More Awesome Than You!

Awesomeware => AwesomeMod! => Topic started by: rmaddzoo on 2013 November 22, 03:53:42

Title: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: rmaddzoo on 2013 November 22, 03:53:42
I have used AM on and off for a long time, but for some reason it will not work this time.  I have the framework, with the resource.cfg, I have the mod>package folder.  I even use the AM updater and it runs like everything is working, till I am in-game then AM is not there.  I have tried the configsys. Everything is updated to the latest patches.  I have removed the folders and tried reinstalling it all again.  I followed every step at MTS, which are quite simple and pretty much impossible to mess up.  I have also read posts that give alternates for the resource file and I have tried those.  What could I possibly be missing here? This may or may not be a PEBCAK problem, please help me figure it out.

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: rmaddzoo on 2013 November 22, 12:28:16
I forgot to mention that I have deleted the scriptcache.package, and just double checked to make sure it is no longer there.

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: Cyberdodo on 2013 November 22, 23:31:05
I'll start with some questions.

Are you using a PC or a Mac? Are you using the old Framework or the new Framework? If you've switched Frameworks from the old way to the new, did you follow the directions for completely removing the old Framework?

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: rmaddzoo on 2013 November 25, 01:08:38
I am using a PC, have been using the new way.  Don't know which framework is old or new, but have tried everyone I could find, one by one (was using MTS framework and there auto set up of folders).  I did get it to start working by deleting the mods folder all together then manually making the folders and putting everything back into the packages folder .  Don't know why this worked but it did.  Now I'm having a different problem, the game is running super choppy as if it is lagging every couple seconds for about 5-15 seconds then runs then freezes/lags all over again.   

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: molave on 2013 November 30, 00:16:47
Maybe you have a patch fail? (ie. you patched with CC and mods on)

Can you change the "GameVersion" field under "[Version]" in <Base Game Directory>/Game/Bin/Default.ini to a previous version ("1.57.62.<whatever this value is in your file>" for example), disable all CC and move your mods folder to somewhere else, and then apply the latest patches? The same thing happened to me but in my case I couldn't use any mod.

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: rmaddzoo on 2013 December 03, 02:27:45
It appears that it was, after all, some sort of patch fail.  Everything is working fine now. Thanks.

Title: Re: I have; lurked, googled, read countless pages. . . please help
Post by: jezzer on 2013 December 04, 16:15:23
Oh, thank sweet Jesus, my sleepless nights are through.