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51  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: The Entrepreneural Spirit - Building and selling businesses. on: 2006 March 12, 08:49:03
They went home, then my Sim got on the phone and sold the business for §15K plus the cost of the lot and building.  That was about §20K for about 16 hours of work.  And no skills.  Note that each business level is worth §5K if you decide to sell the business.

What i would have done iis open business at home to sell the deed (all you need to do is open business, get someone to buy the ownership deed and close business)
this way u make quite a bit more with only a little bit more effort.
52  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward... on: 2006 March 12, 08:34:52
Sure, reporters don't show up very often, however, once you've met one you can befriend him/her and invite them to the lot. They will then do their reporter job, only this time you will have been prepared. Wink

i met a report on my home business lot and i then invited him to my community business lot, but then he came as if hes a visitor, he hanged out and then left i didnt get any good review etc
53  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Questions about the Best of the Best reward... on: 2006 March 11, 21:47:15
How about "how do you get the thing in the first place?"

 - Gus
OK, this is how you get it.
1. It's VERY VERY VERY hard to get.
2. the chance of having a reporter show up is close to zero and entirely base on luck
3. reporters are busy people and they WILL LEAVE if you dont keep them occupied the whole damn time.
4. reporters will still leave once they complete their buy desire (unconfirmed)
5. you need 3 positive loyalty stars of the reporter to get the best of the best reward, which almost impossible consider the above factors.
6. they are not exactly easy to spot if you have a bunch of customers and a big store.
7. ill suggest you buy a hot tub (if you dont already have one) as soon as u spot one (if there is one show up in the first place), and ask the report to join, and place a few snapdragon around the tub to keep his mood up. Sims dont like to leave the tub until one motive gets really low. now you wait (for a long time) and try to get 3 stars. heh
54  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Questions about the Best of the Best reward... on: 2006 March 11, 21:27:51
Anyone have any idea what is the exact effect(s) of hanging a best of the best reward in your store?

does it make buy bar starts at higher level?

or does it make buy bar raises faster?

Is there a radius of effect? (like u have to hang it near the items u wanna sell) or does it cover the whole store/room?

Does a reward from one business lot works on another business lot?
55  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Cleanbots and baby bottles on: 2006 March 11, 17:55:46
if i want a cleanbot hack, then i would want it to be able to clean plates on tables and counters as well.
oh and make it break less cuz right now it breaks waaaaaaaaaaaaay to often
56  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Servo human face mask.... on: 2006 March 11, 17:52:55
with pascado's clothing tools, i changed servo to human clothing but once i change his appearance (hair etc), he looks completely human (the robot eye disappeared) now he just look like every other human, though still retain the robot voice.
he looks pretty funny when hes power down or being recharged
I wish someone can come up with a servo-enabled plastic surgery machine, cuz i think every servo has the same human face
57  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 11, 11:04:32
if chemistry plays such an important role then does it mean that those people without NL can sell stuffs more successfully? since chemistry was introduced in NL expansion pack.
58  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Restaurant Issues - Play Balance??? on: 2006 March 11, 07:57:08
Businesses aren't there for money, which is strange since Maxis tries to make better options....
i dont know about you. but OFB is the most imbalance on the money part, i can make million simoleons in a few sims day charging 1000 simoleons per hours per person and selling 20 statues that only worth $500 each for $8000 with no effort convincing my customers that it is a "good deal"

59  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Sim Died While Visiting Another Res Lot...Where is her tombstone? on: 2006 March 11, 07:47:44
well, you made the decision to actually saving the game instead of reloading to save her. so now you have to face the consequence that u may lose her forever.

try the resurrect phone on the lot where she died, if that doesnt work, then i guess she is gone for good
60  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 11, 00:13:34
these are making sense now, with mind-control mirror i checked and found out that all my best customers (those who buy the most frequent and never reject my sales interaction) are very very outgoing.
61  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Smarter Cashier on: 2006 March 11, 00:10:42
It's not ridiculously easy: The gold badge remains a fair distance away. The early badges will not be nearly as agonizing though. It's a frikken cash register, not an ICBM launch panel!
it sorta is, it is what sits between all your hardwork and the cold hard cash. its kinda ICBM control panel of your retail business.
62  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Servo human face mask.... on: 2006 March 10, 18:53:27
I only seen one of my servos wearing the mask once when i first changed her into formal and then i have never seen her with mask again
and none of my other servos ever wear a mask (all them dress in formal)
is this only me? anyone else seen a servo wear mask?

Is it possible to make a hack to enable change appearance and all the dresser options for servo? i know servo and humans are basically the same and those options are only disabled, because when the servo joined my other family the sim of my other family can dress the servo formal outfit....
63  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 10, 18:10:43
I think we need better information on  how Sims decide what to browse, which is the important thing when considering high-priced items which require sales intervention.  The fact that you had 3 average and just 1 expensive item skews your data, and the sample size is pretty small as well.  I'm not saying you're wrong, you're probably right, but it would be good to know.

im not saying im right, im just saying the inconclusive evidence had led me think this way. it is entirely possible that this is just coincident
64  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 10, 17:19:17
9. Then the BIG question is, should i sell items at cheap or expensive?
I disagree with your conclusion.  Rather, I'd say that it makes the most sense to have a lot of lower-price, Average items, and a few high-price, Ridiculously Expensive items.  The lower priced stuff will sell with little or no sales intervention.  The big-ticket items will require a Dazzle or two to sell, but if the item's ordinary price is high enough that it usually requires sales help to sell, you might as well price it very high since you need Dazzle anyway.  The obvious codicil is that you shouldn't have more of these items than you can reasonably handle with your salesmen.  You probably can't count on employees for this, only controllable sims.
Good point, but it seems like people are less likely to browse the expensive price item if there are average or cheap items around.
I did an experiment on this, had a store selling 4 plasma tvs, and 3 of them set to average and one of them set to expensive, i sold 4-5 of each of those 3 average ones and only sold the expensive one once
65  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / Re: A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 10, 17:11:09
Thanks. That was great.

Seriously though Smiley  Good info there!

heh thanks, remember this is not from official guide or anything, just stuffs i noticed from observation
66  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Request: Employee enabled Expresso? on: 2006 March 10, 16:51:53
pescado is making a "Break takes you" hack so employees take breaks efficiently, i think it is highly  likely the hack will make employees "caffeinate".
of course this is just my speculation
67  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Bathroom Controller: In Soviet Russia, Bathroom Uses You! on: 2006 March 10, 16:42:11
is it possible to make it so visitors (including customers) can take shower/bath as well?
right it seems like visitors only use toilets
68  Awesomeware / The Armory / Re: Smarter Cashier on: 2006 March 10, 16:27:48
am i a bit confused, what exactly does this hack do?
makes register badge learning faster? or...
69  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: House rules for Open For Business on: 2006 March 10, 16:03:04
Well, currently in the works, and it may come relatively quickly, is "In Soviet Russia, you do not take break, break takes YOU!". Rather than let them do their stupid ambling around doing nothing on their breaks, which doesn't actually get the break taken, the BREAK TAKES THEM!
OMG i love you!
70  TS2: Burnination / The War Room / A study of Buy Bars on: 2006 March 10, 15:52:02
Here are something i've observed about buy bars

1. The more expensive the item is the harder it is to raise the bar. Say you can dazzle (gold badge sales interaction) once and completely fill a buy bar of someone who is buying a TV set, but you only raise the buy bar a tiny little bit with a dazzle when you try to sell your 200k community lot ownership deed.

2. It seems like it has nothing to do with whether an item is expensive or cheap, only the amount matters, so dazzle someone to buy a $8000 plasma TV set raise the buy bar the same amount as dazzling someone to buy a $8000 puddle. Though other factors make it harder to sell $8000 puddle than a $8000 plasma tv.

3. The buy bar raises slowly on its own, customer loyalty and business ranking probably (not sure) make it raises faster or start at a higher level. The most important factor is if the item is at a reasonable price. So if the price is set at rediculously cheap the buy bar raises faster than if the item is set at average price.

4. The buy bar goes down slowly if the item is set to be anything higher than average, the more expensive the item is the faster it goes down. Luckily the buy bar doesnt start from 0, so you will have a few seconds to get to the customer and do sales interaction  before the bar drop to zero and at that point the customer is no longer interested and the loyalty is also gonna be taking a hit.

5. Thus it is basically impossible to sell someone a 200k community lot at anything higher than average price, because every second the buy bar drop more than you can boost with any sales interaction (including manipulate)

6. When a customer is autonomously browsing an item it is much easier to boost the buy bar than when they browsing an item you  are showing them. so "Access..Desire" and "Look for Mark" is kinda useless, cuz even a customer is "willing to buy" and "interested in that huge plasma tv" you will still have a hard time selling to him than if he autonomously trying to buy it.

8. Cheap or expensive? if you are selling some items at averge, and some other items at expensive, then customers are more likely to buy the cheaper value items than the more expensive ones. But if you sell everything at same price level (say very expensive) then they will be as likely to buy the same item as if all items are set to cheap.

9. Then the BIG question is, should i sell items at cheap or expensive? It depends, if there are many items in your store, its is better to set price at average, because there are always more people browsing than the number of sales people. the buy bars goes up on its on so you dont have to worry about losing customers. when your business is getting successful with high rank and alot of loyal customers, sometimes customers even buy things like plasma tv on their own without sales helping. If you set price at expensive then you can lose a lot of customers who are not being handled by your salesperson in time. because their buy bars goes down slowly.
On the other hand, if your store is only selling a few items, then it is probably a better idea to set the price to be more expensive, just to make sure every buying customer is being handled by a salesperson.

10. Spot the poor and get them out of your shop asap! if a sim is too poor, he wont buy anything. he only wanna hang out and blocking other potential customers from entering your lot.

10. Exploiting the loopholes: sales interactions like dazzle raise the buy bar by a fixed amount, the only difference is that the higher cost item has a bigger buy bar (all bars look the same but u will notice that it takes alot more dazzle to fill buy bar of 50k item than a 5k item) but you can fill the buy bar of most items you buy (10k or lower) with one at most 2 dazzle.
I set up a pay to stay business, the suggested average ticket price is $87/hour, and i set it at $800 using the custom pricing, the game consider anything $129 or high rediculously expensive, but afterall it is still only $800 i can get anyone to buy it with one dazzle. so now my business ranking is 8, i have 8 customers at a time, i can keep them on poker tables and hot tub forever with snapdragon all over the place. I'm making 800x8x24 = $156,400 a day with no effort, no employee and no expenses. (they dont even need to eat or anything because of those overpowered plants)
and often they will sleep on my lot (have echo's sleep enabled hack) when their energy gets really low, hell, they wont even sleep if i dont want them to, just have my servo rally forth them over and over.
my electronic store probably make more than this a day but this requires no attention at all. i only need to dazzle them once when they come and invite them to the poker table/hot tub and they are on their own, paying me 800 an hour.

71  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Where are all the darn reporters!?!?! on: 2006 March 10, 14:39:38
i think if u get at least one positive on customer loyalty bar then you get a good review
if you get a negative then u get bad review
check the customer loyalty of the reporter to find out
its kinda hard to get anything sometimes
just spot the reporter asap and sell him stuffs, or keep him occupied and dont piss him off
if he is left idle he will leave quickly and u wont get anything
72  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Where are all the darn reporters!?!?! on: 2006 March 10, 09:29:07
Is it possible to use the best of the best reward from one business on other business?

there was finally a reporter showed up in my home business (pay to stay) and since the ticket is very high (the default regular price is about 90 and i set it to 200 per hour) so he wrote something and immediately decided to leave
i had to use the mind-control mirror and cancelled his leave action (force error + reset) and send him to the hot tub
then have my sim jumped in and ask another 2 customers to join. then he stayed there and i had my servo Rally Forth nearby to keep all his motives up
he stayed for whole day (24 hours or more), and got 5 stars
when he left he said gonna write a good review and also gave me a best of the best reward
 hanged it on a wall near my ticket machine, customers seemed notice the reward but because of the rediculously expensive price they still start at very low buy bar (it didnt help because either way it will take 1 dazzle to get them buy the ticket)

since its worthless on my home business im wondering if i can use it on my electronic store?
73  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: This is a store.. you are a customer... BUY SOMETHING! on: 2006 March 10, 09:16:58
some sims are so poor and they just come to my store to hang out and never buy anything
it really pisses me off and i have to ask them to leave the moment i see them in the store.
74  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Re: Real Estate Office on: 2006 March 09, 08:10:17
ive never tried this myself but think about this:
get manipulate perk (it almost always work)
buy an expensive lot (say something worth 200-300k), mark it for sale at rediculously expensive and manipulate the first customer coming into the store of buying it.
then close the business and clear the negative customer loyalty.
then you do this all over again
75  TS2: Burnination / The Podium / Where are all the darn reporters!?!?! on: 2006 March 09, 08:00:25
I've opened 2 business now and still havent seen a single reporter!
my electronic store is rank 10, and my home business is rank 5 now....
made almost a million simoleon and still no reporter!!?
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