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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Argon on 2007 March 21, 02:05:36

Title: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: Argon on 2007 March 21, 02:05:36
This doesn't happen all the time, but it's often enough to make me want to stab Seasons. My sims will study from the Education reward bookshelf but after a few seconds they put the book back, with macrotastics they get stuck in the loop of grabbing a book and putting it back. What could be causing this?

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 21, 04:16:16
Lack of Fun?

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 21, 04:18:29
Could be a motive failure issue that you didn't equip the lot to deal with, especially if intermittent. This is especially the case with children, which lack the ability to prepare usable food, so must be stocked with inventory-food.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 21, 08:02:20
I have experienced this as well, mostly with charisma, logic, and body. Motives are fine. It happended with the female sim on the lot, the male vampire sim had no problem sticking with studying these things. She is the one who works in the education career. It also happened at another lot, but I had dismissed it because it was in a Uni hood, and I thought maybe that affected it. These are the only two lots I have had it on.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 21, 08:23:53
This possibly sounds motive-based, as vampires are not affected by motive decay during the night. If a motive drops below autonomous quit and no method is found to restore it, the Skillinator will try to push onwards and this kind of behavior will result. If you're CERTAIN it's not motives, I have no idea what the cause could be at this point, but we will investigate the problem.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: notveryawesome on 2007 March 21, 08:43:49
If the problem is not motives-based, it could be personality-based. Sims that are playful and/or active do not like to read, study, or watch the Yummy Channel.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 21, 12:14:16
Now that I think about it, it could also be a corrupted study object. I had this exact problem with a weight machine, replaced it with a new one, and suddenly my sim could work out again.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 March 21, 12:28:43
Could be a motive failure issue that you didn't equip the lot to deal with, especially if intermittent. This is especially the case with children, which lack the ability to prepare usable food, so must be stocked with inventory-food.

Will they not get leftovers out of the fridge?

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: Kyna on 2007 March 21, 12:39:43
I've noticed the same behaviour. 

It doesn't occur while using the bookcase for "traditional" bookcase skills - cooking, mechanical and cleaning - but it does occur when using the education bookcase to study other skills.  I've seen it happen in a house with plenty of snapdragons where low motives clearly weren't the issue.  The fact that it only occurs with non-traditional bookcase skills also suggests it's not a motive issue, otherwise they'd also be doing this when studying cooking, mechanical & cleaning.

I find clicking "macro ... concentrate" allows them to continue studying from the bookcase without the ADHD behaviour.  I have to catch them while they are actually reading though, sometimes they've already closed the book and then I have to wait for them to put the book away/down, pick it up again, sit down with it and open it before I try to catch them again while they are reading it.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 March 21, 12:56:27
Could be a motive failure issue that you didn't equip the lot to deal with, especially if intermittent. This is especially the case with children, which lack the ability to prepare usable food, so must be stocked with inventory-food.

Will they not get leftovers out of the fridge?

They do not seem to get leftovers through free will, and I don't think Pescado has programmed the feature into his hacks either. I suspect that's a feature that will appear in due course, and when it does we will all pretend not to notice, or if sufficiently moved, we may press the thanks button for the sound of a lovel baa.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: Argon on 2007 March 21, 20:51:08
I've noticed the same behaviour. 

It doesn't occur while using the bookcase for "traditional" bookcase skills - cooking, mechanical and cleaning - but it does occur when using the education bookcase to study other skills.  I've seen it happen in a house with plenty of snapdragons where low motives clearly weren't the issue.  The fact that it only occurs with non-traditional bookcase skills also suggests it's not a motive issue, otherwise they'd also be doing this when studying cooking, mechanical & cleaning.

I find clicking "macro ... concentrate" allows them to continue studying from the bookcase without the ADHD behaviour.  I have to catch them while they are actually reading though, sometimes they've already closed the book and then I have to wait for them to put the book away/down, pick it up again, sit down with it and open it before I try to catch them again while they are reading it.

Yeah I have a bunch of snapdragons around the house, so all the sims using it stayed full green. Come to think of it, I've only had problems with the nontraditional skills, so maybe that's it, I'll try the concentrate macro.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: twooflower on 2007 March 22, 00:49:53
I find clicking "macro ... concentrate" allows them to continue studying from the bookcase without the ADHD behaviour.  I have to catch them while they are actually reading though, sometimes they've already closed the book and then I have to wait for them to put the book away/down, pick it up again, sit down with it and open it before I try to catch them again while they are reading it.

I'm glad you shared this, because I've had the same problem.  I love to use skillinator, but it seems inefficient with the reward bookcase.  I'll try "concentrate" now.

Title: Re: Finish studying dammit!
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2007 March 22, 01:19:10
I've tracked down the cause of this ADHD issue: Apparently, stupid Maxis forgot to reclassify the new "study" actions as SKILL OBJECT actions, and instead classified them as a low-grade fun-object, which means they quickly drop from queue. The ADHD correction code has been turned on for these actions.