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1  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2009 July 30, 05:11:21
I hadn't been using FPS Limiter with 3Booter, then for the heck of it I typed "fps on" in the command console.   It was at that point that I had to pick my jaw up off the floor.  It seems that my computer is far better than TS3 needs... in the upper right hand corner it read 255.  Needless to say I am using FPS limiter now, even though the randomly visible FPS in the upper left corner is a bit annoying.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Install 1.3 update or not? on: 2009 July 28, 21:01:46
All in all, it's a good change, though I think a command to "unlock" a Sim family would be useful.  I know some people may switch to a non-played family for just a few seconds to see what's going on, but don't really care if that family later gets manipulated by the story engine if necessary.

If you don't care one way or the other what happens to them it isn't a big deal if they stay.  However, if they annoy you you can always encourage them to move out of town the old fashion way.  Mind you if you forget to get rid of the presents Grim leaves behind the next tennants of that home may not be very happy.
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: "Old Car Syndrome" crash FIX!!!! on: 2009 July 12, 01:59:29
I always loved the "I tried a billion different things to solve that problem and none of them worked, I finally <insert supposed fix here> and that solved the problem" solutions people claimed to have found.  The only problem with them is that it was probably a combination of all billion steps to fix the problem, if it was really fixed at all and not just biding its time waiting to strike when the user was resting on their laurels.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Using Aging Off/Story Mode Off - game takes 18 minutes to save on: 2009 July 08, 14:03:31
I'd guess the problem is simply the amount of data bloat involved. Try typing "therapture" into the console and seeing if the problem persists.
Pescado, that was ebil!  Grin
I just managed to kill my entire neighborhood, trying that! I do have story mode on, unlike the OP, but I have the 20 minutes save problem too after installing some custom content -- which also fails to show in the game anyway. Meh.

My father was a Pentecostal preacher, so I grew up in church listening to sermons about the end of the world.  I was reading this thread and read Pescado's post and started picturing a ragged street preacher shouting "The end is here!" when I reached the command "therapture".   Then I proceeded to the next post and realized that was exactly what happened when you use that command, minus the street preacher of course.

Thank you for the much needed laughter!
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 07, 03:28:36
There is now a AWESOMEMOD config setting that controls whether that is on.  It is disabled by default but you can change it with the AwesomeMod Configuration Tool.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Rummaging in front of the neighbors -- why don't they care? on: 2009 July 05, 04:06:23
That U.S. Supreme Court ruling was the issue of contention in one Law and Order program.  In order to get around the protection of garbage at the curb from "illegal search and seizure", the detectives on the show waited until the refuse was deposited in the back of the garbage truck before looking through it and collecting evidence which implicated the previous owner of the trash.  The defense contended that until the garbage had been deposited into the main hold of the garbage truck where it mixed with the trash from other houses it was still subject to protection from illegal search and seizure, thereby rendering the evidence inadmissable.   The judge ruled in favor of the defense.  While this was only a television show, the writers for this show often base the court rulings on actual rulings in cases that have gone to trial.  
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 02, 20:46:53
I am never going to make weird mpreg features, because, frankly, it is STUPID. However, I will cater to your weird desires to have create spawn from arbitrary sims regardless of incompatibility issues by allowing you to commission artificially incubated simu-drones at the Science Lab. May as well make those rabbit holes do something useful. Of course, there's a few caveats there, too: If, for some odd reason, you decide you want to create your artificially incubated simu-drone from two females, you will not be able to produce any males this way as none of the participants have any Y chromosomes to use to create a male with.

That is a very cool idea!  It would be neat if it took several days to incubate and could be the result of a single doner genetics as well for a true clone. 
8  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 July 01, 20:34:10
They are indeed supposed to go off to the bedroom to do it.  They'll even get impatient if the other one takes too long, and holler for them to join them.  It does get fairly easily queue-stomped though - Sims are apparently ADD when it comes to getting some.

Hey, don't blame this on ADD or ADHD!  I have ADHD and when I had the chance to get some... there wasn't anything short of the house catching on fire that would distract me.  Of course that was before my heart problems.  Now whenever a female even thinks of taking me for a test drive and finds out I have defective parts... she decides she wants a model that is still under warrenty. 
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Custom Clothing - Two Tone Sheer Tie Bikini - NWS on: 2009 June 30, 03:50:01
If someone can indicate how to do this with non skin tight clothing, such as skirts, this would be even sweeter. Because as you would expect due to the mesh, clearing parts of the alpha channel still leaves the big skin toned bell shape on the skirt. I TRIED to use the tutorial for meshing to correct and get rid of, but sadly the skirt like meshes i found in the massive list of alphanumeric stuff in the packages come with legs, and with my limited vertext skills, moving the skirt moves the legs and makes midgets or NBA players. I don't know how to seperate legs or reshape, just drag around vertex points. I'm sure there is a better way of doing it or a better mesh to mod. I thought in sims2 if you got the mask AND multiplier correct, the mesh wouldnt show up like that but all i get is big skin colored clothing Cheesy Any tips from the pros? I've mastered every other tutorial around and am ready to get back into my modding. Been out since sims2 and i was getting pretty good.

Thanks to EVERYONE for their hard work on this.

All skirt meshes come with legs, not just the ones you found.  There are shoe meshes, hair meshes, face meshes, lower body meshes (minus feet), upper body meshes (minus head) and full body meshes (minus the head and feet).  If you want to alter a skirt to be longer or shorter you have to alter the legs as well to make them the right shape below the skirt.  If you don't have the skill now, keep working on it.  Eventually, you will either learn how to do it or learn that you don't have the patience.  Either way you will have learned something important.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Wash your @#$%ing hands! No toilet geniuses! Some Toilet Mods on: 2009 June 29, 02:55:49
There is a lot to what jolrei says.  A normal person takes between 30 seconds to a minute to wash their hands IRL.  A sim takes 8 sim minutes to do this.  This means that your normal morning activities of wake up use the toilet, take a shower and piss off the carpool cuz you took so long to do those two things would take 8 sim minutes longer...  on a wasted activity since showering gets you cleaner than washing your hands.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Wash your @#$%ing hands! No toilet geniuses! Some Toilet Mods on: 2009 June 28, 21:09:04
If you really wanted to be that way, closing the lid has, statistically, not been shown to help at all because the lid does not seal airtight. What you SHOULD do is drop a plasma grenade in and run.

If you don't have a plasma grenade, a Willy Pete makes a good second choice.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 June 28, 01:16:39
Why would anyone come to the home of "MOAR FIGHT!!!" and pry for peace?

Isn't that sort of like going to E3 and asking for a moment of silence for the passing of Jack Thompson (we can dream).

On the other hand maybe prying for peace means using a crowbar to effect peace through superior firepower (since there aren't any weapons in TS3 yet a crowbar would be superior firepower until someone made a better weapon).
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 Anti-Piracy uses PACE? on: 2009 June 28, 00:59:25
CE disc version, retail - Dual boot - XP SP3 x32/Windows 7 RC x64

PACE is not installed on either loadout.

Checked the registry and nothing in there about it either.
14  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish on: 2009 June 27, 13:00:09
It seems I have misunderstood your presentation.  Originally I thought you were saying the config page should be redesigned.  However, from your last post I gathered that Stylish isn't something that has to be implemented by the site but rather something implemented by an individual.  That being the case, my observations were completely wrong.  I apologize for taking umbrage and speaking out of turn. 
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish on: 2009 June 27, 05:03:43
Then why the fuck are you at this website? Don't you take offense at the fact that there are mods here that change what EA made? Why don't you give Pescado the same shit you're giving Anach? Using your logic, he should make a new people simulator game from scratch because modifying the Sims is telling people "I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, but here's how you are supposed to do that." Roll Eyes

The fact that Anach posted a stylish script doesn't affect you AT ALL. He didn't tell Pescado to modify anything, he was simply offering something up for people to use.

Did Pescado go on the exchange and tell them they were doing it wrong?  Nope, he made a forum and posted his mods there.  I suggested that if the OP didn't like the site as Pescado designed it, he could make his own version to do what the config page did and host it himself.  Pescado didn't like the bugged version of the sims games so he fixed what he thought needed fixed and hosted his version. 
16  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish on: 2009 June 27, 03:35:56
Witch, I wasn't aiming for harsh, merely blunt.  Anach posted a suggestion which was commented on adversely by several people, including El Presidente.

I don't think anyone here is suggesting a change to the page.

However, that is exactly what is being suggested by the person who posted that.  When someone says "I'm not saying you're doing it wrong, but here's how you are supposed to do that" it doesn't sit well with me.  
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: jolrei pudding - bring some right here. on: 2009 June 27, 03:08:23
Thank you so very much, Madame Mim!  That was great, I needed that laugh.
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Config - Stylish on: 2009 June 27, 02:52:03
If you don't like what Pescado made, then make your own config page which will create the xml file and put it in a nice little package for you.
Then you can put out the money to pay for a forum somewhere else and post your neat colorful config tool which nobody here wants.
Function trumps the hell out of fashion.  We care that AWESOMEMOD works, that the config tool works and don't give a shit if the colors Pescado decided to use make your eyes bleed.  Heck, I wouldn't care if they made my eyes bleed... I don't plan on looking at them for hours on end, but rather just long enough to do what needs done.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Stuck cups on: 2009 June 27, 00:13:19
Is anyone else having a problem with hot beverage cups stuck to the hand? I've been resetting my sims, which puts the cup on the ground, but I'm wondering if the cappuccino maker is just buggy. I have NOT installed the patch yet - I'm waiting for the mods to catch up.

If EAxis made it then of course it is buggy.  As for mods catching up with the patch, THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE! And AWESOMEMOD has been updated to work with the pach.  So, why are are you still reading this post and not downloading the latest and greatest AWESOMEMOD?

If your game isn't AWESOME, then it isn't worth playing!  AWESOMEMOD!
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: types of gemstones? on: 2009 June 27, 00:01:07
I'm curious, what's the burial ground challenge?

The burial ground challenge sometimes pops up when you move a sim into a new house.  A pop-up appears that tells you that your house was built on a burial ground.  If you accept the challenge when it loads the lot it creates 3 tombstones with ghosts.  Next to each tombstone will be a gem of some sort, you can collect these.  A few minutes after you first load the lot a repoman will appear and ask if you want your ghosts busted.  If you say yes he will repo the tombstones and your ghosts will be gone, if you say no you have 3 npc ghosts who will haunt your lot till you get rid of them some other way.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Evil resource devourer and texture bug on: 2009 June 26, 07:09:11
I concur with minx on the two possibilities listed.  However, there is a third option, corrupted video drivers.  I would download the latest drivers for your video card and pray like hell they fix the problem unless you have the cash to replace the card. 
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Official Sims 3 Patch on: 2009 June 26, 07:03:44
J.M.Pescado has posted links in the,15185.0.html thread.  The last message (at the time of this post) has links and instructions for non-english versions of the patch.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: I Quit This Pudding Halfway Through on: 2009 June 26, 06:49:03
I call "fake" on the Perfectionist trait.  A perfectionist would never release a "not-looking-anything-like-its-creator" pudding.  A perfectionist would either perfect it, or release nothing.

You might have a very valid point there.

Unless of course the creator claimed to be releasing a perfect version of their imperfect self, aka sans-flaws.  Since with TS3 they could perfect what nature, or the plastic surgeon, screwed up.  Or at least as perfect a creation as can be formed with a pudding mold.

Though since he wasn't claiming to be releasing a perfected version of his imperfect self, I guess that observation isn't valid.  Which leaves us with your very valid point... he isn't a perfectionist.  Hence, you win. Wink
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / World of Puddings / Re: jolrei pudding - bring some right here. on: 2009 June 26, 06:37:36
Should not assign: Vegetarian, Childish, Clumsy, Commitment Issues, Vegetarian, Coward, Easily Impressed, Heavy Sleeper, Hydrophobic, Light Sleeper, Vegetarian, Loser, Unlucky, Mooch, Neurotic, Vegetarian, No Sense of Humor, Over Emotional, Slob, Technophobe, or Vegetarian.
I mentioned that he's NOT vegetarian, right?

I love that Smiley  If we weren't supposed to eat meat... it wouldn't taste so damn good!
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Poor Body Textures Outside of CAS on: 2009 June 25, 04:30:04
I may well be wrong here (I am still learning how to program graphics).  However, if I understand correctly the reason low end systems display blocky shadows is the size of the area illuminated by each ray computation for the light.  The larger the area of effect for each computation the fewer computations needed for each frame and the blockier the shadow.  The smaller the area illuminated by each ray computation the more gpu cycles used each frame and the slower the system will run, however, the more realistic the shadow.   The system has to calculate each "ray" of light and what it collides with.  In low end systems the rays are larger to reduce the lag.  However, with the larger the ray the more likely it is that part of a ray will hit an object which the system then interprets as blocking the ray and the next object in line gets shadow instead of light, even though it should have been lit.  This is why object lighting on low end systems is sometimes wonky.
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