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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Amazon Mac download for Seasons is borked. on: 2012 November 20, 00:09:37
If you clicked on this without either owning a Mac or planning to buy the digital download on Amazon, then you didn't deserve those five seconds.
2  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Amazon Mac download for Seasons is borked. on: 2012 November 13, 14:07:25
I know most folk here don't use Macs, but I thought I'd post here to get the few people who might.

I pre-ordered Seasons for Mac on Amazon and instead of being able to download, I was told to install Origin, which does not work for Mac. I called customer service and it will take 3 - 5 days for Amazon to fix the problem and make the download available on their own Amazon installer. They suggested for download, but it took about 3 hours to process. I think you can DL from Origin itself and just not use the installer. Or just go out to the store and buy a copy. Or find other means of getting the DL.

3  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Prato di Livori - empty tuscan world on: 2012 August 31, 13:46:32
There are almost 2000 spawners in this world. I find that a bit excessive. I wouldn't suggest any Legacy style playing.
4  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Question about decrapifying. on: 2012 June 14, 12:37:20
Ask her specifically what is going on. If it's a decrap problem, she should get a launcher message about updating her game, not a random "software failure."  I double decrap all the time. I'm on a Mac, so I only download decrapped files. If they don't work, I download them onto my PC, decrap and upload to my cloud storage. It's kind of a pain, but it works.   If she's getting crashing, perhaps a reinstall?
5  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: DO NOT ASK ABOUT 1.29 on: 2012 May 29, 17:07:12
At first glance, it looks like AM is only available up to 1.29 and is not available at v 1.31 and up. I know you don't want to make things easier for the tards; however, someone of at least average intelligence can get a bit confused looking at a post because the version number doesn't seem to match the actual version of the package.  I know hand holding is bad, but I thought I turned ass-doofus for a bit on this version thing. There are right bastards and then there are MATY citizens.  Avast and arrr and whatever.

josepina - When you get your ass dogpiled don't be such a wuss about it.  That just makes it worse. Take your licks, STFU and learn yourself a thing or two about MATY. You're getting butthurt over nothing and it's painful to watch you strangle yourself on your own dog chain.
6  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Hostile Play Environment on: 2012 March 13, 18:06:19
Just because people don't ream you on other sites doesn't mean that they don't wish they could. If you post crap, the only reason people don't flame your post to hell is that most websites don't allow things like that to happen.  I love the other sims sites and I mostly just lurk here, but I appreciate what this site has to offer.  I don't come here for the *huggies*  I come here to fix what is broken and to find out stuff about the game.  I hate poor grammar and spelling. I detest people who *LOL* at their own posts.  I don't see the "moar fight" here as a bug. I see it as a feature. The only other websites I see that maintain a signal to noise ratio as high as this site use aggressive moderating to get the job done. I appreciate this as a mostly mod-free place where social Darwinism gets rid of the ass-hats with poor online social skills.

There are some people on the friendlier sites here that if I  found them on this site, I'd come out of lurk and rip them one because I am sick of their piss-poor garbage they call posting on other sites.  Of course, by the time I bothered to get to them, their bones would be already picked clean from the regulars here and I'd have to settle for scraps.  If you coddle posters to much, you end up with posts full of *giggles*, *lols* and those retarded happy faces people grossly over use.
7  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: AwesomeMod Bug Report Thread on: 2012 February 13, 22:09:45
I recently re-installed AM and I'm having a problem with the sound. Every now and then, the game's sound will start re-looping one sound over and over for several game hours. After a while, the looping will stop and the game will "vomit*" out hours worth of sounds all at once in a matter of seconds. I will hear tons of clicks, phones ringing, cars driving, laughter, snoring all glopped together and then the sound will go back to normal for a few game hours, only to get stuck on some other sound loop. Usually, the sound is some background noise that would normally go unnoticed, like general outdoor sounds. Sometimes it will get stuck on the washing machine or a car engine. Once it got stuck on a cell phone ringing.   

I removed all of my packages except AM, and the sound glitches continued. When I took out AM, it went away.

*Sorry for anthropomorphizing my game, but vomit seems very appropriate when I hear it.
8  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Most of Custom Hair, Clothing and Some Accessories Suddenly Missing/Broken on: 2012 January 20, 14:49:27
I have recently switched over to the Mac temporarily. I find this hair problem too. It's mostly with the super silky wispy hairs you see on Peggy's site and almost never happens with the Maxis match textures. I don't have a problem with this, because I hate the silky look and have only downloaded one or two.

If oh hay girl makes another thread, I think she deserves to die a slow painful death. I think it's gotten to the point where MTS posters would have killed her and even Boolprop's ubersweeties would be calling for her head.
9  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: How to uninstall/reinstall awesome mod? on: 2009 July 22, 15:22:48
Terrie, have you tried installing the enablescripterror.package? That might help you out. Also, if you're getting crashes at the loading screen, you might try the threebooter.  The enablescripterror.package has been sufficient for me.
10  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: HystericalParoxysm releases new hairstyles at MTS! on: 2009 July 21, 17:45:15
I was very happy to see this up. Also, it's great to hear that HP is going to be converting Nouk hairs. Nouk is the only CC hair I allowed in my S2 game, except on occaision when I wanted to deliberately make some trashy looking sims.  I won't be able to download until this weekend, but I'm greatly looking forward to seeing my sims with more choices for hair.
11  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Facts & Strategery / Re: Traits that matter on: 2009 July 21, 17:33:37
If you have twins, "evil" is a good traid to have up until they are toddlers. I had a set of twins and one was evil. Everytime his twin brother started getting lonely, hungry or needed a diaper change, he'd get a positive moodlet from it. This was JUST enough to make him generate aspiration points as a baby while his non-evil brother didn't.  By the time he was a child, he had about 3k more points than his twin brother. 
12  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Smelly Undead Traffic Jam Outside Science Facility on: 2009 July 19, 19:11:47
When I very first started the game, I had that happen to Mortimer Goth and Bebe Hart.  Bebe was behaving as your sims are. Mortimer was stuck in a grumpy animation loop. He would age and stink, but he'd aslo constantly act out random grumpy animations, muttering and occaisionally screaming in frustration. 
13  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Story Mode on: 2009 July 19, 08:21:25
I'm getting a lot less moving around and messages about antagonizing and a lot more useful stuff happening at 1 AM. Townies seem to be breeding and going to work. I haven't seen couples pair off in the wild yet, but I assume that's going to happen soon.
14  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: I think my game is FUBAR, but why? on: 2009 July 16, 21:03:02
In the S2 Legacy, I thought you were allowed to move if the lot became extremely bugged. Why wouldn't it be allowed now? The rules are made so that people won't make shortcuts and cheat their way to quick riches. It's not meant to force you to stay on buggy corrupted lots.
15  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Story Mode on: 2009 July 15, 21:25:58
I know aboutt the stalker thing that is configurable -- I mean the townies are strongly compelled to show up when you are NOT there.  Sort of force them all into a corral with very little to amuse themselves with so that they have to turn to each other for fun. I think it would give back the fishbowl effect that the townies had in sims2 that kind of forced them to interract with each other a whole lot more than they do now.
16  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Story Mode on: 2009 July 15, 19:42:41
I was thinking the other day about the storymode difficulties and trying to think of "bottom up" instead of top-down solutions. I hade a small spark of an idea.

By not having an open neighborhood, TS2 gave townies plenty of time to build social lives with each other.  When you loaded up a public lot, they were forced out of the woodwork into wherever you were. If you didn't socialize with them, they would socialize with each other.  Eventually, they would form friendships or make enemies based on their social interractions.  Sometimes this would create a little drama -- I remember in my games Benjamin Long and Marissa would always have a slap fest  and frequently saw Goopy getting the stuffing kicked out of him by several different female sims. Whenever I'd marry a townie into my family, they'd always come with several friends of various different levels. It wasn't much of a story, but the sims were interracting with each other in such a way that I think some people would like the townies in TS3 to interract.

Unfortunately in TS3 there is too much space for the townies and they are pretty much forced to hide in their houses when you're not out in public.  Maybe there could be some sort of beacon-like item you could drop in certain public places. When the beacon was on,  non-active-household sims and townies would be encouraged to  congregate in an area with a beacon whether or not there were active playing sims there.  (Loner sims would have a stronger resistance to the beacon than others, of course)  Once they were all together, they'd be left to socialize on their own.  

With a mod similar to ACR, but toned down a bit so the sims don't all break down into constant public orgies -- they'd just be able to romantically interract with a close friend (or multiple friends, or nobody at all, depending on their traits).  I think this might be a way to handle the social aspect of story mode.

I know when the town is more crowded, that they will end up congregating in places on their own, but they still don't do it enough to really develop friendships and when you destroyallhumans, they barely do it at all.  I think a beacon that sort of forced the townies to congregate in one location if they weren't busy working, sleeping or doing whatever it is they need to do, they'd get more socially active and have more opportunities to make their own stories.

EDIT: And I think this would work even better if there was some way they could drag each other away from chess set, laptops or reading.  Why is it once someone sits at a chess-table you can not interract with them in any way except to play with them? Townies should be able to break each other from the chess trance.
17  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Story Mode on: 2009 July 14, 22:19:33
There are some things on modthesims I didn't mention on the Indie Stone thread, because they are less about how the mod works and more about my personal tastes vs. the creators.   But here are some of my observations from it.

I ran in wolfing mode and kept the camera on the central park in the city. I figured out really quickly how Indie Stone worked by doing this. The first thing I noticed was that I saw two sims talking to each other near the swingset, and then one vanished and the other sim walked off. I got some random message that a sim had an untimely death.  It was a bit creepy and funny at the same time. Less funny but more common, I remember watching a sim sit at a picnic basket in the park and while she was eating and seemingly minding her own business, she got married and concieved a baby! This happened a quite frequently.

Even though the events are forced by the game, you could see the results in towns, townies were randomly walking around with their buddies and making out with each other.  While their relationships were artificially constructed, the behavior resulting from the construction was real. That was my favorite part of the mod. It was great to look around town and see the townies behaving like people and interracting in somewhat realistic ways. It really did put a certain something in the neighborhood that wasn't there before.

And yes, three or four times I saw pregnant sims going into labor in town.  Once was in the library and I got to hear the horribly annoying screeches that children make when they see labor. (Seriously, they sound like they are getting disemboweled while alive. It's really annoying)  This leads into some of my gripes about Indie Stone. 

I hate the baby generating madness.  Even with his tweaks to calm it down,  it seemed odd that the sims would constantly be getting pregnant and making babies all the time. I got a zerg swarm at the school within 2 sim weeks.  It gives my game sort of a fundamentalist religious flavor that I don't like.

I don't like that there is a town floozie but no manwhore equivelent. Also don't like that it seems to be pretty rigid about making straight couples -- I've read reports that people said it broke up gay couples and put them into straight relationships. I   am not sure of the details about that, but if it's what people have been describing, it gets a thumbs down from me. 

Still, I like the idea of rolls being assigned and sims and "helping" the engine make a story, but the samples of text I've read are kind of cheesy. I never actually produced a floozie or a geek or whatever, but I read the samples of their interractions on line. It needed to be much shorter and less "whiny" -- especially the flavor text about a woman who became single and she was all forlorn and alone. Pul-eez. I know it was just flavor text, but I didn't like the flavor.

18  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Socializing: more realistic/violent? on: 2009 July 06, 04:03:25
I second the hot-headed one. I had a funny mini drama going with a hot-headed teenager. He had sort of a girlfriend who was also hotheaded. When left to their own devices they would yet all each other, end their friendship and then he'd roll wants to be mean to her.  Then he'd befriend her in school an desperately want to hang out with her -- but when he did, he'd start yelling at her.

Another good one is inappropriate.  I had this sim I made who cracked me up. Every time I would leave him and work on other family members, he would say or do something that would cause the other sim to get a "humiliated" moodlet.  I usually missed exactly what he said to them -- but it happened a lot. I'd be doing my own thing with some other sims and see the son yelling at his dad from in the corner.  I'd click just in time to see the humiliated moodlet and a "Sonny is furious with Dad" His wife was hot-headed.  This made for an interesting combo. He'd come up and complain about one of the kid's problems and she'd start yelling at him and then roll a wish to leave him.
19  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Baby name from Hell on: 2009 July 02, 06:56:58
I just got a baby name from hell born in my town. I saw it because I had the option to be informed about storymode happenings.  This baby is somewhere in my town and I have no idea where it is or how to find it. Will this big nasty name cause my game troubles if my sims don't encounter the child?  As soon as I actually see the kid, I will use editsim. But I wanted to know if the star named kid will cause meltdowns just by existing in the game.I'm thinking the 1 AM updates are going to get really really really nasty.. unless I find this kid.

Ugh. Nevermind. I was unable to save the game. The game paused when it announced the birth of this creature and I couldn't unpause the game because the text box was in the way. I'm still interested to know if anyone knows a good way to find rogue babies with bad names without actually searching each house in the neighborhood.
20  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Grampa's losing it a little on: 2009 June 30, 17:46:39
I get little things in my game that make me wonder...

I have one sim that always gets a wish to learn how to make a particular food only immediately after they cook it for the first time. After his wife has her baby and is no longer pregnant, he rolls a wish to talk to her belly. Toddler aged up to be a kid and he suddenly wanted to potty train him. It's like he's living 15 seconds in the past.
21  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Rummage in trash causing mountains of glitchy trash piles. on: 2009 June 29, 22:45:16
Thanks.  I feel like a total eejit  for spreading that trash all over the library.
22  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Rummage in trash causing mountains of glitchy trash piles. on: 2009 June 29, 20:19:01
When my sim goes rummaging in the trash, he gets the typical trash items. Unfortunately, he also gets piles of trash that I cannot delete and he is unable to interract with, except to put it back into his inventory. 

The glitchy trash isn't vanishing on reset, even though it vanishes everywhere else. I have been leaving the trash in library because that's where he writes his reports after a good rummaging. It's been a few days - items have reset on other lots but the trash remains in the library. The entire children's area looks like a huge toxic waste dump.

I'm not sure if the trash is actually behaving like trash either. My slob sim gets a negative moodlet when it's in his inventory (I don't think he should)  He doesn't get a bad mood from the trash mountain. This is to be expected. However,  no one else in the library seems to mind the trash piles either. People without the slob trait and even neat sims behave as if there was not a giant blanket of trash all over the floor.

I'll probably do a cheat delete later, but I wanted more time to observe the buggy trash and see if anyone else had issues like this.

23  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Donwload not included, so not for Pudding Factory: New Hair CC by Peggy on: 2009 June 26, 09:09:39
Ugh...  I think Peggy deserves a big pat on the back for bringing out the first CC hair.  But, personally, I think it's an awful hair.  We got so used to the huge EA foreheads on the TS2 women that I think, maybe, Peggy couldn't find proper perspective to make a new hair without inserting another big TS2-style forehead.  Totally misproportioned.

That's more of a fivehead or a sixhead... good lord.. (edited for Roflganger. No, the forehead isn't big because of your simming skills. When I clicked on the image on Peggy's own site the poor sim looked like she had some sort of congenital birth defect  Your forehead simply looks bigger because you didn't put on enough trashy makeup on the face to draw attention away from the forehead.)

I wasn't expecting much when I heard Peggy made it. I only downloaded her stuff so I could make my townies look like hookers if I wanted to.  I could see myself using the Peggy hair for some townies I don't intend to play. Sometimes if I run into townies with identical hairdos, I will change the hair of one. If I don't really care about them - they get a haircut that I'd never actually use on a playable, but isn't over the top fugly.

My question though - as bad as it is, it's much better than the bicycle helmet Is it possible to use the mesh but make it overwrite something that I would never inflict on any sim under any circumstances?   No sim deserves the helmet.
24  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / The World Of Pudding / Re: Playing Tag Bug on: 2009 June 24, 14:58:04
This playing tag issue explains a mysterious bug I was noticing in my game. All of my sims with the "childish" trait would have friendships that improved instead of decayed over time spent apart from their friends who were children or teens.  I can't guarantee that they played tag with all of them, but I did with most of them. 
25  Awesomeware / AwesomeMod! / Re: Awesomod discussion/questions/helpful tips thread on: 2009 June 24, 14:49:07
I've been busy with my current family who had a missing phone for a while and 5 screaming diaper-fillers.  I haven't had time to check on the randomly generated townie families.  Has the smarter AI been producing romance or kids in your town?  I saw one married family with three kids, but I think they came to town that way.  I'm sure the AwesomeMod is chugging away as it should, but I'd like to know if anyone has seen it in action -- sims gettin' it own all by themselves.
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