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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: Avalikia on 2007 January 01, 20:09:23

Title: More "Suggest Outfit" pets madness
Post by: Avalikia on 2007 January 01, 20:09:23
When my business owner goes to his business, he doesn't get the option to suggest an outfit.  Instead he gets the options to buy and try on an outfit, but also the option to set the price so it must be recognising him as the owner at some level.  I do have the suggest outfit fix.  I'm getting the attached error when I click on the clothing rack.  I'm detecting no hack conflicts, and I don't recall getting other hacks relating to buying clothing.  Any suggestions?

I have determined that it is one of my hacks, though not one of the more obvious culprits.  I do know it's all Squinge's fault because I've narrowed it down to his hacks.  I'll let you guys know which one it is after I've restarted my game many more times.

Update #2:
It's Squinge's Buy Maternity Clothes hack.  I have the most updated version, but when it's in I have the problem I described and when it's out the problem's solved.