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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Sims 3 Pets- Whats borked thread on: 2011 November 11, 04:44:12
What's really borked? The neighborhood pet adoption event. It will fill your neighborhood with dead pets if you don't take them all. Every time you play without AwesomeMod, EAxis kills a kitten. Please, think of the kittens.

Is that also how the shelter pools work? I've been looking everyday for a horse another family put up for adoption several sim days back.  He's already cycled out and I was thinking he'd cycle back in at some point. Come to think of it, I've haven't seen any pet reappear in the pool after they've cycled out.  Every day, there's a new horse in the pool, every day, another one is gone. So, they only have so many days to be adopted before they're euthanized to make room for newer pets? Ugh.

On to the things I've noticed:
     Hitching posts don't work. Tie a horse up, it's galloping around the lot not even 10 second later.  No, I don't want to see my horse running around outside the gym, blocking doors and then galloping off to the other side of the neighborhood while my sim is inside working out. 
     Form group doesn't work on horseback.  I had two sims out on their horses, tried to get them in a group so they'd ride together. The menu option had a horse head on as if it was possible to do while mounted. When I queued the option, they just sat there, talking and acting as if they were in the process of forming the group, but never completing the action.
     Sometimes, when I'm running the jumping course at the Appaloosa Plains training grounds, horse and rider are teleported to some random place in the neighborhood after a round of jumps. Then, they must gallop all the way back to the lot to start the next lap. This continues for the entire time "run jumping course" is queued.  It doesn't always have this problem when I queue it, but when it does, it persists the entire time "run jumping course" is queued.
     Pet obsession is back.  I got rid of my main family's cats because I got sick of them queuing the same damn  "let so and so sniff your hand" over and over. 

    Children can't ride.  I know, I's not a bug.  But it's so fucking stupid it might as well be.  Most riders begin when they're kids.  So what logical explanation does EAxis have other than utter laziness? They didn't want to make child versions of the animations, plain and simple.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Forcibly Summon "Missing" Sims? on: 2010 May 11, 22:28:55
Mary Lou is dead when the game starts, so there's one mystery solved.  How about going to the neighborhood screen and checking all the occupied houses?  It's entirely possible he moved out.  Dunno why he wouldn't show up though.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Quick question about updating on: 2010 May 09, 15:33:11
I remember being 12 on the internet.  I was petrified with fear at the thought of posting anything.  Instead, I searched and searched until I found my answer or I figured it out for myself.  Too bad if I can't feel any sympathy for you, but these days, the internet is too kid friendly and there's no reason why places geared towards ADULTS should change their ways to suit your needs.  Next time, think twice before posting.  Not all places on the internet are accepting of kids.

Edit: One more thing: Pescado has gained more respect from saving GOS's ass over the weekend than he lost from allowing his forum to patronize you.  For the record, since you're obviously a n00b, he also liberated Insim from Walt and runs PMBD aka the booty, just to name a few things.  Your feelings, compared to everything else, are trivial.  But like a typical 12, you think the world revolves around you, so I'm not surprised.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lighting problem outside. on: 2010 May 04, 01:43:52
Nothing should turn radioactive with even 10 lights in a room.  Everyday metal objects and shiny surfaces aren't that reflective, and seeing them that way is a nuisance to those who are complaining.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Lighting problem outside. on: 2010 May 04, 00:48:32
I don't understand the complaints about bloom. People seem to be under the impression that (and sometimes even have pictures of) bloom makes any and all objects glow like crazy.

But that is not true. It isn't even like tha tin game. The only things that glow are bright bright bright things and shiny metal things.

Wait...  if they have pictures of it, how can it not be true?  It's not like people are photoshopping evidence just to support this, or that all the people who claim to have this problem (myself included)  are imagining things. 
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat on: 2010 April 30, 14:39:41
You make fun of me because i am not as awesome as you but that is why i came to you for help.

I don't think anyone really cares how much you know about computer programming or sims modding;  it's actually your posting style that puts a target on your back.  The shift key isn't hard to use, and I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you know where its use is appropriate.  On MATY, something as simple as capitalization can make a world of difference regarding whether or not you're taken seriously.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 1.11/2.6/3.2 on: 2010 April 28, 22:17:38
Pescado is the arch-nemesis of TSR, do you REALLY think you're going to find your answer here?
Another thing, PMBD is your friend.
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Patch 1.11/2.6/3.2 on: 2010 April 20, 03:04:43
I am now removing any awesome mods I have because I do not support this kind
of ass line support system!

B-b-but why? You're the most important member here!  Without you using the mods, it will never be the same again! Cry Cry Cry
9  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Can't throw parties :( on: 2010 April 19, 04:37:27
On second thought, the OP said he/she didn't have any expansions, and inventories were introduced with NL.  I had forgotten that.  Undecided
10  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Can't throw parties :( on: 2010 April 18, 20:51:58
Do you download and install a lot of houses?

If so, and if what ritaxis suggested doesn't work (I would try her suggestion first), scan your folders anyway.  I remember having the phone jump bug many years ago and was confident it was not caused by hacks since I knew what I had and kept them in one directory.  Turns out an incompatible version of Pescado's phone hack found its way in through a house install that I didn't use the clean installer for.

I know you say you have no custom content, but it couldn't hurt to double check.
11  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Patch 1.11/2.6/3.2 on: 2010 April 18, 17:41:27
There's a post here that breaks down how the instructions might look to sheeple.  I don't know how accurate it is since I never had to use the instructions myself.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat on: 2010 April 18, 17:21:42
I use Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo! all the time.  It's not as time consuming if you use it in conjunction with Theo's delete sim tool.  All you need to do is use the batbox to prep a sim for delete as described in the thread.  Open up simpe when you're done playing, and go to your neighborhood browser.  Find the sims you prepped, and use the delete sim plug-in.  Instructions are given in the thread, so you can find more info there.  Just wanted to point this out because the plug-in isn't brought up until the back of the thread and the main instructions take you on the long route.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Delete townies without using the cheat on: 2010 April 17, 15:09:37
M'kay, might want to watch your spelling, it's kinda hard to figure out what you're saying in some cases.  Can you be more specific about which instructions you're following from which thread?  Saying "I read the threat[sic]" isn't clear, since you seem to be doing the wrong thing to begin with.

You probably need to do more research on what you're attempting. Generaly speaking, dropping characters into your neighborhood folder is a very bad thing.  If the thread didn't instruct you to do this, and you're acting of your own intuition, then stop.  You're getting in over your head.

I use the anti redundancy hack, no townie regen, etc. to keep my population from growing.  I then follow up with Deleted 2: Electric Boogaloo! to cull off the extras.  I didn't start from a clean template, so it might not be what you want.  What expansions do you have?

14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: The Aging Manager on: 2010 April 17, 00:56:50
Donations don't always mean 'charging', Gastfyr.  If  Buzzler gave the mod out as a "gift", then it would equate charging, but simply accepting donations isn't nearly the same thing.  Many free sites do this already, and the people donating get nothing in return other than the knowledge that they helped support something they like.  Don't confuse this with the other type of dontation sites... you know, the ones that are actually paysites.  They're the ones that go against the EULA.
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Patch 1.11/2.6/3.2 on: 2010 April 14, 21:26:57
But i am not stupid, why you think that? i asked a question and people have to be little kids

You can't even capitalize your 'i's. That's basic grade school knowledge right there, and you're not getting it.  What was that about not being stupid?
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: no woohoo on: 2010 April 14, 01:44:49
Now that I think about it... I remember making my barbie dolls have sex when I was a 6.  I saw it as what grown ups did when married; where babies came from.  I certainly didn't get aroused off of it - I was too young to care.  Honestly, I don't think many kids would.  Parents on the other hand are giving their kids too much credit to think they are seeing these things the same way adults do.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: no woohoo on: 2010 April 07, 17:13:14
I remember a Sims 2 hack that was something like this.  No woohoo, and instead, sims requested babies from a garden flamingo.

Jesus. That sounds more scarring than introducing your kid to the concept of sex.

That all depends on how you introduce it.  For me, it was an animated film called "Where Did I Come From?", which my mother thought would be an educational thing about babies.  The only scene I remember was the part where the man and woman were in bed.  It zoomed in on cat patterned bedsheets, and after a moment, the cats came to life and started going at it as well.  As the age of four 0, I didn't get it, but my mom was considerably abhorred.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: no woohoo on: 2010 April 07, 13:32:33
I remember a Sims 2 hack that was something like this.  No woohoo, and instead, sims requested babies from a garden flamingo.  Then there was the original Sims -  before Livin' Large.  Babies were made by kissing.

Hey, it's not my business what you expose your child to, but I have to ask, how much damage could be done?  Certainly they know what sex is, and since woohoo isn't graphic, how could it cause confusion?  Unless you've sheltered them THAT much, in which case, they don't need to be playing The Sims.
19  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: FFS Director's Cut: More Awesome Than You on: 2010 April 07, 04:14:36
Like Jack Rudd said, the version needed is the one for the most recent expansion pack you have.  AL is the most recent (Actually, M&G, if there's a version for that), not FT.
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Bodyshop Won't Load, Microsoft Error Message Shown Instead on: 2010 April 06, 16:31:01
Don't you have to install them in order?

It's recommended, but I doubt it's a must.  I had to reinstall certain ep's before, and I didn't have to uninstall every ep that came after it just to install the one I needed.  Way too much time for nothing.  If you're afraid it it will bork your hood, just back it up before trying.  Of course, this is only if you decide to install Uni later, since you seem to have solved the problem on your own without it.
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Bodyshop Won't Load, Microsoft Error Message Shown Instead on: 2010 April 06, 16:03:33
Not sure about the bodyshop thing, as there several things that could cause that.  You could probably install Uni without reinstalling any of the other packs, just to answer that question.  This means you wouldn't lose your sims. 

The boolprop thing... yeah.  That isn't causing the errors.  Boolprop testingcheatsenabled true is a debug mode used by the designers; it's set up to generate error messages for every little hiccup your game has.  If your getting errors with it on, you were certainly getting the same ones with it off, only without the message.  A lot of sheeple don't understand this, which is why they blame it for a lot of problems. 
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Meet the gardners.. on: 2010 April 05, 23:49:25
So, did all of these gardeners show up on the job at once, or is this just the summation of the gardener NPC's in your hood?  I can't tell exactly what's going on from the pic (other than a garden convention Tongue).
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch 3.2.8 on: 2010 April 04, 18:48:16
I just wanted to get your guys' opinions on it, but from the replies I've gotten, people here just seem narrow-minded.

Not narrow-minded; just fed up with all the redundant threads one has to dig through to find anything of real value on other forums.  We want to make sure Maty remains free of all that crap.  Didn't know any better?  Fine.  Read the rules and lurk.  Don't be a repeat offender.

Seriously, I'd be waiting quite a while getting an answer from EA, as you all already know. And, thanks, Drakron.

Yeah... I'm kinda with you on this.  My own experience with EA has been sucktastic.  Even when the response is timely, the advice isn't always relevant or practical. 
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Can a Pregnant Woman have her baby? on: 2010 April 04, 18:23:13
Well, you could always try it out and see.  There are hacks that allow you to have more than 8 sims, you know...
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game Shit Itself And Died on: 2010 April 03, 22:08:03
What program are you using?  If you don't already have it, download Malwarebytes. It's a very effective removal tool, and if whatever you have isn't cleaning the problem, it probably will.  I'd scan with it anyways, just in case it catches something the other program missed.
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