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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Updater (v2.5.1 - Updated 03/08/2011) on: 2011 April 13, 14:33:51
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game won't load after installing the Awesome Mod. on: 2011 April 10, 06:23:47
@MadamMim - that is exactly the reason why I turn of AM's no-cd and go with NRAAS' mod, for the post-patch AM incompatibility, yes.

Anyway, as I said a few posts back, I got it working again by putting in a fresh copy&paste of the self-same framework I already had in place.  I have no idea why that worked, but it did.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game won't load after installing the Awesome Mod. on: 2011 April 05, 21:09:10
It's not redundant if you turn off No-CD in AM.  That's what I do, since the No-CD works with any patch level or ep/sp.

I do NOT know what I did wrong, nor why what I did fixed it, but it's working now.  Installing yesterday's AM (as opposed to the version previous, which was what I had downloaded on Sunday) still didn't fix the problem.  Finally, I deleted my framework, which had been a copy from my working backup from before I uninstalled the game, then I dropped a fresh copy of the SAME FRAMEWORK back into place again, and suddenly it's working now.  I just do not understand that.  Same framework, copied from the same source, no changes whatsoever, and now it's working again.  I'm just boggled.

Anyway, I'm thrilled to be able to play again with AwesomeMod in place.  :-)
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game won't load after installing the Awesome Mod. on: 2011 April 05, 16:02:25
I tried to edit my first post to add this information, but for some reason it wouldn't save the edits, so I had to wait for someone to reply, so I wouldn't get jumped on for double-posting.

My disks are all store-bought (my sister is the one who keeps paying for them, not me -- I borrow hers).  I downloaded all the patches from MTS (I never open the launcher, nor install the EADM).  My framework is:  'My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages', with my only Resource.cfg directly under 'Mods'.  The framework is correct, I'm afraid.  I have put nothing in the 'Program Files' directories except for 3booter and fpslimiter.  I do not have d3dx9_31.dll anywhere, as we don't need that anymore.

Before I uninstalled, I made a backup of my 'My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3' folders from my previously-working game.  Then, after uninstalling, I scoured the registry for any mention of TS3.  I defragged my hard drives twice each, both the one where the programs reside and the one where my 'My Documents' lives.  After re-installing,  I have not put in any CC, and have started with no mods except for the No Intro and the No CD, and have been testing my other mods one at a time.  Any other mod I put in place works - the game loads just fine.  Of course, I haven't tested many of them, yet, having only re-installed last night, but the ones I've put in work just fine, except for AM.  Whenever I put in AM, the game simply refuses to even reach the loading screen at all, even when using 3booter+fpslimiter instead of directly starting TS3EP03.exe.  I have deleted the cache files, which is my first line of troubleshooting.  My Resource.cfg file references 'Packages/', not 'Mods/Packages'.  It has five levels of 'Packages/*/*/*/*/*',because I have a lot of CC sorted out to be added later, so that's covered, too.  I've checked and double-checked, and tried everything I've learned by lurking here for years, and then I've triple-checked, and yes, I have searched.  I'm not the first one to feel that the search options for this board are pretty sucky, but I have searched.

Since it's never AM (because it never is, is it?), and since everything else is up-to-date, and since everything else is, apparently, correct, what am I missing?  I mean, I'll keep trying with fresh downloads of AM, but still ... what else should I be looking for?  What am I missing, here?
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Game won't load after installing the Awesome Mod. on: 2011 April 05, 04:37:46
I have a similar problem.  I'm running XP SP2, on a machine that used to have no issues at all with Sims 3.  I have a fresh install, fully patched, all eps and sps except for OLS, and a tried-and-working framework.  I currently only have NRAAS' No CD mod, and Rick's No Intro mod installed.  The game loads up fine with those in place.  However, when I drop in AM, the game refuses to even reach the loading screen.  It stalls out at the pre-loading, pre-intro black screen with the 'waiting' hourglass cursor, and hangs there doing absolutely nothing until I Ctrl-Alt-Del out of it and kill the process.

Other than tight pants (which I am not currently wearing), does anyone have any ideas what it could be?  If I have to wait for the next AM update, so be it, but I'll be utterly miserable playing vanilla until then.  I hope that warms the FOJ's cockles to know that.  AwesomeMod rocks my world, and doing without it is torture!
6  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Updater Revived (v1.7.1 - Updated 09/11/2010) on: 2010 September 12, 03:01:54
Hi.  I'm using the newest version of AwesomeMod Updater (v. 1.7.1, posted today).  I have followed the installation instructions, placing the wget.exe and unzip.exe files directly into the Windows directory.  My mods are installed the New Way and are working fine.  I'm running Windows XP SP2 (32-bit).  I have all the expansion packs and stuff packs, and am fully patched up to 4.3.

I keep getting errors, though.  The batch file correctly identifies my Documents folder, but then complains that the Mods folder is not there, when it clearly is.  Also, the batch file keeps complaining that it can't find the 64-bit registry locations ... which patently aren't there on a 32-bit OS.  

I have attached screenshots of both the DOS window running the batch file (with errors) and the directory tree showing the path to my AM installation (I downloaded it today, but the file date still says 9-7-2010).  I would be happy to provide you with any further information you need, if you can tell me how to find it.

Thank you!
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: How to place opened tent? on: 2010 February 06, 01:34:27
I second an upload into Pudding Factory, I suspect there are at least a good handful of people who would want them.

8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Working stoves on community lots? on: 2010 February 05, 21:28:39
Thank you ever so much, Pescado, for saying you'll look into it.  I am unworthy, and abase my nonawesome self in awe of your awesomeness.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Working stoves on community lots? on: 2010 February 04, 00:58:54
So, there is a way, then.  Thank you both, Pescado and Inge, for your wise words of wisdom on this subject.  I wish I had the capacity to implement them, but I am utterly, completely, and hopelessly non-awesome.  I've never been able to understand the Sims modding tools, no matter how many times I've read the tutorials and studied the programs (which has been a LOT of times!).

I do, however, know enough to put a fridge with the stove, yes.  All I can do is get quick-meals from the fridge, and can't cook anything at all, once the lot's been changed.

I know y'all are busy being awesome and having lives and stuff, but is there any plan to make community-enabled stoves or fridges, for those poor unfortunates who, like me, are incompetent and not to be trusted with the power of s3oc or other modding tools?
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Working stoves on community lots? on: 2010 February 01, 04:27:04
Okay, so by switching a lot type between residential and community, I was able to place a stove on what would become a community lot, and with the option in AM to keep items when switching between lot types, the stove stayed put, but there is no interaction available with the stove now that the lot it's on is a community lot.  In WA, though, the home-base (in China, at least) has workable stoves and fridges, and it appears to be a community lot.  Is there any known way, yet, of unlocking residential stoves or fridges for community lot use, as they seem to be in the China home-base hostel?

Also, does anyone know yet how to place open tents in community lots, so that sims can use them, like in the remote campsites in the World Adventures?
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: recipe books on: 2009 November 25, 05:04:36
Now, about getting those recipe books in the library with AM.  I have AM installed, with the 'recipe books in library' option enabled, and still have not seen a single recipe book in the library.  What else do I have to do to get them there?
12  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Please help - Sims2EP9.exe just QUITS seconds after starting. on: 2009 June 03, 20:00:39
I'm glad I asked for help, then, since others have also had this problem.  Thank you, everyone, for your comments!
13  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Please help - Sims2EP9.exe just QUITS seconds after starting. on: 2009 May 22, 17:00:17
I would first wonder about Securom. You didn't mention in your post if you were Securom-free, only that you are currently using a no-crack CD.

You did mention deleting the cache file and getting back in again, but you didn't mention if you had logged out and back in again with a fresh restart on your computer while looking for the annoyance/problem. So I might wonder if all the entering and exiting of the game might have been an issue.

So far as I am aware, I am SecureRom-free.  I rebuilt the system from a completely blank hard drive a couple of months ago, and have never since then started the game without the No-CD crack in place.  I have not installed other games, either, so there has been no source for SecureRom to be installed or activated on my system.

As for rebooting, yes, I had rebooted completely a few times, before thinking of deleting the groups.cache, and the reboots (full power-off/power-on reboot) had not helped.

As I said, I appreciate the ideas and thoughts.  :-)  Thank you very much!  If (when?!) it happens again, I will remember the groups.cache and see if that *is* the culprit.  :-D
14  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Please help - Sims2EP9.exe just QUITS seconds after starting. on: 2009 May 22, 15:33:58
It gives no logs.  It shows up for about three seconds on the Task Manager processes list, and then it vanishes without a trace.  It doesn't get into any visual screens for the game itself, at all, not even the annoying intro.  Half an hour ago, I was able to run it just fine, and I have not made any changes to my system or the registry files or anything, and now, suddenly, it simply will not run.

I have all eps and expansion packs, and am using the M&G no-cd crack from Reloaded, and like I said, it was running fine half an hour ago.  I've been going through my downloads, trying to find what is conflicting with Inge's winding stairs, so I've been doing a lot of re-starting of the game.

This is the second time that my game has spontaneously developed this problem.  Several weeks ago, it started doing (or NOT doing) the very same thing, just quitting bare seconds into running the process.  I tried re-installing it all, several times, but there were problems every time.  I eventually had to manually uninstall everything Sims 2-related, right down to manually cleaning the registry file for any mention of the thing, and then re-install, which I did only a few days ago.  Now it's acting up AGAIN.

Does anyone have any ideas of why the process would quit on starting?  

-edited to add:  I deleted groups.cache, and it ran again, but I don't know if that was the issue or not, so I'd still appreciate any ideas anyone might have.  Thank you!

15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Skintone filenames question on: 2006 September 07, 18:36:41
Or poppet, perhaps?
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Skintone filenames question on: 2006 September 07, 18:24:48
Toddler, okay.  Thank you!  Makes no sense, but thank you!   Grin
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Mesh request on: 2006 September 07, 17:14:04
I find myself in need of a few accessories for creating a very particular sim, and me with no meshing skills.  What I need is a shoulder holster, with and without a certain handgun, and also that particular handgun as a holdable prop, and a specific kind of sunglasses.  I can provide images to work from, of course.

Thank you in advance for any help from anyone!   Grin
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Skintone filenames question on: 2006 September 07, 17:05:16
Okay, so I'm venturing into the area of skinning, and I'm looking at the skintone files in the project folder.  I can identify all the skins by filename EXCEPT for the ones that start with 'pfm'.  What lifestage is the 'p' that both male and female adult sims can share, other than pregnancy?  Does that mean that pregnant sims have the same skinfile, no matter if they're male or female?

Thanks for any help you can give me here, or any poking, for that matter.  ;-)
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: System Restore? on: 2006 August 24, 20:08:55
My favorite way to restore my system to 'like new' is very simple.

format c:\

20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wow. What a no-life loser I am! on: 2006 April 29, 04:00:30
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April 28, 2006, 10:45:21 PM

Sad, innit?
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: is there a hack that on: 2006 April 28, 14:02:54
Oh yeah!  On-campus community lots DO keep time, I forgot.  I've always just popped my college sims over to Downtown lots for dates, for so long that I'd forgotten why.  Silly me!   Roll Eyes  When I was doing the Legacy, I sent my founder to Downtown and kept him at the spa for weeks on end, dating, eating hot dogs, downing espresso, showering, dating, working the espresso bar, dating, etc, before sending him back to the dorm to make his class.  I got him fifteen best friends in one downtown session, in his first semester.  Probably took more than a sim-month on that one lot.  (Whaddaya mean, it's time to wake up?  I haven't even been to bed yet!)
22  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: is there a hack that on: 2006 April 27, 14:31:48
You could also just take her on dates to community lots, where time isn't.  :-)
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: OBF - cooking the books on: 2006 April 21, 00:49:46
Amazing that you managed to misspell the acronym for "Open For Business" twice.  Roll Eyes

Regardless, yes, there are tons of bugs in OFB. Maxis probably will never fix them, so we gotta wait for JM or someone else to do it.

Huh.  And here all this time, I've been calling it Out For Blood!
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Wooohoooo! *boogies* on: 2006 April 13, 01:58:03
What I do is use Game Jackal  (you can google for it).  It's not free, but it's cheap, and what it basically does is record the anti-copy info off the CD and puts it into a profile.  That's all the computer needs your CD for, with OFB, anyway, is to read the 'yup, he bought it' info.  Game Jackal basically gives the computer permission to run the game.  You have to run OFB with the disk in once, so it can build the profile, and you have to run it any consecutive time through the Game Jackal shortcut you can create, but it's been working just fine with no CD for me.  WHEEE!
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Two versions of the game on: 2006 March 01, 14:21:17
Yeah, see, if I could figure out how to identify and export ONLY CERTAIN registry keys, then I'd be all set -- I could keep my programs installed on a different drive from C:, and when I re-install the OS again, I could just merge the tiny little .reg files into the system registry, and all my programs would still be set up the way *I* want them!  Ahhh, the time that would save!  But, as brave and foolhardy I can be about fiddling with my registry (after all, a full shred/install can be a FUN way to spend the weekend), I have not yet learned how to identify ALL the keys needed for the various programs.  <massive sigh>

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