More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 16:39:47

Title: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 16:39:47

Works for OFB. Now ALL sims will gain skills anywhere.

I could bow down and kiss his feet!

And as for you Pescado  :P

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: gali on 2006 March 22, 17:05:07
Motoki, BIG BIG THANKS, and I "save all my kisses for you" (the Enlish song that won)...:)

Wow!!! I am sooo happy!!!


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 17:05:53
I don't mind the kisses lol, but Squinge deserves them. He made the hack, so go thank him. :)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: gali on 2006 March 22, 17:07:24
Lol, I already replied and thanked him too...:).

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: SimSherry on 2006 March 22, 17:08:39
Awesome, thank you for the link.  ::)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 22, 17:11:56
Thanks for the link Motoki, I was really missing this hack since it didn't work in OFB :)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: kewian on 2006 March 22, 17:14:02
just out of curiousity why is it important for non playable sims to gain skills?

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Emma on 2006 March 22, 17:15:54
Just in case you add them to the family ;) In my case anyway...

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Nec on 2006 March 22, 17:19:56
just out of curiousity why is it important for non playable sims to gain skills?

It also helps so that you don't have a bunch of non-controllable sims playing the instruments horribly, since they all eventually gain creativity skill.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 17:24:06
Yes and so their karoke singing doesn't suck lol.

Also, I like it for my other playables to gain skills when I am not controlling them. And if you are running a gym as a business the customers really should be gaining body skill as far as I am concerned.

Also, cooking and body skill is important when looking for employees to hire for a restaurant.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: radiophonic on 2006 March 22, 17:26:36
Oh, rock on Motoki. Thank you for the information, this will help for sure. :)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 March 22, 17:29:03
I didn't realise it didn't work, I've still got it in.  I could swear mine have been gaining skills on community lots, but maybe it's just other residential lots, or whatever.  Anyway, I will swop them round.  I'm sick of being offered all these townie teens as employees when they have no skills and I'd rather they earned them than me cheat to get them a few.  I will do that for new Sims (adults with no skills at all? NO WAY!), but not willy-nilly.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 17:36:38
I didn't notice anyone but my playables getting skills with Pescado's OFB comm skilling. Maybe it does work in some circumstances but it didn't seem to for me.

Ancient Sim: I agree with you about the townies and skills. I want them to have some but I also don't feel right just giving it to them. I want them to earn it.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: gali on 2006 March 22, 17:53:48
just out of curiousity why is it important for non playable sims to gain skills?

Kewian, when I go with my playable sims to a community lot to train them, many sims of my other families visit there, and only if I select them with the Merola's mirror, they can gain skills, but then MY sims don't skill. This is annoying, because meanwhile they could gain some skills.

Second, I hold my sims there a couple of days (I have a hotel and a restaurant there, and they can sleep and eat), the time is not passing by, and thus I maxed their skills without losing precious time.

Besides, sinse OFB and no skilling for the non-playable sims,  causes all of them to flood the coffee baristas - they don't go to the training objects, especially the body-training.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Ellatrue on 2006 March 22, 18:33:47
But it's better if the townie teens have no skills, because then you don't have to pay them more! Minimum wage for unskilled labor! Hooray!

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 March 22, 18:44:28
I saw this yesterday, and I was like meh. Wasn't this already done (by a certain you know who)? :P

I vaguely recall grumblings about it not working (the FFS version) in OFB, and though I hadn't confirmed this myself, surely those grumblings must be wrong if Pescado hasn't bothered to update it? ::)

Anyways, just out of curiousity, does anyone still have the FFS version and can confirm that it doesn't work and/or explain what actually does happen?

I get the whole wanting other playables to skill while not controlling them, but I'd actually like to earn those skills myself, as I like to control when sims get job promos, when YAs get those skills for semester grade building, and most importantly when Knowlege sims get those skills, but it can seriously fuck with their wants getting all clogged up when you are trying to focus on one or two skills at a time.

I'll have to take a look at this and see if I can tailor hax it out for my own personal playing style. *sigh* Looks like it's back to SimPE for another day again. I'm never gonna get to actually play am I? :P


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 18:49:59
It doesn't work for me. Nothing happens. Zip. Nada. No one gains skill anywhere but playables.

This is Pescado's I am talking about.

And Pescado always said that same spiel about knowledge sims, but thing is I don't really care. I'd just rather them gain the skills. I can honestly say I've never, ever had a problem getting aspiration points for any sim in this game. If you miss them gaining a skill, so what? There's plenty of other wants. Granted they are annoying in that the tend to have obnoxious wants to 'be saved from death' 'see a ghost' 'be abducted' 'be a zombie' 'be a vampire' 'so & so is a zombie' 'defeat the grim reaper' etc. but that's a whole 'nother issue and also why they are a rather irritating aspiration to play.

Besides, IIRC the knowledge LTWs are among the easier ones to fill and this would only make maximize all skills that much easier, so then there's no aspiration worries. :P

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 18:53:43
But it's better if the townie teens have no skills, because then you don't have to pay them more! Minimum wage for unskilled labor! Hooray!

You can always underpay them anyway. Pescado does. ;)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 March 22, 19:00:30

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 22, 19:18:08
The problem with Knowledge Sims and non-playables being able to gain skills on outside lots is that their want trees are highly dependent on the last skill they gained.  If you have them working a particular skill, you have to lock it when you're not playing them or you'll lose it as soon as they gain a skillpoint in something else.  They want to know everything, but they're very fickle about it

That said, if you have NL installed, Aspiration points are a sinch to get for anyone who has a romantic relationship with anyone else.  Just invite them over for a date.  You can get any sim locked in a Backrub - Flirt - Makeout - WooHoo cycle really quickly and rake in the Aspiration points in no time. 

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 19:29:15
I see what you're saying, but *shrug* it's not a big deal for me. To me the skill gain without me having to micro manage them or sit there watching them do it on fast forward outweighs losing a want on the want tree. As I've said and as you also noted, aspiration really isn't a very difficult thing to get in this game. If you lose one want or want tree, you fill another want. No big deal. Not to me. I don't have to anally fill every single want. It's nice sure but if I don't then oh well. There'll be plenty more where that came from.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: linolino on 2006 March 22, 19:32:45
ahaha you bet! It is very commom to my sims getting locked in a cycle of make out, and woohoo in the car, while on a date.

Hey, A question!!! --> Whitout the comm-skilling hack, sims won't gain skillpoints in community lots, however will they get fitter for working out in a community gym?

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 March 22, 19:43:48
It doesn't work for me. Nothing happens. Zip. Nada. No one gains skill anywhere but playables.

Ahh... I see. Hrm...

There's plenty of other wants. Granted they are annoying in that the tend to have obnoxious wants to 'be saved from death' 'see a ghost' 'be abducted' 'be a zombie' 'be a vampire' 'so & so is a zombie' 'defeat the grim reaper' etc. but that's a whole 'nother issue and also why they are a rather irritating aspiration to play.

Actually... this is kind of the reason why I am a control freak about this, especially for Knowledge sims. It's not the aspiration points, those are super easy to get, anyone knows that. ;) I just want a little more control over the wants. I like to go at my own pace, especially because I prefer to play Knowledge sims. I want them to achieve the skills when I'm ready for it, and not clog up all their wants. I guess partially, it is for the aspiration points, because once you're done with all that skill building, you're wants are not clogged up with those 'be abducted' bea zombie' 'be a vampire' etc. wants, which I don't necessarily want to fulfill. If you're lucky, you're Knowledge want will have a significnt other and/or children, and become obssessed with them getting into private school, getting scholarships, or actually have romantic wants revolving their SO. Other wised you're stuck with trying to get them killed by a satellite every other day. lol. :D

Anyways, it's not a super big deal. And I totally understand why people want skilling for all. Everyone has their own way of playing. Y'all should know that I'm s super slow player. I even restarted my whole 'hood after installing NL, and I still haven't graduated anyone from Uni yet, I still haven't gotten through the first generation, I have housesholds that I set up which I haven't even played yet. :P And now that OFB is in, I still haven't attached a Shopping District. ::)

And see, my problem is, now that I've figured out how to mod some stuff, if something doesn't work the way I want it to, I will stop gameplay for a long while until I either find hacks that fix it, or figure out how to hack it myself. :P


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Ruann on 2006 March 22, 19:45:22
I see what you're saying, but *shrug* it's not a big deal for me. To me the skill gain without me having to micro manage them or sit there watching them do it on fast forward outweighs losing a want on the want tree. As I've said and as you also noted, aspiration really isn't a very difficult thing to get in this game. If you lose one want or want tree, you fill another want. No big deal. Not to me. I don't have to anally fill every single want. It's nice sure but if I don't then oh well. There'll be plenty more where that came from.

Yeah, it doesn't really bother me.  If they're on a new skill want tree when I get back to them, I'll just go with it.  If they're working, you're going to be fighting their natural Aspirational wants anyway.  Besides, once they finish all 7 (and hopefully get their LTW to go with it), you're sorta screwed for big rewards for them unless you have a LOT of ghosts hanging about or you want lots of alien babies...

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 22, 19:55:09
Ahh, thank you for letting us know. My townies were specifically made to marry into families at some point; they'd damn well better be able to gain skillpoints while they are living out their lives until then.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 20:14:43
Yep, all my custom-made townies will eventually be married into families at one point.  So, I definitely want them to be gaining skills on their own, who knows what the game randomly assigned them?

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: syberspunk on 2006 March 22, 20:53:41
Does the game even randomly assign them skills? I thought they all started out with none. :P See how much I don't play the game.? ;D

Anyways, I compared the two hacks, and it looks like the reason why the FFS one might not work, is because there are changes to other BHAVs in the Skill Tracker globals. They all seem to test for a controller that is called a FunBandatron. Any idea what that is? I suspect that it is the ticket booth thingie... but I could be wrong. I haven't even played any Businesses yet, so I have no idea what this thing is. Maybe the intention is to have skilling only on lots where visitors actually pay to use the objects? *shrugs*

The FFS version does change the Main BHAV, but that BHAV calls these other BHAVs which all have that same test. If this controller doesn't exist, then the BHAVs return False, which probably prevents them from gaining skills? At least that's what it seems to me, just looking at it superficially. I'd probably have to dig deeper and investigate what's really going on, but I"m lazy. :P


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Renatus on 2006 March 22, 21:09:58
The game does randomly assign them skills, but (if I remember correctly) only for whatever job it assigns to them. If it assigns them a job that doesn't need any skills, they don't get any skill points. Always makes me a little pissy to send a playable's townie teen sweetheart off to uni with them and find out that they don't know a blasted thing. Uni is tedious enough without having to make them gain skills my playable had by the sim-equivalent of age 10. :P

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: BlueSoup on 2006 March 22, 21:11:54
The game does randomly assign them skills, but (if I remember correctly) only for whatever job it assigns to them.

I think you're right, after I made them townies, I would nab them when I was playing a lot and make them selectable to check their skills and LTW's - some of them had quite a lot and some of them had barely any at all.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 21:17:01
Ste: Actually, I wouldn't complain at all if someone nuked the 'be saved from death' 'defeat the grim reaper' 'be a zombie' 'be a vampire' (woudn't this be better for romance?) etc wants. You wanna try?  ;D

Also, if it's even doable, a hack that makes the want to see a ghost only show up on a lot where there actually is a grave and/or urn would be nice.

Lastly, I train my sims to do what I want them to want by ignoring the wants I don't want to fill. In some cases it works quite well. I have a romance sim who's quite monogomous and mostly just gets wants to interact with his wife. And I've trained fortune and knowledge to be more family and/or friend/popularity oriented.

The reverse is a little harder though. It's hard to get non-knowledge sims interested in skill building. It happens sometimes but not nearly as frequently.

I also think there's room for overlap in some areas that Maxis didn't exploit. Like learning to cook meals. I'd much rather have a knowledge sim get these than be saved from death for the umpteenth time.  ::)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Nec on 2006 March 22, 21:23:33
I saw this yesterday, and I was like meh. Wasn't this already done (by a certain you know who)? :P

I use the one from here, myself. I am quite happy with it.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Klaatu on 2006 March 22, 21:26:03
The FFS comm-skilling hack has worked fine for me since OFB. At least it does what it says it does in the RTFM, which is your current controllable sims gain skills on community lots. With that said, I think I'm gonna try this new hack, as I like the idea of other playable sims and townies gaining skills as well.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 21:28:43
I use the one from here, myself. I am quite happy with it.

Does it work for you? Like does it actually do anything different than if you didn't have it in? I never noticed any sims other than the ones I was playing gaining skills with it in. I don't recall what happened without it in.

I think OFB was supposed to allow for visitors on business lots at least to gain skills. The Prima Guide mentions sims will look for skill building objects when deciding whether or not to buy a ticket if you have a business with a ticket machine. Of course wouldn't be the first time they were wrong. :P

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 21:29:55
The FFS comm-skilling hack has worked fine for me since OFB. At least it does what it says it does in the RTFM, which is your current controllable sims gain skills on community lots. With that said, I think I'm gonna try this new hack, as I like the idea of other playable sims and townies gaining skills as well.

Well I guess I am guilty of not RTFM then because all his previous versions of comm skilling never worked that way.

Also, I'm wondering if it actually removes skilling for shoppers that OFB enables. Can someone confirm this?

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 21:35:22
And another thing, don't playables already gain skills on community lots now with OFB? I know the guide says that cooks and waiters on community business lots gain skills and they have been in my game. Or is it just the community business lots and not the regular community lots you visit that they gain skill on without using any hacks.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Klaatu on 2006 March 22, 21:36:23
No, I'm wrong, you're right Motoki. I just went and looked at the RTFM for comm-skilling and this is what it says:
Controlled sims, NPCs, and townies may gain skills while visiting community lots, including non-college community lots. Notifications of skill-point gain will only be displayed for controllable sims.
I've never noticed any other sims but my controlable sims gaining skills on community lots since NL, I believe. So I guess it is broken (or so it seems anyway). Sorry.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Klaatu on 2006 March 22, 21:46:04
And another thing, don't playables already gain skills on community lots now with OFB? I know the guide says that cooks and waiters on community business lots gain skills and they have been in my game.
Maybe it's just the new OFB "skills". Badges, in other words. Of course, I've not played OFB without the FFS comm-skilling hack in, so I can't answer your question one way or the other.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: uaintjak on 2006 March 22, 23:07:01
One of my nannies got a cleaning and (I think) a cooking point.  That was nice, until she tried to make Baked Alaska and went up in flames. 

On second thought, her burning to the ground was actually kind of nice too.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 March 22, 23:13:17
Y'all should know that I'm s super slow player. I even restarted my whole 'hood after installing NL, and I still haven't graduated anyone from Uni yet, I still haven't gotten through the first generation, I have housesholds that I set up which I haven't even played yet. :P And now that OFB is in, I still haven't attached a Shopping District. ::)

You think you're slow? I've had the same neighborhoods since the game first came out, and to date I've only had 1 person die of old age - PT9 in Strangeville - and 0 deaths otherwise. I've only sent 1 batch of sims who've graduated from Uni - a whopping total of 6 sims!

Of course, it's not like I get a lot of time to play. I'm limited to free hours on the weekends. But still, I think I might just be one of the slowest simmers around.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 March 22, 23:15:07
I've really been noticing how Squinge has been shoving out some VERY useful hacks at a very surprising rate. Awesomeness.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Theo on 2006 March 22, 23:33:04
It may not be related, but since I installed this hack, syberspunk's dance skilling hack also works on visiting sims and townies. 8)
Let the dance parties begin...

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 22, 23:38:32
One of my nannies got a cleaning and (I think) a cooking point.  That was nice, until she tried to make Baked Alaska and went up in flames. 

On second thought, her burning to the ground was actually kind of nice too.


I had one die in a fire from cooking a grilled cheese. She had 10 cooking too. Now you tell me, how does a sim with max cooking skill start a fire making something that you can't leave cooking unattended. It's not like a tv dinner that you can put in the oven and walk away.

Oh well, leave it to those nannies!

Theo: I noticed oddly that some of the townies in OFB with Bluewater already started with dancing skill. I moved one of the new Bluewater Village townies in right after I got the game and never had played anywhere with a stereo on with sims dancing and yet he could Bust A Move. I guess he must have started with high dancing skill already somehow. Weird.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Nec on 2006 March 23, 00:20:01
Does it work for you? Like does it actually do anything different than if you didn't have it in? I never noticed any sims other than the ones I was playing gaining skills with it in. I don't recall what happened without it in.

Well, I was about to reply, and then I thought about it and realized that I have been so busy forcing burglaries, arson  ::) and playing home businesses, that I haven't actually been to a community lot where one could gain skill points since installing OFB. I tried out separately and together the comm-skilling and dancefitnessbodyskill on my other Windows account that has no hacks or custom content, and what I found was this: At home businesses, both work for visiting sims/customers. At community lots they only work for the playable sim. The progress bar shows up and then disappears for the other sims. Without any hacks installed at all, there was no skill point gain at any community lots. I did not test out the cook or waitstaff thing. Before OFB the progress bar always showed up at community lots for all sims. I also realized how much I hate playing without hacks!  :P

Edit: I took out comm-skill and put in Squinge's version and now my controllable sims do not gain skill points, but non-playables do. I prefer JMP's one. If I want townies to gain skill points I will invite them over.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 23, 01:29:23
Squinge has been making some very cool hacks for OFB, and I am appreciative. It never hurts to have more modders to hack the game, and it gives JMP more time to go around kicking over trashcans and scaring babies, or whatever it is he does when not working on hacks.

I would like to have a more informed opinion about the hacks though, as to how clean they are and whether they seem like they are the type that will cause more problems in the long run. So far, all of the hacks have worked fine for me, but inquiring minds still want to know.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: magic cookie on 2006 March 23, 01:47:10
Motoki, I love you!

This is my favorite hack, now having a gym finally makes sense again :)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: gali on 2006 March 23, 01:55:46
 :P :P :P

Well, we were exited too soon!!!

Now we have the opposite condition - I took my playable sim to the community lot, and she didn't have the skilling bar over her head, i.e. - can't gain skilling points. The test was done on the body-training tool.

But when a townie went to the body-training - the skilling bar appeared over his head.

I went back to JMP's comm-skilling, until MTS2 update this hack again - I'll report it for sure...:).

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 23, 05:08:27
Ack, that's not good Gali. Did you let Squinge know? I'm sure that's not what he intended. And he's always noted in all his posts to let him know if there are problems in his hacks and he'll correct them.

As for the rest of his hacks, I've been using some of them for a while know without problems. Particularly, No Townie Memory Amnesia and and Adopt Teens of his I've had since NL and they work fine, though I've just upgraded to the OFB versions.

He seems to really have gone into overdrive lately though. He's got tons of hacks now. Some real useful stuff too like objects to count how much money a sim made, how many dates they went on, and how many grilled cheeses they've eaten lol.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Hitch on 2006 March 23, 05:33:17
I got the same thing Nec and Gali did. I PMed Squinge at MTS2 to let him know.

Update: Squinge just added another coat of polish, so we can try beta-testing this again.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 March 23, 06:04:36
Can you believe it, he fixed it already. Man, I like this dude:

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: liegenschonheit on 2006 March 23, 07:05:10
Yeah, he fixed it, and on top of that he PMed everyone who posted in his thread to let them know. Or at least, he PMed me about it. I agree, I like this dude too :)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Sleepycat on 2006 March 23, 07:26:49
I was very happy to grab this shiny comm skilling hack!

I think the confusion over JMs is that he originally had more then one version

1 allowed all sims to gain skills anywhere

its RTFM
Okay, fine, here you go: Skills 4 all. EVERYONE can now learn skills ANYWHERE. Your sims can learn skills. Visitors can learn skills. Even the NPC can learn skills, so the maid will actually improve cleaning while working at your house! Maybe.

I have made this a seperate upload here, although this one overwrites the other one on install, and they are not compatible with each other: This one supercedes the original and unpredictable results will occur if you rename one or the other and use both at once.

The original above is unchanged and will enable community lot learning only for controlled sims, not visitors or NPCs.

Pick your poison, but be aware of the potential drawbacks mentioned above, particularly given Sim pool obsession.

another allowed only "player controlled" to learn skills on community lots

its RTFM
This hack lets you learn skills on community lots, so now all those public libraries, parks, pools, and gyms you've built will actually be useful!

then there was the newer one - which has been updated along the way
Controlled sims, NPCs, and townies may gain skills while visiting community
lots, including non-college community lots. Notifications of skill-point gain
will only be displayed for controllable sims.

If I remember correctly the Controlled sims means that your playable sims that you are Not currectly controlling - would Not gain skills.  I do know I always perfered the "skilling for all" and JM refused to update it when Uni came out - but it still worked - I know since I kept using it, I don't think I gave it up untill NL came out, since he wasn't gonna update it and I didn't know if it would still work.

heh, odd the things I remember... my memory is like a time warp hole that sometimes spits information back out

edit - the quoted parts are all from the actual RTFMs - I still have copys of some of the old hacks  ;)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: gali on 2006 March 23, 07:32:47
OK, I "beta-tested" the new update, and it WORKS without problems. ALL sims can now gain skilling points at the community lots.


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: maxon on 2006 March 23, 10:18:02
Anyways, it's not a super big deal. And I totally understand why people want skilling for all. Everyone has their own way of playing. Y'all should know that I'm s super slow player. I even restarted my whole 'hood after installing NL, and I still haven't graduated anyone from Uni yet, I still haven't gotten through the first generation, I have housesholds that I set up which I haven't even played yet. :P And now that OFB is in, I still haven't attached a Shopping District. ::)

You think you're slow? I've had the same neighborhoods since the game first came out, and to date I've only had 1 person die of old age - PT9 in Strangeville - and 0 deaths otherwise. I've only sent 1 batch of sims who've graduated from Uni - a whopping total of 6 sims!

Of course, it's not like I get a lot of time to play. I'm limited to free hours on the weekends. But still, I think I might just be one of the slowest simmers around.

ooo ooo - if we're having a competition, can I play?

I also have had the same neighbourhood (just the one) since the game was first released and have only had one death and she was an elder when I started.  Ive graduated only 6 sims too but I haven't even installed OFB yet.  I've had it since the beginning of March but am still sorting out where I want my sims to be before it goes in.  You think you're slow?  Pah!

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: cwykes on 2006 March 23, 10:56:54
Glad Sleeypcat posted about the versions. I thought I was going to have to dig out all the links and do it (lazy - who me?) 
I too have 3 versions in my DL folder;  I enabled the "all skill all the time version" and disabled the other two.   I was playing base game only though and I think two of the versions were discontinued before NL.  I was disappointed to see that I was down to one version when I added OFB.  I think having 3 working versions again would be great - there is definitely a big split on who wants what in their game.  More work of course..  We could poll I suppose...., but we're gonna get what JM wants in his game aren't we!

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 23, 14:35:05
Sleepy: You're correct but I have a couple of things to add.

JM did indeed refuse to update skilling for all after the base game. I believe I was the one who asked him to make skilling for all for the base game way back when he first when were over at MTS2. I want skilling for all dammit and refuse to let it go.  :P

As you noted, he didn't update the hack for Uni, however the old skilling for all did work with Uni. It did not fully work with NL as I think it didn't work on downtownies or some such thing. I and several others begged him for an updated skilling for all for NL and being his old crusty crabby mean old self he ignored me so I went poking around the file and changed one tiny value and made my own unofficial modification to his NL skilling for all and posted it. Maybe you missed it? Anyway, it literally took me like 2 second to do once I figured out what value to change, the hard part was figuring it out but Pescado obviously knows and is just being stubborn.

Now for the OFB version of Pescado's comm skilling. It's supposed to work as his usual everyone but non playable controlled sims versions do but it doesn't. Something's wrong with it. Only playable sims gain. Townies do not gain skills with it for some reason in my game and Klaatu also noted the same futher above in another reply.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 23, 14:37:39
but we're gonna get what JM wants in his game aren't we!

Hmph! He ain't the only game in town anymore.  :P

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 March 23, 14:39:40
As you noted, he didn't update the hack for Uni, however the old skilling for all did work with Uni. It did not fully work with NL as I think it didn't work on downtownies or some such thing. I begged him for an updated skilling for all for NL and being his old crusty crabby mean old self he ignored me so I went poking around the file and changed one tiny value and made my own unofficial modification to his NL skilling for all and posted it. Maybe you missed it? Anyway, it literally took me like 2 second to do once I figured out what value to change, the hard part was figuring it out but Pescado obviously knows and is just being stubborn.

Eh? Where? Just looked over at Peasantry and didn't find anything...

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 23, 14:50:27
I posted it in a thread somewhere. I guess it got buried. This was before Peasantry and I never bothered to move it there. I guess I can post in there now, but are there enough people who have NL and don't intend to get OFB that want it?

*Edit: Here's the post in question, but of course the attachments have all been nuked now since the board went down

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 March 23, 17:19:17

And as for you Pescado  :P

Nice link, Motoki. Cheers. But, are you sure this isn't a sentiment that should have remained closely hidden? Nice knowing you, mate!  ;)

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Motoki on 2006 March 23, 17:39:22
I've had my lips ripped off before. Lips are over-rated.  ;D

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: laeshanin on 2006 March 23, 17:49:49
I've had my lips ripped off before. Lips are over-rated.  ;D

Heh, spotted that, hon.  ;D

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: JadeEliott on 2006 March 23, 20:13:14
Anyways, it's not a super big deal. And I totally understand why people want skilling for all. Everyone has their own way of playing. Y'all should know that I'm s super slow player. I even restarted my whole 'hood after installing NL, and I still haven't graduated anyone from Uni yet, I still haven't gotten through the first generation, I have housesholds that I set up which I haven't even played yet. :P And now that OFB is in, I still haven't attached a Shopping District. ::)

You think you're slow? I've had the same neighborhoods since the game first came out, and to date I've only had 1 person die of old age - PT9 in Strangeville - and 0 deaths otherwise. I've only sent 1 batch of sims who've graduated from Uni - a whopping total of 6 sims!

Of course, it's not like I get a lot of time to play. I'm limited to free hours on the weekends. But still, I think I might just be one of the slowest simmers around.

ooo ooo - if we're having a competition, can I play?

I also have had the same neighbourhood (just the one) since the game was first released and have only had one death and she was an elder when I started.  Ive graduated only 6 sims too but I haven't even installed OFB yet.  I've had it since the beginning of March but am still sorting out where I want my sims to be before it goes in.  You think you're slow?  Pah!

I've got you ALL beat. I just had a baby grow to toddler last night, and I had not idea what to do, how to throw a birhtday party, because I have never had a baby grow up before. I have only had two babies born in Whimsy Valley so far. I have been playing it for six months now.

I play with aging off most of the time, the speed set at SLOW 70%, and I pause to take pics or set up some scenario all the time. Takes me about four RL hours to play a sim day. :-/

I started a post called Slow Simmers Unite! here awhile back. Ah, fond memories.

I am currently enamored with Pegasys' Sims2DB and that is slowing me down even more. That program is da shit, y'all.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: miramis on 2006 March 24, 15:18:54
I'm so glad you posted this link Motoki, I too prefer my non-playables to comm-skill.  I like the bands in parks, but not with bad musicians, now I won't have to turn the sound down once the townies get some creativity points.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: greeneyedsims on 2006 March 24, 20:04:01
Thanks so much for the link!  I would like to try this as well.

I am currently enamored with Pegasys' Sims2DB and that is slowing me down even more. That program is da shit, y'all.

Who are you tellin?  That program is my "precious"!!  LOL!!  I'd freak out if I lost all the information I put in that thing!  My Notes section has become a daily journal of what goes on!


Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: maxon on 2006 March 24, 20:41:25
I've got you ALL beat. I just had a baby grow to toddler last night, and I had not idea what to do, how to throw a birhtday party, because I have never had a baby grow up before. I have only had two babies born in Whimsy Valley so far. I have been playing it for six months now.

I play with aging off most of the time, the speed set at SLOW 70%, and I pause to take pics or set up some scenario all the time. Takes me about four RL hours to play a sim day. :-/

I started a post called Slow Simmers Unite! here awhile back. Ah, fond memories.

I am currently enamored with Pegasys' Sims2DB and that is slowing me down even more. That program is da shit, y'all.

Ah - missed your post.  Must have been too slow on the uptake. 

Yeah Sims2DB - ooo shiney.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 March 24, 23:15:12
To answer a question that was asked up earlier in the thread, yes, they will get fitter when using a community lot gym.

Title: Re: Newer Shinier Comm Skilling hack at MTS2
Post by: baaaflatfit on 2006 March 30, 19:10:58
Cool! Thanks for the headsup! :D
