More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 00:40:48

Title: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 00:40:48
I'm probably being non-Awesome, but I was hoping someone could tell me why Mia Whore can't cook her catfish..... ;D

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Diala on 2007 March 31, 01:04:35
Have you tried getting her to cook the catfish without any hacks? And can anyone else cook catfish?

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 01:10:10
I haven't tried yet, but I'd need at least one hack to cook it, since it's not a normal breakfast food, lol. But this is recent, in Strangetown last week and Riverblossom the week before I had no problems cooking catfish, or any fish for that matter.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 31, 01:13:29
When I want them to have something that isn't currently on the menu, I just use the make single plate, or group meal option...

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Diala on 2007 March 31, 01:14:48
Hm, try with that one hack (or any others that you need) and see if it works. I assume it is a bad hack somewhere. I can't quite tell what it is from the error log, though.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 01:19:01
Yeah I couldn't either, going to do the pull for a moment and see if it works...

ETA: Yeah, some hack was conflicting, but I accidentally saved and quit instead quitting without saving so I can't figure out which one it was at the moment.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 31, 02:20:48
It's not the Dizzian Food-Anytime hack that causes this. It is the WORK OF THE NON-AWESOME.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 05:10:32
I'll come figure out what it is, and report back, but won't be able to until I fish up another catch. Honestly, the only thing I've downloaded recently (since I had no problem, I mean) is the fish and harvesting hack pulled from the DC, lol. Of course, it could be something that you wouldn't think should be related either. I'm not too worried about it, I'll figure it out eventually. ;D

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Hecubus on 2007 March 31, 13:45:44
Um....are you using a pre-seasoned fridge? Try a Maxian one.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 21:04:05
I don't use custom fridges (even though I have one in my game), but I figured out what was causing it and am posting about it in that thread now. It was Low Food Warning - Ignore Minis by 2J.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 March 31, 21:07:11
I don't use custom fridges (even though I have one in my game), but I figured out what was causing it and am posting about it in that thread now. It was Low Food Warning - Ignore Minis by 2J.

That's been updated for seasons -- make sure you have the latest version.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 March 31, 21:10:50
I did, the 3-26-07 one, I checked that before I posted in his thread. :)

ETA: Honestly, the fact that no one else is having this kind of problem makes me wonder, but when I pulled Carrigon's fish for any meal and tried the OFB cook option it still didn't work. Just my pond fish are giving me problems, and I don't know why.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: dizzy on 2007 April 02, 11:19:51
I was getting an error with that older Low Food Warning ignore Mini hack, but the 3-31 version worked.

Title: Re: Broken Whore can't cook fish
Post by: Tamha on 2007 April 02, 22:07:11
I have that one now, and it's because of my error it got fixed, and honestly I didn't post at all on here yesterday, so I don't know what's up with the timestamps.

ETA: But they seem to be correct a the moment, weird.

ETA2: Oh, my settings were a full day ahead, lol. Weird.