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1  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2016 May 22, 08:08:49
Yeah, I feel kind of idiotic now, I'll admit. I had this impression that I might as well get the fucking update over with since it was inevitably going to be forced down my throat anyway. I guess I should have fought harder. Where was Witch's link two weeks ago!

Oh well.

Going to try to reinstall fps limiter and awesomemod updater from scratch, see what happens. I'm guessing either of them is hosted at dropbox and that's why it wants to call? Still makes no sense to ask for all sorts of verification and whatnot. It's hardly state secrets being transferred here.
2  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2016 May 21, 15:37:52
That's a very good question. I'm glad you asked it.



Any other questions?

Bad jokes aside, I have no idea. Until this week, fps limiter and AwesomeMod updater just did their thing, spawned a couple of console windows, fetched updates if they needed them, and just...did their thing. I haven't changed anything except upgrading to Windows 10.

Maybe I should have followed my gut instinct and refused to do that. :/
3  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2016 May 19, 11:47:35
Start the game via the updater as usual. The message changed recently -- I am trying to determine if the issue is on my end or dropbox'.
4  Awesomeware / Armoire of Invincibility / Re: TOOL: 3Booter, the Incooperative Game Kicker on: 2016 May 18, 09:21:14
I am not a native speaker and this is too gibberish for me. Does anyone feel like helping translate it into English so I can find out what I'm doing wrong?

Checking for updates...
ERROR: cannot verify's certificate, issued by `/C=US/ST=Arizona/L=Scottsdale/, Inc./OU= Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2':
  Unable to locally verify the issuer's authority.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-certificate'.
Unable to establish SSL connection.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: WA China tomb bug on: 2016 April 15, 10:07:13
Hmm, I don't seem to be able to right-click to any effect. Possibly because this brings up the adventure journal, rather than work like a normal opportunity. The zeneport thing works like a charm, though!
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / WA China tomb bug on: 2016 April 15, 09:08:45
Many-lots of googling tells me that if Pangu's Axe goes missing when not in build mode inside the Temple of Heaven then I'm just screwed because a more recent patch broke that expansion, sucks to be me. Getting an axe anyway is no problem with cheats -- but finishing the adventure to search for the axe and find it in the temple, that's no longer possible.

Does anyone know of a way to either un-break the tomb, making the axe visible for grabbage (preferred) or a way to nuke the adventure opportunity from the adventure journal so that the sim at least can do other adventures in China?
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Los Aniegos Island Paradise download on: 2016 April 02, 13:51:39
Many thanks!
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Los Aniegos Island Paradise download on: 2016 April 01, 11:26:59
I really want a go at Coasterboi's Los Aniegos, the Island Paradise edition -- but the only version I can find is hosted on the official EA site, and for various reasons involving feeling ripped off about Simcity and Sims 4, I am not going to pay for a registration code so I can download somebody else's free product from there.

Does anyone have this world stored or know of a place where it can be downloaded from, pretty please?
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2015 October 22, 07:46:28
I have the most bizarre bug -- the game clock freezes at some random time in the game (not the infamous XX.59, any random moment) and everything else just goes on working. Needless to say this means that anything that calls the clock, such as work hours and school, aren't called.

I haven't installed anything new for ages, and my game usually runs smoothly. Does anyone know of a fix besides quitting and restarting? It seems to be semi-frequent and I can't be bothered to restart every other half hour. I did switch to one of My Sim Realty's new worlds, that's the only recent change in my setup, really.

Once exiting the game to the main menu, I inevitably get this error message:

Sims3.SimIFace.ResetException: Exception of type 3 Sims3.SimIFace.ResetException was thrown.

I have no idea what that means, but perhaps somebody more coderific has an idea?
10  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 08, 12:52:18
That makes me want a way to set played households to no longer be considered played. That way, I can return a family to the townie pool when I tire of it, instead of having it sit around forever.
11  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 07, 21:54:45
The not-cleaning-up-after-self issue is especially annoying in my opinion. I've seen Sims put dishes down anywhere except the sink, including in bookcases. To get them to clean up, I often have to stack "Clean Up" commands two- or three-deep, as usually they'll complain of route failure at least once. (True, the Hand of God does work, but even in TS3 I use an Always Wash Dishes mod.)

Complaining of route failure when none should exist plagues gardening also. "Water" works OK and the Sim in question will usually water all plants that need it, but then will complain of route failure for "Weed," "Harvest (or Harvest All)", or "Evolve" when there are multiple free tiles surrounding the planter in all directions.

That's very strange. I haven't seen much route failure complaining at all except that one time I accidentally dropped a fossil in front of a door in a one exit only room. I am not particularly generous with space, either, I like my houses small and compact. I wonder if it could somehow be some bizarre memory thing?
12  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 07, 17:07:40
The put away all books action needs to be streamlined. If there are five books on a table, the sim makes five trips between table and bookcase to put them away. It took one sim four sims hours to refill the bookcase.

I miss automatic hand of god.

The automatic hand of god still exists. You can still drag and drop items just like in S3.
13  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 07, 10:08:32
kill the notice board - or run it as a ticker tape - or (at the very least) make things you 'x' out not go to the board. If you play with it open it takes up too much room and if you play with it shut it eventually fills up and you need to empty it.

You don't need to empty it. New messages will just replace the oldest.
14  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 05, 16:26:22
Am I the only one that wants the repo man back my sims can't afford these out outrageously high bills. I understand its more real to life but I am about not to care if the water and power get shut off. They don't make enough in the jobs to afford to live anywhere apparently

Apparently the idea is that you need to go out and collect stuff to sell in order to be able to save up funds to move. I managed, but it took three weeks before my sim couple was earning enough dough to pay the rent and start getting better stuff. Some adjustment may indeed be viable.
15  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Emotion triggers on: 2014 September 05, 09:52:26
The various 'gnome' trophies from digging all give Playful bonus.

Emotional paintings are really powerful emotion inducers as well.
16  TS4: The Pee-ening / Insert Amusing Name Here / Re: Sims 4 Annoyance & Problem Thread. on: 2014 September 05, 09:50:26
  • An option to turn off the tutorial tips would be nice, indeed.
  • A curbstomp to musical chairs, i.e. the Sims switching chairs repeatedly in order to be closer to each other when talking. Close is good, switching chairs eight times only to end up where you started is ridiculous.
  • Better control of townie population: I am seeing the town being filled up with a lot of elders, but that's not going to help me much when I need to find a potential wife for a sim. Randomization would be nice -- let's see some members of all age groups move in as family units, maybe.
  • Speaking of townie control, I would also like to not have very overweight being the apparent default for townies spawning. I know it's probably realistic in some parts of Murrica, but...
  • An easy way in-game to flag clothing as inappropriate for random spawning on townies (if that already exists, I can't find it at least). I really don't need to see the sombrero of shame or wassitscalled on every other townie.
  • An option to turn off the sparkles on foods and flowers would be nice. That really annoys some players, I've noticed.
  • Less queue-dropping. Get up at 3am to complain that you need to pee? No. Go pee, you idiot.
  • A food spoil mood. I understand that food rottage is no longer dependent on the fridge quality, but seriously, whatever happened to freezing food? I want to be able to cook for a few days ahead.
  • Cut down on gardening time. It can't take -all- day to weed and water eight plants.
  • Better choice of bathrooms. If I have two bathrooms you don't need to walk in on your kid every damn time he takes a bath, you perv.
  • No matter how energized my kid is when he goes to school, he never manages to meet the attend school while energized requirement for a higher grade.
  • Can't quite tell yet if this is required, but I bet it is: A mod to prevent sims from reading the same book over and over.
  • Dafuq? Get married to boyfriend, name does not change for either?
  • Upon death, inventory needs to be transferred to a living relative. Burning all remaining aspiration points on potions only to have them disappear into the urn kind of sucks.
  • Guy sees his dad and friend die, and grieves for two days. Wife is at work when mum and friend dies and thus does not grieve. Sense, there is little.
  • The coffee machine needs give a higher energy boost. At the moment it costs more energy to make and drink coffee than you gain from doing it.
  • Gardening is a pain in the backside. We really need a garden sprinkler or the like, so we can at least water a bunch of plants at one time. As it stands, the only way to keep gardening sane is to splice pretty much everything into one tree.
  • Socialising at work builds social need but does not introduce you to people. We seriously needs some kind of fix in this regard, particularly for the kids in school.
  • Excercise away and a female sim will get ripped and toned -- and stay fatter for every day. There has to be something wrong in the formula somewhere. Males stay thin -- and women get fat no matter what they do. A sixpack over a belly the size of a hippo looks very odd.

On the wishlist:

  • Normal careers. A mod along the lines of Nraas' career mod for Sims 3, that allows people to create custom careers. I don't want to be a rocket scientist or a space pirate, I want to be an accountant.
  • A mod to slow down time. I want longer days, longer nights. Too accustomed to playing with Nraas' time slow thing, days go past before I know what hit me!

That's it from me at the moment. Will edit to add if I notice other blatant infractions. On the whole though, less horribly broke from start than I feared.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Into The Future Thread of Joy and Woe. on: 2013 November 21, 21:28:56
For fucks' sake people! Take your fucking mods out and start a new game. Add half your mods, if there are issues, remove them a half at a time until the problem is resolved. It's not fucking rocket surgery.

Have a similar supposedly idiot proof solution for those who did that, yet still can't get past the crash to desktop at the loading screen? I have zero custom content installed, all patched up, everything checking out. Except that it doesn't work.

Edit: Turns out there is a fix that I was not aware of, which Mim pointed at in another thread:,22681.msg603188.html#msg603188
18  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2013 June 29, 20:16:38
Hrm, looks like I posted in the wrong spot before. Go me, clueless idiot, etc.

Anyhow, using the test version of 1.55, it seems Build and Buy both get greyed out.  AM is the only thing I installed on top of an otherwise functional install.
19  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Extended Life for 1.50 on: 2013 June 29, 20:11:33
Yes, you are. The game is now at 1.55. You need to either grab the test version of AM or stop using AM until a final 1.55 version is out.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Piss and Moan about IP thread on: 2013 June 27, 08:59:41
Mm-hmm. Followed procedure, sorry. Doesn't change the fact that IP has major routing issues and glitches.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Piss and Moan about IP thread on: 2013 June 27, 07:15:50
Routing errors, lag, odd glitches, horrible infrastructure, bah, boo, hiss.

There, I feel better now.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't load dorms (University Life) on: 2013 March 16, 08:26:43
Was waiting for Nraas', mostly. Now he's updated most and fixed most glitches, but oddly enough, I still can't get any housing options in Universityland besides renting a house. Still hunting for conflicts although to be fair, it's not a big deal.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't load dorms (University Life) on: 2013 March 08, 20:19:06
University is a glitchy nightmare still. I can load it fine but not place my sim into dorms -- only get the option to rent a house. I'm sure that once all the mods are up to date and whatnot, this will be better.

Why are you trying to run the game with outdated cc?  That's like flattening your tires so you can complain about how poorly your car handles.

Because it's the only glitch bothering me as it is, and I am not sending anyone to Uni at the moment. Thus, I can wait for Twallan and El Presidente to get done fiddling without any need to panic. I was pointing out to the person above that several 'essential' mods are still not in their final versions, not bawling about my own little problem.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Can't load dorms (University Life) on: 2013 March 08, 13:45:11
University is a glitchy nightmare still. I can load it fine but not place my sim into dorms -- only get the option to rent a house. I'm sure that once all the mods are up to date and whatnot, this will be better.

If you're using any of Nraas' mods, notice that parts of StoryProgression is broken.
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: New Patch 1.50 on: 2013 March 06, 02:44:21
Make sure your Origin is updated, then try again.

Aye, tried installing the thing to begin with, to see if that was the issue -- at which point everything pretty much exploded. Going to do a clean install of everything now -- don't think I want to poke this pile of corrupt data with a stick.
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