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TS3/TSM: The Pudding => The World Of Pudding => Topic started by: Menaceman on 2011 February 14, 23:21:39

Title: Store Items Becoming Black Spheres/Blobs
Post by: Menaceman on 2011 February 14, 23:21:39
I searched and couldn't find anything relevant so here goes.

The last time I played my game I noticed that some of the patterns which came with Store items were no longer showing but they still took up a space on the CASt panel. I decided to track down which items used them with a plan to then try to reinstall them to see if they were restored.
It was during going through the Buy catalogue that I noticed quite a few of the Store items had now become black spheres! As well as other items now with broken textures as their patterns are missing.

Is there anything specific that causes this? Have I just got too much content for my game to handle so it's deciding to dump parts of it?

I've seen it happen before with the odd object here and there and either uninstalled or reinstalled it. I've not done anything to my dcdb files in months so I know I've not screwed anything up there. This is happening with and without mods installed.

Title: Re: Store Items Becoming Black Spheres/Blobs
Post by: Moryrie on 2011 February 14, 23:57:02
I've had this happen multiple as well, which is one reason why I switched to package format. My best guess is that it is due to removing launcher installed content. Some fragments of the content are left behind, and perhaps some fragments of other content is removed by the process, resulting in broken objects.

Title: Re: Store Items Becoming Black Spheres/Blobs
Post by: Menaceman on 2011 February 15, 14:55:44
The first time I noticed this was last year when I first started using Clara's Unlocked Stencil files. The storybook column turned into a blob and I just uninstalled it thinking it conflicted somehow.
The next time was about a month ago when the main wall piece from the Castle Kit became a blob. The rest of the set was fine. I fixed that by reinstalling the set through the TSR Launcher. I didn't uninstall it first but the game did not alert me to it already being installed.
Then, earlier this week, some patterns stopped showing and quite a few objects were blobs. Okay, so I only actually checked the Beds catagory but three of them were blobs and two had missing patterns.

I'm going to attempt to correct the issue by reinstalling them and then be a lot more selective of the content I install as opposed to all of it.

Title: Re: Store Items Becoming Black Spheres/Blobs
Post by: kissing_toast on 2011 February 15, 15:04:14
I think this is an issue when you use something like clara's stencils, only you use the wrong ones. When I first tried using them I used the non decrap version and those black orbs is what I got, they were right next to the actual item. So maybe you have other store content fixes or changes that do not match the ones you have installed.

Title: Re: Store Items Becoming Black Spheres/Blobs
Post by: Menaceman on 2011 February 15, 16:36:29
Well the effected beds have always worked correctly in my game before, and as I said originally, this still happens with all mods removed.
I did have what you mention at one point though and quickly realised what the issue was that time. I decrapped the files and the issue was gone.

ETA so as not to double post.
Reinstalling the effected sets WITHOUT uninstalling first results in the black blob objects being corrected but any with broken textures remain so.
Reinstalling the effected sets WITH uninstalling first, including the patterns, appears to have corrected both the blob objects and texture issues. I also deleted the CompositorCache file this time round.