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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: Thanatos on 2006 September 28, 15:51:36

Title: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Thanatos on 2006 September 28, 15:51:36
Hi, I think this is the first time I've posted though I have been downloading your hacks since the day you were at MTS2.

I was wondering if it was possible for there to be a hack which would make your sims change their clothes on their own once or twice a day. I personally think this can be done seeing the automated behavior hacks you have made.

What are your opinions?

Thanks in advance. :)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 September 28, 16:00:30
Such as aftera bath or shower?!  Or at least after one of them.  I've always wanted something like this too, but in my case it also involves washing machines and similar items, otherwise they'd just be replacing dirty clothes with other dirty clothes.  Not that they seem to mind ...

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: mdrturner on 2006 September 28, 16:22:51
That sounds like a fantastic idea. So long as we don't end up with massive amounts of laundry  :P

Something I'd like (if it's possible) is the ability to tie a certain hairstyle to a certain style of clothes. E.g; if you are wearing Everyday you have hairstyle A but if you change into Formal, your Sim automatically has hairstyle B.

If this results in me getting pointed and laughed at I'm going to blame the missus as it was her idea in the first place.  ;D

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 28, 16:30:04
To incorporate Ancient's idea. Making the sims change into a towel or robe (there are some nice meshes out there for this) then making them go to their wardrobe or a washer/dryer object and randomly selecting an outfit.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Emma on 2006 September 28, 16:31:21

Something I'd like (if it's possible) is the ability to tie a certain hairstyle to a certain style of clothes. E.g; if you are wearing Everyday you have hairstyle A but if you change into Formal, your Sim automatically has hairstyle B.

I think that is a great idea ;)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 September 28, 17:07:48
Something I'd like (if it's possible) is the ability to tie a certain hairstyle to a certain style of clothes. E.g; if you are wearing Everyday you have hairstyle A but if you change into Formal, your Sim automatically has hairstyle B.

Why would you be laughed at? It's a fantastic idea. I always have to manually change appearance for all sims if they wear formal, and then have to change it back right after. It'd be much easier if the hair would change w/ the outfit.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Thanatos on 2006 September 28, 17:12:13
I was actually thinking of them just walking over to the drawer and changing but as you say if they can also do it after a shower/bath then even better.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Soylent Sim on 2006 September 28, 17:12:36
Thanatos: I don't know how big JM is on hack requests, but what you sound like you want is two things; one that spawns a version of the dresser image whenever a sim changes into a certain style of clothes, and another that causes a dresser change to change to a random outfit into that category.  You might be better off asking some other modder, but neither of those looks to be particularly hard.  Just keep in mind that random clothing changes can lead to ugliness, a'la the random outfit sims get when going up an age category.

Ancient:  Even easier.  All we need is something to cause sims to change from nakedness into their underwear, whether or not you want some form of towel/bathrobe underwear for such occasions, and aforementioned random dresser.  Actual laundry elements will be harder to include, but at least the dresser should avoid the "back into dirty clothes" issue.

mdrturner: Something in me says that'd be harder to do than it sounds, but if someone with more awesome skills says otherwise, I'm willing to take the brunt of the pointing and laughing here,

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: siggylove on 2006 September 28, 17:17:36
I would really like that too.  Now if you could put both the autonomous change of clothes and the hair together with Jelenedra's bathrobe idea that would make for a pretty special hack.

I would also like to see them change into their jammies, instead of them spinning them on right before climbing into bed.  I know that if they have the pleasure aspiration some of my sims will change into their undies at the drop of a hat, but never their jammies.  

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: nekonoai on 2006 September 28, 17:29:42
I also think that changing into a random outfit after a bath would be a good thing. But let me take the idea one step further to address what someone said about random ugly outfits... The person could only wear clothes contained in the family dresser bin. So they'd still have to buy clothes etc, but didn't wear the same thing every day.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: eamethyst on 2006 September 28, 17:34:19
One problem I see is that there is no way to purge the ugly grow up outfits from the family dresser, so you would have those showing up as the randomly chosen outfit of the day.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 28, 18:07:37
Oh, yeah...eamethyst, that's true..
I would hate to see that happen.  I don't know if it'd be possible to exclude Maxis content from the list of outfits...
I never thought of that, but have wished for this type of hack for quite some time.
But, I don't think I could endure the ugly Maxis outfits...
Too bad you can't delete clothing from your inventory.  Then it would work out just fine.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 28, 19:47:16
Nothing to keep you from changing out of the uggo clothes. =p

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 28, 22:25:00
You'd have to implement the "Casual 2" and "Casual 3" for the armoir, then modify some other global stuff (CT - Dress for Work, Clothes - Get Dressed For Public, tubandshowerglobal.Get Dressed, etc.). It's kind of sad that I still know all this.  ;D

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: ZiggyDoodle on 2006 September 29, 00:38:45
I've always wanted the Sims kids to toss their clothes on the floor when changing, and then have the option of being told "clean your room" by the parents - and gain cleaning points.  Provided the do it, of course.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: OpiumGirl on 2006 September 29, 02:08:57
Nothing to keep you from changing out of the uggo clothes. =p

True, true...but that would not protect me from the trauma of seeing those uggo combinations of neon orange rave vests and plaid grandpa shorts.
It's a horror, I tell ya.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 29, 02:12:35
As far as I'm concerned, a sim's uniform defines their identity, and sims thus stick with only one uniform, like normal sane people do.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 September 29, 03:09:39
I kind of agree with this. Especially in stories - I think it gets confusing if sims keep changing looks all the time.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Avalikia on 2006 September 29, 03:40:11
I have enough trouble telling my sims apart as it is without constant wardrobe changes.  My neighborhoods tend to end up with periods of pretty much everyone having the same hair color and/or skintone and whenever a playable comes to visit I have to check their name and consult SimsDB to remember exactly who they are.  Sometimes I remember clothes though, so a hack like this would probably put me over an edge of some sort.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 September 29, 04:12:51
My sims have less uniforms and more overarching "styles".

I'll have the older sis be funky bohemian and the middle sis be "princess" and the little sis be goth, and then older cuz is downtown Soho and her bff is op-art Mod with a punk rock little sis, and so on and so forth. Boys generally fall into goth, emo, "regular dude", nerdy, metro, preppy, downtown, or sort of bespoke, Brooks Brothers looks.

That's how I tell my sims apart. That, and I breed w/ the Maxis sims to ensure the occasional ugly.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 September 29, 05:38:09
This would suggest a downloads folder of un-awesomely massive size.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 September 29, 12:05:14
I didn't understand what half of those words meant.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: PlayLives on 2006 September 29, 14:52:58
Well, for now, is there at least a way to delete clothing, even with SimPE?
Before (I think before OFB) whenever a sim moved their wardrobe would get deleted and I would have to buy clothes again. That was a pain but now the alternative is worse. The sims keep their wardrobe, even if there were 20 sims in the house, each having different outfits. When I move one out, that one carries the ENTIRE wardrobe with them, plus all work outfits  ???

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 29, 14:58:23
Touching the wardrobe in SimPe can cause Very Bad Things to happen. Consult an expert on the subject, first.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 September 29, 16:06:06
Well then how about changing into undies until you go and change your clothes after bathing?(which would basically be a global telling your sim to change into undies instead of everyday after exiting the shower)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 September 29, 16:19:36
My Sims tend to wear the same clothes until they reach middle-age, then I put them into somethng a little more toned-down, although I don't always remember, which is why I once had a 64-year-old wandering around with a radio or whatever it is attached to his hip.  I keep thinking about changing them regularly, but never actually remember to do it.  If there was an option within the game to do so, I'm sure I'd take advantage of it.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: SimulatedDork on 2006 September 29, 17:14:06
...and sims thus stick with only one uniform, like normal sane people do.

So you only have one set of clothes? Even Bart Simpson has a Sunday best!! (Which is another great idea for a mod, but I just have them change in to their best clothes when stuff like that happens)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Karen on 2006 September 29, 18:18:07
On the subject of automatically changing about a hack to change toddlers into everyday outfits after they are taken out of the crib or after they have had a bath or a diaper change?  (Assuming it's daytime, that is....)  I get so sick of seeing my toddlers crawling around in pj's all day long.  The game is smart enough to do this for kids and older, surely it couldn't be that hard to do for toddlers as well?

For teens and older, I'm pretty much in agreement with what Pescado said.  It's a lot easier to identify particular Sims at a distance if you already know what they are supposed to be wearing. 

My Sims tend to wear the same clothes until they reach middle-age, then I put them into somethng a little more toned-down

I try to do the same thing, especially after they've settled down and had a couple of kids....


Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: idtaminger on 2006 September 29, 19:13:06
This would suggest a downloads folder of un-awesomely massive size.

Oh, I do have a downloads folder of un-awesomely massive size. But the alternative - Maxis outfits, eek! - is much, much worse. :P

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: jfade on 2006 September 29, 20:54:58
While it isn't automatic, someone requested that I do a hack that makes it so that when you take a shower or bath, you have the option to either change appearance or clothing or both immediately afterwards. I'm still experimenting, but I think I can do it, so I'm working on that now. :)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: jsalemi on 2006 September 29, 22:25:30
On the subject of automatically changing about a hack to change toddlers into everyday outfits after they are taken out of the crib or after they have had a bath or a diaper change?  (Assuming it's daytime, that is....)  I get so sick of seeing my toddlers crawling around in pj's all day long.  The game is smart enough to do this for kids and older, surely it couldn't be that hard to do for toddlers as well?

The latest Insimenator has an menu on the 'sim' version where you can click on a sim (including toddlers) and change their clothes without sending them to a wardrobe/changing table.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: MaximilianPS on 2006 September 30, 10:32:58
the controlled sim, on morning, when wakeup, shoud  go to the closet, play the "thinking animantion", and then change his cloth my randomizing the once that the playre have purchased, oviously just the "everyday" only...

that what i think.
something like "in russia closet change you" (on the morning/when you bath)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: notveryawesome on 2006 September 30, 13:09:05
This would suggest a downloads folder of un-awesomely massive size.

Well, I've already got that, so what's a few dozen more .package files among friends?  ;)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Kyna on 2006 September 30, 13:10:54
the controlled sim, on morning, when wakeup, shoud  go to the closet, play the "thinking animantion", and then change his cloth my randomizing the once that the playre have purchased, oviously just the "everyday" only...

that what i think.
something like "in russia closet change you" (on the morning/when you bath)

That would be great if there were a way to get rid of the garbage clothes that sims acquire via age transitions and move ins.  Unfortunately once an item is in your sim's wardrobe, it stays there for ever.  I've played multi-generational lots (such as Legacy lots) - you should see the garbage piled up in their wardrobes.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 30, 14:11:40
I think what we need is a Body Shop that actually lets you edit sims and their wardobes instead of just make custom junk.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: stormygsa on 2006 September 30, 14:33:59
I have Fat D's Clothes Controller from MTS2 which enables you to choose what type of clothes a sim automatically changes in to wherever the controller is placed. 

Its a step closer to what you're asking for.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 01, 20:22:04
So you only have one set of clothes? Even Bart Simpson has a Sunday best!! (Which is another great idea for a mod, but I just have them change in to their best clothes when stuff like that happens)
That's the "formal" outfit. I, personally, however, have an entire wardrobe full of exactly the same thing that I wear everywhere, much like a sim that wears an outfit that qualifies as "normal" and "formal" at the same time.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 01, 23:52:53
Those tie-dyed t-shirts just go with everything, eh?

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 02, 02:37:17
That sounds more like ugly Rohina-wear than anything I'd wear. With a butt as ugly as yours, nobody even notices.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 02, 06:24:53
Come on. They don't see my butt because it is

a) covered by long flowing hippie skirts, and
b) covered by my long flowing hair.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 02, 07:21:06
b) covered by my long flowing hair.
We really did not need to be reminded about your butt-hair.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 02, 07:21:48
I know. You are clearly fascinated by it.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 02, 07:23:02
I know. You are clearly fascinated by it.
It's hard not to be fascinated by butt-hair as freakishly noticeable as it was in your avatar. Like a train wreck, you just have to stare.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: rohina on 2006 October 02, 07:23:50

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 October 02, 07:24:38
Absolutely not. Staring at the freak is in no way indicative of attraction. Besides, you're not my type. Too Rohina.

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Liss on 2006 October 02, 09:51:37


Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: veilchen on 2006 October 03, 03:27:44


/me joins Liss

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Simsbaby on 2006 October 05, 12:41:32
So you only have one set of clothes? Even Bart Simpson has a Sunday best!! (Which is another great idea for a mod, but I just have them change in to their best clothes when stuff like that happens)
That's the "formal" outfit. I, personally, however, have an entire wardrobe full of exactly the same thing that I wear everywhere, much like a sim that wears an outfit that qualifies as "normal" and "formal" at the same time.
Hello Adrian Monk. :P

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: DrBeast on 2006 October 05, 12:44:28
I'm pretty sure Monk wouldn't handle any blood and/or gore on his clothes  ::)

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: adriennelisa on 2006 October 11, 20:18:01
I think what we need is a Body Shop that actually lets you edit sims and their wardobes instead of just make custom junk.

Isn't there already some way to  change their attributes (like eyes, hair, etc) inside the game?

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: Jelenedra on 2006 October 11, 20:33:20
Not what they meant. Wardrobe, as in all the clothes they own, not just what they're wearing.

I mean, seriously, who WANTS to keep their mascot uniform from their early days in the athletic career? Or the Pizza Hat?

Title: Re: Automatic daily changing of clothes
Post by: adriennelisa on 2006 October 11, 23:00:19
--- deleted --- :P