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TS2: Burnination => Oops! You Broke It! => Topic started by: nikita on 2006 September 23, 21:18:04

Title: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: nikita on 2006 September 23, 21:18:04
I assume that it's a burgular problem because as of late, I've had a string of robberies and it's only happened with the burgulars.  The new mayor of Veronaville cut the VVPD's budget and I'm getting robbed in almost every house...okay 3 but that's 3 more than I've been robbed in months!

Anyway, my Sims become furious with the burgular getting an instant -100/-100 relationship with him/her and then when the furious state wears off, the relationship score turns to the positive integer.  Meaning that a -89/-80 score turns into 89/80 and one hug away from becoming best friends with the person who violated and traumatized you, not to mention the bitch that stole a dress rack from your home boutique which is IRREPLACEABLE.   >:(

The last time I was robbed, I don't think NL had come out yet so I don't know if this is a NL glitch or an OfB glitch.

Title: Re: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 September 23, 21:51:47
I mentioned this on another thread and JM suggested the enemiesaccumulate mod, which seems to have sorted it out.  Now the negative relationship stays, although the burglars now seem to be gaining in their feelings towards the Sims they robbed, whereas previously they stayed at 0/0.

I know it's working, because a burglar walked by a downtown lot where my controllable Sim just happened to be someone she'd robbed.  I got her to run outside and throw her drink over the burglar, which resulted in the burglar being furious with her and the relationship going right down into the negative.  The burglar is currently around 12/12 for the husband and son, though.  All my other Sims are almost 100/100 towards 'their' burglars now, though.

Title: Re: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: nikita on 2006 September 23, 23:45:32
Thanks, I will download and see if it changes anything.  I just have a Sim who was robbed for a second time in a different house and she's still furious so hopefully, she won't become bff with her burgular.

Title: Re: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: dizzy on 2006 September 24, 01:57:23
The real problem is this happens even if your sim is asleep, which is just out and out stupid (even by Maxis standards). Why they believe this adds to the enjoyment or to the "simulation" aspect of this game is a mystery to me, and it only deepens my distrust of anything Maxis/EA-related.

Title: Re: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: nocomment on 2006 September 24, 02:20:29
About the clothes rack - are you actually having trouble getting another one, or were you just exaggerating a little for fun?

Just in case, you can download a community lot collection here:

This will let you buy community objects on a residential lot.  This was made ages ago, but I still use it.  It's just a collection folder, so I don't think it would get outdated or have conflicts the way hacks do.

Title: Re: Furious burgular glitch
Post by: Cmamcon on 2006 September 24, 17:49:19
I get the same glitch. I kinda like it actually... ;D