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1  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Instruct in Hobby broken at level 10 enthusiasm? on: 2008 October 16, 21:07:40
Alright it still is broken but ive been toying with it a bit and my sim will get level 10 max out on nature and the other sim will have done something related to nature getting to at least level 1 in it but it wont allow me to instruct in hobby for nature and a couple others (as i mentioned in my original posting) There are 2 other hobbies this happens to but I forget what they are off hand, found it out tinkering with the hobby levels but nature is the trouble one my sims tend to be maxing often thus it becomes more immediately apparent for me.

If i use an enthusiasm mod hack (ie: interest adjuster module in insiminator) and tell it to set the hobby to 10 or just 'max hobby...' thing and suddenly it will work. For the life of me i cant figure ou why when my sims gain the hobby naturally they cant instruct but when i mod them via a cheat they suddenly can. I canceled out the entire queue of both sims to ensure that wont mess up the context of the menu (i noticed the interact without greeting hack doesnt show the full menu if the active sim is currently doing something so figured somthing similar might be acting up but nope.)

This happens both with and without hacks (still).... any one else having this problem or have any ideas on how to deal with it? So far using the interest adjuster is working fine but obviously i'd prefer to not need to rely on it not to mention who knows what else related to this is broken behind the scenes =/

Update: Music and Dance doesnt work right either.
2  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: The One Shiny: Autonomy Control on: 2008 October 15, 18:30:27
Looks great but i have one (probably stupid newbie type) question as far as clarifying by cat and by guid. If i proscribe a couch by category, then EVERYTHING inside the same category in the buy mode which is listed inside the couch sub-group is banned but if i do it by guid only that specific type of couch is banned? Similarly if i ban a computer by category it will also ban TVs since they are in the same sub-group of electronics > tv/computer?
3  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: how to place lots over bumpy terrain? on: 2008 October 14, 22:26:34
One thing you could do is take a 6x6 lot (or whatever the largest one is) and plop it down there and do the terrain how you like then assuming the lot you want to put there is smaller it will retain the topography left when you delete the 6x6 lot (when you nuke a lot only the building stuff is gone.... terrain is left completely alone) and you'll be left with a smaller lot inside the gorge or whatever you create. You can also place down multiple lots side by side and edit it how you like in a patchwork style. Edit one then place a NEW lot (wont alter the terrain you just made that way) overlapping where the old was and continue editing. You wont be able to extend the terrain outward away from the street using that (unless there is a road to attach the lots to of course) but it should do fine overall.
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Romantic greetings and departures between friends? This cant end well... on: 2008 October 14, 22:17:01
And for those following this thread instead of avidly watching the hack directory update thread like i've been.... romance mod is updated now! Let the power of awesome reign supreme!
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Apartment Life: Obligatory Hate/Love Topic on: 2008 October 14, 17:56:34
Nope.  Just do it the old fashioned way if you want to control everyone at once.  Make an apartment building, but leave it as a regular residential lot.

Also don't forget to put an authorized person only security in each 'apartment unit' to force them to stay out of each other's areas or theyh will treat it just like one big oddly divided house... not sure how to set it up to do that though (haven't used APO yet but it looks promising) You can also use the multiple owners myne  door hack which lets multiple people use the same myne door (forget where it is, i think MTS2) then just assign each sub--family to a different myne door and lock it. SimLogical has some nice stuff also for lockable doors. Not sure how up-to-date the site is though, i know a while back he shut it down due to not having time to keep up with keeping the hacks updated or something like that though... worth a look though.
6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Romantic greetings and departures between friends? This cant end well... on: 2008 October 14, 17:36:49
It happens when the sims in question have two bolts or more.  What's annoying is that when teens do it they'll get the First Kiss memory too.  So you've just wasted that special moment between two high school sweethearts on a fugly townie they bought home from school.

This has gotten crazier with AL.  What with all the "Greet" interactions happening on the community lots.  If they have bolts they'll greet with a Smooch instead of the usual handshake.  In my Pleasantview Don Lothario got snogged by four different women while out on a date.  And none of them were his date.  Tongue

Yeah that drives me nuts how slow dance always ends with a small peck which will trigger first kiss memory..... also how other sims who already had first kis will autonomously initiate make out or some one who hasnt..... usually isnt a biggie if i planned for them to any way but i like using 'first kiss' interaction specifically when it applies (with the exception of non-playables since you obviously cant initiate it on their end without shift+click - make selectible or some varien thereof)

As far as Don Lothario goes...... yeah i've had things like that happen, its why i rarely let my sims go auto-pilot on dates if it matters at all that they get a high score, they usually mess things up. Once i get them up to dream date i let'em go on their own while i tend to other sims though.... figure at that point if they screw it up they diverse it >=D

Sims generally have to be in the same room to catch a kiss or flirt to react with the slappage.  Woohoo seems to be the only thing that triggers lot wide telepathy.

Greeting gropes aren't romantic.  In at least they don't cause crushes/fall in love.  Or cause jealous reactions.

Yeah, I'm not sure if they can see through archways though.... I know they cant see through windows. Had those giant clear windows in and on one side a guy was gettin all flirty with the maid and on the other his wife was totally oblivious to the fact anything was going on (to make it even funnier she was actually doing the 'see rain' interaction looking out the window and didnt notice a thing! I so wish i remembered to take a screen cap of it, it looked like she was being all voyeuristic enjoying watching him make out with the maid >=D )

Its odd that smooching on greet doesnt cause jealousy... I did have one sim get a 'had affair with' memory from it o.O it wasn't a big deal though since it didn't go any where and they didn't get caught but i'm pretty sure if it generates the memory it'll generate jealousy still not sure what causes it to some times cause it and not...... regardless romantic greetings and goodbyes seem to be greatly reduced now thanks to the little patch earlier in this thread Smiley Only noticing it with sims who have love or engaged/married (although considering i had 8 sims visiting with another 8 on lot to begin with it was a bit hard to keep track of them all....surprisingly my computer only got a 1 second lag every 30 or so, thought for sure my comp would go BFBVFS over it esp with max everything but graphics detail on medium o.O)
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Green skin has to go on: 2008 October 14, 09:15:07
Ohhhh nice, i was starting to think i was the only one who *HATED* the cliche green witch skin for evil =/ always drove me crazy when i'd make an evil witch they'd get all nasty green, was expecting their cat summon to start bringing out the flying monkeys =/ (although actually summoning flying monkey minions could be pretty cool....)
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Romantic greetings and departures between friends? This cant end well... on: 2008 October 14, 09:10:26
First of all thanks for the link Marhis, its working great so far and no noticible messups (although i really should stop having house parties where a romance sim and 3 of her non-romance lovers are all in the same room..... eh well, they needed a little drama in thier lives any way, i spoil my sims way too much lol but hey, at least it wasnt caused by greetings/goodbyes!)

as far as the 3 bolt chem theory i've had it happen in the past with no bolts... just high relations but no history of romance between'em o.O sims seem too eager to get busy with one another.....thankfully woohoo isnt autonomous normally or we'd all be doomed with how sims are apparently telepathic when they are on the same lot x.X

Wouldn't be so bad if autonomous romance options were limited to sims who were currently on a date, in love (not just crush), engaged, or married since in those cases it would actually make well, expecting even the slightest bit of thought would be expecting too much from EAxis though i guess =/
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Romantic greetings and departures between friends? This cant end well... on: 2008 October 13, 20:00:37
So my sim greeted some one she invited over thats fine.... except they where 100/70 BFF status with no history of romantic relation with him and she greets him with the smooch interaction and now has a kissed sim for first time memory...... now it happened again with the same thing happening with a diff sim who is 70/34 with the sim who was leaving.

Here is some info abou the two sims incase it helps (im not sure a bout the visiting sim as they are townies/npc types)

Case 1) My sim is shy but high nice and playful. Knowledge with Family secondary. Full 100/100 love with another sim (its gonna become a disaster if this thing kicks in when her soon to be husband is around once she gets outa college)
Case 2) My sim is very shy (2 points in shy/outgoing) Knowledge with Romance secondary. the other sim was the good mascot but I'm not sure offhand what his specifics are.

In both cases I believe there was level 1 or more chem between the sims. If I select "say goodbye to" in case 2 (the only one i can reproduce since it was saved a few game-hours before it happened with the autonomous low-motive induced leave) they romantic kiss regardless if i have any hacks in or not...

At this rate my sims will have their relations turned into giant fireballs visible from space from kissing casual friends on greeting =(
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Instruct in Hobby broken at level 10 enthusiasm? on: 2008 October 05, 20:03:33
For some reason my sims can instruct in nature at level 9, but they hit level 10 and suddenly they no longer can...... drop to 9 and they can again o.O this also happens with a couple others but i don't remember which ones off hand (i think fitness?) One of the three this happens with i never get the instruct in... interaction at all at 9 or 10. this happens both with and without hacks. Usually by using insiminator's interest module I can fiddle with the hobby levels and eventually get it to work but im not really sure what causes it to start working vs why it doesn't work, probably some horribly mangled code as usual =/
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Playing AL without apartments: witches enough? on: 2008 October 05, 19:34:50
I can't say what is AL specific or not past the witches (i installed like 3 expansions all at once so im not sure what features are new from which pack) but the 2 things which have bothered me with witches are alignment and reagent. I wouldn't mind the reagent costs on creating objects since objects = physical thus need physical components of some sort.... but magic is magic no bloody alchemy thus it should at most have a motive drain. I already have hacks for no reagents and no alignment changes and no alignment requirements... The biggest trick is to avoid the temptation of having your infallibly good witch cast the population mood booster spell all the time to keep every one's motives up (kind of kills the challenge.... i personally only use it once per day usually in the morning or early afternoon depending on work schedules and such)

One big annoyance i have with it, and im not sure if this is a bug or intended, but I can't cast the chicken spirit spell on the evil mascot....keeps saying they are busy and should try again later even when i make the bugger selectable and have him walk from point A to B.... =/ Not sure about other harmful spells since my witch is max good (and havnt gotten a chance to play with no-alignment requirements yet, just got'em from a link earlier in this thread re-posted here for your convenience:,12918.0.html )

And since it was mentioned elsewhere in the thread about custom spells that would be pretty cool if any one was working on some and looking for ideas:

Curse with... (special status such as werewolf, vampire, or plantism)
Cure of... (same as above but remove status)
Water Plants (pretty obvious, all plants on the lot which NEED watering get watered)
Aspiration Boost (boosts sim's aspiration bar to max gold...max platinum seems a little too powerful)
Compel to... (exact same as influence to... but magical and thus no influence points needed, not to be confused with 'forced acceptance' spell which is already there)
Slay by... (kill them using any method you want with some sanity checks in death by satellite if they are inside for example)
Alien Abduction (again obvious, why just banish the sim when you can get them a free anal probe while you're at it? >=D )
Spirit Dog (because some prefer dogs over cats)
Love Sick for... (target instantly develops crush+love for selected sim on lot)
EM Storm (breaks all electronics on lot and causes all servos to freak out then break. If caster is a servo its immune.)
Summon Light (makes it daytime for the next 6 hours)
Summon Darkness (makes it night for the next 6 hours)
Summon Day Moon (Werewolves on lot transform even if daytime)

Spirit Transfer (kills caster via old age, target's memories, relations, gender bias, personality, and status as a playable sim (if cast on NPCs) become the same as the casters. Skills and Talent badges become whichever of the two is higher. Fitness, Job related items are left alone. Also because of the drain it would cause on the body and mind, all motives are nuked (similar to a failed usage of the motive booster aspiration item). I know i missed a few things of how they would swap but it should give a good idea of what i'm talking about) And yes, i realize this one would probably be ridiculously hard to do, just figured I'd toss it out there any way.

Philosopher's Stone - Aspiration Reward - 50k? (Lets you cast any spell from any alignment with 100% success regardless of you magic level or alignment. Non-witch sims may use it to become a witch. 5 charges. Backfire is it auto-fails the spell you tried as well as causing you to lose 2 magic skill, if you have 1 or less magic skill you also lose your witch/warlock status because you should not do magic that you do not understand)
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Sims are getting a 'caught cheating' memory with romancemod despite rejection on: 2008 October 05, 08:35:32
I have the romancemod which i assume is why they are rejecting the flirt action I had a 100/100 3rd party friend perform... the problem is that even though it was rejected both the receiver and the receiver's spouse get the 'caught cheating' memory... Also the giver of the flirt action had their 'flirt with sim' want satisfied rather than their 'rejected' fear...

I've tried it by itself and with my usual assortment of hacks and it behaves the same way in both cases. Also I'm using the romancemod from the AL hack directory not an out of date one. I have every expansion (haven't gotten around to installing any stuff packs though) so my guess is it used to work fine but one of the newer x-packs blew it up...
13  Awesomeware / Playsets & Toys / Re: Fruitbowl of Awesomeness: Death To All Nesses Edition on: 2007 July 06, 00:50:26
Awesomeness Smiley Only thing i can think of to make it better is the make/serve options direct the sim to go to the nearest juicer and auto-stock/make the juice.... I hate the juicer's horrid non-awesome laggy and clunky dialog >.< JFade's mod at least makes checking what is stocked in it more tolerable....

Maybe a mod for the juicer to allow similar nice stocking functions? Smiley (assuming you don't want to mess with this one for the auto juicing... if you do you could always change the current option to 'get enough for...' or something... just an idea Smiley)
14  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition on: 2006 February 11, 04:06:25
Although if it even just tracked in the same sub-hood it could be nice. Not sure if it does that or not downtown... doesnt for the uni lots like i said before. (seriously, is it just me or is 90% of the work in this game keeping lots reletivly in sync with each other?? o.O Maxis really needs to put in a counter in the household info screen like "This lot has been played for xxxx days" or something....)

Downtown lots dont really matter to me though, i only go there to buy cellphones and stuff and dates for my sims. Yet to use a single downtown residential lot so sync between main and DT isnt too important to me personally. (incase i'm missing something, is there any real advantage over the main neighborhood on residentials there? far as i know its just a 'incase you managed to fill up your main neighborhood some how' thing)
15  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Lot Sync Timer: All BlueSoups Suck Edition on: 2006 February 11, 02:04:01
Works great for me so far EXCEPT on dorm/greek lots. It doesnt let me manually set the time and such on dorm lots. Not really sure if it tracks the time properly on dorm lots for that matter. Works fine in the standard neighborhood lots though so far.

Once i 'install for family' on a greek house/dorm lot it only gives me the 'list' option instead of the usual ability to choose + or - days and such so not sure if it is by design, bug, or just some quirky (and knowing them, probably broken) way maxis does the time on uni lots causing problems...

Awesome mod otherwise though - as usual.
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