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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: virgali on 2011 October 16, 20:58:12

Title: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 16, 20:58:12
Disclaimer: I'm posting my ordeal here because Witch adviced me to do so.

Pescado updated the s3cr files so store objects will show up in lots you download instead up being replaced by base game objects. Up untill today I've been using the old files to decrapify and everything worked fine (it didn't bother getting the new ones cause it didn't really bother me stuff got replaced). I changed my mind because of the Regency building.

So I deleted the October set file, decrapped using the new files and then installed it with the launcher. When I went in game I realised that not only was the building missing from the library but so were the Gothique Library and the Olympian Physique. I then quit the game and decrapped my save files using the new files but that didn't help either. I then proceeded to delete the files again, extracted an untouched set, decrapped it with the old files and install it. this prompted a message that it was already installed. I loaded the game, the objects were there but the buildings were still missing.

No matter what I did I couldn't get the sims3pack to uninstall not through the launcher or manually. So I deleted all cache files and the DCBackup folder installed the October, Olympian and Gothique sets (decrapped using the old files), and voila the buildings are there again. The items of course still get replaced but at least I now have the buildings.

Moryrie also suggested another work-around which is to download her package files of the buildings and place them into the library myself. Which I'm going to try tomorrow and see if I can get the objects to show up in the building that way.

Either way I hope someone is able to shed a light on why decrapifiying a set would cause other stuff to disappear?

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: jezzer on 2011 October 16, 22:48:52
Why are the buildings so important to you?  They're typical EAxis lots with crappy floor plans, inefficient pathing, and absolutely no eye for design, even with the store content intact.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 17, 07:02:10
Why are the buildings so important to you?  They're typical EAxis lots with crappy floor plans, inefficient pathing, and absolutely no eye for design, even with the store content intact.

You're missing the point. Decrapiying something shouldn't make stuff disappear from my game. EA store or otherwise.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: J. M. Pescado on 2011 October 17, 10:55:27
Didn't happen to me, my lot is there just fine. Conclusion: YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 17, 16:59:21
Didn't happen to me, my lot is there just fine. Conclusion: YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG.

How could I be doing it wrong if I did EXACTLY what I always do? Also your "fix" isn't working either.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 17, 17:54:41
Have you tried re-decrapping the lot package files that get installed in your library folder? Are you using the drag and drop method or the decompressorizer program? I haven't messed around with store lots since the updated decrap files, but I do know it works for lots made by creators. I would suggest, in theory, to use s3cr on the sims pack, open it up with s3pe, extract the lot package, then decrap that and toss it in your library folder; in addition to installing the sims3pack so you get the items.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: Annette on 2011 October 17, 22:27:44
I'm blaming the Regency Arcade. The Gothic Library and the Olympian Gym went missing for me after the October install as well, but I bought all that stuff so it is not the fault of the decrap method. They were missing from the bin and the launcher even though they were in the download folder. Reinstalling brought them back, and the arcade is there as well. I hadn't said anything as I just assumed I had cc conflict as I had put in some houses and the Late Night bonus clubs. 

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 18, 12:34:30
I'm blaming the Regency Arcade. The Gothic Library and the Olympian Gym went missing for me after the October install as well, but I bought all that stuff so it is not the fault of the decrap method. They were missing from the bin and the launcher even though they were in the download folder. Reinstalling brought them back, and the arcade is there as well. I hadn't said anything as I just assumed I had cc conflict as I had put in some houses and the Late Night bonus clubs. 

Ah, great this is very helpful info. I knew it couldn't be a case of "I R DOING IT WRONG".

@kissing_toast: I usually install multiple sims3pack so I use the Witch batch file method. I think it's been posted and quoted all around MATY. When I was testing the October set I still used the batch file to decrapify it (which shouldn't matter either way) so my guess is that Annette is right and store crap is glitchy. I haven't tried user made content yet but I'm kind of paranoid now about messing around with the files either way so maybe I'll do some more testing after I've got my shot of Pets.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: Lum on 2011 October 19, 15:36:28
Actually, the same thing happened to me. Everything was working fine, then I added some new stuff and decided to decaprify it. But then a bunch of Riverview buildings went missing. And it was just Riverview, everything else was working fine. Eventually, I just opened a new Riverview, added the missing buildings to my library, and plopped said buildings on old Riverview. Problem solved.

Will the neighborhood eventually be destroyed in a ball of fire? Dunno. I'm overall less attached to sims 3 worlds. If this had happened in Sims 2, I'd be pissed.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 20, 00:04:08
I just had to reinstall everything and upon installing the Library, Gymnasium and Arcade, they all show up just fine, items and all. I use decrapped sims3packs.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 20, 14:24:55
I just had to reinstall everything and upon installing the Library, Gymnasium and Arcade, they all show up just fine, items and all. I use decrapped sims3packs.

Do they show up as CC in your Game or store content? It seems that the only things that aren't decrappifying correctly (for me) are the buildings. this (,15129.0.html) is the latest version of the tools, yes? I'm in no mood to do a complete reinstall especially since patching is a bitch!

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 20, 16:38:19
I just had to reinstall everything and upon installing the Library, Gymnasium and Arcade, they all show up just fine, items and all. I use decrapped sims3packs.

Do they show up as CC in your Game or store content? It seems that the only things that aren't decrappifying correctly (for me) are the buildings. this (,15129.0.html) is the latest version of the tools, yes? I'm in no mood to do a complete reinstall especially since patching is a bitch!

Oddly enough those three show up as CC, the new pet shop shows up as store content as well as the two clubs from Night Life. If you want I can stick them in a lot and bin clones of them and give you the library files. As far as patching goes, it really wasn't that bad, I installed and fully patched just the base game then installed the rest and used the patch tool to do the rest.

Spoke too soon, just started up my game and all three lots are gone, pet shop is still there, and by gone I mean no longer in my library folder.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 20, 19:33:51
Ouch! So it's not just my game having a bad case of the voodoo. Thank you for the offer at least. I suspect that maybe, just maybe that store patch changed more than just some lights in the game? Wouldn't be the first time EA borked something by trying to fix a minor thing. I just installed the pet's store without running it through the s3rc and it worked fine, all the objects are there. I'm contemplating decrappifiying my saves at some point but I'm gonna try my luck and just use the legit stuff with arred stuff.

About patching, I'm having a lot of trouble finding "the rest" for my region, wouldn't the tool at MTS suffice? Do I really need to install by using the launcher first? I stand by my previous statement, patching is a bitch.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 20, 19:49:37
 My WA is a different region than the others and the patch tool works just fine. I'm going to play around with the lots tonight, even though I don't need them I just like having everything in working order for the case that I ever do.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 20, 22:01:25
My WA is a different region than the others and the patch tool works just fine. I'm going to play around with the lots tonight, even though I don't need them I just like having everything in working order for the case that I ever do.

I am only interested in using the Regency arcade one since I'd have a use for all the "Vegas themed" stuff. what bothers me though is why all of a sudden they are disappearing from the library? It doesn't make sense.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 21, 02:09:58
My WA is a different region than the others and the patch tool works just fine. I'm going to play around with the lots tonight, even though I don't need them I just like having everything in working order for the case that I ever do.

I am only interested in using the Regency arcade one since I'd have a use for all the "Vegas themed" stuff. what bothers me though is why all of a sudden they are disappearing from the library? It doesn't make sense.

OK, reinstalled the three decrapped sims3packs, got the already installed message, but the lots did re-install. I booted up the game to make sure they showed up, then closed the game and restarted my PC. Upon booting up the game again they were still there. I did make backups for when they decide to go MIA again. I still have moar store CC to reinstall so I'll see if they stay put, I only mention this because that's the only thing I did before I noticed them missing.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 21, 10:13:48
Yeah, same thing happened to me. Are they still showing up as CC or do they have the store icon like the Pets store? I'm pretty sure something did indeed change in the launcher. Since the patch all my arred store stuff appear with a CC icon in the launcher itself, though the legit store stuff has another icon.

If you have the time could you check if the buildings actually have the arred store content inside them? I'm gonna test the Olympian and Regency lots once again (I got rid of Gothique since it conflicts with animal skilling). If just decrapping doesn't work, I'll add Moryrie's package file of the buildings and see what happens.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 21, 18:25:30
Yeah, same thing happened to me. Are they still showing up as CC or do they have the store icon like the Pets store? I'm pretty sure something did indeed change in the launcher. Since the patch all my arred store stuff appear with a CC icon in the launcher itself, though the legit store stuff has another icon.

If you have the time could you check if the buildings actually have the arred store content inside them? I'm gonna test the Olympian and Regency lots once again (I got rid of Gothique since it conflicts with animal skilling). If just decrapping doesn't work, I'll add Moryrie's package file of the buildings and see what happens.

I only use decrapped sims3packs, nothing is legit, so the buildings do use the correct items when decapped. When I tried the pet shop that was just ran through S3cr, the correct items were not placed, because the lot is telling the game to use legit items, which I technically do not have. Funny thing I also noticed, the launcher shows all my store cc as regular cc, but in game they all have the store icon. The three lots in question still have the regular cc icon in game. I'm going to try using a non decrapped register now-ish.

The non decrapped register works just fine, I have made a post in the recompressizor thread for the Pez. I think I'm going to uninstall the sims3pack version and just use the packages for now.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 21, 19:27:21
I already mentioned the icon thing I think in two different threads. So the arred register works if you don't decrap it? So which is it, do the items appear correctly in the buildings or not? The only thing that worked for me was to use package files in the library, decrapping did not help. Haven't tried with user made lots though only the store buildings with the exception of the Pet Store which I used the legit file for.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 21, 19:45:41
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Right now I have the decrapped sim3pack of the pet shop installed along with a vanilla package of the register. When I place the pet shop on a lot the items are all correctly displayed, but I have to manually replace the register with the packaged one. As for the gym, arcade and library, I have them installed as decrapped sims3packs and all items display correctly. They have also stopped uninstalling, btw.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 21, 19:50:44
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Right now I have the decrapped sim3pack of the pet shop installed along with a vanilla package of the register. When I place the pet shop on a lot the items are all correctly displayed, but I have to manually replace the register with the packaged one. As for the gym, arcade and library, I have them installed as decrapped sims3packs and all items display correctly. They have also stopped uninstalling, btw.

Good news. What did you do to get them to work then?

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 21, 19:58:51
Sorry if I wasn't clear. Right now I have the decrapped sim3pack of the pet shop installed along with a vanilla package of the register. When I place the pet shop on a lot the items are all correctly displayed, but I have to manually replace the register with the packaged one. As for the gym, arcade and library, I have them installed as decrapped sims3packs and all items display correctly. They have also stopped uninstalling, btw.

Good news. What did you do to get them to work then?

All I did was reinstall them(gym, arcade and library).

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: virgali on 2011 October 21, 20:09:41
In that case there's no hope for me. Simply reinstalling didn't work.

Title: Re: Decrapify made store lots disappear from the Library folder
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 October 21, 20:29:52
In that case there's no hope for me. Simply reinstalling didn't work.

Well just for shits-n-giggles here are the library files my game generated when I installed the decrapped sims3packs. I did rename them so I know what's what so don't be alarmed, that's the only thing I did.