More Awesome Than You!

TS2: Burnination => The Podium => Topic started by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 05, 21:57:38

Title: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 05, 21:57:38
I try to play them...but 50 first dates/dream dates is just insane.  I know I could just ignore the LTW but pleasure sims are a bit hard to keep in platinum or even gold anyways b/c their wants have such low scoring points.

50...50! I want to kick whoever thought this was the magical number.   There are not 50 of my own unattached sims running around the neighborhood.  There is not that many sims of the particular sex I want my sim to be with.  Oh sure...I can bring in the matchmaker...but I don't want all these sims spawned in my neighborhoods just  so my pleasure sim can fulfill this silly aspiration.

I wish there was a way to hack into this number and change it to something a bit more feasible.  That or perhaps Pleasure sims need some help from the LTW Variety mod ;)

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 05, 22:00:27
Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't you change the value of 50 with another number in SimPE?  When I was playing around with SimPE editor, I noticed that I could change the number of children wanted for "Have XX of Children" although I didn't actually do it.

I'm a SimPE novice, so I may be wrong.

I also think 50 is a ridiculous number.  My Sims are lucky if they get 10 dream dates in their lifetimes, what with all the work I make them do.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: gali on 2005 December 05, 22:20:29
I never choose Pleasure aspiration - but 50 dream dates indeed is outrageous!!!

I had only one fulfill of a dream date, and at the end of it I  (the player)  was exosted!!! It  took about 4-5 sim hours, and if I wouldn't have the "eternal mood booster" - my sims would  die in the middle of the date, from hunger and weariness. From then on, I never fulfill this wish.

Pity that the other two LTW  are - slacker, and 100 first dates. You are forced to wait for the slacker job.

JMP said, that it's good to choose the Knowledge, and then change their aspitration to another. I listenned to him, and now all my sims are Knowledge sims, with LTW of "max 7 skills" (using the college clock). It's the best choise for all my sims, because during the college they fulfill the LTW - I take them to a community lot where the time stands by, and they return to their home in platinum mood.  

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: LFox on 2005 December 05, 22:28:26
50 dream dates IS a bit excessive but then i got a pleasure seeker sim that has had about 35 dream dates now.  It's time consuming but very doable if you know how to do the dating system well.  Some of the lifetime wants are a little insane 10 kids?  Bit nuts, how bout a more sane one like Have Twins?  That'd be cool.

Gali that isn't a bad idea but lmao for me i got my sims maxed in EVERY skill before they even leave for college if i did that it'd be too easy for me to get permanant platium for my sims.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 05, 22:30:08
I mentioned this when I first got NL and JM said he would look at it when he had it, so hopefully he will.  As I recall, my first Pleasure LTW was 100 First or Dream Dates, which is totally insane, although I've never seen that number come up since.  I just go for the career ones, which are Slacker, Culinary & Criminal Mastermind.  When they're done, I will edit it in SimPE to give them something else.  No way will any of mine ever go for 50 dates of any kind.  It's not that it isn't possible (my Pleasantview is plenty big enough), but it's just too bloody boring.  Not to mention the fact that Pleasure Sims are NOT Romance Sims and therefore once they achieve dream date status and meet their partner, the dates S-T-O-P.  They may have one more with their partner for a surprise engagement dinner, but that's it.  As I also mentioned in my original thread, it's the Romance Sims who should have LTW's for dates, not Pleasure.  Well, in my opinion anyway.  It'd make far more sense if Pleasure Seekers wanted to have a certain number of bubble baths, or play the piano X number of times.  These would be far more interesting and far easier to achieve.  Total lack of imagination behind this if you ask me.

I think I was ranting there.  Well, that's because the whole LTW thing annoys me intensely.  I will never be satisfied until they bring in the LTW's for the new careers, or someone provides a hack for them.  Assuming the majority of people have Uni (and I suspect they do), why are they pandering to the minority at the expense of the majority?  Since when was that good business practice?

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: LFox on 2005 December 05, 22:33:30
I mentioned this when I first got NL and JM said he would look at it when he had it, so hopefully he will.  As I recall, my first Pleasure LTW was 100 First or Dream Dates, which is totally insane, although I've never seen that number come up since.  I just go for the career ones, which are Slacker, Culinary & Criminal Mastermind.  When they're done, I will edit it in SimPE to give them something else.  No way will any of mine ever go for 50 dates of any kind.  It's not that it isn't possible (my Pleasantview is plenty big enough), but it's just too bloody boring.  Not to mention the fact that Pleasure Sims are NOT Romance Sims and therefore once they achieve dream date status and meet their partner, the dates S-T-O-P.  They may have one more with their partner for a surprise engagement dinner, but that's it.  As I also mentioned in my original thread, it's the Romance Sims who should have LTW's for dates, not Pleasure.  Well, in my opinion anyway.  It'd make far more sense if Pleasure Seekers wanted to have a certain number of bubble baths, or play the piano X number of times.  These would be far more interesting and far easier to achieve.  Total lack of imagination behind this if you ask me.

I think I was ranting there.  Well, that's because the whole LTW thing annoys me intensely.  I will never be satisfied until they bring in the LTW's for the new careers, or someone provides a hack for them.  Assuming the majority of people have Uni (and I suspect they do), why are they pandering to the minority at the expense of the majority?  Since when was that good business practice?

Hmm i totally agree they really ARE romance sim lifetime wants aren't they?  Makes more sense for a romance sim.  I know what you mean about the uni careers not being in the lifetime wants thats just poor developement and makes no sense why there not in.  I hope JM or one of the other guys like Twojeffs gets around to fixing up the lifetime wants and adding in some more sane ones and tweaking the insane ones.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Renatus on 2005 December 05, 22:33:44
BlueSoup - I think you can, but I don't think it will do any good other than keep the LTW from working.

I like the Pleasure aspiration myself (sadly, it's the one that matches me best) but the date thing is ridiculous. The constant wants for dates even if they are shy is irrtating and stupid, and the LTWs are just plain stupid. Slacker career, okay, but this is another area where making it so that the Uni careers don't apply for LTWs was a mistake, as I can totally see a Pleasure person wanting to be an actor or artist.

I've mostly avoided this issue in my own game by changing the aspiration when the sim goes through major life events, and depending on how happy they were in their previous aspiration, so they rarely achieve LTWs anyway, but man, way to make the Pleasure sims look tacked on, EA/Maxis.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 05, 22:34:08
20 would be more reasonable, just like the wohoo 20 sims and 20 best friends wants.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: LFox on 2005 December 05, 22:39:14
20 would be more reasonable, just like the wohoo 20 sims and 20 best friends wants.

Personally i thought woohoo with 20 sims was murder to get with my romance sim but maybe with nightlife it's a bit easier with the dating added?  I noticed with the dating its pretty much possible to get 2 sims with 100/100 relationship within 1 or 2 days.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: nectere on 2005 December 05, 22:50:00
Well you have to make use of those aspiration rewards...the glasses, the special hot tub etc. And dont forget autosocialize now that its updated, even when you cant make use of the rewards you can still use that to boost up the relationship pretty quickly.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Regina on 2005 December 05, 23:00:44
The way I see it, the game makers decided to make a brand new shiny aspiration to match the Nightlife expansion--or at least that's what they tried!  I find pleasure seeker sims to be a royal pain in the butt!  They walk around all the time constantly thinking about adopting a child (as if adopting a child is going to bring pure pleasure!).  The ones I've played rarely want to do anything other than play games and take bubble baths.  Sadly, I rarely ever play them--I think it's a huge waste of an aspiration.

I wish custom aspirations could be made like custom careers, but only to over-write the in-game aspirations.  I'd love a new and improved version of both Pleasure Seeker and Romance sims (although I like Romance sims tons better than Pleasure).

I've gone to using mods to make my sims more what I want them to be instead of what the game decides.  Between the multi-painting and lot debugger, my sims are starting to get much more interesting. ;)

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: jennydeenyc on 2005 December 05, 23:26:13
And dont forget autosocialize now that its updated

Where can I find this updated autosocialize? Thanks!

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: BlueSoup on 2005 December 05, 23:56:28
And dont forget autosocialize now that its updated

Where can I find this updated autosocialize? Thanks!  It's still listed in Uni, but I've been using it for Nightlife without a problem.  :)

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: syberspunk on 2005 December 06, 00:03:37
Actually... I think those insane LTWs are a riot. I mean, they aren't supposed to be easily fulfillable wants. That's part of the challenge. ;)

And I'm not sure I've seen this 100 dates thing, but I don't think the have 50 dream dates is that bad. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you can just keep having dates with your own partner. And what's so bad about that? I mean, even if you are partnered (married or have a boyfriend/girlfriend or whatever), whenever you go out, it is pretty much like a date, isn't it? I mean, I've been partnered for close to 8 years now, and we still go out together all the time, just like when we were first dating. :D Just because you're partnered doesn't necessarily mean the magic or romance has to fizzle out of your life, right? ;)

Now the 50 1st dates thing, now that certainly seems a bit more insane. But then again, there are plenty of other totally unrealistic LTWs out there, as have been already pointed out. You can justmake those sims your challenge sims. If your sim manages to get this from the onset, as a teen, I think it is totally doable. Can't you get dates as a teen? If you date throughout teendom, uni, and adulthood, you can probably make that 50 without that much of a hassle.

And the added challenge of playing these types of aspirations (Romance and Pleasure) is having to deal with the potential drama or fallout of relationships from other sims who might catch you on dates or other romantic interactions with other sims, when that ugly green monster that is Sim Jealousy rears its awful, ridiculous, non-sensical head. I think it wouldn't be that much of a problem if Sim Jealousy (and Furiousness) was much more reasonable. That's why we really need an update on that romancemod. ;)


Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: windy_moon on 2005 December 06, 00:17:48
I think it wouldn't be that much of a problem if Sim Jealousy (and Furiousness) was much more reasonable. That's why we really need an update on that romancemod. ;)



Jealousy and furiousness is the real problem.  50 dream dates wouldn't be that hard if you didn't have to keep watching over your shoulder the whole time. 

You can date back-to-back, too, because the reward for a dream date is max motives.  I had a Sim couple do three dream dates in a row yesterday.  He was a "drop from the sky" $5000 match for Kaylynn (widow of Daniel Pleasant).  The first dream date was hard, starting from scratch, but after the first one, I kept going and the next two weren't that hard. 

I stopped because I was bored...but if either one of them had had a riotous dating history with Sims lurking around to start a slap fight, I would have stopped a lot sooner, or moved the dates home (which can get boring too).

There are plenty of Sims I can't dare let date in public for fear of neighborhood relations in shambles.  I have Sims pissed at other Sims and not a clue why. :(

*public clamoring for shiny nuclear edition of a romance mod*

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Sagana on 2005 December 06, 00:38:44
Personally, the LTWs bore me - really the whole aspiration system bores me. I agree I'd *love* some different ones (and LTWvariety isn't giving me enough). But yeah, for the "dream dates" one - all the dates can be with the same person and after the first one it gets really easy to hit dream date. Certainly married people can date (um I mean together, not on the side). My daughter and her husband have regular date nights (and choose "date movies" and discuss what's a good "date restaurant" even) and I think it's cute :) My co-worker and her husband do this as well.

Ah, young love ;)

I thought the numbers were 25 (first dates) and 50 (dream dates), not 50 and 100... is that really right? <doesn't have anyone with those LTWs to look right now>

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 06, 00:52:53
First dates is actually pretty easy, since they neither have to do well, nor lead to anything. A great time to pull this one is at Uni, where you can just drop the change on the gypsy at minimum cost, get someone to appear instantly, then end it and buy another one. You get a first date the moment it begins.

Dream dates is harder, but does not necessitate multiple people, IIRC: You can get multiples with the same person. Once again, the ideal time for all this dating is at Uni: It's not like you have anything better to be doing! A great way to burn off excess hours, since the Uni final clock keeps ticking even on community lots....

But really, Knowledge/Max All is by far the most direct LTW, since it requires no additional sidetracking: You're going to do it anyway. It has no upkeep, no maintenance, your sim is happy while pursuing it in a straight beeline, and ties in directly with getting all the scholarships.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 01:12:56
I only have one Pleasure Sim that I created myself in CAS, and mostly I change the others with the Renuyuportachug.  It doesn't work well with serious and active sims, and it simply encourages the lazy ones to do nothing but sit about all day!

As to the Woohoo with 20 different Sims - I think that one is relatively easy, in that Public Woohoo counts as Woohoo Number 2 if you get your sim to do a public woohoo and either a woohooo in bed or the hot tub, so they only have to get romantically involved with 10 sims.  Now the have 20 simultaneous lovers is a whole different thing - you have to have 20 sims you sim is romantically involved with, and spend hours on the phone keeping those relationships above 70.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Kyna on 2005 December 06, 01:41:50
20 loves at once is easy with Pescado's mods. 

I use the 'make friends' macro from autosoc to build the STR to 100.  Contact outings are especially good for this, as making friends with the contact boosts the outing score early.  Then I use the same macro to make friends with other sims present (choosing those that are my sims preferred gender).  There's 3 or 4 new friends, easily.  I send my sim home, wait a few days until the LTR relationships build up to best-friends status.  Invite the friends over to the home lot one at a time, either for a visit or for a date, romance them, and bam there's another love.  Then I rely on autoyak and run the 'call friends' macro every day - relationships stay at 100/100 barring no neighbourhood social disasters, such as running into lovers while on a community lot. (OK, I admit that sometimes I create those disasters just to spice up the neighbourhood  ;D ).

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 01:55:52
Well, I use hacks and mods mainly, although not entirely, in order to correct faultsor annoyances in the game itself.  I don't use any of the ones that make it easy for me in that respect, I like to work at these things so I feel I (and my sim) have actually achieved something.  I'm well aware that all these things exist, I just don't use them for that reason.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2005 December 06, 02:01:21
I have a couple of Pleasure Sims.  Both are in college and rarely get platnum unless they're dating (or got engaged like one just did today).  It's pretty dull to see these Sims want to go on outings or dates or run around in their pjs and play the guitar all the time.  I now have teddy bears all over the houses they live in because that's the only toy they can use (stupid want).  50 First Dates are impossible for the male Pleasure Sim because he doesn't seem interested in anyone or anything except himself.  The female Pleasure Sim was a former Money Sim that changed to suit her fiance (a Pleasure vampire).  Fortunately she just wants to be a Celebrity Chef, so that works.  I don't really like this aspiration very well and would like to change Drake's aspiration to something else, but he's always in the green and he doesn't know how to make grilled cheese sandwiches yet.   ::) ;D

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 02:14:23
He could learn!  And he'd have the motivation...... ;D

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: BeckerCheez on 2005 December 06, 02:55:00
That would be the strangest thing ever:  a college kid with mullet hair and a disco suit with an obsession for grilled cheese sandwiches.   :D

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 03:09:25
Well, given a long and happy life and a good appetite, he'd have a fair chance of achieving his LTW!

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 06, 03:35:22
Well I guess the 50 dream dates aren't exactly the most horrible thing seeing that you can fulfill it over a sim life with a committed partner.  Perhaps it's just that after so many dates I find them boring.  A little bit of woohoo though to get it up to dream date I guess and end the damned thing.   :P

1st dates I really don't I said..not that many sims running around my 'hoods.  I have big enough 'hoods anyways..I don't like the idea of generations and generations dating the same 50 sims...random stuff like that.  Maybe I'm just a bit picky...but yeah.

I used to hate some of the romance sims aspirations (woohoo/love 20 sims)..I did it all by the book (no cheats) one time and oh boy..never was just too much.  With mods though it's much better and I actually don't mind them so much anymore.

Maybe I should try to deal with my pleasure sims a while longer..but nah..I doubt it for now eh....

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 06, 04:31:50
Actually... I think those insane LTWs are a riot. I mean, they aren't supposed to be easily fulfillable wants. That's part of the challenge. ;)

Now the 50 1st dates thing, now that certainly seems a bit more insane. But then again, there are plenty of other totally unrealistic LTWs out there, as have been already pointed out. You can justmake those sims your challenge sims. If your sim manages to get this from the onset, as a teen, I think it is totally doable. Can't you get dates as a teen? If you date throughout teendom, uni, and adulthood, you can probably make that 50 without that much of a hassle.

And the added challenge of playing these types of aspirations (Romance and Pleasure) is having to deal with the potential drama or fallout of relationships from other sims who might catch you on dates or other romantic interactions with other sims, when that ugly green monster that is Sim Jealousy rears its awful, ridiculous, non-sensical head. I think it wouldn't be that much of a problem if Sim Jealousy (and Furiousness) was much more reasonable. That's why we really need an update on that romancemod. ;)

I fulfilled the 50 1st dates ltw for a pleasure seeker I had what I did was call thegypsy when he ran out of friends to date. got the dates up to the good level to avoid the crush and love issuemy sim went on 6"dates" a day when he was not at  work thank god he was level 10 in his career so it took about 8 and a half sim days to  send him perma plat.
  I then changed his aspiration to popularity and he is much happier.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: LFox on 2005 December 06, 04:49:29
Speaking of lifetime wants i think the most insane has gotta be for the grilled cheese aspiration.  Eat 200 grilled cheese sandwhiches, whats bad is they get a memory for each sandwhich they finish eating, i'm guessing its for marking purposes for the lifetime want but DAMN your gonna end up with 200 of those memories.  I gotta say as crummy as the grilled cheese aspiration is though i find it halarious.  I had a grilled cheese sim i moved to a dorm she was having no trouble staying in platium and her influence was easy to get.  Poor dormies all they really ate was grilled cheese because of her sandwhich obsession.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Bangelnuts on 2005 December 06, 05:02:38
Speaking of lifetime wants i think the most insane has gotta be for the grilled cheese aspiration.  Eat 200 grilled cheese sandwhiches, whats bad is they get a memory for each sandwhich they finish eating, i'm guessing its for marking purposes for the lifetime want but DAMN your gonna end up with 200 of those memories.  I gotta say as crummy as the grilled cheese aspiration is though i find it halarious.  I had a grilled cheese sim i moved to a dorm she was having no trouble staying in platium and her influence was easy to get.  Poor dormies all they really ate was grilled cheese because of her sandwhich obsession.
I changed a domie's aspiration from knowledge to grilled cheese after she had slap fest with my sim for no real reason. I used merola's mirror to get control of her and vincents modder to change her aspiration. it was totally hysterical.she ran around making sandwiches no body ate ,grabbing everyone she knew and some dormies she didnt know to talkk about....... you guessed it ! grilled cheese sandwiches

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: LFox on 2005 December 06, 05:09:07
Speaking of lifetime wants i think the most insane has gotta be for the grilled cheese aspiration.  Eat 200 grilled cheese sandwhiches, whats bad is they get a memory for each sandwhich they finish eating, i'm guessing its for marking purposes for the lifetime want but DAMN your gonna end up with 200 of those memories.  I gotta say as crummy as the grilled cheese aspiration is though i find it halarious.  I had a grilled cheese sim i moved to a dorm she was having no trouble staying in platium and her influence was easy to get.  Poor dormies all they really ate was grilled cheese because of her sandwhich obsession.
I changed a domie's aspiration from knowledge to grilled cheese after she had slap fest with my sim for no real reason. I used merola's mirror to get control of her and vincents modder to change her aspiration. it was totally hysterical.she ran around making sandwiches no body ate ,grabbing everyone she knew and some dormies she didnt know to talkk about....... you guessed it ! grilled cheese sandwiches

Hmm i'll have to try that sounds like a fun idea and it would give my sim someone to talk about her cheesy obsession with.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: eaglezero on 2005 December 06, 05:25:08
I will never be satisfied until they bring in the LTW's for the new careers, or someone provides a hack for them.  Assuming the majority of people have Uni (and I suspect they do), why are they pandering to the minority at the expense of the majority?  Since when was that good business practice?

Besides, it's not as if they DIDN'T have any uni-related LTWs -- the family sims have the "send 3 children to college" LTW, so I really don't see why it would have killed them to add the career wants, so that the kids had some reason to go to uni other than pleasing their parents.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: skandelouslala on 2005 December 06, 07:02:07
I will never be satisfied until they bring in the LTW's for the new careers, or someone provides a hack for them.  Assuming the majority of people have Uni (and I suspect they do), why are they pandering to the minority at the expense of the majority?  Since when was that good business practice?

Besides, it's not as if they DIDN'T have any uni-related LTWs -- the family sims have the "send 3 children to college" LTW, so I really don't see why it would have killed them to add the career wants, so that the kids had some reason to go to uni other than pleasing their parents.

They're slow at times.
I think I remember reading an explanation of they didn't want to force you to send your sims to Uni to achieve a LTW.
Seriously...what the're forced to do something no matter what lifetime want your sim ends up with.
I've had lotsa Captain Heroes that I didn't want..but I did it b/c I wanted perma plat status on that sim.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Ness on 2005 December 06, 07:26:59
I just despise pleasure sims...  not only ridiculous LTWs, but their wants are pathetic measly things...

I find with pleasure sims I'm forever changing their activities every 2 seconds and really scraping to try to get their aspiration levels up to something sensible - it's just painful!

has anyone played with the power aspiration that is available through the sim-modder?

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 10:02:24
No, but I always wondered why they didn't have that along with fortune - I mean, it's really one of the most enduring of aspirations in humans, so why not sims?  And it would give a whole new level to the reason for wanting to be Mayor or a General than just you get to make a lot of friends along the way!

Where do I get this, I wouldn't mind trying it out!

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Ness on 2005 December 06, 11:01:40
if you shift click on a sim with testing cheats enabled you can spawn the sim modder - from memory it's on the second page - with that you can set the aspiration to power...  there's no icon, and I haven't played much with it to see what typical LTWs are...  I've even got no idea what typical wants are, and whether it actually works in any way at all.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 12:28:31
So Maxis has made these other Aspirations and LTWs, they've just left them hidden?  why on earth would they do something like that.  Crazy!  But thnks for the tip, I might just give it a try, and hope thet testing cheats doesn't screw my game up the way it usually does!

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: dmchess on 2005 December 06, 13:30:19
Now the have 20 simultaneous lovers is a whole different thing - you have to have 20 sims you sim is romantically involved with, and spend hours on the phone keeping those relationships above 70.
Yeah, it's a challenge!  Relationships decay so slowly, though, that I didn't find it necessary to spend hours on the phone.  My strategy once I got serious about that LTW (see for instance this story ( and the ones before it) was to arrange one woohoo per day with whatever lover currently had the lowest daily relationship (doubly useful because Sally generally has at least one power want to woohoo anyway), and then one session (either on the phone or in person) raising the daily with the current new-love target.  Leaving plenty of time for need-maintenance and general fun-having.  (I don't use any cheats or mods except no-age-discrimination and no-buskers, neither of which is relevant here; I use lots of elixir and of course the Love Tub (although the candles burned out long ago), and just once in awhile the Cool Shades (mostly because they look so funny!).)

One note: I don't think you actually have to keep all relationships in the 70's, although I did.  But love doesn't go away from simple neglect and relationship decays afaict; I have at least one Sim who's still in love with someone she went with in college, even though she hasn't talked to him in Sim decades, and their relationship is like down in the 40s somewhere.  There are no friendship or crush symbols in the relationships panel, but there's still that red heart.  Also it's okay if the other Sim falls out of love with the Romance Sims who has the LTW, so being caught cheating isn't really a disaster (to keep Sally in character she always stopped to make up with any lover who caught her cheating, but she didn't need to for the LTW).


Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 06, 14:41:51
Well, it is ok until, if their relationship goes below 70 and they talk on the phone and one of them says the wrong thing, they fall out of love immediately!

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: Ancient Sim on 2005 December 09, 05:29:59
has anyone played with the power aspiration that is available through the sim-modder?

I tried making Komei Tellerman Power - it has no icon and he lost his aspiration points inventory thingy, but his wants re-rolled and seemed to be a combination of Knowledge and Popularity/Family (I can only remember Go Swimming and Invite Someone Over).  I changed him back to Fortune and they re-rolled again.

I suppose it could be something they've put in ready for the Business expansion, but I'm wondering if it was originally intended to be the Nightlife one.  Power and vampires go together and they may originally have planned to use it, then decided against it because it's too 'dark' and they chose to have the vampires go along a more amusing track, presumably to avoid complaints.  If so, I wish they'd stuck with it because it's far more appropriate. 

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2005 December 09, 05:31:33
I don't think it's a combination of anything, I think it's basically blank so you just get generic wants only, sorta like the "Grow Up" aspiration.

Title: Re: *sigh* I depise the Pleasure sims LTWs
Post by: ZephyrZodiac on 2005 December 09, 06:45:39
Doesn't seem much point to me in finding a way to use something which Maxis hasn't actually finished playing around with.  Since it's there and as you say, Ancient, may have been originally intended for NL then changed to the Business EP, no doubt it will be properly finished and available with that EP.  Just a matter of being patient for a few months.