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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: idtaminger on 2006 October 13, 16:36:04

Title: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 13, 16:36:04
This is so strange. I had my sim buy a lot, and it was my first pay-to-stay lot. The sims were coming up to the ticket machine no problem, but everytime I would do a sell action, unless the action filled the buy bar in one shot, the buy bar would close down, and the sim would just walk off the lot.

This means my sims can't build up badges, b/c every time they try, the customer leaves! Anyone know what's up w/ this?

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: Fish Dude on 2006 October 13, 16:40:39
Do they actually finish the action or drop the queue as soon as they click on sales? You should still get talent badges if they manage to finish the actions. Are you sure your ticket machine is not extremley expensive?

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: MissDoh on 2006 October 13, 16:44:36
I am also thinking that maybe you set the price a bit too high on the ticket machine.

Also, if you don't have it already, you might want to get your hand on Pescado Bandatron fix.

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 13, 16:52:34
I do have the bandatron fix, and I did initially think maybe I set it to too high, but then I set it down to avg and it was still happening.

They do finish the actions but it's a bit annoying when you have to cycle through customers just to earn badges, plus you don't make any money if you send away every customer that comes to your lot.

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 October 13, 21:43:47
What kind of lot is it?  I'm pretty sure that you need a bunch of stuff on it that advertises fun for the sims to want to stay around.  For example, I had problems making money with Club Dante (Malcolm Landgrabb's club) until I put a bubble machine and pool table in there.  After that, every sim that came stayed around for 2 - 3 hours or more, even after I kept raising the price. I think I have it up to somewhere around $50 an hour now, and it's doing pretty good.

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 October 13, 23:03:33
It's a giant megalot w/ card table, hot tub, coffee area, movie theater, game area, pool table, and a buffett. :P

The strange thing is that if the sim is left alone the buy bar fills up eventually, but if you interject w/ a sell action he'll just up and leave. I don't get what's up w/ that.

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: Kyna on 2006 October 14, 01:02:07
I'm pretty sure that you need a bunch of stuff on it that advertises fun for the sims to want to stay around.

Not necessarily.  I had Brandi Broke charging people to watch tv in her unimproved home (i.e. as Maxis built it).  As the business improved she took the cash rewards and improved the house.  The only fun objects she added were the best tv and a stereo when she could afford them.  She was charging at ridiculously expensive.  This worked better for getting her sales badge as each sales interaction took longer.  I had to use the "make bugger off" option on the business controller to clear off sims who had been there a while so that she could get another customer to practice selling to.  They would stay for hours - she didn't close the business when she went to bed, and there were usually a few customers still watching tv when she woke up.

Title: Re: Weird problem w/ customers and ticket machines
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 14, 06:36:36
The ticket machine is very strange about price, but normally you can set the price high, and then practice on the sims who are thinking about buying a few times before they go away. Since they don't lose stars if they haven't bought a ticket, this is actually a really good way to improve sales skills.

I don't know what's wrong with your ticket machine, though. Have you tried replacing it?