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1  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: New AwesomeMod Request Thread on: 2009 October 04, 07:52:27
My question/request  is related to if there is or can be added to AM or made that can reduce or remove the sound that is made when a sim achieves a goal or whatever. Like reaching level 1 of gardening through reading. Because I have noticed that no matter how I set my sound on my computer it is a lot louder and I tend to play late at night when my boyfriend is trying to sleep so I have to turn all the rest of the sound down so low I can't hear it and it might as well be turned off. I have tried looking to see if someone may have down this all ready but I am not getting anywhere. But I am not very good at doing searches either. Anyone know if there is or could be such a thing??? Any help would be so greatly appreciate​d.

PS. It was suggested to me that this was probably core mod related and that is why I am asking here.


I have the same problem and I discover that I can lower those stupid noises (special effects if I remember right) but it doesn't stick when I close the game. The cursor stays where I put it but the sound is back to full after I restart the game. SO I have to lower it everytime I start the game. Have you tried that ?
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Three Abodes for Pudding Habitation (Update-09/04/09 Base Game Furnished) on: 2009 September 07, 22:59:54
I had tried with the launcher and Delphy multi installer but it did not work. Using 3viewer was a success though. Thanks !
3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Plots / Re: Three Abodes for Pudding Habitation (Update-09/04/09 Base Game Furnished) on: 2009 September 06, 08:29:51
The base game only versions still refuse to install, saying I need to update my game blah blah blah.... Using the Pescado's tool did not change that. It's a shame, because they really look nice, and I was looking forward to put them in my neighbourhood.
4  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Download links don't work on: 2009 August 14, 07:55:42
For me mirror 2 is updated, but the new version of awesome mod is not working very well (see my post in the new bug thread)
5  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Patch released. on: 2009 July 29, 13:56:08
Pescado posted a link somewhere in the forum earlier yesterday, in the awesomemod section I think.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Narcissa Vatos: Blank Favorites and Perpetual Obesity on: 2009 June 12, 17:15:27
The moodlet for music is worth more if it is the favorite music of the sim (20 instead of 10 if I remember clearly).
7  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Is Something Borked? No "Change Appearance" Option on Mirrors on: 2009 June 08, 11:09:11
Sims also can't change appearance when wearing their work clothes. As soon as you change then to anything else (formal, casual, PJs, no matter) the options reappear on the mirror and dresser....
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Object upgrades - the real list on: 2009 June 07, 19:27:17
You can also upgrade the Reward Food Replicator ("improve memory").
9  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Career Profitability and Perks on: 2009 May 29, 11:35:58
Re: Lifetime Perks: I assume that once you fill up the available space for perks, you can't purchase any more. Is this true, or can you go for all of them?

You can buy more than what fits in the window, it actually grows as needed. I don't know yet if you can buy all of them, but I'm on my way to it...
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 19:11:58
Is it possible that zooming out only appears to make time go by faster for you because you're doing something other than watching them sleep?

I didn't test it with a watch but in speed-3 looking at my sims sleeping the minute changed approximatively every real time second, while zoom in on the grass it was more of 3 sim minutes per real time second. Again it's a rough estimate.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 17:56:28
Just a thought on the slow speed-3 : I noticed in my game that zooming at max zoom on an empty zone of grass somewhere (with no sims, no mouvements, no moving shadows from tree for example) seems to greatly improve the speed and make it bearable. The inconvenience is you don't get to see anything that happened during that, still useful at night I think.
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 17:35:00
One question : does anybody know how to get an omniplant at home ? I've found the one behind the science lab and feed it some fish, it worked well, but does not seem to give seeds... Do I have to keep looking for special unknown seeds and hope to get lucky ? (like for the money tree, life plant and those strange flaming fruit ?) Thanks.

I am fairly sure you can only get an omniplant via an opportunity from a restaurant.  My Sim is currently working on growing and delivering 10 excellent cheeses to a restaurant, and in return he's supposed to get the chance to "plant some meaty new items".  My Sim has picked up tons and tons of seeds and never gotten an Omni plant seed.

That's right. I got my omni plant seeds after completing the same opportunity, only with 10 perfect steaks instead of cheeses. Probably based on the sim's favorite food since mine's tri-tip stakes. When you complete that you get 6 omni plant seeds plus the option to order more via the mailbox.

The opportunity with 10 excellent cheese gave me the knowledge to grow steaks plants, so it looks that I just need to wait for the next opportunity with the restaurant to get some omniplants seeds. Thanks all for the answers.
Still looking after those elusive last ore and gem though...
13  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 28, 09:49:53
Or is this wish totally useless?

You can make any fruit into a cobbler, so what I'd do is remove all the fruit from the fridge except grapes, and then direct her to make cobbler.  She'll choose grapes and then that should work to fulfill the wish.

Thanks for that, it worked! Immediately after eating that, she rolled a want to eat ice cream and spaghetti..... I don't even know how that one is possible, since you only get ice cream from quick meals, lol, I think I should have given her the insane trait or something, cause she's totally crazy!

I had a sim with cravings during pregnancy too, but something possible (lime tart, and "crumble aux fruits" (don't know how that would be called in english) with grapes). I put one grape in her inventory and send her to cook : she used the fruit in her inventory. I'll try to test it further to see if it always works like that.

One question : does anybody know how to get an omniplant at home ? I've found the one behind the science lab and feed it some fish, it worked well, but does not seem to give seeds... Do I have to keep looking for special unknown seeds and hope to get lucky ? (like for the money tree, life plant and those strange flaming fruit ?) Thanks.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: THE HORROR: The REAL TS3 Scoop As It Unfolds on: 2009 May 27, 08:38:53
Well, I finally found the most elusive gemstone, which turns out to be something called a rainbow gem.  It seems to be worth far less than a pink diamond, but no matter.

Where did you find that pink diamond ? My sims is running around town almost on a daily basis and find lots of gems, but has never seen a pink diamond... She has only found one rainbow gem so far. I'm also struggling to find the last mineral ore (I have iron, silver gold and palladium). Any ideas on where to search ?
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I only have the Nighlife expansion pack. Is the harderjobs hack compatible? on: 2007 December 06, 19:54:41
Chemistry is added with every EP after Nl (like inventory I think).
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Voodoo doll addiction - side effects? on: 2007 December 04, 11:55:14
Isn't is just a timed thing?  Wait a few hours and it's perfectly safe again?  I notice the lot debugger has a reset voodoo uses thingy.
The only time I've had it backfire was then I tried using it on the voodoo priest.  He wasn't happy.
Not a clue. It shows you how many uses would be reset, so you can just not touch that button and see if it ever does.
I've done it and it seems to be a timed thing : roughly each use of the Voodoo Doll takes 24 hours (I did not look exactly, let say between 24 and 36 hours) to disappear. From limited testing I'd say :
-no uses : No backfire
-a few uses : little chance of backfire
-more uses (3+) : more chances of backfire
Someone who can look in the code could tell exactly how it works....
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Booking honeymoon in BV is seriously borked on: 2007 December 03, 13:42:05
I had this kind of problem in household with pets that would be left alone for the honeymoon (complete with nanny saying "there's no children here, I'm gone").... In other household it seems to work fine.
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Some questions about earning money on: 2007 December 01, 12:18:44
- Inheriting money
- Selling produce (instead of harvesting)
- Selling crafted items from a workbench (via "make one...")
- Selling crafted items using the skillinator (which automatically sells the items out of the inventory)

1-doesn't count and it's a shame in my opinion (think of the golddigger, she shouldn't have to work to "earn" money)
2-does count
3-does count
4-doesn't count, but the ones sell from the bench (when stopping/restarting) do count
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Jewelery and Custom hair turn-on/off non working on: 2007 November 30, 17:06:16
And it doesn't stick very well : I tried it when I first noticed the turn-on/off problem : but it will change back to whatever it was if the sim change appearance in game (mirror) or if the sim over-heats/freezes/tans etc.... Annoying.
20  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Jewelery and Custom hair turn-on/off non working on: 2007 November 30, 09:55:12
Just to make sure I got that right: correctly binned custom hair is no longer considered custom by the game?
You're right : correctly color-binned hair is seen as the color they are (brown, red, blond or black) except for custom (which is seen as the previous hair color of the sim, not the genetic one : say you have ablond sim, you change him to black then to custom : the game sees him to be black-haired).
21  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Jewelery and Custom hair turn-on/off non working on: 2007 November 28, 22:40:27
Yes, seelindarun is right, I'm talking about hair binned in the custom catgory, or maxis hair already in this custom (asterisk) category, such as the green, blue and purple hair that came with the base game (rainbow mohawk), uni or nightlife....
Since seasons, they no longer work for the turn-on/off. I did not test custom un-binned hair, as I no longer have such a thing in my game.
22  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Constant momentary freezing. Stupid BV? Stupid computer? Or something else? on: 2007 November 28, 12:27:45
I have a big lag at the exact moment the sim who is playing collects the pieces to put them in the chess table.
It goes like that :
Sim is playing. Sims stops playing (autonomously or because I cancel the action).
Sim takes the pieces in hand and lift the table thing.
Then, bam !! lag, that last between 2 to 5 five real-time seconds. During lag everything is freezed, time not moving, and the sound (voices, sound effects etc...) are stop and start (like an old disk with a scratch). Then suddenly sim finally put the pieces in the table and everything is back to normal.
It does the same thing when a second sim joins an already playing sim, that then put the pieces in the table to take them back out and start a new game. It does exactly as discribed previously.
It doesn't matter if the playing sim is playable or NPC, the size of the lot doesn't matter, it does it on community lot as well as home lot or dorm....
I have never experienced this before BV....
23  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Jewelery and Custom hair turn-on/off non working on: 2007 November 28, 09:46:30
I' dlike to know if I'm the only one noticing this : since seasons the custom hair turn-on/off doesn't work anymore and the BV jewelery one doesn't seem to work at all either.
For the custom hair one, I think the problem come from the hair, not from the turn-on/off. If you choose some custom hair (maxis or binned, didn't try with non-binned hair, as I don't have that in game anymore) for a sim, the toggle stays on their former hair color.
Example to clarify : I have this blond sim, I gave him a make over with maxis green custom hair : the toggle still stays on blond and his wife (turn-on : blond hair, turn-off custom hair) still says "woha you're hot because you're blond" when he asks her if she likes wxhat she sees.
For the BV jewelery : the turn-on/off doesn't seem to work at all : I've tested this (not thouroughly) with some sims having jewelery as a turn-off and giving their significant other jewelery (maxis and/or custom it doesn't matter) : the chemestry did not change (as shown with bolts, ACR will I woohoo and "do you like what you see"). If change the turn-off to say beard and give one to the husband, intant change in bolts, drop in attraction score as shown with ACR and she says "bleh you have a beard it is disgusting !" when asked...
So could someone more awesome than me look into this and tell me if there is a hope for a fix with a hack, or if it is a problem only maxis could fix........
I have some suspicion the custom hair one appearde with seasons, and the hair fiasco (NPC with the wrong hair color, uniform with the wrong hair color, hair styling changing on age transition), which are corrected in the last seasons patch, but not this one.

24  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Constant momentary freezing. Stupid BV? Stupid computer? Or something else? on: 2007 November 28, 09:30:35
Hamhanded ?? Sorry I don't understand...
Do you happen to have something for the chess-related lag ? Or am I the only one experiencing it ?
25  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Constant momentary freezing. Stupid BV? Stupid computer? Or something else? on: 2007 November 28, 09:00:21
I have incredible lag at the Jade Exclusive Villas vacation hotel lot. Every other lot is fine, but something is causing serious lag there. No error logs to report. Huh
Isn't it this lot with water all around ? If it is I think the lag is reated to the different sims on the lot trying to find a spot to fish (I have the same problem on the witch doctor lot on Twikki Island). It is the worst lag I have ever had.
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