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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: myskaal on 2007 February 14, 17:16:54

Title: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: myskaal on 2007 February 14, 17:16:54
Hello again to all ye MATY.

I've been out of the loop for a long while. I just so happened to have gotten Petz as a birthday present a few days ago and SO I'm back to fixing my game with all the can't live withouts here.

Anyway, on to my problem. I'm trying to use Paladin's program for checking for hack conflicts to see if any on the Non-Awesomes I have are going to cause trouble, however the scanning process keeps halting with an error at about 90% complete.

Since I can't find anything in the readme about how to translate errors or possibly resolve them and since I can't seem to find anyway of contacting the creator, I was hoping someone here might be able to help me out.

This is the error I'm getting:
Error: 70
Permission denied

Module: modSimsPackage
Procedure: gfstrDecompressFile
Location: 1000

Decompression routine entered at 2/14/2007 7:48:16 PM.

Any clues?
Is the program up to date?
Is there an alternative conflict scanner?


Title: Re: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: miros on 2007 February 14, 17:40:42
Sounds like it's hitting an invalid package file.  Try checking half your Downloads, then the other half, then half of the half that failed, etc.

There's a thread here somewhere on how to contact the author.

Title: Re: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: LadyLiberty on 2007 February 14, 20:49:41
myskaal, Howdy   :)  I apologize in advance...  I'm as green as they come.

I was having the same sort of problem for two weeks.  Mine hung up about two thirds of the way through.  It wasn't the program.

I had been wrestling with two lots that caused either flashing red and black lot in the game or crash upon trying to load the lot.  Persistence and a bit of sluething pays off here. 

One lot I had downloaded some time ago for a new neighborhood had a set of files included that I removed, as I'd never heard of them (numenor wall windows bizzo, I believe).  After that, I found the maker of the lot had found she'd included a non working phone behind a wall on a community lot (lot was Confession, pre Pets), so she re uploaded, and I re downloaded.  That fixed that one, though taking the oddly named package out had done the trick to get the lot to load, at least, so I did find the problem with the phone once I got in.  The other lot, also a community lot and pre Pets, was a nightclub with a go go cage mod included.  I had found the lot (Alcatraz) at MTS2, originally, but when I checked this week it wasn't there.  I found it later by doing a search, and this download had no go go cage included, and when re downloaded and reinstalled worked great. 

Point here is that I had two similar problems, and with both cleared up, Paladin's hack conflict utility works just fine again.  I agree with miros.  With the trouble I had, it might be worth your while to check recently downloaded lots?  Best of Luck to you.

Title: Re: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: witch on 2007 February 14, 21:04:45,7146.msg202654.html#msg202654

That's the message where Paladin / Sim Wardrobe replies. He doesn't give an email but you could try a PM.

Title: Re: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: miros on 2007 February 15, 02:15:38
In another thread, TwoJeffs says this error happens when your executable isn't in the same directory as the dlls from the zip file.  You might want to try reinstalling the HCD.

Title: Re: Paladin's Conflict Program
Post by: myskaal on 2007 February 15, 06:06:47
Thanks for the replies.

I haven't downloaded or installed any houses. All built from scratch myself.
A scan of my downloads with Clean Installer isn't showing any invalid package types.
The .ddl file is in the same directory as the .exe file.
I tried reinstalling the program, and now it hangs up even sooner than it did before.

I'm still lost on this.

Since I only have 3 non-MATY hacks (SimsWardrobe's Stop All Attraction hack - which is the one I was worried about an - and Jfades quieter burglar and fire alarms) and all seems to be running weill in game.. I suppose I won't worry about it until it explodes.
