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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Andygal on 2005 November 20, 19:12:47

Title: Hmmm...idle thought of mine...
Post by: Andygal on 2005 November 20, 19:12:47
wouldn't it be cool if, if a sim rolled a want that you didn't like (ie rolling a want to flirt siwht somebody other then their SO) you could  immediately send them to that lie finder thing and if you let it zap them enough times they wouldn't roll that want again for a while, or ever?

I doubt this is do-able but it would be cool/amusing. At least I think so.

Title: Re: Hmmm...idle thought of mine...
Post by: Bort on 2005 November 20, 19:33:38
That would be extremely amusing. Maybe they could add an all new device. Like that little baby Sheep Shearer cooked up today...

An alternative punishment would be to send them to that aspiration-change reward, below gold. That would be the last time they spin up an adulterous want...or any want of substance, for that matter ;)

Title: Re: Hmmm...idle thought of mine...
Post by: Zandi on 2005 November 20, 19:45:28
I have no clue where he got it from but the boyfriend type person added an old fashioned electric chair to my game.
Some how it smells of MTS2 to me but it's pretty funny.
Still my personal fave is to have themuse that thing with the bucket of water when in near asperation failure when they tick me off.
I still see that video with Nervous Subject in my head when I do that to them.

Title: Re: Hmmm...idle thought of mine...
Post by: baratron on 2005 November 21, 00:48:33
Worth suggesting it on the official Maxis suggest-an-idea forum thingy :D. We are supposed to be the gods of our sims' worlds, after all. I think we have the right to punish them for thinking impure thoughts ;D.

Seriously, that is a really good idea, and it's something that would be best done by Maxis as they could add the extra code for it - plus it's bizarre enough to appeal to their sense of humour.