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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 18, 19:04:10

Title: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 18, 19:04:10
I downloaded an awesome 3 story / split level house.

First floor has a split level (Sunken Living room), then the entrance level has the entrance / lounge kitchen etc.

Second floor has bedrooms etc, and a split level bathroom. Then the third floor has more rooms.

I did not want the spilt level bathroom on the second floor, so proceeded to knock down walls and windows etc, starting from the third floor working down.

I now have my level second story. However, the game still thinks there is a split level to it. I want to put a flat roof on now, but every time I do that, it adds floor tiles to the "deleted" levels.

Is there any way i can remove all those levels that I deleted so that I can have a normal looking roof and not one that has a roof tile in the middle of the room hanging in thin air :-)

thanks a mill


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 18, 21:21:51
Could you take some pics? I think it's easier to troubleshoot if we could see exactly what you mean. Overheads and perspectives, if you please!

I suspect there's some CFE action in your future...but it depends on where the second floor split is in relation to the sunken living room. You might also have to create a third floor floor and then delete it....but again, a view would help.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 06:41:51
Ok Stupid Question.....

How do I upload pics?

I click the insert pic icon on top but all I get is :  "img / img" text

What am I missing :-)

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Khaki on 2007 July 19, 06:45:30
Hi dbnguy:)
Use and then take the direct link option, copy and paste in your message box and then highlight it and click the image icon...
I think

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 19, 06:45:49
You need to upload your pictures to the internet first. Try or Then you put the url of your uploaded pictures in the img/img code boxes.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 09:17:45
Thanks Guys... Lets give this a bash :-)

Here is a front view of the house i REALLY REALLY REALLY want to live in :-)


Starting from bottom up, here is the Sunken Lounge.


This is now the Main entrance level.


2nd Floor Level


And Finally the 2nd Floor Split level which I want removed...


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 09:25:40
Top Views....

Sunken Lounge:


Main Entrance Level:


2nd Floor


And Finally the dreaded 2nd Level Split...

Which I cant seem to get to show... But you get the point ?????

Now I have deleted the 2nd level split floor and walls, and redid them as a normal 2nd level floor. Yet there still appears to be two "invisible" floors above that, obviously the split level and the roof. These are the two that are causing the problem...

Any suggestions please?

Thanks a ton for your help guys.


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Annan on 2007 July 19, 09:29:33
If I understand you right, you have floor-placing-spots hovering in the air? I sometimes get that when building basements, and I usually fix that by putting floor tiles next to the hovering ones. That makes them align with the rest of the floor. This is probably a most un-awesome solution, but it works. For me. :P

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Gwill on 2007 July 19, 09:53:16
Simply using the terrain level tool usually does the trick.  If not, the contain floor elevation cheat (can't remember how it's spelled right now) and terrain level tool certainly should do the job.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 13:06:15
Tried that floor tile thing, but no avail.

It definately has something to do with the multi / split level thing. As although I now only have two floors, I can still click up to 4 levels, yet the last 2 are half way up the 2 floor and the 4 level is pretty much exactly on top of the 3rd level.

Very weird...

Will try the constrain floor thingie and see...



Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 19, 13:13:27 things:

1. If you can tell me where you got the house, I can download it and look in-game.


2. Is the second split level by any chance created with a stage? If so, that's an eay delete. Otherwise, it appears the builder may have done a sublevel 4 clicks high...and your second level is actually one more up.

EDIT: okay, that's exactly what the builder did (I just looked again at the way the windows and doors sit).

The fix....well, yer not gonna like it.

Choice 1. Delete everything above the first floor and rebuild a single level second floor, add the roof, etc. This is the one I'd choose...neater, cleaner, easier to play in the long run.

Choice 2. Go up so that the second split level area is playable....delete the floor and the stairs. This means you'll have that odd 'partly missing window' thing at the 4-click level's bottom (like you do now). I find this to work well in terms of building but not in terms of game play.

Another addition to this post: I looked at the second floor, and if you wish to retain its funky shape, termporarily draw a funky colored floor onto the roof to outline the wall grid...when you delete that whole madness, you will know where to rebuild.

(Last edit's because my fingers apparently don't work anymore and my toes don't know how to spell.)

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 14:50:29
Hi Hercubus,

Deleted the entire second floor, but still no luck. There DEFINATELY is that 4 clicks thing you mentioned :-)  Each time I try to place a flat roof, I get some of the roof on the top, then the balance of it seems to be halfway down the wall etc. And I did as you suggested, I deleted the ENTIRE 2nd floor, walls and all, then re-did a rough version to test, and below is what I got after adding the flat roof. A normal roof tho, seems to look ok?


Have no clue where I downloaded this from. I suspect it was from MTS, but its called A Bit Moderns Donation Gift 2, so perhaps its from PMBD.

Deleting the split level works, but then that half door / wall thing is gonna bug the shit out of me :-)

Any way i can create a package file from the neighbourhood and maybe email it to you to tinker with?  It really is an awesome house to play with, but with all the cheats enabled to modify the floor etc, touching up is very difficult...

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Havelock on 2007 July 19, 15:22:46
The House is in ( and called "donationhouse_1_red_passion"

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 19, 15:38:40
Thanks Havelock! I'll download now and see what's up...stay tuned.

BTW: It may be that even after the deletion, there's some odd hidden levels that have to be evened out...maybe some terrain flattening would help.

Will go look now.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Emma on 2007 July 19, 16:53:36
Dbnguy, I love your avatar :D

Maybe replacing the sunken lounge with foundation first will help to even things out so you can delete the extra level wall. Try building a foundation, then a wall by the building and then using boolProp constrainFloorElevation false drag across the building using floortiles. Add another wall for each of the levels. Don't forget to turn off the cheat after though.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 19, 18:04:03
Okay...I've been in the house.

May I just say....YIKES! There are tons of levels...which look cool but are unwieldy.

I tried getting rid of the mini level and making a full level on the second floor....but that mucks up the stairwell and the over-the-pool patio.

As I see it, you have two choices:

1. Remove that mini level, forgo the last 'turn' of the stairwell, and make the patio lower.


It's not as 'complicated', but it is much more playable. (forgive low lighting...I didn't replace windows)

2. Make the entire second floor on the higher level...put the last stairs closer to the stairwell and be done with it. Know that you'll have to click up an extra time.


(constrasting color floor used to show level expanded...I recommend adding a fence of some sort)

If the stairwell wasn't so complicated (and attractive), it might be easier to mangle the thing...but you have to do a major rebuild of the stairs to make the roof work properly.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 18:04:46
The House is in ( and called "donationhouse_1_red_passion"

Hey guys, This is NOt the house... Although this one does look WICKED !!! Its not the same...

Will play around the sites Ive been to and see if I can track it down...

Hee Hee, Thanks Emma, when I saw that I just HAD to have it :-)  will try what you suggest as well.

SIGH !!!!! Whats the saying:"Patience is a virtue?"


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: phyllis_p on 2007 July 19, 18:15:25
It's this one, isn't it?

A donation set, of course.  Someone must have it free somewhere ....

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Orikes on 2007 July 19, 18:26:28
Neat looking house, but it does look pretty unwieldy. Have you tried just taking off the entire second floor and starting that from scratch? It'd be a bit of pain, but might allow you to find the pieces that need removing.

By the way, your Chris Farley icon scares me deeply.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 19, 18:37:03

That was just a warmup, I guess?

Hang on while I load and muck about with the REAL house.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Havelock on 2007 July 19, 18:46:23

That was just a warmup, I guess?

Hang on while I load and muck about with the REAL house.

Sorry Hecubus i was wrong its the   House. Have not looked enough at the pics.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 19:03:32
It's this one, isn't it?

A donation set, of course.  Someone must have it free somewhere ....

YEBO !!! Thats the One !!!!!

You where right Havelock, just one more click down on that list and you would have had the right one :-)

At Last, Man you guys have got incredible memories :-)

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 July 19, 19:32:42's okay, Havelock. You'll pay for it later.  ;D


This house is easier, actually, as the stairwell is not so convoluted.

1. Delete the roof and all the trimmings.

2. Go down one level. Delete/knock out ALL of the full walls, including the windows on those walls. You will be left with the half walls.


3. Build a 1x1 room on the porch.


4. Initiate boolprop constrainFloorElevation false.

5. From the top of the new 1x1, use the terrain tool to raise the short walls to full size. You'll have to do this a bit to get around all the walls without mucking up the two columns already on the porch.


6. Turn the CFE back to true,  delete your little 1x1, and rebuild your roof.



(Oh, you'll have to decide what to do with the formerly risen's now a room without doors...but you're creative!)

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Havelock on 2007 July 19, 20:30:01
You could get the fixed house here ( but you need Seasons or a later stuffpack installed.

Its not so easy to fix Hecubus because the House has no foundations its all made from short Walls. (

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 19, 21:09:13
Well twist my nipple nuts and send me to Alaska <Kryton - Red Dwarf Series)

Hecubus, you are just the BIZ !!!!!

Thank you. Now I can finally frikking move in...

Off Ski-ing at Tiffendale this weekend, but man when I get back !!!

Thanks all


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: ScoobyDoo on 2007 July 20, 04:36:50
Nice house, the fixed version that is.  Hard time finding a good looking modern style house that's not utterly crazy.   

House took a considerable performance hit though.  I think it was all the fences. 


Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 July 21, 22:15:23
It looks like a huge lot, as well.

Title: Re: How To Un-Multi Level a House
Post by: Dbnguy on 2007 July 24, 09:21:08
SIGH !!! I just cant win with this frikking house :-)

after hecubus's help, I finally managed to get the split level out, so I made my "construction" changes, moved my family in - FINALLY !!!!, spent 2 days decorating it, and VOILA ! !!!!1


The game seems to be in a permanenet pause mode. Even if I switch to another character, the green diamond thingie doesnt move to show the selected character.

Does any know that cheat, that tells you which object is conflicting? Can only be one of the goodies I downloaded. Failing that, guess I will just have to give up and build the thing myself from scratch :-(
