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TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: simmiecal on 2005 December 19, 23:18:59

Title: Uni Questions
Post by: simmiecal on 2005 December 19, 23:18:59
I never played the university that had the fraternity and sorority in it. Are they different from the dorms or just dorms for supposedly one gender?

How do I make "dormies" so the game doesn't generate new ones? I know I can put in the nodormieregen hack, but how to I create the dormie pool? Is it as easy as making a YA and then making them a "townie"?

Thanks bunches!

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 December 19, 23:30:34
Fraternities and sororities can have both genders, although the ones that come with the game just have one. They're different from dorms in that you can't move your sim directly into them, and there are some other differences -- like, if you have a greek house, those sims will probably never have to cook because, after class, they'll bring pizza back with them. Sometimes they'll randomly leave the lot to get pizza, or to go somewhere else and steal a pinball machine to bring back, or something. I think more people walk by the lot, and that all needs except fun and social decay more slowly. They can also throw toga parties, and sleep on the floor.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 19, 23:32:47
I'd say the greek houses are more like private houses that hold a fair number of people than dorms. They got separate or shared (2 people I think) bedrooms and then communal areas for cooking and playing and all. The pre-built ones have swimming pools and/or hot tubs or some other fairly nice types of things. Being in one has quite a few advantages.

There's nothing actually stopping you from making them co-male and female if you like... they're just traditionally divided by gender.

To make dormies, you can use the testing cheat and make them a dormie (you have to choose the right category... I've only really seen this once and would suck at explaining it, but I'm sure someone knows.) I don't know if there's a hack to do it, which would be a whole lot easier, like there is for townies. If you find one, I want it too :)

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Torkle on 2005 December 19, 23:37:31
I think you can use Inge's teleporter to make dormies, as they should just be on-campus young adult townies.  Crank out a batch of eight in Create-A-Student, plop them on a temporary campus lot that has Inge's shrub, and make them townies.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 20, 00:40:19
If you make YA townies, the automatically become University students, and will come invade your dorms when you are ready for them.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Sleepycat on 2005 December 20, 02:39:37
Cool! I had wondered the same thing, looks like I'll be busy making new dormies *installs nodormieregen*

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 20, 02:55:37
Basically, any house can become a Greek House, even when there isn't one already, and if your sim phones up and asks for Greek House status they get all the benefits without all the hassle of joining an existing Greek House.

The main drawback to Greek Houses is if you have a sim living in one who falls for a sim living in another, one can't move in with the other without moving out of the Greek house and into either a non-Greek House or dorm first.  Once they are a member of one Greek House, they can't become a member of a different one.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 20, 04:16:46
I have a stupid question.

Since I did not had any Sim join a greek house yet, is there a possibitlity a greek house member loose its membership? like they get kicked out of the fraternity?  Or once a member always a member?

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 20, 05:44:23
I think they stay a member forever.  One little trick though.  I use a greek house in my prosperity challenge, and have to use a "placeholder" to keep the house open, and move her out when new students come in.  Once you move the placeholder out, it will go to the sim bin.  You cannot move the sim back into the greek house from the sim bin.  You have to move the sim to a dorm or house then call>greek house>move to greek house.  They have not lost their status, they just have to move in by phone.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 20, 05:51:42
Oh that is just too bad, it would might have been a fun feature to have let say for example that a greek house member would become furious with all the members it lives with, they could have a reunion and kick a member out that way... Oh well.... I guess they did not thought of that one....

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: Liss on 2005 December 20, 05:54:20
you could probably kick someone out of the actual house, but they would still be a member.

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: MissDoh on 2005 December 20, 05:56:14
Kick by making it move out or by the members themselves?

Title: Re: Uni Questions
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 20, 06:40:08
I don't think it would be possible for the other members to kick the sim out, since I think that's only available to married sims who break up.  I suppose they could make that sim really miserable so they go right down into the red, but I've never seen the Move Out want at Uni, it only used to apply to newly transitioned adults wanting to leave the parental home.  I think if they don't go to college, they still get that want, but not otherwise.

The only way you can get a sim to be a member of a different Greek House is, first move them out, then move them to a dorm and get them enough money to rent a lot.  They can then apply for Greek House status for the new lot, and lose the membership of the old one.  If you then move them out again, put them in a dorm, they can move in by phone, and it will be the new house they move to, not the original one.