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Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Platinum Aspiration Bypass (FreeTime)
on: 2008 March 09, 04:40:57
I think that's unrelated (although I haven't played enough to know for sure). Permaplat is indicated in a completely different sim flag field from the aspiration, unless EAxis moved it in FT.
It is entirely possible though that the game returning completely bogus aspriation info was blowing up some other code and my fix will correct all kinds of problems. It will fix bogus red marriage memories for non-romance sims among other things for sure.
ETA: On further review, I do think my fix will correct that (and the asp reward problems) too. The Aspiration - Get Level calls the 'Get aspiration' code that I fixed, so the bogus aspiration info was causing a bogus aspiration level to be returned.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sandcastle fix?
on: 2007 September 17, 23:37:44
After sandcastles 'expire' either 12 hours after being created or 2 hours after being destroyed the objects are sent 'off-world' but not deleted. This is not a huge issue on community lots where they are not saved, but on owned lots eventually sims will no longer be able to use the beach and will start complaining about routing issues. For any lot with a beach (that you can save) this is a critical bug.
The supposedly complex implementation simply forces all of the object's parts to follow the lead tile, which is where EAxis blew it.
Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Syberspunke Archives / Re: Testers Wanted: Move Out (Evict) Dormies *EXPERIMENTAL BETA*
on: 2007 September 02, 14:11:00
I wouldn't mind a hack that allowed some variation in the dormies upon re-use - which is what I hoped this hack might be able to do when I saw the title of the thread.
Well, TwoJeffs dormie gender controller does give you some control over that -- by varying the mix of male/female you can get some new dormies in. But it's my experience too that the same dormies tend to refill the now-empty dorm. I've only seen 'new' ones when I move a YA into a dorm that's never been played before. (I put 'new' in quotes because I can't say I've ever checked to see if the game made entirely new dormies, or just used existing ones that were previously just walk-bys.) The dorm controller always picks the lowest available neighbor ID for the new dormie so yes, you basically always end up with the same ones. This has been something I've wanted to randomize better with the Dormie Gender Controller for a long time. No time like the present I guess.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Buying a Monitor Need feedback!!!!
on: 2007 September 02, 13:07:54
I just purchased the LG one. PLEASE TELL ME I made a good decision lol.
I bought this same monitor about 2 months ago when my old CRT finally bit it and I love it. I've had no problems with my older dinosaur programs, they either get scaled, or they simply take up their little portion of the screen real estate.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: TWOJEFFS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING - Go here for the Triplets & Quads hack
on: 2007 July 26, 14:44:59
Thanks everyone.  It wouldn't do much good for JM to put a link in the newsbox or anything because right now my stuff isn't posted anywhere. However, that should change today. We were hoping to have the new site live last night but still have a few housekeeping things to finish up. We're just about ready and the gates should be thrown open sometime today. Here's the best link to use again: If you have a bookmark to the existing site that includes 'bluehost' you should change it. Those links will continue to go to the archived old forums and will not get you to the new forums once they're opened. The link I posted will always redirect to the correct place. Also, I wanted to mention that the new forums will require re-registration for everyone, so if you aren't registered yet I wouldn't bother until the new forum goes up. Registration is not required to download stuff though, only if you want to post. How can you tell if it's the new or old forum if you've never been there before? If you don't see my download forums visible and only see Inteen dowloads then it's still the old forum.  I was thinking after Two-Jeffs posted, his ACR is really very compatible with Jase's work, I hope we might see something really special come of this. That could happen, yes, but anything that might come of it would be quite a way's off.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Playable Pet Walkby Issues
on: 2007 July 26, 00:31:05
The problem is caused by Crammyboy's normal clothes mod. That thing hasn't been updated since 2005 and is NOT compatible with Petz and/or Seasons. It also horribly conflicts with the Visitor Controller, which does the same thing and IS updated for Petz.
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / TWOJEFFS HAS LEFT THE BUILDING - Go here for the Triplets & Quads hack
on: 2007 July 23, 22:38:38
Hi All, I just wanted to let everyone know that I've decided it's time for a change of scenery and I am moving to a new home on the Inteenimator site so that's where you'll be able to find all my mods from now on. It's been fun for the last two years, and I'll still be around MATY, just not as a contributor. I'm not going to get into specific reasons for the move, but I do want to point out that it has absolutely nothing to do with the recent dramas that have been going on over the last week or so. My decision had already been made before any of that even started. Jeff MOD EDIT: For fucking idiots who refuse to read the stickies in any forum whatsoever, let's make your search results be a little more relevant and hopefully turn up this thread: Triplets and Quads No Friends Needed For Careers No Friends Required For Careers Autonomous Casual Romance ACR Casual Romance CR
TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I object Podium
on: 2007 June 28, 03:48:20
Yes, this has been done. One of my very first hacks in fact. It's buried somewhere in the nether regions of Old Crap and called No play with teleprompter or some such thing.
And Free Will off is not something I'm a fan of at all. I find it immensely boring and uninteresting and only use it for set photographs or sometimes for hack testing but never when playing.
TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: The Compressorizer! Mass DBPF Compressing Program
on: 2007 May 14, 05:19:30
Were you just looking at the UI, or did you actually check the files? I noticed this in the UI while it was running also, but when I actually checked the files afterward, none were bigger after compression.
@ magicmoon: If the file is already compressed it won't hurt it if you run the program again and it will only process .package files so any other files in those folders are ignored.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: May "More Awful Than You": Buttugly Brokeass Furniture
on: 2007 May 04, 00:29:26
I thought bear's shat in the woods, not in a duck.  You know, the number of times Buntah has been nominated, Pescado should really think about instituting a lifetime achievement award...
Isn't that the truth! *cringes*  I was going to suggest the same thing last night. God that woman makes awful shite. June's contest needs to be to find a good item she's made. But that would be impossible to win. Buntah puts Carla Niven to shame in shear volume of tackiness, plus she's been doing this for'd think she'd get at least a little better with all the practice.
TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: Apr "More Awful Than You" CC Treasure Hunt: Whore Clothes
on: 2007 May 01, 23:59:15
Objections from the peanut gallery notwithstanding, kinderwhore was pretty much a lock all month. Nothing came close to being anywhere near as disturbing as SaraMK's submission of the booobkids.
Elderwhore kinda got ignored, not too many entries and I've seen a LOT of disgusting crap out there for elders. Have to agree with flowerchile that Diala's first submission (#44, p1) of the 'sexy' elder leather leather dress takes the cookie.
Ye Olde Simmes 2 Archives: Dead Creators / Ye Olde Crammyboye Archives / Re: Crammyboy's Penis
on: 2007 April 18, 18:43:16
I currently have the crammyboy cock mod file and the user texture file in my Downloads. I tried turning off and on SeeThem2 and even without the censor blur, there's no genital. Oh I've also tried with the cock controller file and the other two but still didn't work.  The user texture file is not required, but the other two are. You must have the CBOY_cock.package and CBOY_cock_controller.package both installed or you'll get nada.
TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Can I fix this?
on: 2007 April 01, 23:03:03
In the interaction bhavs as they stand, both fun and hunger are being assigned to the literal value of 28 (hex) regardless of where they started. If you just want to add 25 points for a bag of chips (or whatever), change the that to 'My motive hunger += Literal 19 (or whatever value you want to raise it by)'. I would nuke the add to fun completely or at least lower it drastically. I'm sorry, but buying a coke from a vending machine is not fun, especially a flat 40 point gain. You can advertise fun, but you don't have to actually give the sim any from the interaction.