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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Velax on 2005 September 30, 14:45:05

Title: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 30, 14:45:05
One of the townies in my game, Abbey Ling ( has this black dress that I think would look really good on one of my sims. Only problem is, it doesn't seem to be available to buy. There's a red version available from the clothes store, but not the black. It appears under "Everyday" clothes if I move Abbey in, but I'd prefer not to do that. Did a search through 50-odd pages of clothes on MTS2, but couldn't find it.

The dress has to be somewhere in the files, given there's a sim wearing it. Anyone know of a way I can somehow extract it and put it into my Downloads folder?

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 September 30, 14:54:43
That's the "Diva" dress.  You can unlock it in CAS using "boolprop" (or testing cheats enabled, or whatever anyone here prefer to call that particular code.  [I've gotten criticized for using the common BBS slang for the code before]).

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Motoki on 2005 September 30, 15:02:25
I think it's available as formal without the cheat, or maybe it's the same dress in a different color. I don't remember and don't have the game running right now. ;)

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 30, 15:05:11
There's a red version available from the clothes store, but not the black.

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Velax on 2005 September 30, 15:46:17
That's the "Diva" dress.  You can unlock it in CAS using "boolprop" (or testing cheats enabled, or whatever anyone here prefer to call that particular code.  [I've gotten criticized for using the common BBS slang for the code before]).

Yup, that worked. Thanks. :)

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Zandi on 2005 September 30, 16:18:44
Get some poor sap to marry her.
That wench is RICH. She's the Diva and comes with atleast 70,000 and usually some cool things in her invantory.
And she makes for an awsome vampire LOL
Poor thing likes to primp wich is uncomfortable for vamps as they have no reflection. But I love tourturing former Divas for being so stuck on themselves.

*edit* Nope, I can't spell but I do try  ;)

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 September 30, 16:28:40
lol! You are meean!....I've got to try that!

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: sanmonroe on 2005 September 30, 19:47:36
Make her a vampire and a zombie, its a good combo.

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: aussieone on 2005 September 30, 21:12:29
She's called Karen (or Julie?) McCarthy in my game  :)

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Andygal on 2005 October 01, 06:47:03
She's called Angel Chin or somesuch in one of my neighbourhoods.

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 October 01, 10:42:26
If it's a special uniform, you can snarf it with the clothing tool!

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 October 01, 11:52:45
If it's a special uniform, you can snarf it with the clothing tool!

Um ... the clothing tool, oh Great One?

(Waiting to have my lips ripped as I cower in ignorance).


Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: Oddysey on 2005 October 01, 18:59:36
You know, the hack called "clothingtool"? Looks like the stack of folded clothes that sims purchase? You can snarf outfits that have unique GUIDs, i.e., NPC uniforms.

Title: Re: Townie-only Dress?
Post by: phyllis_p on 2005 October 01, 21:25:13
You know, the hack called "clothingtool"? Looks like the stack of folded clothes that sims purchase? You can snarf outfits that have unique GUIDs, i.e., NPC uniforms.

Thanks, Oddysey!  I'd never tried that one, didn't know about it.
