More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: lindaetterlee on 2007 March 01, 09:11:33

Title: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: lindaetterlee on 2007 March 01, 09:11:33
Can someone share these with me? I lost mine in the reformat.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: maxon on 2007 March 01, 09:20:06
Well, you usually make your own userstartup.cheat since different people want different things turned on when they start up the game.  For example, I have

boolProp carsOnRight false

because I'm English and want the cars in the neighbourhood to drive on the left because it otherwise just looks weird to me. 

A lot of people have debug mode turned on

boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true

and also increase the potential number of visitors/guests with this one

intProp MaxNumOfVisitingSims 25

but I have a pile of other ones too including aliases for the building cheats.  As I said, it depends what you want.

The censor.package, I think, is going to be Quaxi's blur remover - you'd be better downloading the updated one for Seasons from the SimPE site.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: gjam on 2007 March 01, 09:29:36
Does anyone know what's going on with Quaxi's site?  I just tried to get the Pets version of the censor blur remover and all the links are broken.  Everthing just takes me back to the front page.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: maxon on 2007 March 01, 09:35:46
Maybe he's updating.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: PlayLives on 2007 March 01, 10:01:53
Anyone have original userstartup when first installing Seasons? I accidentally overwrote mine.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: KatEnigma on 2007 March 01, 11:02:47
There IS no original userstartup. It doesn't exist until you make one, and no one can know what you've had before.

I'll attach the censor.package to this post, since it's MIA right now.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: PlayLives on 2007 March 01, 11:32:20
There is a userstartup in the Config folder after installing Seasons. When the game installs it overwrites the one currently present with a new one. I changed it with another file by mistake and I wanted the original back.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: gjam on 2007 March 01, 11:35:36
I'll attach the censor.package to this post, since it's MIA right now.

Thank you.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: maxon on 2007 March 01, 13:31:30
There is a userstartup in the Config folder after installing Seasons. When the game installs it overwrites the one currently present with a new one. I changed it with another file by mistake and I wanted the original back.

Still - whatever it was, no-one can give it to you.  When we all made our own, they were all different.  What's in the one the game put in?

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: zoebme on 2007 March 01, 14:51:46
I remember already having a userstartup.cheat in my config folder before I made one myself. That was before Seasons, though. I don't know where it came from, but it just said "boolProp testingCheatsEnabled false" in it, and I thought that was odd, because it is "false" by default anyway...

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: BastDawn on 2007 March 02, 09:29:26
SimPE creates that for you.  Check this thread for advice on how to improve it:,4332.0.html

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: witch on 2007 March 02, 10:40:18
This is my cheat file. It is based on Jordi's one, with bits added as EPs come out.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: buddha pest on 2007 March 02, 13:11:44
Is the Pets censor.package compatible with Seasons?

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 02, 13:32:18
buddha pest: I hope so. I was doing Download file maintenance and accidentally removed the censor.package out. I had pixelated naughty bits, which wasn't terrible, except the default censor grid is large enough to cover an entire Weight Watcher's meeting all at once. It was then that i discovered that intProp censorGridSize 0 doesn't do squat. Flarking censor grid is so large, it hides whatever else is going on so it's a Sim with only a head, two feet and a blur. My Sims apparently are so outgoing that they don't bother with clothes most of the time. Well, one Sim in this lot did, the other was blissfully nude and pixelated and making hot coffee (yow!) and serenading the other Sim (admittedly pretty funny, esp. when he paused after winning the girl of his Sim wants list over at long last, smacked his head as if to say "D'oh! I forgot my pants!" and then proposed) and so on.

In short, I am an adult, and nekkid Sim bums are far less offensive to me than a ginormous pixelated BOX. And hacks are our friends. If they are awesome.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: KatEnigma on 2007 March 02, 14:22:38
Is the Pets censor.package compatible with Seasons?

Seems to be working fine for me, and I've had the game running with it since Tuesday. :-)

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: jsalemi on 2007 March 03, 06:05:47
Is the Pets censor.package compatible with Seasons?

Seems to be working fine for me, and I've had the game running with it since Tuesday. :-)

Yea, no problems with it here, either.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: maxon on 2007 March 04, 05:29:42
It was then that i discovered that intProp censorGridSize 0 doesn't do squat.

That hasn't been working since ... what, Nightlife?

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: jrd on 2007 March 04, 05:41:48
Aye. They removed it because of Hot Coffee (aka Jack Thompsonitic stupidity).

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Venusy on 2007 March 04, 06:17:32
Aye. They removed it because of Hot Coffee (aka Jack Thompsonitic stupidity).
No, no, no. They removed it because of Thompson's ludicrous claims that Sims have full genitalia (with no third party mods). All Hot Coffee led to was a GTA patch, and parents everywhere realising that there might just be a reason for the age ratings. Oh, and a huge ego boost for J.T..

FAKE EDIT: Now that I think about it, the last thing was probably the reason why Thompson made the claims against TS2, so Hot Coffee could be to blame, but not directly.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Lorelei on 2007 March 04, 06:22:49
Given that it is a big hassle to get uncensored nudity and genitalia to work in the game, what with cheat codes changing and creators shuffling from site to site, and new SPs / EPs prewing the scootch every six months...well, it's a hassle at least until after you're no longer a raw n00b and know where to has to wonder just how and where Thompson saw nekkid Sims.

Has the Moral Minority invaded an adult Simmer forum? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: jrd on 2007 March 04, 06:33:46
Venusy: Aye, that's what I implied. Hot Coffee mod --> uproar over "ooh sex bad" in Puritan States of America --> Jack Thompson becoming even more insane and attacking family friendly TS2 --> EAMaxis removing the easy way to remove the censor blur to avoid backlash.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Nec on 2007 March 04, 06:47:04
Oddly enough...The GTA: San Andreas packaging says roughly: Violence, Partial Nudity, Sexual Situations, etc....that was just a load of crap designed to cost taxpayers money. The Hot Coffee mod was less explicit than sims making out on the couch. In fact, from all of the screenshots I have had to endure of it, I would say it is little more than a very pixellated blur of a wannabe sex minigame. I am glad it wasn't included in the final release. My lovely senator (Hillary) had a lot to do with that. I called her office and wrote her letters, as well as emailed her about it. There are far more important things to worry about than games that stick to their ratings.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 March 04, 08:19:39
It's interesting to compare the ESRB set up with PEGI's. The former (in the land of free speech) goes to extreme lengths to stop naughty game makers from pulling wool over innocent raters' eyes. The latter simply asks the maker a few pertinent questions and warns misleadingly incorrect answers will land them in jail. PEGI seems better, if only because it is simple. Complicated isn't better for any thing except breaking more often. America's cultural hegemony is a damned nuisance. Mustn't let teenie boys see their sims' spotless lady bumps ... or maybe I miss the point. Maybe the idea is to prevent teenie girls gaining a false impression of what lays in wait for them in the trouser dept. (Nothing much if Maxian sims are anything to go buy ::) )

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: dizzy on 2007 March 04, 09:50:33
No, the point is that Jack Thompson wanted to play up his political clout with a lot of false accusations. A wolf in sheep's clothing, he is. Even EA, evil as they are, are angels compared to scumbag filth like JT.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: Mirelly on 2007 March 04, 10:40:44
I do get that part of it, Dizzy. Politicians (and lawyers with political ambitions) wouldn't have a moral platform if they used political power to legislate honestly instead of creating big stink-clouds designed to inflame the moral outrage of an otherwise amoral society by pressing the moral outrage buttons of the knee-jerk majority. Who choses the films that Americans watch? Exactly. Who choses the films that I may watch? I do.

Title: Re: censor.package and userstartupcheat
Post by: maxon on 2007 March 05, 16:10:02
one has to wonder just how and where Thompson saw nekkid Sims.

In his head, of course.