More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: pepsihamster on 2014 March 08, 12:02:41

Title: Empty world and homeless Sims trouble
Post by: pepsihamster on 2014 March 08, 12:02:41
Ok, I have made a world from the Sunset Valley Light version in CAW, where I have deleted all streets, street lights and buildings, as I want to play an empty world where only my CAS made Sims live - starting out with only two couples and slowly progressing from there. I use AwesomeMod and I have all EPs installed.

So, first I did "therapture", checking for any homeless, before placing my two families, story progression turned on.
The next day I check with the console cheat "listhomeless" and I have Alien household 6, Arnett household 50, Pets household 47, Mermaid 0, Paparazzi 2 (I think this was all there was). WTF?! They don't all run around the world, but I have seen some of them running across the "plains" (tracking them shows they are "Going home" and they disappear into the ground somewhere). Some of them were Npcs like police, paparazzi.

Remember, I have no community lots nor houses at this point, it's all empty, except my 2 families. All the former community lots have been set to "visitors not allowed" and all former residential lots have been turned into community lots "visitors not allowed". To my understanding these Sims were only to be spawned when/if I have community lots that my Sims actually visit; or if one of my Sims actually were a celebrity or called the police, the whole npc role player thing…

So I tried again from scratch, again making sure no one lives there before placing the 2 families, this time with population set to 1 in the config. Same thing happened. So I tried again from scratch, this time with story progression turned off. Same thing.
I have tried destroying these homeless households after placing my families, but that doesn't keep them from spawning.
Is there something in the setup of Awesome mod that I am missing here? Because this isn't supposed to happen, or?

Title: Re: Empty world and homeless Sims trouble
Post by: vorpal on 2014 March 08, 12:47:50
With all EPs installed the game will spawn something like 50 service Sims and there's nothing that I know of to prevent this. Same with the Aliens and pets, unless you uninstall Seasons and Pets. With AwesomeMod the paparazzi, however, should only spawn if there are any celebrities in town.

Title: Re: Empty world and homeless Sims trouble
Post by: pepsihamster on 2014 March 08, 15:28:34
With all EPs installed the game will spawn something like 50 service Sims and there's nothing that I know of to prevent this. Same with the Aliens and pets, unless you uninstall Seasons and Pets. With AwesomeMod the paparazzi, however, should only spawn if there are any celebrities in town.

 :o 50 service Sims, just like that, in a world emptied of community/residential lots!?
I definitely recall seeing 2 paparazzi among the ones I saw and also a policeman - and I don't have any celebrities >scratches head< something must be off here, then. But what?