More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: ecaguimbal on 2006 February 04, 11:07:00

Title: helpful ghosts
Post by: ecaguimbal on 2006 February 04, 11:07:00
here's a useful tip.

let your house to be dirty (with garbages, unwashed plates, etc. [this means you don't need a maid.])
then you must have a ghost that died from old age in a platinum aspiration.
as it appears, he/she will do all the chores!

hope i helped

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Lythdan on 2006 February 04, 11:36:54
They actually do have to have been neat as well--would a complete slob enjoy cleaning up in his afterlife?

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2006 February 04, 11:38:13
They actually do have to have been neat as well--would a complete slob enjoy cleaning up in his afterlife?
He might if he were followed by angry pitchfork wielding demons.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Sagana on 2006 February 04, 11:54:34
Which circle of hell is housework in?

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 04, 13:09:13
This doesn't happen all that often, really.  I've had quite a few ghosts with 8+ Neatness, but they don't all clean and they don't clean everything.  In any case, they don't come out every night.  It's amusing to watch when it does happen, but it's not frequent enough to get rid of the maid for, I don't think.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: angelyne on 2006 February 04, 15:33:45
That would be an awesome mod though wouldn't it?  One that makes ghost appear every night and cliean the house.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 February 04, 19:09:45
I thought I read somewhere that they have to be 10 neat and 10 nice to do it. Personally I only saw it once, and that sim definitely had not been 10 neat OR 10 nice.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: sudaki on 2006 February 04, 19:36:10
I wish someone would notify the ghosts in question that they're supposed to do this. I've got enough neat-pointed platinum spirits on one of my lots to fill the Tower of London, and they'd much rather scare the bejeezus out of people, whine that I sold their favorite bed, and break lamps. :P

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Persephone on 2006 February 04, 19:55:09
I wish someone would notify the ghosts in question that they're supposed to do this. I've got enough neat-pointed platinum spirits on one of my lots to fill the Tower of London, and they'd much rather scare the bejeezus out of people, whine that I sold their favorite bed, and break lamps. :P

The ghosts ALSO have to be happy.  If you sell their bed, they'll be the angry mean ghosts who break things.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 04, 20:55:07
I have yet to even get a friendly ghost. They all come back mean. Most of the time I'm forced to delete their tombstone because of their antics. I really thought I'd like having ghosts because I love ghost stories but they're really  more of an annoyance to me.

 Hmm....10 neatness and 10 nice points you say? Interesting idea, I would like to try your idea to see if it works. I would love to have more helpful ghosts for a change.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Persephone on 2006 February 04, 21:43:35
I have yet to even get a friendly ghost. They all come back mean. Most of the time I'm forced to delete their tombstone because of their antics. I really thought I'd like having ghosts because I love ghost stories but they're really  more of an annoyance to me.

 Hmm....10 neatness and 10 nice points you say? Interesting idea, I would like to try your idea to see if it works. I would love to have more helpful ghosts for a change.

It's helpful if you don't move their stone.  I usually have my elders go stand in the yard with free will off at 6pm when it's their time.  If necessary fence them in so they don't wander too far from their future grave.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Kristalrose on 2006 February 04, 22:49:09
Which circle of hell is housework in?

it would have to be one of the lowest depths of Hell for me!!!  I'd better be good and make it to Heaven so I don't have to come back and wash dishes!!! :-\

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 04, 22:55:08
I've noticed this about ghost.

1. Ghost ALWAYS want to scare the living sims, no matter how nice they were, or relations with said sim.

2. Ghost go into haunt mode more often if the enviroment their tomb is low. I always make a pleasant cemetary for them. I've had ghost never haunt, ever, because of this.

3. Ghost will get pissed for the following things: Sold their objects they got aspiration in life from, certain event happens in the family (I had a ghost apparently come a -celebrate- their great grandson had gotten into private school... by making her piss her pants) that the dead sim would have been interested in in life, Someone with good relationship with them dies, and the ultimate source of pissing off a ghost, making them unlinked and putting them in a community lot.

This is only for ghost who died of old old. May or may not comply to other death types, and likely I don't know everything, because look at the avatar! :D

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 04, 22:57:02
This is the ghost that put Kaylynn out of a job. She was maxed in everything. She even cleans up her own drowning ghost puddles!


Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: ThyGuy on 2006 February 04, 23:05:05
*Is tempted to drown sims more often now*

Was that sim shy? Maybe being shy makes the ghost more interested in cleaning, than scaring.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 04, 23:19:23
No she was cheated up to maximum everything.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: sudaki on 2006 February 05, 00:23:09
The ghosts ALSO have to be happy.  If you sell their bed, they'll be the angry mean ghosts who break things.

I find the bed thing terribly annoying. None of my sims ever got aspiration points from buying a stupid bed. Yet they are STILL attached to every bed in the house and throw screaming fits when I sell one. Never anything else, either. Not the sculptures they wanted to buy or the piano I couldn't pry them away from, just the stupid beds! Beds they never even slept in!!

Maybe someone who likes a good nap as much as I do should be more sympathetic, but I'm not.  :P

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 05, 00:25:24
Sounds like it's naptime. Someone's a little cranky.  :D

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2006 February 05, 01:08:08
Keeping their beds doesn't always help.  In my original Pleasantview, Angela & Dustin moved into the Oldies house after they'd died.  They weren't married at the start and both Oldies were extremely angry about it, constantly throwing hissy-fits because Dustin wasn't 'family'.  They also got very, very angry when Angela slept with him in their bed.  Even after they were married, they didn't improve much.  Coral in particular was very nasty to their two little girls, she woke them up constantly and she was always angry for some reason.  After Angela & Dustin moved out, I had a single Knowledge Sim move in there and she was hardly bothered by them at all.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Li'l Brudder on 2006 February 05, 03:38:31
I think it is so funny when a ghost walks into a bedroom and stands in the middle of the bed and starts to cheer, waking the sleeper up.  Too funny...

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 05, 03:53:02
I have yet to even get a friendly ghost. They all come back mean. Most of the time I'm forced to delete their tombstone because of their antics. I really thought I'd like having ghosts because I love ghost stories but they're really  more of an annoyance to me.

 Hmm....10 neatness and 10 nice points you say? Interesting idea, I would like to try your idea to see if it works. I would love to have more helpful ghosts for a change.

It's helpful if you don't move their stone.  I usually have my elders go stand in the yard with free will off at 6pm when it's their time.  If necessary fence them in so they don't wander too far from their future grave.

Wow, great idea. I never thought of doing that . Now I must decide if I can be that cruel as to have that poor old sim spend his/her last day (on earth?)chained  and imprisoned in a fence instead of enjoying themselves with friends and family..................

Whom I'm kidding, sure I can <evil grin>

BTW, thanks for the pictures Brynne.  They were very nice and I liked how you decorated the house too. Where did you get those light pictures and cabinets from?

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: SaraMK on 2006 February 05, 04:53:02
BTW, thanks for the pictures Brynne.  They were very nice and I liked how you decorated the house too. Where did you get those light pictures and cabinets from?

The lights are by klarsicht42 who made a bunch of awesome lights (some of my favorites, really).

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Wolfee on 2006 February 05, 13:47:22
BTW, thanks for the pictures Brynne.  They were very nice and I liked how you decorated the house too. Where did you get those light pictures and cabinets from?

The lights are by klarsicht42 who made a bunch of awesome lights (some of my favorites, really).

Thank you  :)

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 06, 00:01:11
I married Darren Dreamer to Cassandra Goth (he's now Darren Goth and living in the Goth manor), and once Dirk and Lilith graduated from Uni, they moved into the old Dreamer home, got married, and had a baby boy.

Ghostie Darleen HATES them.  She's constantly floating around with red X's through thoughts of Dirk and his son Derek, then the family 'aspiration failure' flashes above her head and she screams.  She hasn't really paid any attention to Lilith, but she's constantly scaring Dirk while he's trying to logic up for a promotion.

She also doesn't really care that Darren remarried, but she's REALLY not happy about having a grandson!

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Issy on 2006 February 06, 18:43:08
I have yet to even get a friendly ghost. They all come back mean. Most of the time I'm forced to delete their tombstone because of their antics. I really thought I'd like having ghosts because I love ghost stories but they're really  more of an annoyance to me.

Likewise.  I recently had a grandparent pass away, who acheived two lifetime wants. I didn't sell the beds or anything, but 2 days after he died, he went to scare a couple of the grandchildren with which he had relationship scores of 100/100.

I just think if a sim who dies of old age in platinum and has had a perfect overall life etc, they shouldn't be so mean.  That being said, I've never had a helpful ghost in my game, even though almost all my sims have at least 5+ in neatness.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Persephone on 2006 February 06, 21:18:20
I have yet to even get a friendly ghost. They all come back mean. Most of the time I'm forced to delete their tombstone because of their antics. I really thought I'd like having ghosts because I love ghost stories but they're really  more of an annoyance to me.

Likewise.  I recently had a grandparent pass away, who acheived two lifetime wants. I didn't sell the beds or anything, but 2 days after he died, he went to scare a couple of the grandchildren with which he had relationship scores of 100/100.

I just think if a sim who dies of old age in platinum and has had a perfect overall life etc, they shouldn't be so mean.  That being said, I've never had a helpful ghost in my game, even though almost all my sims have at least 5+ in neatness.

Ghosts will still scare sometimes even if they aren't angry.  Even the helpful ghosts will do that now and again.  The way to tell if a ghost is ANGRY or not is to watch them idle.  They fume and fuss just like a furious sims.  They will scare more aggressively (but ALL ghosts will scare).  Also +5 neat is not going to result in a cleaning ghost unless they are all the way to 10. 

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: tunaisafish on 2006 February 07, 07:26:38
The angriness of the ghost affects their haunting range.  I think the minimum range is 3 squares.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Muisie on 2006 February 07, 22:16:22
Ghosts suck.  I had 24 ghosts in my legacy house.  Some were really mean and others where helpful, but they all scared the crap out of my family.    Their targeting preference seem to be (pure superstition on my part I'm sure):
1. pregnant sim
2. child
3. teen
4. visiting sims (especially at parties)
5. elder sim
6. adult sim
100. any age sim with Knowledge aspiration

They especially like teaming up and scaring the same sim twice.  I did notice that previous family members were a lot more vengeful than  say, innocent townies who happened to die on the lot.  (I might just add that I specifically never deleted beds, instead had a warehouse stacked with haunted ones.)

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 07, 22:23:32
I just "got a new ghost" the other day (see the bright, shiny halo over my head? I didn't do nuthin'  ;D), and I sent a couple of knowledge teens out on the front lawn one night when she was active, free will off. Both my knowledge sims wanted to see a ghost. I also had an assortment of family members and aspirations out there with them. The ghost scared the same sim NINE TIMES until he finally peed his pants and had to shower. He is a popularity sim, and had absolutely no desire to see this ghost. She ignored everyone else until I sent Cam in to shower, so she then picked on a teen pleasure-seeker until dawn broke. Not a good memory for him, either, and he had to shower after the 5th or 6th time. My knowledge sims didn't get spooked once.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: nectere on 2006 February 07, 22:26:06
I have to get my knowledge sims to chase the ghost around a few times before it will finally scare him/her. Of course ghosts arent allowed in the house so it usually only takes a couple of minutes.

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: Brynne on 2006 February 08, 00:10:05
What's funny is that the ghost was scaring the sims on either side of the knowledge sim. In this pic, Luke says he wants to "see a ghost". Evidentally he needs to be whacked over the head with one to see it since he's looking right at her.


Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: vecki on 2006 February 08, 00:22:42
Oh yes, sims will be watching ghosts float past them but still haven't 'seen' the ghost. >:(

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2006 February 08, 03:34:42
Amazing.  I had Aerith the Knowledge Elder see her brother-in-law's ghost (on accident, I wasn't even looking) and not only did it fulfill her want to see the ghost, she also died from fright.   ;D

Title: Re: helpful ghosts
Post by: vcline on 2006 February 08, 23:02:40
Hence the old saying, "Be careful what you wish for." :D