Title: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: Theo on 2008 January 19, 16:40:36 These packages will hide the default sim templates that are shown in CAS, YA-CAS and BodyShop sim bins, which will display only your custom sim templates.
(http://theos.chewbakkas.net/stuff/res/simbin-hider.png) Technical Data: Find all COLL resources with type=gamesim, and set their flags value to 0x09. Apparently, this value can be broken down to: Code: 0x01 - hides in CAS and YA-CAS 0x08 - hides in BodyShop The packages contain resources extracted from globalcatbin.bundle.package files, and were split into "basegame" and "uni" options. The "uni" package will hide the default YA templates. Enjoy! :) Title: Re: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: SaraMK on 2008 January 19, 18:22:39 Well, thank goodness someone is smart. :D
I tried doing this a while back and all the slider options in CAS became severely borked. I see your method is different from what I tried. Finally, an uncluttered bin! Title: Re: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: Aggie on 2008 January 21, 01:39:27 Theo, you are now my new God. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v387/denimjo/Emoticon/bouncy.gif)
Title: Re: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: Madame Mim on 2008 January 21, 14:21:30 Don't be silly, Aggie - Theo is an old-god.
;) In any case - thanks for this. Now I only have to look at my own stupid Sims and not the EAxis stupid Sims as well. Title: Re: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: Invisigoth on 2008 January 22, 02:47:34 I love you Theo! BAAAAA!
Title: Re: Sim Bin Hiders Post by: Ambular on 2008 January 22, 07:38:34 I did something like this a while back in my own game, but I had to replace the actual base packages to get it to work. Awesomesauce!