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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 13, 16:28:04

Title: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 13, 16:28:04
I used my sims' inventory for the first time last night to move their household furniture and such from one lot to another.  (Elder couple whose kids had all moved out and now were in too big of a house.)

I must first say that this is a GREAT addition to game play.  The couple's stuff all fit nicely within the new home, and very little was needed in the way of redecorating.  I hate have to buy all new stuff every time someone moves.

I did encounter a problem though.  Two items -- a double bed and a dresser, both Maxis objects -- would not sit properly against a wall when I removed them out of inventory. Tried to place them but would get the red "deny placement" grid for positioning.  A pop-up message would say "Can't intersect with wall".  The only place positioning would be accepted was if I placed either object at least one square grid away from any wall (in other words in the middle of a room).

At first I thought something might be wrong with the building.  But then I found that if I bought a new bed and dresser out of Buy Mode, I could place them against the walls in question with no problems.

Anyone else run into this?

This was happening with the NL patch installed.  Can't claim to know if the problem existed before I patched my game because I hadn't tried it before.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 13, 16:32:36
I haven't tried myself, but I definitely heard others talk about it before the patch.

One thing I suggested doing that always works for me when I have problems with objects (such as beds where you can no longer sleep on one side or chairs that are stuck halfway pushed in) is to do boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the console, then hold shift and click on the object, do force error, then reset. It should reset the object to its normal state and has never caused me any problems and I've done this many times.

It seems like this is something they didn't fix with the patch. :(

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 13, 16:37:49
Well, they never fixed it for Sims 1 either, so they've know about this problem for a loooooong time!

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: linolino on 2005 October 13, 16:40:14
Anyone else run into this?

Lots of people, lots of times, just look into the threads about NL bugs, or do a serach on this forum.....

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: MokeyHokey on 2005 October 13, 19:02:29
Yes.  I think someone traced it to the object losing its shadow after it goes into inventory, which then breaks the object.  Kinda defeats the purpose of taking your objects with you to save money.  ::)

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Regina on 2005 October 13, 19:12:19
Yep, me too.  Not only did one family lose their beds because of this but another family lost the punching bag career reward object.  And because of putting their paintings in their inventory when I moved them, then placing them back on the wall that particular family became very weirdly bugged.  None of them would do anything on their own, even though free will was on.  They'd jump out of interactions, so on and so forth.

NL introduced a new feature that custom-made paintings are supposed to stay visible with walls down.  However, after they'd moved not all their pictures were visible (likely as not the ones that had moved with them) in walls down mode.  I could put the pictures back into their inventory and the problem would right itself, then hang them back up and we'd go right back to the no free will and jumping out of interactions.  I finally decided just to save the one painting that was really special (the family's founding generation) and move them out and into a new house.  Since that time they're working perfectly, but this is something that never should've happened.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 13, 21:52:15
One thing I suggested doing that always works for me when I have problems with objects (such as beds where you can no longer sleep on one side or chairs that are stuck halfway pushed in) is to do boolprop testingcheatsenabled true in the console, then hold shift and click on the object, do force error, then reset. It should reset the object to its normal state and has never caused me any problems and I've done this many times.

I gotta remember force error more often.  It's got uses, but I'm always forgetting about it.  Thankfully replacing the bed and dresser didn't amount to a huge loss of money for my elderly couple.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: nectere on 2005 October 13, 22:03:08
when you force error and reset the bed, do the ghosts who previously owned the bed still recognize it as their old bed?

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: AllenABQ on 2005 October 13, 22:09:35
I don't have an answer to your question, but the idea that ghosts get attached to a object in the household is pretty lame, imho.  My first and most favorite sim who I had hoped to become a benevolent ghost went schizo over the replacement of the toilet.  So he was constantly scaring the be-jezus out of his granddaughter and keeping her and her husband awake all night by screaming in their bedroom.

Yeah, it sounds funny in retrospect but it was INCREDIBLY ANNOYING at the time.  Unfortunately I deleted his tombstone several months before Nightlife came out so now can't relocate him to a cemetery.    :-[

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 13, 22:30:33
I don't have an answer to your question, but the idea that ghosts get attached to a object in the household is pretty lame, imho.  My first and most favorite sim who I had hoped to become a benevolent ghost went schizo over the replacement of the toilet.  So he was constantly scaring the be-jezus out of his granddaughter and keeping her and her husband awake all night by screaming in their bedroom.

Yeah, it sounds funny in retrospect but it was INCREDIBLY ANNOYING at the time.  Unfortunately I deleted his tombstone several months before Nightlife came out so now can't relocate him to a cemetery.    :-[

I once had a sim get upset over a punch cup. He was the "Adolphus Simmler" sim posted on MTS2 and I set him up with 4 toddlers and a couple of kids for the adoption pool. Got him abducted, which made the social worker come, and then once he was pregnant I killed him. Cleaned up the lot and moved a knowledge sim in, and next thing I know I have a pregnant Adolphus very angry about his punch cup.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Motoki on 2005 October 14, 01:34:58
when you force error and reset the bed, do the ghosts who previously owned the bed still recognize it as their old bed?

I hadn't thought about that one. Don't think I've had that situation yet. I'll have to try it and see. I have one house now with a ghost but he seems more fixated with his toilet bowl than his bed.  ::)

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 October 14, 01:40:23
I have encountered this problem as well..doesn't piss me off as much with beds and what not b/c worse come s to worse I can just sell them..but with career rewards..oh yeah it's really frusturating t hen.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 08:24:14
Well, you could install the buyables and then just use them to replace ruined or lost ones.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 09:57:59
I haven't had the problem with items being un-placeable yet, but I do have a problem with beds put into inventory. When I put them back into the house, they are not clickable. I might have dreamed this, but I think that the only sims who could use the bed were the last ones to use it before it went into inventory. I think. But it's early here and the only reason I'm awake is because my son just wet the bed and is in the bathtub right now. I'm still not quite awake.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 09:59:54
I believe some more potty training is required! ;D

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 10:04:47
So far it's been almost 11 years of potty training.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 10:07:49
Oh dear, you have one of those problems!  I'm sorry, I didn't realise - it must get him down too!

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: Brynne on 2005 October 14, 13:05:14
He takes it in stride. That's autism for ya.

Title: Re: Bug: Problem placing some objects out of inventory
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 October 14, 13:40:16
I bet you get fed up with it though!