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1  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 July 20, 23:48:47
Another way would be to make a pet shop, have a sim buy a bunch of animals, and then put them up for adoption.

I was wondering if I'd have to go that route, just hoped it'd be easier.  Thanks Sara Smiley
2  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 July 20, 01:14:39
I have all expansions except Seasons and I have the empty templates installed. 

I tried to adopt a kitten but the only pets available were a small adult dog and an adult cat. 

I tried boolprop testingcheatsenabled true/shift + click on the mailbox and got an option to create pets but it didn't change.  Is there a way to make puppies and kittens availiable to adopt?
3  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: Empty and Cleaned-up Templates. [UPDATED] on: 2007 July 04, 04:27:21
Make a complete backup of your Neighborhoods folder in case you screw up. Put in a safe place.
Add a new neighborhood. Exit the game as soon as the neighborhood is created. Let's say this neighborhood is N004.
Open the N004 folder and open the N004_Neighborhood.package file in SimPE.
On the left side find Number ID, click on it, select it on the right side, right-click on it, and choose Extract.
Save the file on the Desktop or inside a folder so you can find it quickly later.
Open the N004 folder again and delete everything.
Take the empty Pleasantview you downloaded from me, which is a file called N001_Neighborhood.package.
Put the file inside the now-empty N004 folder, and rename it to N004_Neighborhood.package.
Open the file in SimPE.
On the left side find Number ID, click on it, select it on the right side, right-click on it, and choose Replace.
Find the file you extracted earlier and choose it. Save the changes and exit SimPE.
Go to C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\The Sims 2\TSData\Res\UserData\Neighborhoods\N001
COPY everything in that folder except the N001_Neighborhood.package file and the Characters and Thumbnails folders.
PASTE the files into the N004 folder.
Rename everything that's named N001 to N004. Including the files in the Lots folder.

This works fabulous!  I made myself a 2nd Pleasantview nieghborhood following these directions and using your empty templates.  I am so loving not having all the idiots wandering around, getting in the way and just making a general nuisance of themselves.

You are my new hero, Thanks!!
4  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Lots and Houses bin? on: 2007 July 03, 17:20:53
Awesome!  You learn something new everyday, thanks Smiley
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Lots and Houses bin? on: 2007 July 03, 16:49:40
I am going to create a new neighborhood, a nice clean one without any stupid townies running around!  Anywho, I have some houses that I'd like to be able to take over to the new neighborhood that I've already placed in my lots and houses bin.

My questions is where do I find the lots and houses bin?  I know it's in My Documents/EAGames/TheSims2 but after that I get confused.  Are they in the Lot Catalog or in the individual Neighborhoods in the Lots file?

Also, do I just copy them over to the new neighborhood after I get it created?

6  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Can I play Seasons yet? on: 2007 June 30, 02:28:09
Awesome, thanks all.  I appreciate the input!

You either live on the edge or hide in a closet.

I call it retaining my sanity, I have 6 kids and that's living close enough to the edge for me!  hehe
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Can I play Seasons yet? on: 2007 June 29, 17:50:37
I have all the expansions but I never buy any of them until after they've been out for a while.  I like my CC to work, I love my hacks and patches are always nice, so I take my time before I buy the new expansion.

I've been watching the Seasons patches pile up and wondered if it was a good time to take the plunge or if I should wait?  When I do install Seasons, I will of course be installing the Seasons hack collections from MATY.  I wouldn't dream of playing without them!

Thanks Smiley
8  TS2: Burnination / Taster's Choice / Re: Testers wanted: Color Binning Tool 0.2.twentysomething on: 2007 June 14, 02:08:59
I have never used SimPE before and am a bit intimidated by it.  I have wanted to bin my hair for quite a while and have researched the different methods out there.  Theo's plug-in seems to be the easiest, from what everyone is saying, so I decided to bite the bullet and try my hand at it.

I have a couple questions about the process.

How do I know which hair needs to be binned while using the tool and if I 'rebin' a hair that already has been binned, wouldn't that cause problems?  Since the hair needs to be renamed after the binning, wouldn't that make two of the same hair in the game and if it's an already binned hair, will it mess up my game?

I tried opening Body Shop to sort my hair but it crashes immediately after opening, I can't figure out what's wrong with it nor can I find a "fix" anywhere.  I went through all my custom hair in game, got rid of the ones I don't use/like and wrote down some of the names of the hair, but the names in game aren't the same as the filename when using the color binning tool.


I'm posting this both here and on Theos thread on MtS2.

edited for clarification
9  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Neighborhood deletion on: 2007 June 11, 21:13:13
Thank you so much!  I was sure I'd have to uninstal and start over, you've saved me a massive headache.  Smiley
10  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Re: Neighborhood deletion on: 2007 June 11, 20:53:34
I deleted the neighborhood from my hard drive, not My Documents folder.
11  TS2: Burnination / Oops! You Broke It! / Neighborhood deletion on: 2007 June 11, 17:34:57
Ok, I screwed up.  I wanted to reset Veronaville and spawn new NPC's and townies with new skins/eyes/names, etc.  I had a couple good tutorials I was following, both from MATY.

I won't go into the gory details, but through my own stupidity I deleted the Veronaville neighborhood on my D drive instead of in My Documents.  I uninstalled and reinstalled Pets to try and get it back but it's still gone.  Do I have to uninstall the whole game and start completely over from scratch to get it back?
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Baby personalities? on: 2007 June 06, 21:54:59
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet, but from your description it sounds like you need to use the re-randomizer while the Sim is pregnant, before labor/child birth, correct?
13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Baby personalities? on: 2007 June 06, 15:38:32
Awesome, TYVM.   Smiley
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Baby personalities? on: 2007 June 05, 04:03:48
I noticed recently that my babies being born have wild personalities.  Ex: 1 point into neat, 1 nice, 1 active and the rest of the points distributed evenly between the other options. 

I was browsing sites a week or so ago, I thought for sure it was MATY, and I thought I saw some type of program to fix that.  I've been scouring this site for a couple hours now and I can't find any mention of anything of this type.  Does such a program/hack exist and did I truly see it here or am I deliusional?

Thank you!
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