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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Singularity on 2007 September 13, 03:56:31

Title: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: Singularity on 2007 September 13, 03:56:31
Alright, I'm reasonably sure this is a stupid, non-awesome question, but I figured that I'd ask anyway.  What I'd like to do is essentially make the aspiration meter caps twice as high.  I've searched on google and in these forums and haven't found much.  All I've come across that's reasonably promising is in this thread:,481.msg17475.html#msg17475 (,481.msg17475.html#msg17475)

I tried editing wantTuning.package, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.  I know I should assume that if it were possible it would have been done already, but, well, it's worth a shot, right? :-X

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 September 13, 13:11:16
It is possible to adjust the raw pointcapacity of aspirational meters (although I'm not sure HOW offhand), but I do not see what productive purpose will be accomplished by this, since increasing the maximum capacity of the meter will also correspondingly increase the decay, which is percentage-based.

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: Singularity on 2007 September 13, 19:54:40
Darn, I was hoping to cut the decay in half too.  The reasoning would then be that it takes twice as many points to become platinum, the platinum also lasts twice as long.  I just get annoyed when they fulfill some large Want when their meter is maxed because it doesn't keep them in platinum mood any longer.  Doesn't matter if the Fortune Sim was already in platinum when he married a rich sim or something equally lofty, he still only has platinum mood for 8-odd hours.  That means that, when already platinum, small wants are better than large ones, and in a perfect world they wouldn't be.  Ah... ignore me, I seem to have rambled on... :)

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: Ness on 2007 September 13, 21:13:01
Hook at one stage managed to change the rate of decay for perma-plat only sims in his semi-perma-plat hack.  Might be worth talking to him or checking it out for ideas.

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 14, 15:25:51
What really bugs me is how it seems to vary between sims (I don't mean by age-group) - some just seem to stay up there longer than others.  And some sims can lose their jobs and sink really low in almost every motive, but stay up in platinum!  I mean, if you lose your job, wouldn't that be the first to plummet?

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: Ness on 2007 September 14, 21:02:45
If they didn't have a fear of losing their job or being demoted, then there's really nothing that can impact on the aspiration meter.  I know it makes no sense when seen in the light of the physical world, but it makes sense under the constraints of the game.

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2007 September 14, 21:17:37
Yes, I know, fortune and family sims seem to be the only ones who ever worry about keeping their jobs....And I'm sure if they'd wanted to, the programmers at EAxis could have made it so every sim had that (secret) fear, so that losing one's job was an automatic aspiration loss, but just that for those who get the open fear, they lose more points.  But I've even had Pleasure sims breaking down in tears yet again hours after they get home after being fired, and since it doesn't seem to affect them at all, (I mean, kicking a gnome and a sleep and their physical needs soon recover) it just seems to me that more could have been made of the effects of being fired in a slightly more realistic and logical way.

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: olsen on 2007 September 18, 12:08:19
Would love to have more aspiration point storage, now it's a little pointless to work for the hard to get aspirations with high bonus, except for the aspiration rewards and I always end up with more aspirations points then I can use on rewards.

Title: Re: Hacking the Aspiration Meter - Is it possible?
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 September 19, 22:08:23
Would love to have more aspiration point storage, now it’s a little pointless to work for the hard to get aspirations with high bonus, except for the aspiration rewards and I always end up with more aspirations points then I can use on rewards.

When they get near 327,*** points, I simply give them a exilar of life and stick it in their inventory, or their spouse (if they need it).