More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: pentabet on 2009 April 04, 21:14:31

Title: Multi Polli-Tech Tutorial
Post by: pentabet on 2009 April 04, 21:14:31
I was working on making my own Pollination Technician package...

Solved. Thank you.

Title: Re: Multi Polli-Tech Tutorial
Post by: SaraMK on 2009 April 04, 21:38:46
What 404? The tutorial is still where it was. Outdated or not, as far as I know it's the only one there is. How about PMing the creator?

Title: Re: Multi Polli-Tech Tutorial
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2009 April 04, 21:58:53
Your hat still sucks.

Title: Re: Multi Polli-Tech Tutorial
Post by: professorbutters on 2009 April 05, 01:36:40
Would that have been simgaroop's tutorial?  A lot of her material was deleted off her LJ, but it's over here (

Title: Re: Multi Polli-Tech Tutorial
Post by: pentabet on 2009 April 05, 02:28:08
Thank you professorbutters, that was the link I needed.  I thought that I had it bookmarked, but I didn't.  I have it this time!