRAAS, this is a big step in modding, but if you were investigating for further...
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The Birth Control Mirror on: 2009 August 30, 09:36:33
Activated. And it seems to work by itself. It is a great, great, great mod, believe me. My questions didn't where to bother you, but to learn to use it.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The Birth Control Mirror on: 2009 August 29, 23:40:02
I'm just upgrading to version 3 but not tested yet. Former versions worked perfectly fine for me and I want you to say that this is a revolutionary tool in TS3, at least for me, that love to take all under my control. So, I have one question before to destroy something in my new buzzler hood (there is now an oscilation from 0'95 to 1,30 in factor): Is it possible to choose the group of victims in a random or mass pollination? What if I only want to pollinate married or couples living together? Are the 5 flavors to pick and choose, activate/deactivate some flavors? I like some single simmies in miscarriage to put the cherry up in realism but I don't want a hood full of bastards.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Get Your Homeless Bums off the Street in Style! (Over-stuff-able Housing) on: 2009 August 27, 15:15:39
I've seen pictures of that in your blog days ago, when downloading your empty hoods and the city stuf replacements. Glad to know they are now available to download. I'm very lazy to make it by myself, and unable to get it so goodlooking.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The Birth Control Mirror on: 2009 August 27, 15:08:18
I've tried the Dragonsdance and I see tant every fertile woman is now growing. I'm only waiting for the births to know who is/are the fathers.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The Birth Control Mirror on: 2009 August 27, 01:05:20
Woa! I can't believe you did it, just what I needed, without infinities or so... Shocked
Ready to pollinate my infinity Buzzler hood! 
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: (Mod) Tutti-frutti_2 teen woohoo & more on: 2009 August 06, 15:14:03
Tried the updated mod in a patched 1.3 game with no other core mods and it works perfectly for me, but keep in testing.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PSA: Abandonated Mods Borked by AL on: 2008 October 27, 17:52:04
I only want  you to know that the Create baby with X crib form Monique is working fine for me with AL installed, think is no need for updates.
12  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience on: 2008 July 04, 08:19:17
Regarding plantsim - oddly enough I was testing on a home business, but I have the nochanceofplantsims hack in.  If you hate plantsims, why not get that?   Though of course I do need to investigate why it's happening too Cheesy

Ah, oh, well, I'll try with the nochance... but you must recognize it could be a matter of passionate testing!
And sorry, I almost forgot to THANK your hard job.
13  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: [Work in progress] Polygamy or marriage of convenience on: 2008 July 04, 08:08:32
I'm testing this hack since yesterday in four or five lots working fine but  I've noticed that in a home business the man becomes a plantsim when just married. I tried twice or three times with the same couple choosing a new lastname and with no changes at all also and several combinations but: definitely I have a new plantsim.

This kind of hack was expected by me for a long time, because I have many historical hoods and, to be honest, the love wedding is a recent invention so in the old times everybody married for convenience. Please, Inge, is there any way to fix that issue with plantsims? I hate them!!!
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