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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter L on: 2011 June 07, 00:42:46
Is your sim also incontinent?

Probably.  If you'll recall, the Vole wanted you to enable father-son incest for his sims, so a little bladder control problem is probably the least of that kid's psychological problems.

He could avoided all the grief he gets for this if he had just downloaded Twallan's mod. Though, maybe it didn't have the incest option yet.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck on: 2011 June 06, 05:11:41
Try updating Awesomemod via the updater tool thingy. The test version is available there.

Ah, okay. When someone said it was updated, I thought they were talking about the usual download thread. Thanks.

Tried all 3 AwesomeMod download mirrors just minutes ago, but each one tells me the versions are mismatched. *shrug* The Launcher tells me my game is fully up to date. It's version
Then something is wrong, because you should be patched up to 1.22/2.14/4.7/6.2/8.0.

Eh, I don't know. Couldn't my version just be different because I don't have Generations or any of the stuff packs? I noticed it did a tiny patch update again right after I installed Late Nite today.
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck on: 2011 June 06, 00:52:44
Tried all 3 AwesomeMod download mirrors just minutes ago, but each one tells me the versions are mismatched. *shrug* The Launcher tells me my game is fully up to date. It's version
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Generations: What Sucks, What's Fucked, and What Did EA Get Right by Utter Luck on: 2011 June 05, 03:25:59
Ironically, I just bough WA yesterday because it was on sale (at the same time I was buying Late Nite and looking at the Generations box thinking: Has it really been that long already?). I decided not to buy it because I wanted the modders to have time to play catch up. Then, today I had a flagrant retard moment and updated my game. *facepalm* Now photography is broken, one day after getting it. On the bright side, a quick google search reveals that several people have gotten this same bug right after Generations/patching, so hopefully it will be fixed in a timely fashion. *le sigh*

On the other hand, customizing ages is awesome. So is the buy/build filter for ex-packs. Memories for going to the grocery store is just plain weird.

P.S. Look! I'm still alive after all!
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Rummaging in front of the neighbors -- why don't they care? on: 2009 July 01, 07:28:04
Actually, trash, once put on the curb becomes public, so the police would probably not do anything since they can legally go through your trash for evidence without a warrant.  Yet it would seem that if caught doing it by the sim that lives there, I would think they would say something.

There is a crime called theft by finding in Australia, I'm fairly certain that there are similar laws in the U.S. and the U.K. It is illegal to take something from the street and claim it as your own, you are required to submit the items to the police, so the owner has a chance to claim them. You may claim them if the owner does not attempt to make contact with the police after a set period of time.

In the U.S., if your trash is no longer on your property, it is no longer your property. You cannot steal what isn't owned. You can only 'liberate' it. There's also a saying, "One man's trash is another man's treasure".. It never says anything about the poor guy getting tossed in jail.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Broken Opportunity on: 2009 June 17, 06:11:48
Okay.. I generated a new config with the robotic hand disabled. I used the same sim, and same food. I dropped it into her inventory and left it for a few game hours.. It's safe and sound, so it would appear that the overzealous hand is the cause.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Broken Opportunity on: 2009 June 17, 04:37:47
Well.. first, I dragged the plates onto her icon on the side, which is a quick way to drop things into the inventory.. I didn't navigate into her inventory at all until I clicked on the school and realized that the deliver cookies option was greyed out. If you hover over it a moment, it tells you why it's greyed out. It said that I didn't have the meals in my inventory. I looked, and sure enough, it was empty. So, I made another plate and dragged it directly into her inventory window, and it vanished before my eyes within a couple seconds. At that point, I said "fuck this" and canceled the opportunity.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Broken Opportunity on: 2009 June 17, 04:13:59
I can't remember the exact name of the Opportunity, but it's the one for cooking from the school. It tells you to prepare two group meals of cookies then bring them to the school for the bake sale. Every time I tried to put the cookies in my sims' inventory, they'd vanish.. After making 3 or 4 plates of cookies I gave up and decided it was completely borked.
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Oops, I broke it! FrameworkWTF!? [Important for Spore players!] on: 2009 June 07, 16:25:17
Framework TOOL? We have a framework TOOL now? Who made that?

I don't know Pescado, I'm blaming it on a brain fart. I must have been thinking about the Recompressor on a subconscious level. Although if it can seek out and grab misplaced .packages than it IS partially a tool. So, nyeh.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Oops, I broke it! FrameworkWTF!? on: 2009 June 07, 13:00:29
All the caches?.. Okay, I'll try that.. I didn't read the whole thread, just the instruction post and readme. Thanks.

Edit/Update: Purged caches, game loads.. Problem fixed. Nevertheless, all Spore players who like mods should beware! Check your FrameworkWTF!? Mods folder for hijacked Spore mods!
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Oops, I broke it! FrameworkWTF!? [Important for Spore players!] on: 2009 June 07, 12:41:51
Actually, I didn't. I already fixed it, but here's my FrameworkWTF!? story. I downloaded the Framework tool so that I could have AwesomeMods. I installed into my TS3 folder as directed, then installed the AwesomeMod in the Mods/Packages folder. Start up the game, and it crashes to desktop while loading... Hoping it's a fluke, I cross my fingers and try to run it again. The same thing happens, so I pull out everything I just put in and run it again. It loads perfectly. Desperate for AwesomeMods, I alt-tab out of the game to investigate. I reread the instructions, and recheck where I had put everything. When I go to recheck where I had placed AwesomeMods, I stumble upon the most dumbfounding thing ever. FrameworkWTF!? stole my Spore mods and placed them into the FrameworkWTF!? Mods folder.

Apparently FrameworkWTF!? tries to find misplaced mod packages? This is the only thing I can gather, since Spore and TS3 both share the Electronic Arts folder by default, and the file type is the same. While I commend FrameworkWTF!? for trying to make-up for human stupidity, it obviously fails by creating its own stupidity instead.

Now I have to go look up where Spore mods actually belong, because it's been so long since I downloaded any mods for it that I no longer remember. Still, does this mean FrameworkWTF!? is going to steal them every time I load the game?

1st Edit: Nope.. I borked it. I put it all back in the TS3 folder sans Spore mods and it began crashing while loading again. Here I thought the game must have been trying to read the Spore mods and died. Am I putting it in the wrong place? WTF?

2nd Edit: BTW I did delete the scriptcache while installing. So, it's not that.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Share pix / vidz of THE HORROR here on: 2009 June 02, 05:44:00
This opinion is kinda late, but whatever... I think the rock drawings are a story, but it just doesn't click with most of us because we're so left-to-right oriented. I think it depicts the sims starting out as monkeys, as seen on the right, then the aliens zapping them into sims. Anyway, the monkeys are facing left, then the sims are running left, which is why I think the 'story' runs from right-to-left. Some of the alien conspiracy theorists think that our evolution was influenced by aliens, so I think that's what this is making fun of.
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Burial Grounds (Dead Girls Don't Say No) on: 2009 May 31, 08:37:28
Mmm. Rats. Free food!

Stick to your hydroponic potatoes... The rats are mine.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Burial Grounds (Dead Girls Don't Say No) on: 2009 May 31, 04:16:27
I have also gotten "Squatters have lived her before you came!" Which resulted in cockroaches, rats and garbage everywhere!  I tried to get it again by moving a family in a million times and haven't gotten any of them since Sad I'm thinking it is random.

The rats were really neat, that would be great if they came like the cockroaches do.

Rats? That's pretty awesome.. I'm assuming you failed to take a screenshot, otherwise you would have supplied it with your post. Dare I ask what the interaction options with the rats were? "Shoo" or some such?
15  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 31, 03:40:10
Arguing about the quality of paintings I posted is pointless.

Well... You kinda made it the point when you used them for your argument that the Sims 3 paintings were crap, but apparently I digress. Sims 2 paintings merely being screenshots always defeated the purpose of having sim "paintings" for me.
16  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 31, 02:57:53
Some people will think I'm crazy, but I actually prefer that third picture sanmonroe gave. At least it has some personality! Granted, it's amazing that the first artist is able to make a digital painting that looks exactly like a photograph, but making a painting that looks exactly like a photograph is pointless. You may as well just take an actual picture, and call it a day. Not to mention, in order for such artists to make those pieces they need a photograph of it first, which makes the whole situation redundant. I'd rather have imperfect creativity than robot-like perfection any day.

Aside from that rant, I would actually prefer to see diverse filter effects for sim paintings. I think it'd be pretty spiffy to see a sim using pointillism, a charcoal effect, ect.

Thats not a digitally made photo. That was done by hand by three guys.

It may not be high art, but it shows that when you want to hand paint something realistic, even burn out hippies with an airgun can do so.

I see now that it is in traditional media, so that was my mistake. However, I don't think that you understand what I meant by a digital painting. "Digitally made photo" implies something rather different, so I feel the need to explain. Painting on a canvas, and using a stylus to paint inside an art program both take equal amounts of skill. The weaknesses and strengths of the mediums are different, though. Thanks for the correction, but it doesn't actually change anything about my argument. A boring ass painting, is a boring ass painting, no matter which medium was used. Your last example in a separate post was a much better example of your point, but guess what? It's still not perfect realism.. The artist is still using a lot of impressionistic elements to influence the feel of the painting. This can mostly be seen in the background, and in the exaggerated light and darkness to draw your eye to certain details. I totally agree that the painting filters in the Sims 3 leave much to be desired, but I respect what they were trying to achieve. If the sim paintings were merely screenshots slapped onto a canvas, then you may as well have taken a screenshot and called it a day.
17  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 30, 21:13:20
Some people will think I'm crazy, but I actually prefer that third picture sanmonroe gave. At least it has some personality! Granted, it's amazing that the first artist is able to make a digital painting that looks exactly like a photograph, but making a painting that looks exactly like a photograph is pointless. You may as well just take an actual picture, and call it a day. Not to mention, in order for such artists to make those pieces they need a photograph of it first, which makes the whole situation redundant. I'd rather have imperfect creativity than robot-like perfection any day.

Aside from that rant, I would actually prefer to see diverse filter effects for sim paintings. I think it'd be pretty spiffy to see a sim using pointillism, a charcoal effect, ect.
18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 29, 18:00:17
Merle, I've seen that and the forum posts, but I think the "EA assistance" is rumor, one that TSR is encouraging. That's why I asked for details--I've seen people rumbling about it but no one explaining *why* they're rumbling. If TSR and EA *actually* had a deal, wouldn't TSR be shouting this from the rooftops rather than coyly alluding to their 'time at EA Redwood' (as though they were the only ones there, on a special intimate date)?

From what I understand--and this is also hearsay--EA is trying to lock down all custom content anyway, via Store/Exchange. Or are we assuming they will make an exception for just one third-party site and expect it not to cause the biggest shitstorm the game has ever seen?

I feel like I must still be missing crucial pieces of this whole thing, so maybe no one really knows for sure.

Sorry for any redundancy, it's almost sleepy-time for me. Basically, I think people suspect EAxis has helped TSR in the creation of the tool because they are able to program this WITHOUT actually having the game. If you think about that a moment, it is... a tad odd. However, I think they simply gathered information at the Creator's Camp to get themselves started in the right direction, and perhaps some Maxoids encouraged it by answering a few questions.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: OK, so why would I want this mess? on: 2009 May 29, 17:43:34
EA has given TSR some sort of perk which has allowed them to make their own content creator. (Which accounts for a good chunk of the remaining 19.56% of the reason I'm avoiding this turd.)

While I suspect this thread will be nuked, I'm curious exactly why you think the above is true.

From this: "Welcome to The Sims 3 Workshop

"The Sims 3 Workshop" is a Custom Content Tool developed by The Sims Resource for use with The Sims 3. Our goal is to give artists the same level of freedom to create new content for Sims 3 as they could for Sims 2, including new objects, clothing, hair etc.

Development of the tool started as soon as we returned from our week at EA in January for the Creator Camp. Since then we have made good progress with the tool, especially in the areas of importing and editing in a 3D environment, and splitting creations into channels to allow for items to be fully compatible with "Create a Style" in the game.

Our development will be quite public, inviting support and input not only from our staff artists but from the entire community. We plan to provide a plug-in compatible environment and encourage others to help make the Workshop a useful and productive tool for both artists and players alike.

"The Sims 3 Workshop" is being developed professionally and as such will have an EULA which will be flexible enough to protect artists work while allowing creations to be distributed via any means, be it free, donation or subscriber/pay.

For the latest development info check out the News & Updates page, to join in with technical or process discussions, visit our Workshop Forums."

On here:

Although they do not say anything about EAxis helping them, the rumor is that EAxis is assisting them somehow.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Choosing Sex of Babies on: 2009 May 29, 17:00:44
Yes, but as Hook noted, it is a mystery why melons would be associated with females.   Roll Eyes

Well, 'melons' are one of the many slang words used for breasts in the U.S.. I can't vouch for other English speaking countries. Watermelons would be pushing that concept a bit though.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 May 29, 16:57:14

Hooray! This noob brings us gay pronreaux! I vote we keep this one.

Aforementioned noob does appear to have some authority on gay pr0n, which is a highly marketable skill of course.. It would behoove us to accept him into the fold.

Zucabr is not actually a n00b.

Name:  Zucabr
Posts:  13 (0.013 per day)
Position:  Asinine Airhead
Date Registered:  06-10-2006, 06:43:51
Last Active:  Today at 02:44:17

First post was 12 days after registration. All posts appear to have been grammatical and either constructive or humorous or both. Now he also provides pr0n.

Looks like we already kept him.

You certainly do your homework. My apologies to the not-a-noob, then. Clearly Zucabr is an even more skilled lurker than I.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 May 29, 16:19:54
On the other hand, you may see me around.. I'm desperate to mod the cocoon baby blanket and pudding-face textures. Only time will tell.  Wink

I just caught this. Merle, I don't know you, but I see you are beloved around here. I will join your cult--and I do not join them lightly--if you were somehow to remove or improve the Larval Babies. I do not understand why there are Larval Babies. Their inflexible cocoons confuse and enrage me.

Well, the larval babies obviously don't have any realistic animations under the blanket, as it would be useless to create animations you wouldn't be able to see. So removing the blanket would just result in a stiff mummy baby. I just figured I'd replace those awful, sexually stereotyped, abominations they've wrapped them in with something cute and neutral.. Like little fleece blankets with pastel stripes or stars.
23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 16:04:59
Who comes up with this crap?  The only thing I want from that site, is the new town.
The creators camp?

Not very creative, are they?

Some of the lots looked pretty nice... Granted, it's hard to tell with the pictures being taken from outer space and all.

Edit: BTW, you can turn off the music in the stories on the exchange. I just did so on one of the stories already up.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Store & Exchange Open for viewing on: 2009 May 29, 15:58:47
I am cringing at the fact that audio is now included - something about BBS stories and audio just doesn't settle well with me.

Now we'll have pregger teen stories, complete with pop music in the background! Joy!
25  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Important notice from the GRAMMAR POLICE. Plz read. This means you. on: 2009 May 29, 15:36:51

Hooray! This noob brings us gay pronreaux! I vote we keep this one.

Aforementioned noob does appear to have some authority on gay pr0n, which is a highly marketable skill of course.. It would behoove us to accept him into the fold.

Hey Merle, long time no peep. Glad you are undaunted by our vish 12s.  Wink

Oh, no worries... I'll probably go MIA again in less than a week, completely independent of 12s population. It is my way.

On the other hand, you may see me around.. I'm desperate to mod the cocoon baby blanket and pudding-face textures. Only time will tell.  Wink
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