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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Variable Crashes on: 2009 December 09, 02:16:10
I guess I know what Santa is getting me for Christmas heh.

I'm curious to know. My desktop runs Windows XP which can only be maxed out at 4GB of ram and that apparently isn't enough for TS3? What a mess.

XP can't use more than 3GB anyway, so anything above that is a waste.
2  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: What exactly is the awesome story driver? on: 2009 November 27, 02:30:04
Go here :

It's called AwesomeMod Configuration For Dummies!

If the shoe fits .... lol

Once done click on the big scary dinosaur
3  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomemod CTD: new awesomemod file or new ts3 patch? on: 2009 November 25, 23:52:56
Why click on a link that says "Awesomemod is not yet compatible with the expansion Pack " when you can just on a new topic and ask the question YET again.

Too bad that  that anyone with a post count less than 10, doesn't get automatically redirected to the search button and then the FAQ before being able to start a topic
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 21, 22:25:36
Really?  Is there an actual cap?  Or is it just a performance thing.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / So is World Adventures worth it? on: 2009 November 21, 20:27:42
I've read many horror stories about all the issues people are having trying to install this expansion but little about the expansion itself.  I've heard it slows down your game, and that it's overly goal oriented.

So it is worth hmm obtaining? Sims 2 expansions would usually add a load of new animations, interactions and objects that made it somewhat worthwhile, even if you weren't that interested in pets, let's say or going on vacation.  Is this similar?  If it's just a mini game within the Sims 3, I might just skip it and not see my overall game performance degrade.

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: World Adventures Hits the Interwebs on: 2009 November 19, 23:02:51

Actually it says pull your veils over your chest and don't show your adornment except for what is apparent of it. Does that mean wear a headscarf?

Sounds like don't show off your boobs to me.
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: World Adventures Hits the Interwebs on: 2009 November 18, 23:18:25
I love how noobs come in calling us names and getting butthurt when we refuse to spoon feed them. If you aren't competent enough to use google, you have no business trying to torrent a game.

Geeze give the guy a break.  I mean it was on the first page of google sandwiched between TATA binding protein (TBP) and Trailer Park Boys.  I mean it's not like it was obvious or anything.
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do you edit memories? on: 2009 April 09, 23:26:29
"Cascade" delete is a crude attempt to remove a memory and all its associated gossips.

When you call it crude, I am correct to assume it does not work very well?  If so should it be avoided?
9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: How do you edit memories? on: 2009 April 06, 23:04:12
Since the OP had his question answered, allow me to highjack this thread a little.  Does the cascade deletion does what I think it does?  If, let's say, I do a cascade delete of kissed $ubject, will it delete it for all the sims that share it?
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: TSR Privacy Violation on: 2009 April 01, 22:34:12

Now that I completely diverted what we were talking about, I will add in my $0.02. Some may not know that TSR required FAs to use some free tools I made for their mesh creations. I didn't mind, because I made them for people to use. But I am tired of the sort of community destructive things that come from there, such as the idea they will make tools and not share them.

That has always bothered me.  That most if not all of the tools for creating custom content where freely shared, and here they are making a profit off them.  

This is like the irony of Walt Disney getting the government to extend copyright laws so they can go on milking profits from stories they got from the public domain in the first place.  That's like shitting in your own bathtub.

11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Extreme Terrain Makeover on: 2009 April 01, 00:00:01
Well that was surprisingly easy.

I started with booting my sims to the bin in preparation.  Then I used hoodreplace to copy over the terrain and associated elements.  Then I exported all the lots from SimPE from the hood I wanted.  I opened the file for my current hood and imported all the lots, after deleting my current ones.  I deleted the lots in the lots folder and copied over the lots files.   Logged in the game and voila!.  Extreme Terrain makeover.

So it appears to work.  I'm not sure what it will do to the game.  I'm worried about that mysterious number that Pescado often mentions, that lot index or something that creeps ever upward.  Or maybe some other mysterious number that will blow my game up.

Oh well, as an experiment so far it works.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Extreme Terrain Makeover on: 2009 March 31, 22:30:06
Well yes, I thought of that.  But the hood I have in mind has something like 60 lots and it would mean exporting every single one and re-importing them into my hood.  That seems like a lot of work, and might not be worth it.  Before I do that, I'll attach the hood as a downtown using SaraK's technique. 

Hold the presses.  I have found a tutorial written in the aforementioned big bold letters.  It's not quite what I had in mind, but I'll see if i can adapt.
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Extreme Terrain Makeover on: 2009 March 31, 21:12:10
Okay my knowledge of SimsPE is limited to easy stuff spelled out in big bold letter, preferably with a crayon.   So laugh and point at me if what I am asking is utterly ridiculous.

I was wondering if a person could possibly replace not only the terrain in your 'hood, but all the houses as well.  Let's say I have a custom empty neighbourhood with all the decor and the houses lined up pretty as you please.  Let's also say that I have an existing game filled with sims.  Could I replace all of the existing houses with the ones from the custom neighbourhood?  I know it would require some SimPE magic, but I have no clue how complicated that would be, or even if this possible.

Any thoughts?
14  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 31, 11:58:10
My eyes are bleeding trying to imagine this  Wink
15  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 30, 23:18:00
I replaced the card with a 9800 GTX.  I had to pay an extra 65$ as it's a more expensive card but it works flawlessly.  I can now enjoy again sharp textures instead of fuzzy ones.   Aikea Guinea stuff looks sooooo good with this card.  I've even started ditching some of the more crappy cc that simply does not look acceptable anymore.

My next step is to try bigger houses to see how much my card can handle.  I always had to restrict myself to little lots in the past.

This new card is making the game fun again.
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The people in the family bin? on: 2009 March 29, 17:41:05
I went through this anal period where I didn't want any fugly townies or pre-made family in my hood.  Then I realized it's silly because you just end up with no one to interact with, and the hood feels deserted.  So now all I do is move the sims in an empty lot, fix them up so they aren't so fugly, new clothes, new hair, a little plastic surgery, if necessary and they get dumped into the townie pool.
17  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Firefox and MTS2 on: 2009 March 28, 22:32:03
okay I'll bite, what is a website rhino?
18  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Firefox and MTS2 on: 2009 March 28, 18:29:15
Keep in mind that with noscript it's not all or nothing.  I typically will only permit only so many scripts to run as necessary for the site to work as intended.  (Well ads are intended but you know what I mean).  Usually I start with allowing scripts for the domain (i.e. modthesims2).  Usually that's enough.  If it's not enough, I just turn them on and off, one by one to spot exactly which one I need to do whatever it is that's not working.  I almost never use the allow all option.  Most sites (this one being an rare exception) have a couple of  crappy script attempting to ruin your internet experience.  Thank god for noscript.  (which reminds me I really should donate)

With this method I barely ever have to use adblock.  Most websites using scripting now to annoy you with their crappy advertising.

Another useful addon is IE tab. It allows you to view websites using Internet Explorer.  Useful for those annoying sites, that do not work with Firefox.
19  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 28, 17:44:59
I tried three versions of drivers and none of them fixed the issue, so I fixed this problem the old fashioned way.  I returned the damn card to the store and got an Nvidia instead
20  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 25, 23:06:27
Well I didn't go with a in-depth removal of the previous nvdia driver, just un-installed it.  But before trying an earlier version of the Radeon driver, I did a more thorough job, uninstalled, removed the inf and the registry keys.  So I'm probably fine.

Which driver was your friend upgrading from?
21  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 24, 23:35:53
Yes, I always remove drivers before installing a card, that is pretty much standard procedure for installing that type of device.

22  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 23, 22:15:23
That's exactly the problem I'm having Leaths, thanks for the head's up. 
23  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / "blinking" Problem with new Radeon 9830 on: 2009 March 23, 17:10:26
I just bought a Radeon 9830 to replace an aging Nvidia 6600.  I had an issue with textures becoming fuzzy with my Nvidia that no amount of fiddling with cards settings would fix.  So I decided to try an Radeon.

Textures are sharp as anythings, but I'm having an incredibly annoying problem.  When I am playing, the game "blinks"; everything disappears for a split second and then reappears.  Not the entire LCD, but just the game itself (I play in windowed mode).

The second problem, which is probably the same issue, is in build/buy mode.  When I do anything there i.e add a wall, a window, paint, delete a wall, etc....the game will blink again, but this time it takes around 2-3 seconds to come back.  When that happens all the walls, objects etc disappear for a few seconds, leaving only the tiles or ground textures. Then everything blinks back.  This happens also in buy mode, but not for everything.

Anyway it's driving me crazy.  Anyone has seen anything similar ? 
24  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What would you do if 2 Grand was burning a hole in your pocket on: 2009 March 03, 22:35:35
pssh. I can build you a computer better than those dells, for 1/3 of the cost. Tongue I've done it recently for a friend.

newegg is your friend. Tongue but you also gotta know how to parts shop.

Newegg does not ship to canada  Undecided

Maybe I could ask Obama to drop off some parts next time he's in Ottawa
25  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: What would you do if 2 Grand was burning a hole in your pocket on: 2009 March 03, 18:51:58
I forgot to mention that this is 2K Canadian.

I figured I'd go with Dell, just to save myself the trouble of building my own machine.  That's what I did the last time and really I didn't save that much money, if any.  Dell is overpriced mostly if you let yourself get suckered into "upgrading" from their offered specs.  If you choose a discounted system and stick to their spec (or upgrade it yourself later), you won't get ripped off.  At least that's what I think.

I also get an additional 15% discount on the system, because Dell is our supplier at work.

I guess this is a case of "shinie envy".  I want it and I want it now, and I don't feel like having to work for it.  Building it yourself is definitively work

I guess it would be more precise to say that I have 1k burning a hole in my pocket. I'm getting a 1k bonus at work, and I need to buy something with it.  (I can't get it in the form of cash).

But I get your point, maybe I should research it a bit more.
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