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1  TS3/TSM: The Pudding / Pudding Factory / Re: Opportunities and Cellphones splattergated! on: 2009 August 24, 22:03:51
For some reason this mod does not work for me.  I only have the following mods on my computer. 

Autonomy Woohoo
Opportunities and Cellphones

I don't have any other downloads on my computer.  Any help would be appreciated.  I am trying to run the game with as little interference as possible, but I have to keep clicking the "x" on the darn opportunities.

2  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Family Business Scheduler on: 2009 January 03, 18:06:01
I am currently running several family owned business.  I want the family members that live on the lot to automatically work at preset times on the lot.  Currently I use this hack to make family members fish, farm, etc.  I also use the macrotastic to make them clean.  But I would like a time component added to this and the macrotastic so that from 8:00 am - 4:00 pm Mon - Fri a particular family would run around doing a task.  Cleaning the house, farm, etc.  Like a real job.  In addition, would it be possible to add a sales feature to buisness runs you hack as well.
3  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! on: 2006 April 03, 02:55:11
Thank you.  Now I understand. 
4  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! on: 2006 March 31, 13:08:32
I have my bathroom hidden inside a master bedroom, and since the master bedroom must be locked because of Lizz Loves Automatic Bed, the bathroom is not available.  Perhaps the BathroomUsesYou can be assigned to specific individuals, so it will only call them.  That would eliminate the problem of locked doors because it would only call the person(s) it was assigned to, and hopefully we are smart enough to assign only people who can actually go through the doors.
5  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / New Default Downloaded Clothing on: 2006 February 12, 17:03:34
I use mainly fantasy clothing for my sims.  I would like to know if there is a way to change the default clothing in the sims, so that when new NPC's are created they are wearing the Clothes I downloaded?
6  TS2: Burnination / Peasantry / Re: First Middle Last Name Lists on: 2006 February 12, 17:01:12
filipino tradition for baby naming. You take part of the father's name and part of the mother's name to make the baby's name.

I didn't know this was a filipino tradition.  That's how I got my name.  It came out pretty nice.  But just barely, I think I got lucky.  But my parents are Haitian, and I don't think they were following any kind of tradition.  But I've tried to figure out how to name my future children after me and my husband, and with a slight variation, one might be pretty, but that's about it.  We would have some terrible names for our children.  They will have to have their own names in the end.
7  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Anyone recognise this outfit? on: 2005 December 08, 14:10:01
I don't necessarily think that Maxis intended to make any of the outfits realistic, I think they are all a parody of some sorts.  The track suits for an icon is kind of funny, because that is not what you would expect.  I think the parody is that we place icons on a pedastal and could never imagine them in anything besides make up and the whole 9s but in reality they are very much human and probably wear a tatty old track suit because it is well (comfortable).  Think Kirstie Alley, Alec Baldwin or the National Enquirer (or whatever tabloid magazine you have in your country)  They are not exactly parading around in their sunday best every day.  My personal favorite are the career outfits for the paranormal track. 
8  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: PLEASE take this survey. It's fun! on: 2005 December 03, 19:23:07
Hey guys,
I have a survey I need to finish for school.
If you quote me and put your answers in bold that would be fabulous...

And yes, J.M., I know it's completely off-topic, but it can be deleted by Monday, I promise!

Directions:  Please answer questions in the order that they appear.  This survey is completely confidential (well, not on here it isn't).  Be as honest as possible.

1.  Whether you own a computer or not, which type of computer do you access most frequently for personal use?

o   Apple/Macintosh
o   PC
o   Other (please specify)_______________________________

2. Rank the following music genres by your listening preference (1-12, with 1 being your most favored genre).

_9__ Folk
_4__ Country
_10__ Oldies
_1__ Pop or Rock
_11_ Heavy Metal
_8__ Dance/Techno/Electronica
_7__ Rap/Hip-Hop
_2__ Soul/R & B
_6__ Jazz
_5__ Blues
_3__ Easy Listening
_4__ World (Africa, Spain, South America, France, Asia, etc.) Reggae

3.  When you decide to purchase music, where do you most prefer to shop (mark only one)?

o   Online CD store with mail delivery (Amazon, Half, etc.)
o   Music club catalogs by mail or phone
o   Major retail chain (Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc.)
o   Independent retail chain (Soundwaves, Cactus, Sound Exchange, etc.)
o   Online downloading source (KaZaA, Morpheus, iTunes, Napster, etc.)
o   Other (please specify)_______________________________________

4.  Have you ever downloaded music off the internet from a file-sharing or pay site?

o   Yes
o   No

(if No, skip to Question 9)

5.  With what frequency do you download music currently?

o   Everyday
o   At least once a week
o   At least once a month
o   Once every few months
o   Once a year
o   Only on one occasion in the past few years
o   Never

6.  With what frequency did you download music five years ago?

o   Everyday
o   At least once a week
o   At least once a month
o   Once every few months
o   Once a year
o   Only on one occasion
o   Never

7.  When you download music, what are your reasons for doing so, rather than purchasing a CD at a store (mark all that apply)?

o   Convenience or speed of product availability
o   Only one or two songs on an album are desired
o   Free or reduced price of downloaded music compared to the expense of the CD
o   Labels get too much of the royalties from CD purchases
o   To decide whether or not to buy the album from a store
o   Music downloaded is unavailable in stores
o   iPod or other MP3 system uses
o   Other (please specify)________________________________________

8.  Which of the following reasons describe why you would buy a CD at a store rather than downloading the music from a file-sharing or pay site (mark all that apply)?

o   CD case, jacket, and/or liner notes are desired
o   Gift
o   Extra features (unreleased songs or DVD extras) not available online
o   Artist support
o   Store support
o   Impulse buy
o   Other (please specify) ________________________________________

9. Describe yourself.

Gender (circle one):       M          F

Age: ___28_____

Race/Nationality/Ethnicity: __Haitian-American(African-American)____________________________________________

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey.  Please write any additional comments you feel are applicable to the context of this survey below.

9  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 23, 02:04:25
I mentioned grey sims in post 3 - did you check for them?   Mind you, unless that new 'hood has imported sims it doesn't sound likely that's the problem.
Closing everything running in the background and making sure scheduled tasks don't kick in is another "must check".
I can't find the info you said about grey sims.  I scrolled up but I didn't find anything.  Also I run my computer in msconfig with only a few programs loaded, so there is very little running in the background.   

Is the slowdown happening at certain times of day? Have you tried turning on boolProp testingcheatsenabled true to see if any error boxes pop up at the time of slowdown?  Testingcheats would be my next port of call if it were me.  Exactly how slow is slow - for example does it take several sim minutes for a sim to take only a couple of steps? 

The slowdown is continuous.  I have tried the testingcheats to find any errors and nothing came up.  When I say slow, it takes a few minutes, *human time* for the sim clock to move one minute, and the sims themselves barely move at all. 

Thanks everyone for all your advice, I will keep working at this.  I like this family alot and I hope I'm able to bring them back to normal.
10  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 22, 15:46:49
I did as everyone said.  result there are no stuck npcs on my lot, either using merolas mirror or inge shrub.  I also used the portal fixes, and the problem is still there, also, I had used the Maxis patch almost as soon as it came out.  My new lot is doing fine, but I can't fix my old one.  It's a shame really.
11  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Severe Sims ADD on: 2005 November 22, 12:56:50
I don't have Uni--is it worth getting?

yes/no.  yes, b/c its really helpful to have your sims graduate from college b/c they start off at higher levels at work when the graduate.  Plus being a knowledge sim, I think everyone should go to college.  No, b/c it becomes tedious after a while.  I mean at first it's really cool, b/c it has a new interactions, and actually I think it was cooler than nightlife.  However, after a while, you just want to get your sims through college as fast as possible. 

Recently Uni has taken on a whole new spin for me b/c I found a hack that allows you to let your sims live on campus.  With a caveat, it is a difficult hack to manage.  Sometimes I have a lot of troubleshooting I have to go through, especially when a sim is going to college or graduating.  I can't tell you the name, however, Brynne probably knows which hack I'm talking about, and since she is senator, it would be safer for her to tell you about it.   Wink.  However, seriously, it is not a perfect hack, and may end up causing you more trouble than its worth.  Me, I don't mind trouble, b/c fixing a problem is half the fun.

All in all, I say if you can afford uni, buy it.  If not, forget about it, its not that important.
12  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 22, 12:40:14
All this time, and I never knew there was a slow down bug.  I just thought I had a really crappy laptop, because it happened right after I got Nightlife.  As a result, I just bought a new one.  Shhh don't tell hubby that the problem is not with the current laptop I have b/c he would kill me.  In any case the new one I'm getting is so awesome. 

In any case.  Thanks for the great advice, I'm off to look into it some more.  Btw the mirror is here:

13  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 22, 04:44:43
I deactivated the high files.  I don't know if it fixed it yet.  but I could use the simpe fix to fix them, so I just unselected them.  Thanks for the advice, I'll let you know if it worked out.
14  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Severe Sims ADD on: 2005 November 22, 04:42:36
Cycling, I have a special mouse with a rolly ball on top, so I sit on my exercise bike and play the sims at the same time.  for the longest time my husband insisted that I could not be getting a good workout, until he started riding the bike and found out that I go faster than him. which is funny because he is in excellent shape, and I'm well I'm soft and shapely. 

My mother also insisted that I'm lazy or a brat, and not really adhd.  I was diagnosed when I got to law school, and while my LSAT scores were high, I was struggling through law school.  After testing, it turned out the reason is that in my law school, it is frowned upon to keep raising your hand and talking in class, as a result I would zone, miss a whole lecture.  I've adjusted, but it was suprising to find out so late in life that I'm adhd, but boy did it explain a lot of things.

And yes, my husband uses the computer as evidence that I'm not adhd.  How can you, he says, spend 10 hours straight on the computer if you have a poor attention span.  You just don't want to listen when someone is talking to you.
15  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Severe Sims ADD on: 2005 November 21, 21:35:07
OMG....I'm ADD too...ok, ADHD.  And the only way I kept my ADD from getting in the way, was to play the sims while doing something else, homework, cycling, reading, etc.  Because seriously to wait for them to finish, and tell them what to do all the time is soooo tedious.  Every hack I download is aimed at making them more automous.  LizLoveBed, JM Rampage, JM AutoIdle, JM AutoSoc, JMAutoYak, JMBathroomUsesYou, JMSleepClock, IngeBookcase, IngeToddlergetofcrib, etc.  Besides what I love is seeing how each sim develops and is their own person.  If I controlled them, they would all come out the same, knowledge sims that get married and then excessively study for the rest of their lives.  *boring*
16  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 21, 18:42:58
Motoki, I hope you are still here.  I just ran the scan, and sure enough I got some high geometry files.  They are maxis objects.  But there is no name of the objects, just letters and numbers, so I don't know what they are.  What should I do with them?

Also I did try to run the game in debug mode, and no errors popped up, which is why the problem was so perplexing me.
17  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Slow lot/neighborhood on: 2005 November 21, 15:23:14
I'm not even sure how to explain this.  But I've noticed that my game has slowed down alot.  At first I thought it was the hacks I had in my folder, but I removed them all and the problem didn't improve.  So I thought it was my computer, worked hard to make it work faster.  Didn't help.  Then yesterday I did a eureka, I created a new family, in a new neighborhood, on a new lot.  Wow, the game moved fast.  Unfortunately, just now while I was playing it, it got slow all of a sudden.  The first time I did it, I used JM's lot debugger, and it removed two stuck visitors, I deleted all characters so I think it was the mailman and the newspaper boy.  But after a little while later, the game again got really slow, and by really slow I mean the game barely moves at all no matter what the speed.  This time there were no JM options to fix the lot.  I even put the game in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true to see if I could find any errors.  Nothing happened, just really slow.  So my question is, has this happened to others before, if so, what causes it, and how can it be fixed.  I didn't save my game because I think something went wrong, and if I go back in it will probably still keep moving fast.  But that's not a good solution to keep closing the game without saving to prevent the error from saving, but that is what I have to do for now.  It never happened before I got nightlife.  I have also used the nightlife patch. 
18  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Does this mean what I think it means? on: 2005 November 19, 07:16:40
A better way will be available shortly. The Sleep Clock is being updated to support vampires, meaning if you set the bed class to Coffin, and the user is a Vampire, the system will correctly recognize that a vampire's need to return to his coffin is not based on his energy level, but based on the time. Combine that with "Bed Time.../Max", and he'll definitely return to his grave before dawn.

Can you make the sleep clock do this for all sims.  I hate seeing my sims (especially children) wandering around at 2:00am, after they decided to take a nap during the day, and I can't send them to sleep b/c they are not tired.
19  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: I have Simpotence on: 2005 November 09, 12:33:03
I used to get really bored with the sims.   Until I started playing it while doing my school work.  Result, I last longer doing my school work and don't get bored of the sims, because when they are doing something I absolutely don't care about, I ignore them, until some major event occurs that interests me.  (The only bad thing about this is that I had to stop bringing my laptop to class, because I was always trying to play it in class.)  The bulk of my downloading now is focused on hacks that make my sims smarter and more independent, so I can ignore them more.   I guess you could say I want to play them like SimCity when you could build it so that the city was making money, then leave it overnight to discover you have a gazillion dollars the next morning. 
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