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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: More Awful Than You: December - Painful Patterns on: 2010 December 03, 23:29:35
Shouldn't you be somewhere making crotchless panties for hooker sims?

Well, at least I am making something!  And with over 100,000 downloads, some people actually want my stuff in their games.

What have you offered to the community lately?

I dunno, if we're gonna play the "at least I made stuff" game... It's not Sims 3, but my one big mod for Oblivion got over 1 mil downloads and has more offshoots than I can name offhand. Does that allow me to make some constructive-if-snarky criticism for some really awful patterns? Can I come play with your big boy "I maek stuff" crowd now? Because high numbers mean you're allowed to criticize, apparently, I should be fine.

(...the last one in mine probably wasn't that constructive, but really, I worked with what I had.)
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: More Awful Than You: December - Painful Patterns on: 2010 November 25, 04:50:53
Jesus, the colors they use don't help! Why are the snowflakes on the floor made out of pee and blood?!
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: More Awful Than You: December - Painful Patterns on: 2010 November 23, 20:48:33
Ahh, I'm game. I have a few from TSR.

There seem to be many fuck-ups, as far as textures go. This person doesn't seem to enable recoloring, so they have a few different types of this pattern.

All in varied blinding colors.

Here's some licensed art patterning:

...Absolutely nobody tried on this one. Here, have a JPEG-artifact-riddled Betty Boop. And the preview shall be... an extreme closeup!

And now for some rock'n'roll!

...I have no idea WTF this is actually supposed to be, but the title assured me that Rock 'n Roll is involved. Either way, the person who made this is awful and should feel awful for having made it. That is the worst preview image ever.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Pudding Factory is for downloads: put your lame requests & WCIFs here on: 2010 November 16, 20:21:43
Okay, every once in a while, I get That Sim that makes friends way too quickly. No matter how good they are at discovering traits, it becomes terribly difficult to discover them all when they immediately are friends. A way to leave "Get to know" and "Ask about job" until you actually know all their traits would be splendid. Or a better chance for chatting to reveal traits/occupation at higher friendship levels... I'm not sure I've ever had that work once Sims are friends.
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 June 02, 03:38:46
Psssst. Mr. Humble.

I'm a gamer. I've played (and do play) MMOs. I love Sims. By your logic, I would love this game, no?


See, when I come to Sims, I don't want a god-damned MMO. If I want a MMO, I will find one, thank you very much.

6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 18, 19:06:10
What do you mean by want progress Pescado, are the wants not like TS2?

Remember those "Boink six people" wants?

Either that, or maybe there's something like "Work out for five hours."
7  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: The Evans family, living in a time warp. on: 2009 April 06, 18:34:57
I keep a nice, healthy mix of general old time period clothing. From Victorian down to fantasy/dark ages. This will fit in just fine. Bahhhhh
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 09, 15:47:42
I'll assume she is mistaken and is actually sitting on a pile of empty boxes.

Dear god, what IS that thing? That hair is god-awful and that makeup probably required a trowel to apply!
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 09, 00:49:59
I kinda hope she is wrong. I haven't had a chance to ask for clarification/pics yet, but I'll be doing so the next chance I get.

She works at a Wal-Mart in the electronics section, so... She's in the right spot to look out for it. And part of her job would be stocking it. I admit that I was extremely surprised when she said that she hadn't even heard of the delay and that they had it ready to do.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 February 08, 21:13:06
I know someone who works retail. She didn't even know about the delay yet. In fact, they have it in their back room, just waiting to be put on shelves.

If stores already have it... I doubt it's for any game-changing purpose, unless they want a patch on release.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 January 30, 16:16:26
Someone should force them to work as roofers sometime. Or to photograph houses.


Or to beat them until they make something that looks right.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: TS3 L&P on: 2009 January 22, 20:55:02
I... wut.

"I also learned that ghosts are playable, can marry living Sims, and even make ghost babies."

...I'm sorry, but WHAT? A ghost can marry a living Sim and have babies with them.

I have to ask. HOW? I'm imagining a ghost or normal male jacking off inside their normal or ghost partner and hoping they're aiming in the right spot.

So THAT'S what those puddles of liquid that ghosts leave behind are...
13  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Spore Mods! on: 2008 October 01, 17:37:22
More mods!
14  TS2: Burnination / Planet K 20X6 / Re: More Awful Than You! September: Not As Advertised on: 2008 September 25, 20:13:56
A. Emma, DO NOUKIFY. The blacks in the aforementioned hair replacement set are purple. I cannot stand the purple blacks.
B: I must bahh for all of you warning me how horrid some of these things are. I had arred that NeptuneSuzy dress and not put it in my game yet. Now I shall burn it with fire.

Now, a hairshit. I couldn't find a proper front-on shot for it, but... well, the hair looks like it's supposed to!

15  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: How to get rid of fugly Sim Portraits (UI) on: 2008 September 24, 22:46:47
Frankly, 04 and 05 of the vampire are kinda nice.

Otherwise? ALL those damn poses can go. Ugh.
16  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Spore Mods! on: 2008 September 19, 20:07:34
Ummm, one minute.


Apparently, you have to use it in the Create creature creator, not the ingame ones. It SEEMS like it should apply to ingame ones after invoked in the creator. Opinion is a bit divided on that.

The guy is still working on a way to get around the toggle-ableness and the complexity meter.
17  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Spore Mods! on: 2008 September 19, 17:54:08
For people who have complexity turned off, yes. The problem with uploading them to the Sporepedia is that it sees that the creatures are cheated and doesn't want to imbalance someone's game with them.
18  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Spore Mods! on: 2008 September 19, 05:06:43
I have a shiny find that I figured some of you boys might enjoy.

For the linkphobes:

# 42 - Changes the Staff Of Life so that it never uses any charges and reduces its cooldown to 10 seconds.
# Asymmetry Hack - Disables symmetry in all editors.
# Space Is Fun Hack - Increases the minimum time required between attacks, raids, and disasters to from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Oh, and it ups the maximum artifacts per planet to 8. Lite version (same thing but without the artifact change).

Note that the Asymmetry hack apparently has some issues, so it's in beta. It can't be toggled, so everything would be asymmetrical. It also confuses the complexity meter, so you'll have to turn it off in cheats. (And uploading stuff that's overcomplex doesn't work, for those of you who use the Sporepedia.)

Do post your own Spore mods if/when you find any.
19  TS2: Burnination / Taster's Choice / Re: no alignment change on casting a neutral spell + no reagents (documented) (EP8) on: 2008 September 16, 03:43:27
Thanks muchly for sharing! My little witchly types don't believe that a spell can, by nature, be good or evil. This noalignmentchange bit will be perfect for them.
20  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Spore is Review-Bombed, All Thanks to SecuROM on: 2008 September 09, 14:33:21
It's... kinda depressing to me.

Hey, they tried something different... and are being punished for something that the idea people probably had no control over. Just the stupid corporate morans. I'm afraid that this will be interpreted as "Trying something different = bad" and "New ways of doing things in games = bad" by the people who can't see past "SecuROM stops piracy, no, really" in the first place. It seems like they will blame it on anything other than SecuROM.
21  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Lest we forget: SPORE on: 2008 September 07, 06:04:01
I managed to get an omnivore by just being lucky enough to unlock one of the omnivore mouths in cell stage. It's long and kind of looks like a trumpety sucker.

I finished cell stage with an omnivore mouth. My creature? An herbivore.

So yeah, that doesn't matter too much if you eat too many plants.
22  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Lest we forget: SPORE on: 2008 September 07, 02:11:51
I officially call that shiny buttocks creature.

There is a need to remember as you wander into Civ stage and Space that doing things may be more round about than one might expect. For instance, it is important to note that the Economic Civilization has no military. That means they do not attack anyone.

This does not slow them down, and may make them impossible to deal with when one is playing against them. I am not sure. It was the first Civ level I attained.

Money is power!

Oh, it's easy to get around that. Take over a military city by buying their asses out. Then you can blow shit up to your heart's desire. Same for religious cities.

I wish my screenshot of a civilization I uplifted would have worked. Didn't know that it didn't until too late. I observed a giant, holographic Black Beast of Arrrrgh! preaching to convert a city. Surreality, I haz it.
23  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Lest we forget: SPORE on: 2008 September 06, 18:59:39
I've played the cell stage twice and neither time could I find the omnivore jaw!  I got all the parts except that one.

See that green pear-like thing that can charge forward really quick and pierce other cells while draining their fluids? That's the cell stage omnivore mouth.  You can also suck plants with it.


24  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: TS2 Store Stuff on: 2008 September 06, 04:56:08
It may be a feature, not an issue... to make you look patchwork, you know?
25  Serious Business / Spore Discussions / Re: Lest we forget: SPORE on: 2008 September 04, 18:40:03
(easter egg to unlock by doing that).

Easter Egg? You mean, er, the actual eggs, or...? I domesticated quite a few and I don't recall seeing anything.

Well, I know the HOW, but the problem is that they ATTACK me. When I am subsequently forced to kill them and burn their village to the ground to make the constant unprovoked attacks stop, it is self-defense!

Why would you kill them and THEN give them a gift? That doesn't make a lot of sense. If they attack you, they are your enemies. You don't give gifts to enemies. Plus, if you killed them already, what'd be the point?

I was going for a peaceful, hippy, religious society, just to see how it goes. They're vegetarians and everything.

And... Well, the chief comes back after a while, then the tribe repopulates, assuming you didn't smush their buildings. You can often get them to stop attacking with a gift, but they hit me first, so I was forced to butcher the hell out of them. And then we gave them gifts. They decided that they preferred the happy music and trading to being butchered.

My next creature is going to be a terribly cute death machine that destroys everyone who opposes.
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